
Earnings Call Summary | Enlight Renewable Energy(ENLT.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | Enlight Renewable Energy(ENLT.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

業績會總結 | Enlight可再生能源(ENLt.US) 2024年第二季度業績會
富途資訊 ·  08/07 22:29  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Enlight Renewable Energy Ltd (ENLT) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是Enlight Renewable Energy Ltd (ENLT) 2024年第二季度業績會記錄摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • Enlight Renewable Energy reported a strong financial performance with a 42% increase in revenue year-over-year to $175 million for the first half of 2024, and a 61% increase in quarterly revenue to $85 million.

  • Adjusted EBITDA grew 33% year-over-year to $126 million for the first half, and 39% to $58 million for the quarter.

  • Despite net income dropping to $34 million, cash flow from operations saw a 4% decrease, reaching $91 million for the first half.

  • The company also revised its 2024 full-year revenue guidance upward to $345 million to $360 million, and EBITDA guidance to $245 million to $260 million.

  • Enlight Renewable Energy的財務表現強勁, 前半年營業收入同比增長42%至1.75億美元, 季度營業收入同比增長61%至8500萬美元。

  • 調整後的EBITDA前半年同比增長33%至1.26億美元, 季度同比增長39%至5800萬美元。

  • 儘管淨利潤下降至3400萬美元, 但運營現金流同比下降4%, 達到9100萬美元。

  • 該公司還將2024年全年營收指導上調至3.45億至3.6億美元, EBITDA指導上調至2.45億至2.6億美元。

Business Progress:


  • Enlight has completed the construction of 0.5 GW and 1.4 GWh of capacity and expects this to contribute significantly to its revenue and EBITDA.

  • Major expansion plans include starting construction on 810 MW and over 2 GWh across three additional projects in the U.S., expected to generate substantial financial results.

  • The company's international projects, such as in Spain and Hungary, continue to perform well, with the Spanish Gecama project already recovering half of its equity investment in three years.

  • Enlight已完成0.5吉瓦和1.4吉瓦時的建設, 預計這將對其營業收入和EBITDA做出重大貢獻。

  • 主要擴張計劃包括在美國開始810兆瓦和超過2吉瓦時的三個額外項目的建設, 預計將產生實質性的財務結果。

  • 該公司的國際項目, 如在西班牙和匈牙利的項目, 持續良好運營, 西班牙的Gecama項目已經在三年內回收了一半的股本投資。



  • The rapid growth in U.S. power demand, particularly from data centers, AI, and electric vehicles, presents significant opportunities for Enlight.

  • Lower equipment prices for panels and batteries due to a drop of 25% to 30% since early 2023 enhance project profitability.

  • The company sees an opportunity for attractive project returns in a tightening power market, estimating an unlevered return of approximately 10.5% on new projects, potentially leading to mid to high teen levered returns.

  • 美國電力需求的快速增長, 特別是來自數據中心、人工智能和新能源車, 爲Enlight帶來了巨大的機遇。

  • 面板和電池的設備價格因早在2023年初以來降低了25%至30%, 增強了項目的盈利能力。

  • 該公司看到在緊縮的電力市場中獲得有吸引力的項目回報的機會, 預計新項目的非槓桿回報率約爲10.5%, 可能導致中高青年期的槓桿回報率。



  • The gradual commencement of the Solar component of the Atrisco project indicates potential delays in project completion and achieving full commercial operation date (COD) by year-end.

  • Atrisco項目的光伏組件的逐步啓動表明項目完工和全面商業化運營日期(COD)可能會推遲到年底。

More details: Enlight Renewable Energy IR

更多細節: Enlight Renewable Energy IR

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


