
Waraba Gold Limited Reports Initial Results From Phase 1 of Its Drilling Campaign at the Fokolore Gold Project, West Mali, West Africa

Waraba Gold Limited Reports Initial Results From Phase 1 of Its Drilling Campaign at the Fokolore Gold Project, West Mali, West Africa

newsfile ·  08/07 19:30

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 7, 2024) - Waraba Gold Limited (CSE: WBGD) (FSE: ZE0) (OTC Pink: WARAF) (the "Company" or "Waraba") is pleased to announce initial results from the Company's 2024 Phase 1 reverse circulation ("RC") drill program at its Fokolore Gold Project in western Mali, West Africa (also known as the Maligonga East Gold Project and as detailed in the Company's press release dated November 30, 2022).

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省——(Newsfile Corp. - 2024年8月7日)——Waraba Gold Limited(CSE:WBGD)(FSE:ZE0)(OTC Pink:WARAF)(以下簡稱“公司”或“Waraba”)很高興宣佈西非馬裏西部的Fokolore金礦項目(又稱作Maligonga East Gold Project,且詳情請參考公司於2022年11月30日發佈的新聞稿)的2024年第1階段倒鑽鑽探計劃的初始成果。



  • Holes completed: 13 RC1 drill holes completed, to date

  • Meters drilled: 1369 meters drilled, to date

  • Samples collected: 1369 RC drill samples collected

  • Progress Update: Results of the first seven holes returned from Mamoudouya Target which include:

    • MA_RC_24_0058: 7 m1 of 2,80 g/t Au1 from 13 m, including 2 m of 8,36 g/t Au from 13 m
      4 m of 3,19 g/t Au from 28 m, including 1 m of 11,77 g/t Au from 28 m

    • MA_RC_24_0076: 3 m of 3,73 g/t Au from 57 m, including 1 m of 7,98 g/t Au from 57 m

    • MA_RC_24_0077: 4 m of 1,37 g/t Au from 74 m

  • Drilling is ongoing on site

  • 已完成的Holes: 最新的倒鑽探井13口已鑽探的深度: 已經鑽探的深度爲1369米。

  • 採樣數量: 已經採集到1369個倒鑽探樣品。進展更新: 從Mamoudouya Target返回的前七個井孔的結果包括:

  • MA_RC_24_0058:從1300米處開始,2.80 g/t Au1的7 m1,包括13米處的8.36 g/t Au的200萬;從2800米處開始,3.19 g/t Au的400萬,包括28米處的11.77 g/t Au的100萬;MA_RC_24_0076:5700萬處的3.73 g/t Au的300萬,包括57米處的7.98 g/t Au的100萬;

  • MA_RC_24_0077:7400萬處的1.37 g/t Au的400萬;現場鑽探正在進行中。

    • “在我們的外部承包商和專注於勘探的團隊的幫助下,我們已經從Fokolore的第1階段鑽探活動中安全而高效地獲得了初步成果,”Waraba的首席執行官Carl Esprey評論說:“儘管當前的運營環境具有挑戰性,以及雨季的到來,截至目前爲止所獲得的結果已經足夠鼓舞人心,以支持我們繼續進行我們的第1階段鑽探計劃的其餘部分。正如之前所指出的,此次活動的全部結果及分析將指導我們的第2和第3階段,其詳細信息已在我們於2024年5月13日發佈的新聞稿中提供。在此第1階段中,我們的目標是進行76個倒鑽探孔(RC),平均深度爲120米和235000個迴轉式氣動鑽探(RAB),還有大量的工作要完成和數據要收集。得到我們的初步結果後,我們期待儘可能快地繼續工作。”

    • 第1階段倒鑽探計劃的重點是Mamoudouya Target(圖1),旨在與以前的鑽孔相交,包括800萬的8.99 g/t Au,7000萬處的1500萬5.06 g/t Au,包括19.8 g/t的300萬,以及16.44 g/t Au的600萬,以及岩石樣品(包括95 g/t,3.5 g/t,3.84 g/t,1.18 g/t,1.23 g/t和1.37 g/t Au)(請參閱Waraba Gold於2024年5月13日發佈的新聞稿)。該計劃旨在將這個潛在的勘探目標從2.3公里擴展到3.5公里的距離。

    • 第1階段倒鑽探計劃在Fokolore許可證的Mamoudouya和Kabafing目標上總計171個RC鑽孔和2840米的19條鑽探線,間距爲200到30000萬(圖1)。鑽探計劃已經開始在Priority 1 Mamoudouya Target(圖2和3)中,其中總共有40個孔和4800米的12個鑽探區段,間距爲200到30000萬(圖2).

  • 最初的鑽孔在Mamoudouya Target北部進行(圖2),因爲野外測量和廣泛的手工採礦坑的構造調查表明,大多數高品位的礦化脈主要分佈在沉積岩層中較厚的東北向和陡峭的西北傾向的灰巖單元中。這些最初的鑽井孔旨在與歷史上的高品位金礦化相交,這是手工採礦工人廣泛瞄準的目標。在3200萬的腐殖質下,岩石在新鮮岩石下的含金礦化帶中斷和強烈變形的粗粒灰巖中託管的金礦化,被具有含金石英脈和分散的黃鐵礦和砷黃鐵礦的水熱變質和強烈變形的灰巖橫切。在灰巖單元中截獲的金礦化帶在圖1,2,3,4和5和表1中歸納。

"With the help of our external contractors and our dedicated exploration team, we have safely and efficiently obtained initial results from Phase 1 of our drilling campaign at Fokolore," commented Carl Esprey, CEO of Waraba. "Despite the current challenging operational environment as well as the arrival of the rainy season on site, the results obtained to date are sufficiently encouraging to support our decision to continue with the rest of our Phase 1 drilling program. As previously indicated, the full results of this campaign and analysis thereof will guide us for the Phases 2 and 3, the details of which were provided in our press release dated on May 13, 2024. Having targeted undertaking 76 priorities reverse circulation drill holes (RC) averaging 120 meters in depth and 2,350 m of rotary air blast drilling (RAB) during this Phase 1, there remains a substantial amount of work to be done and data to collected. With our initial results returned, we look forward to proceeding with this as expeditiously as possible."

目標: 拓展Mamoudouya Target潛在的勘探目標

Details of the Phase 1 RC Drilling Program

第1階段倒鑽探計劃的詳細信息 第1階段倒鑽鑽探計劃集中在Mamoudouya Target(圖1),旨在與以前的鑽孔相交,包括800萬的8.99 g/t Au,7000萬處的1500萬5.06 g/t Au,包括19.8 g/t的300萬,以及16.44 g/t Au的600萬,旨在與包括95 g/t,3.5 g/t,3.84 g/t,1.18 g/t,1.23 g/t和1.37 g/t Au在內的花崗岩石樣品相交(請參閱Waraba Gold於2024年5月13日發佈的新聞稿)。該計劃旨在將這個潛在的勘探目標從2.3公里擴展到3.5公里的距離。

The Phase 1 RC drilling program is focused on the Mamoudouya Target (Figure 1)and aimed to intersect historic high-grade gold mineralization intercepted in previous drill holes including 8 m of 8.99 g/t Au , 15 m of 5.06 g/t Au including 3 m of 19.8 g/t from 70 m and 6 m of 16.44 g/t Au, and rock chip sampling (including 95 g/t, 3.5 g/t, 3.84 g/t, 1.18 g/t, 1.23 g/t and 1.37 g/t Au) (see the Waraba Gold news release dated on May 13, 2024). This program aims to expand this potential exploration target from 2.3 km to 3.5 km along strike.

第1階段倒鑽探計劃在Fokolore許可證的Mamoudouya和Kabafing目標上總計171個RC鑽孔和2840米的19條鑽探線,間距爲200到30000萬(圖1)。鑽探計劃已經開始在Priority 1 Mamoudouya Target(圖2和3)中,其中總共有40個孔和4800米的12個鑽探區段,間距爲200到30000萬(圖2)。

The Phase 1 RC Drilling Program totalizes 171 RC drill holes and 2840 metres in 19 drill lines spaced 200 to 300 m apart at the Mamoudouya and Kabafing targets of the Fokolore permit (Figure 1). The drilling program has started in the Priority 1 Mamoudouya Target (Figures 2 and 3) that totalizes 40 holes and 4800 metres in 12 drill sections spaced 200 to 300 m apart (Figure 2).

最初的鑽孔在Mamoudouya Target北部進行(圖2),因爲野外測量和廣泛的手工採礦坑的構造調查表明,大多數高品位礦化脈主要分佈在沉積岩層中較厚的東北向和陡峭的西北傾向的灰巖單元中。這些最初的鑽井孔旨在與歷史上的高品位金礦化相交,這是手工採礦工人廣泛瞄準的目標。在3200萬的腐殖質下,岩石在新鮮岩石下的含金礦化帶中斷和強烈變形的粗粒灰巖中託管的金礦化,被具有含金石英脈和分散的黃鐵礦和砷黃鐵礦的水熱變質和強烈變形的灰巖橫切。在灰巖單元中截獲的金礦化帶在圖1,2,3,4和5和表1中歸納。

The first holes were drilled to the north of the Mamoudouya Target (Figure 2), as field measurements and structural investigations in extensive artisanal mining pits indicated that most high-grade mineralized veins are hosted within a thick northeast trending and steeply northwest dipping greywacke unit of the sedimentary sequence. These initial drill holes aimed to intersect historic high-grade gold mineralization, which are extensively targeted by artisanal miners. The seven first drill holes reported herein intersected the gold mineralization hosted within hydrothermally altered and strongly deformed coarse-grained greywacke, crosscut by auriferous quartz veins and are associated with disseminated pyrite and arsenopyrite in the fresh rock below a 32 m thick saprolite. Zones of gold mineralization intercepted in the greywacke unit are summarized in Figures 2, 3, 4 and 5 and in Table 1.

鑽孔的第一輪是在Mamoudouya Target北部進行的(圖2),因爲野外測量和廣泛的手工採礦坑的構造調查表明,大多數高品位的礦化脈主要分佈在沉積岩層的一個厚的東北向和陡峭的西北向灰巖單元中。這些初始的鑽井孔是爲了與歷史高品位的金礦化相交,這些金礦化是手工採礦人員廣泛瞄準的目標。所報告的前七個鑽孔交叉了水熱蝕變和強烈變形的粗粒灰巖,穿越了含金石英脈並與新鮮岩石中廣泛存在的黃鐵礦和砷黃鐵礦相關的金礦化。在3200萬腐殖質下,灰巖單元中的金礦化帶的區域在圖1,2,3,4和5和表1中概括。

Figure 1: Fokolore Permis map showing geological and structural features, 2024 RC drill hole surface plan and Target zones.

圖1:Fokolore Permis地圖顯示地質和構造特徵,2024年遙感鑽孔表面平面圖和目標區。

Detailed geological and structural interpretation of the first holes drilled at the Mamoudouya target combined with information from historical holes demonstrate that the gold is developed along an NNE-striking, steeply NW-dipping Mamoudouya Shear Zone (Figures 1 and 2) and is preferentially hosted in the more permeable, coarser-grained greywacke and in a lesser extend in the siltstone in the northern portion of the target. This Fault can be traced over 6 km within the permit and is located within the sedimentary sequence in the north and within a granite unit in the south. Gold occurs as dissemination into the Hangingwall strongly silicified and hydrothermally altered coarse-grained greywacke rocks and is associated with extensive quartz veining in form of breccia, veins and stockwork with pervasive disseminated of fine-grained pyrite, and arsenopyrite. Key alteration associated with the gold mineralization are silicification, calcite and chlorite. The higher-grade mineralization in the altered greywacke, is extensively mined by artisanal workers, with free gold recovered from the oxidized rock.


The mineralized structure as identified from drilling (7 m of 2,80 g/t Au, Incl. 2 m of 8,36 g/t Au, 15 m of 5.06 g/t Au, from 69 m including 3 m of 19.8 g/t from 70 m and 8 m of 8.72 g/t Au, Figures 4 and 5) correlate well with a zone of high chargeability readings (Figure 3). This area of elevated chargeability can be traced for at least 4 km within the Mamoudouya Target. The trend of high chargeability is closely associated with the lithological contact between coarse grained greywacke and fine-grained shale.

從此次鑽探中確定的含礦構造(2,800g/噸Au的700萬,包括8.36g/t Au 的200萬,5.06g/t Au 的1500 萬,6900 萬中包括19.8g/t 的300萬,以及8.72g/噸Au的800萬,在圖4和5中有所提示),恰好與高充電率讀數的區域(圖3)一致。這個高充電率區域可以在Mamoudouya目標地內至少追溯4公里。高電荷率趨勢與灰巖顆粒和細粒泥岩之間的巖性接觸密切相關。

Drilling shows that oxidation extends to a vertical depth of approximately 32 m.


Figure 2: Mamoudouya Target map showing geological and structural features, drill hole surface plan and highlighted assays results of historical and 2024 RC drilling program.

圖2:Mamoudouya Target地圖顯示地質和構造特徵,鑽井孔面平面圖和歷史和2024 年RC鑽井計劃突出的驗金結果。

Figure 3: Mamoudouya Target map drill collars, traces and mineralized zones projected to surface over chargeability image. Orange, red and pink colors indicate zones of elevated chargeability readings.


Figure 4: Mamoudouya Target cross-section 7 showing geological and structural interpretation, RC drill hole traces and highlighted assays results from new and historical RC drill holes.


Figure 5: Mamoudouya Target cross-section 9 showing geological and structural interpretation, RC drill hole traces and highlighted assays results from new and historical RC drill holes.


Assay results from the initial seven RC holes of the drilling program reported herein include:


MA_RC_24_0058: 5 m of 0,37 g/t Au From 1 m
7 m of 2,80 g/t Au From 13 m, Including 2 m of 8,36 g/t Au From 13 m
4 m of 3,19 g/t Au From 28 m, Including 1 m of 11,77 g/t Au From 28 m
1 m of 0,51 g/t Au From 102 m
3 m of 0,31 g/t Au From 107 m
MA_RC_24_0060: 1 m of 0,62 g/t Au From 8 m
MA_RC_24_0066: 1 m of 0,37 g/t Au From 102 m
MA_RC_24_0076: 1 m of 3,19 g/t Au, From 38 m
3 m of 3,73 g/t Au From 57 m, Including 1 m of 7,98 g/t Au From 57 m
2 m of 0,71 g/t Au, From 67 m
1 m of 0,56 g/t Au, From 69 m
1 m of 0,62 g/t Au, From 8 m
1 m of 0,64 g/t Au, From 14 m
MA_RC_24_0077: 4 m of 1,37 g/t Au From 74 m

MA_RC_24_0077: 開多7400萬,金品位爲1.37克/噸,合計400萬噸。

Results returned from historical drill program at the Mamoudouya Target include:


MRC_18_001 : 15 m of 5.06 g/t Au, from 69 m including 3 m of 19.8 g/t from 70 m
MRC_18_007 : 8 m of 8.72 g/t Au, from 64 m
MRC_18_003 : 5 m of 2.25 g/t Au, from 29 m, including 1 m of 7.6g/t from 33 m
MRC 0017 : 4 m of 5.37 g/t Au, from 38 m
MRC 0097 : 6 m of 16.44 g/t Au, from 0 m.

MRC 0017:開多38米,金品位爲5.37克/噸,合計400萬噸。
MRC 0097:從0萬開多,金品位爲16.44克/噸,合計600萬噸。

These new intercepts, combined with historical results and recent structural and geological interpretations of the mineralizing system, demonstrate that there is evidence of possible large extension of the mineralizing system.


Drilling progress


Mamoudouya Target
7 holes totaling 634 m completed
40 holes totaling 4800 m to be completed


Kabafing Target
27 holes totaling 3350 m to be completed


Next Phases of Drilling Campaign


A total of 20 840 m of RC drilling was planned in the Fokolore permit to fully and systematically test the 3.5 km long Mamoudouya Target, one of the largest anomalies on the Waraba's Fokolore exploration permit, as well as additional targets in the permit. The planned 2024 program allows for drilling systematic drill fences along the combined 5 km length of gold-bearing structures which comprise the Mamoudouya and Kabafing targets. The results from the first seven holes, along with results from historical drilling, will assist in guiding for further testing of this highly prospective property.

在Fokolore許可證上計劃以逐步完整的方式進行20 84000萬噸的倒鑽,以全面測試Mamoudouya靶區和Kabafing靶區在這個區域中最大的異常區域之一,以及許可證中的其他目標。在2024年計劃的項目中,將沿着包括Mamoudouya和Kabafing靶區在內的5公里長度的金成礦構造線進行系統的鑽孔測試。來自前7個鑽孔的結果以及歷史鑽探的結果,將有助於進一步測試這個具有高度潛力的地產。

At present, and subject to further review:


  • "Phase 2" of the drilling campaign will consist of 20 000 m of reverse circulation drilling and 2 000 m of diamond core drilling to provide initial estimates of the mineralization contained within the Mamoudouya and Kabafing targets

  • "Phase 3" of the drilling campaign will consist of regional drilling to increase confidence of in situ anomalies and identify additional target zones of gold mineralization that may warrant further drilling.

  • The Company anticipates commencing Phase 2 during April 01, 2025, subject to contractors' availability.

  • 鑽探工作“第二階段”將包括20 0萬噸的倒鑽和2 0萬噸的金剛石鑽孔,以提供Mamoudouya和Kabafing靶區內所含礦化物的初始估計。

  • "第三階段"的鑽探計劃將進行區域型鑽探,以增加就地異常的置信度並確定更多可能需要進一步鑽探的黃金礦化靶區。

  • 公司預計將於2025年4月1日開始實施第二階段,具體視承包商的可用性而定。

Quality Assurance / Quality Control ("QA/QC")


Sampling was completed following industry best practices, conducted under the supervision of the Company's project geologists and the chain of custody from the project to the sample preparation facility was continuously monitored. An appropriate number and type of certified reference materials (standards) and blanks totaling 5% of the total number of samples shipped to the laboratory was inserted approximately every 20th sample to ensure an effective QA/QC program was carried out. Data verification of the analytical results included a statistical analysis of the standards and blanks that must pass certain parameters for acceptance to ensure accurate and verifiable results. All samples were analyzed using Fire Assay FAA505 at the SGS Laboratory in Bamako, Mali ("SGS"). SGS is an internationally recognized and commercially certified laboratory and is independent of Sanu Gold.


Table 1: Mamoudouya Target RC drill intercepts



Intercept Interval From Target
Length Azimuth Dip

(m) (o) (o) (g/t Au) (m) (m)
MA_RC_24_0058 277899 1379114 130 90 -55 0,37 5 1 Mamoudouya Target

2,80 7 13

8,36 2 13

3,19 4 28

11,77 1 28

0,51 1 102

0,31 3 107
MA_RC_24_0060 278071 1379098 30 90 -55 0,62 1 8 Mamoudouya Target

0,64 1 14
MA_RC_24_0066 277686 1378933 108 90 -55 0,37 1 102 Mamoudouya Target
MA_RC_24_0076 277687 1378758 156 90 -55 3,19 1 38 Mamoudouya Target

3,73 3 57

7,98 1 57

0,71 2 67

0,56 1 69
MA_RC_24_0077 277755 1378758 93 90 -55 1,37 4 74 Mamoudouya Target
Notes: The Company does not have sufficient information to make a determination of the true widths of the drill hole intersections reported in this release. Drillhole intercepts are calculated using a minimum downhole length of ≥1 m, a cut-off grade of 0.3 g/t gold, and may include up to 3 m of internal dilution within the intercept. Only intercepts ≥1 m are reported. Sample intervals are comprised of RC drill chips, which are sampled at regular 1 m intervals. Assays are reported uncut. Grid coordinates are UTM WGS84 Zone 29N. NSV = no significant values.

攔截 區間 起點 目標
長度 方位角(度) 傾角

(米) “l” “l” (每噸含金克數) (米) (米)
MA_RC_24_0058 277899 1379114 130 90 -55 0.37 5 1 Mamoudouya靶區

2.80 7 13

8.36 2 13

3.19 4 28

11.77 1 28

0,51 1 102

0.31 3 107
MA_RC_24_0060 278071 1379098 30 90 -55 0.62 1 8 Mamoudouya靶區

0.64 1 14
MA_RC_24_0066 277686 1378933 108 90 -55 0.37 1 102 Mamoudouya靶區
MA_RC_24_0076 277687 1378758 156 90 -55 3.19 1 38 Mamoudouya靶區

3.73 3 57

7.98 1 57

0,71 2 67

0,56 1 69
MA_RC_24_0077 277755 1378758 93 90 -55 1.37 4 74 Mamoudouya目標
注意:公司沒有足夠的信息來確定在此公告中報告的鑽孔穿過的真正寬度。鑽井孔截面使用最小下行長度大於或等於100萬,切割品位爲0.3克/噸黃金進行計算,可能包括截面內長達300萬的內部稀釋。只回報大於或等於100萬的截面。樣品間隔由RC鑽孔切片組成,間隔100萬進行取樣。化驗結果報告未切割。網格座標爲UTm WGS84區域29N。NSV = 無顯著價值。

Qualified Person:

本新聞稿所含的科學技術信息已由Serigne Dieng博士,M.Sc.評審並批准,他是國家43-101--礦產項目披露標準("NI 43-101")的資格人員,澳大利亞地質學家學會(AIG)會員(MAIG,# 8095),該公司獨立地質顧問。

The scientific and technical information contained in this press release has been reviewed and approved by Serigne Dieng, Ph.D., M.Sc., a Member (MAIG, # 8095) of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists (AIG), independent geology consultant to the Company and a qualified person within the meaning of National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101").

關於Waraba Gold Limited

About Waraba Gold Limited


The Company is a resource exploration company that is acquiring and exploring mineral properties. The Company is a reporting issuer in the provinces of British Columbia and Alberta. The Company's common shares trade on the Canadian Securities Exchange under the trading symbol "WBGD" and on the Frankfurt Stock Exchange under the trading symbol "ZE0".

有關該公司的更多信息,請參閱SEDA R + 上可用的公司簡介。

For more information about the Company, please refer to the Company's profile available on SEDAR+ ().


On Behalf of the Board of Directors

Carl Esprey

Carl Esprey
Chief Executive Officer, Chief Financial Officer, and Director
Telephone: +1 312 235 2605

Carl Esprey
電話:+1 312 235 2605

Forward-Looking Information and Cautionary Statements


Certain information in this news release constitutes forward-looking statements under applicable securities laws. Any statements that are contained in this news release that are not statements of historical fact may be deemed to be forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are often identified by terms such as "may", "should", "anticipate", "expect", "potential", "believe", "intend" or the negative of these terms and similar expressions. Forward-looking statements in this news release include statements relating to: the Company's plans and scope with respect to its drilling campaign, including, details of the Phase 1, Phase 2, and Phase 3, and the stated timelines thereof; the Company's continued exploratory work of the Fokolore project; and the Company's anticipation of providing its shareholders with further updates.


Forward-looking information in this press release are based on certain assumptions and expected future events, namely: the Company's ability to carry out its plans with respect to its drilling campaign under the stated scope and timelines; the Company's ability to continue its exploratory work of the Fokolore project; and the Company's ability to provide its shareholders with further updates.


These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which may cause actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements, including but not limited to: the Company's inability to carry out its plans with respect to its drilling campaign under the stated scope and timelines; the Company's inability to continued its exploratory work of the Fokolore project; and the Company's inability to provide its shareholders with further updates.


Readers are cautioned that the foregoing list is not exhaustive. Readers are further cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, as there can be no assurance that the plans, intentions, or expectations upon which they are placed will occur. Such information, although considered reasonable by management at the time of preparation, may prove to be incorrect and actual results may differ materially from those anticipated.


Forward-looking statements contained in this press release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement and reflect the Company's expectations as of the date hereof and are subject to change thereafter. The Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, estimates or opinions, future events or results or otherwise or to explain any material difference between subsequent actual events and such forward- looking information, except as required by applicable law.


1 kilometres ("km"), metres ("m"), reverse circulation ("RC"), grams of gold per tonne ("g/t Au) The Company does not have sufficient information to make a determination of the true widths of the drill hole intersections.

1千米("km"),米("m"),倒置循環("RC"),克/噸黃金("g/t Au")公司沒有足夠的信息來確定鑽孔截面的真實寬度。

