
Earnings Call Summary | The Beachbody(BODI.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | The Beachbody(BODI.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

業績會總結 | Beachbody(BODI.US) 2024年第二季度業績會
富途資訊 ·  08/07 18:06  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the The Beachbody Company, Inc. (BODI) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是The Beachbody Company, Inc. (BODI) Q2 2024 業績會簡報:

Financial Performance:


  • Beachbody reported Q2 2024 revenue of $110 million, highlighting an 8% quarter-on-quarter decline but a significant year-over-year increase in gross margin to 69%, its highest in three years.

  • Net loss improved, reflecting the lowest since going public, with a notable decrease in net loss compared to guidance.

  • Achieved third consecutive quarter of positive adjusted EBITDA and continued progress on cost savings, reaching a $250 million reduction compared to 2021.

  • Beachbody報告2024年Q2營業收入爲11000萬美元,較上季度下降8%,但毛利率顯著增長至69%,爲三年來最高。

  • 淨虧損有所改善,自公司上市以來降至最低點,與指導期相比淨虧損顯著降低。

  • 取得了第三個連續季度的正向調整後的EBITDA,繼續在成本節約方面取得進展,較2021年減少2.5億美元。

Business Progress:


  • Executed strategic debt restructuring reducing quarterly revenue threshold and debt principal, enhancing liquidity and balance sheet health.

  • Advanced digital and nutritional offerings, expanding customer accessibility and strategic partnerships aiming to grow market reach.

  • Initiated significant partnerships and product launches, including Shakeology with zero-added sugar and entry into the Australian market, marking a key step in international expansion strategies.

  • 執行戰略性債務重組,降低季度營收門檻和債務本金,提高流動性和資產負債表健康狀況。

  • 推出先進的數字化和營養產品,擴大客戶可訪問性和戰略合作伙伴關係,旨在擴大市場覆蓋範圍。

  • 啓動重要的合作伙伴關係和產品推出,包括不含添加糖的Shakeology和進入澳大利亞市場,標誌着公司國際擴張戰略的關鍵步驟。



  • Plans to capitalize on a $164 billion nutrition TAM by extending product offerings beyond the network into general market retail and online platforms including Amazon and, aiming to dramatically increase market share.

  • Enhancement and expansion of digital fitness offerings through new program launches and strategies such as the digital program purchase option.

  • 計劃通過將產品擴展至網絡以外的普通市場零售和在線平台,包括亞馬遜和,旨在大幅增加市場份額,從而利用1.64萬億美元的營養TAM。

  • 通過新的節目發佈和數字化節目購買選項等策略增強和擴展數字健身產品的優勢。



  • Anticipated gradual revenue growth and market competition as the company repositions its product lines and expands into new markets, with ongoing efforts to optimize operations and cost structures amid a dynamic economic environment.

  • 預計在重新定位其產品線並進入新市場的同時,隨着繼續優化其運營和成本結構以適應動態經濟環境,逐步實現營收增長和市場競爭。

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


