
Silver Dollar Completes Acquisition of the Ranger-Page Project in Idaho's Silver Valley

Silver Dollar Completes Acquisition of the Ranger-Page Project in Idaho's Silver Valley

newsfile ·  08/07 20:00

The drill ready Ranger-Page Project is located in the Coeur d'Alene Mining District that ranks among the world's top producers of silver, lead and zinc.

準備好的Ranger-Page 項目位於科爾達萊恩礦區,該區域是全球最大的白銀、鉛和鋅生產商之一。

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 7, 2024) - Silver Dollar Resources Inc. (CSE: SLV) (OTCQX: SLVDF) (FSE: 4YW) ("Silver Dollar" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that, further to the news release of July 15, 2024, it has completed the acquisition of the assets related to the Ranger-Page Project located in Shoshone County, Idaho, USA (Figure 1), which includes the option rights under the Government Gulch Option and Joint Venture Agreement and the Page Mine Mineral Rights Lease and Option Agreement.

加拿大溫哥華--(新聞發佈公司 - 2024年8月7日) - Silver Dollar Resources Inc.(CSE: SLV)(OTCQX: SLVDF)(FSE: 4YW)(以下簡稱“Silver Dollar”或“公司”),很高興地宣佈,根據2024年7月15日發佈的新聞稿,已完成收購位於美國愛達荷州肖朔恩縣的Ranger-Page項目相關資產(圖1),其中包括政府古奇期權和合資協議下的選項權,以及Page Mine Mineral Rights Lease和Option Agreement。

Figure 1: Location of the Ranger-Page Project in the Coeur d'Alene Mining District.

圖1:Ranger-Page 項目在科爾達萊恩礦區的位置。

Project Highlights:


  • A drill-ready project in a world-class silver district where over 90 mines have operated since the first major lead-zinc-silver discovery was staked in 1884.
  • Ideally situated approximately two kilometres (km) south of Interstate 90 Freeway and the town of Smelterville, the Project features power, water, year-round access to local infrastructure and a workforce skilled in exploration and mining.
  • The Project comprises two contiguous patented lode claim groups - Government Gulch (403 acres) and Page Mine (802 acres) - that consolidate the western end of the Silver Valley mining corridor under a single operator for the first time.
  • The land package covers six historic mines with the option to acquire ownership of the Project's mineral rights, which are not currently subject to any royalties.
  • Surface access rights are in place to allow Silver Dollar to conduct exploration activities, and the permitting process is with the State of Idaho, no federal permitting required.
  • Multiple exploration targets developed over the last two years and are ready to drill after the systematic use of modern exploration techniques for the first time.
  • Primary target areas are up-plunge from where historical underground mining ended, near surface, and targets have been defined laterally away from the footprint of the past producing mines.
  • Additional drill targets not associated with the historical mining areas have also been identified.
  • The Project borders the Bunker Hill mine that is on track to restart mining in Q4 2024.
  • 一個鑽探就緒的項目位於世界級白銀區域,自從第一個重大鉛鋅銀礦牀在1884年被申請以來,已有90多個礦井在該地區進行了開採。
  • 項目地點位於Smelterville鎮以及I-90高速公路南側約兩公里處,地理位置優越,具備電力、水源、全年通行道路以及勘探和採礦技能熟練的工人。
  • 該項目由兩個相鄰的獨立礦權組成 - Government Gulch(403英畝)和 Page Mine(802英畝)-首次將銀谷礦業走廊的西端區域整合到單個操作者之下。
  • 這一地塊包括六個歷史悠久的銀礦權,具備獲取該項目礦權所有權的選項,目前該礦權不受任何版稅約束。
  • Silver Dollar已獲得地面探查權利,並且許可證已由愛達荷州政府頒發,無需聯邦許可證。
  • 在運用現代探礦技術對多個勘探目標進行深入研究兩年後,已準備好對它們進行鑽探。主要的目標區域由歷史地下開採終止時的向上傾斜位置、近地表區域以及遠離過去生產礦井足跡的橫向區域定義。
  • 首要的目標區域都在歷史地下開採終止的洛夫位置和近地表區域的向上方向,同時,還可以在與過去的開採區域不相關的新區域確定其他鑽探目標。
  • 該項目與預計在2024年第四季度重新啓動開採的鮑肯山礦相鄰。
  • 圖2:Ranger-Page 斷層系統、歷史地下采礦和新目標區域。

Figure 2: Ranger-Page fault system, historical underground mine workings, and new target zones.


A Structurally Active Area:


The ore deposits of the Coeur d'Alene Mining District are hosted in structural features characterized by a complex network of faults and folds resulting from tectonic forces of diverse ages and movements. The district occurs at the intersection of the west-northwest-trending Osburn Fault and a north-trending anticlinal (upfolded) structure called the Noxon Arch.

奧斯本斷層的27公里活動穿過該區域最富饒的銀礦區以及Ranger-Page Project的北部邊界。該項目區的一系列七個次級斷層,其中以沿西部終端的Page斷層(託管Page銀礦)和東部終端的Crown Point斷層與奧斯本斷層相交爲代表。其他斷層包括東西向的Curlew,96,Buckeye和Spring斷層,以及東南-西北向的Government Gulch斷層(圖2和3)。

The 27 km displacement of the Osburn Fault runs through the district's most productive silver belts and along the northern boundary of the Ranger-Page Project. A network of seven secondary faults transverses the Project area, with the north-south trending Page Fault (that hosts the Page Mine) at the western end and the Crown Point Fault at the eastern end intersecting the Osburn Fault. Additional faults include the east-west trending Curlew, 96, Buckeye and Spring faults and the southeast-northwest trending Government Gulch Fault (Figures 2 and 3).


Exploration Potential:


Major discoveries in the Coeur d'Alene Mining District tend to result from deep exploration down plunge of near-surface mineral showings. Narrow veins near surface can blossom into multimillion-ounce ore bodies at depth, where vein structures intersect favourable rock formations. Consequently, the district remains an active region for exploration and mining even 140 years after Ag-Pb-Zn deposits were first discovered along the South Fork of the Coeur d'Alene River.

與該地區的勘探歷史一致,Ranger-Page 項目具有近地表和深部的類似發現潛力。這是基於全面的地下礦業數據,該數據提供了大量證據,證明高品位礦化物從歷史上地下礦業開採結束的位置延伸到深度和洛夫方向,以及通過地球物理和地球化學勘測、廣泛的溝槽和採樣以及地質勘測獲得的最新勘探結果,該結果已經確定了新的潛在近地表礦化礦牀。19

Consistent with the exploration history of the district, the Ranger-Page Project exhibits similar discovery potential near surface and at depth. This assessment is based on the comprehensive underground mining database that provides strong evidence of high-grade mineralization continuing at depth and along strike from where historical underground mining ended, and the latest exploration results from geophysical and geochemical surveys, extensive trenching and sampling, and geological mapping that have identified new target areas with potential near-surface mineralization.1


For additional information on the Ranger-Page Project see the news release of July 15, 2024.

Silver Dollar 總裁 Mike Romanik 表示:“我們對收購Ranger-Page項目感到非常興奮,並感謝所有參與人員在加快交易完成過程中所提供的協助。我們的即刻勘探重點是最近在歷史礦井範圍之外發現的近地表礦牀。”

"We are thrilled with the acquisition of the Ranger-Page Project and thank all involved for their assistance in expediting the completion of the transaction," said Mike Romanik, president of Silver Dollar. "Our immediate exploration focus is on the near-surface targets recently discovered outside of the area of the historic mines."


Transaction Summary:


The vendors assigned the assets to Silver Dollar's wholly owned subsidiary for cash consideration of $300,000 and the issuance of 6,000,000 common shares in the capital of Silver Dollar at a deemed price of $0.30 per share for aggregate consideration of $2,100,000. The shares are subject to a statutory four-month hold period and contractual escrow in accordance with the following release schedule:

各供應商將資產指定給Silver Dollar的全資子公司,以3萬美元的現金作爲考慮,並以Silver Dollar股本中6,000,000股普通股的名義價格爲0.30美元的發行爲代價,共同考慮爲2,100,000美元。這些股份需遵守法定的四個月的持有期以及約定的託管協議,取決於以下釋放時間表:

Release Date Release from Contractual Escrow
August 6, 2024 1,000,000 shares
February 6, 2025 1,250,000 shares
August 6, 2025 1,250,000 shares
February 6, 2026 1,250,000 shares
August 6, 2026 1,250,000 shares
發佈日期 從託管協議中釋放
2024年8月6日 1,000,000股
2025年2月6日 1,250,000股
2025年8月6日 1,250,000股
2026年2月6日 1,250,000股
2026年8月6日 1,250,000股

The Company also paid finders' fees totaling $30,000 and 600,000 shares in respect of the acquisition. The finders' shares are subject to a statutory four-month hold period.


Mike Kilbourne, P.Geo., an independent Qualified Person (QP) as defined in NI 43-101, has reviewed and approved the technical contents of this news release on behalf of the Company. The QP and the Company have not completed sufficient work to verify the information on the Ranger-Page Project, particularly regarding historical exploration, resources and production, neighbouring companies and government geological work.

Mike Kilbourne博士作爲獨立合格人士(QP)批准通過NI 43-101對公司在本次新聞發佈中的技術內容進行了審查。QP和公司未完成足夠工作以核實Ranger-Page項目的信息,尤其是有關歷史勘探,資源和生產,鄰近公司和政府地質工作的信息。

About Silver Dollar Resources Inc.

關於Silver Dollar Resources Inc.:

Silver Dollar is a mineral exploration company that is fully funded to execute its near-term exploration plans having closed its last financing with lead orders from billionaire mining investor Eric Sprott and NYSE-listed First Majestic Silver. The Company's primary projects lie within Idaho's prolific Silver Valley and the Durango-Zacatecas silver-gold belt and include the advanced exploration stage Ranger-Page and La Joya projects and the early exploration stage Nora project. Management has an aggressive growth strategy and is actively reviewing potential acquisitions with a focus on drill-ready projects in mining-friendly jurisdictions.

Silver Dollar是一家完全資助的礦產勘探公司,已完成上市公司First Majestic Silver和億萬富翁礦業投資Eric Sprott的主要訂單。該公司的主要項目位於愛達荷州著名的Silver Valley和Durango-Zacatecas銀金帶,包括Ranger-Page和La Joya項目的高級勘探階段和Nora項目的早期勘探階段。該管理層擁有強烈的增長戰略,並正在積極審查潛在的收購項目,重點放在採礦友好管轄區內的鑽井就緒項目上。

For additional information, you can download our latest presentation by clicking here and follow us on X by clicking here.

如需獲取更多信息,請通過此處下載我們最新的演示文稿,並通過此處關注我們: X。



Signed "Michael Romanik"

簽署者 "Michael Romanik"

Michael Romanik,
President, CEO & Director
Silver Dollar Resources Inc.
Direct line: (204) 724-0613
179 - 2945 Jacklin Road, Suite 416
Victoria, BC, V9B 6J9

Silver Dollar Resources Inc.
179 - 2945 Jacklin Road,416號
維多利亞,BC,V9B 6J9

Forward-Looking Statements:


This news release may contain "forward-looking statements." Forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties, assumptions, and other factors that may cause the actual results, performance or achievements of the Company to be materially different from any future results, performance or achievements expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Any forward-looking statement speaks only as of the date of this news release and, except as may be required by applicable securities laws, the Company disclaims any intent or obligation to update any forward-looking statement, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise.


The Canadian Securities Exchange (operated by CNSX Markets Inc.) has neither approved nor disapproved of the contents of this news release.

加拿大證券交易所(由CNSX Markets Inc.運營)尚未批准或否決本新聞發佈的內容。

Referenced Sources:


