
Encore Capital Group Announces CFO Transition: Tomas Hernanz to Assume Role in 2025 Upon Jonathan Clark's Retirement

Encore Capital Group Announces CFO Transition: Tomas Hernanz to Assume Role in 2025 Upon Jonathan Clark's Retirement

GlobeNewswire ·  08/08 04:05

SAN DIEGO, Aug. 07, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Encore Capital Group, Inc. (NASDAQ: ECPG), a leading international specialty finance company, today announced that Jonathan C. Clark, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, will retire at the end of March 2025. Clark has been with the company since 2014 and has been instrumental in shaping Encore's financial strategy and performance during his time with the organization.

安可資本集團是一家領先的國際專業金融公司,NASDAQ:ECPG,總部位於聖地亞哥。今天宣佈,執行副總裁及首席財務官Jonathan C. Clark將於2025年3月底退休。Clark自2014年以來一直供職於該公司,並在該機構期間塑造了安可的財務策略和表現。

Tomas Hernanz, the current CFO of Cabot Credit Management (a subsidiary of Encore Capital Group), will succeed Clark as CFO next April. Hernanz brings extensive experience in financial management and has been a key contributor to Encore's success since joining in 2016. In his current and previous roles with the organization, Hernanz has worked closely with Clark and senior leadership to implement Encore's global funding structure in 2020, implement new asset-backed financing facilities, and issue corporate bonds in various global markets. Prior to joining the organization, Hernanz served in senior investment and financial roles with several global firms, including Goldman Sachs and Citigroup.

安可資本集團的子公司Cabot Credit Management的現任首席財務官Tomas Hernanz將在明年4月接替Clark擔任首席財務官。Hernanz在財務管理方面擁有豐富的經驗,自2016年進入安可資本集團以來一直是安可成功的關鍵貢獻者。在他與Clark和高級領導密切合作的現任和以前的職務中,Hernanz協助全球的資金結構重整、落實新的資產抵押融資設施,並在全球多個市場發行公司債券。在加入安可之前,Hernanz曾在高盛和花旗集團等多個全球公司擔任高級投資和財務職務。

"Jonathan has been an invaluable member of our leadership team, and we extend our heartfelt gratitude for his dedicated service to Encore and its investors, consumers and colleagues for more than a decade," said Ashish Masih, President and CEO of Encore Capital Group. "So much of what makes Encore a respected industry leader today has been directly influenced by Jonathan's vision and guidance. I wish him the very best in his well-deserved retirement."

“Jonathan一直是我們領導團隊中不可或缺的一員,我們對他超過十年對安可及其投資者、消費者和同事的專注服務表達由衷感謝,”安可資本集團總裁兼首席執行官Ashish Masih表示。“Jonathan的願景和引導對使安可今天成爲備受尊重的行業領導者產生了直接的影響。祝願他在其當之無愧的退休生活中一切順利。”

"I am confident that Tomas Hernanz, with his proven track record and substantial industry knowledge, will seamlessly transition into the Encore CFO role and continue to drive our disciplined strategy and financial excellence," Masih added. "His deep understanding of and considerable relationships across U.S., U.K. and European financial markets have been and continue to be great assets, and I look forward to working with Tomas more closely in his new role."

“我相信Tomas Hernanz,憑藉其經得起考驗的記錄和豐富的行業知識,將會順利地過渡到安可的首席財務官職位,並繼續推動我們的紀律策略和財務卓越,”Masih補充說。“他對美國、英國和歐洲金融市場的深刻了解和廣泛關係一直是我們的寶貴財富,並且我期待更密切地與Tomas在他的新職位上合作。”

Together, Clark and Hernanz will begin an orderly transition period until Clark's retirement next March. Hernanz will join Encore's Executive Leadership Team and will relocate from London to Encore's headquarters in San Diego.

Clark和Hernanz將共同開始過渡期,直到Clark明年3月退休。 Hernanz將加入安可資本集團的執行領導團隊,並從倫敦搬到聖地亞哥的總部。

About Encore Capital Group, Inc.


Encore Capital Group is an international specialty finance company that provides debt recovery solutions and other related services for consumers across a broad range of financial assets. Through its businesses around the globe, Encore purchases or services portfolios of receivables from major banks, credit unions and utility providers.


Encore partners with individuals as they repay their debt obligations, helping them on the road to financial recovery and ultimately improving their economic well-being. Encore is the first and only company of its kind to operate with a Consumer Bill of Rights that provides industry-leading commitments to consumers. Headquartered in San Diego, Calif., Encore is a publicly traded NASDAQ Global Select company (ticker symbol: ECPG) and a component stock of the Russell 2000, the S&P Small Cap 600 and the Wilshire 4500. More information about the company can be found at


Bruce Thomas
Encore Capital Group, Inc.
Vice President, Global Investor Relations
(858) 309-6442


SOURCE: Encore Capital Group, Inc.


