
Making A Splash: Waterdrop Selects Barrett as Exclusive North American 3PL Provider

Making A Splash: Waterdrop Selects Barrett as Exclusive North American 3PL Provider

PR Newswire ·  08/07 06:16

A Well-Hydrated Supply Chain With Barrett Distribution Centers


FRANKLIN, Mass., Aug. 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Barrett Distribution Centers, a third-party logistics (3PL) provider and a leader in eCommerce and omnichannel fulfillment solutions, is thrilled to announce its latest partnership with the rapidly growing, Direct-To-Consumer hydration Microdrink brand, Waterdrop.

馬薩諸塞州富蘭克林,2024年8月6日 /PRNewswire/ — 第三方物流(3PL)提供商、電子商務和全渠道配送解決方案的領導者巴雷特配送中心很高興地宣佈與快速增長的直接面向消費者的補水微飲品牌Waterdrop的最新合作伙伴關係。

Making A Splash: Waterdrop Selects Barrett as Exclusive North American 3PL Provider

大放異彩:Waterdrop 選擇 Barrett 作爲北美獨家第三方物流提供商

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Barrett Distribution Centers celebrates the new 3PL partnership with, as well as the go-live launch out of the Memphis region.
Founded in 2016, Waterdrop has revolutionized the hydration market with their innovative Microdrinks, which offer natural fruit and plant extracts to enrich water without the need for sugar or artificial additives. With a mission to reduce plastic waste and promote healthy hydration, Waterdrop has garnered a loyal customer base across Asia, Europe, and the USA. Their products are available in major retailers such as Target, Walgreens, and HEB, as well as their own branded stores.

"Waterdrop is such an incredible brand. They've already taken over Europe and we can't wait to help fuel their growth in the USA," said Bryan Corbett, VP at Barrett. "As an avid tennis player and fan, I absolutely love what they've done with sponsoring tennis, which is of course a global sport. It doesn't hurt having Novak Djokovic wear your logo, who is well-known to be health conscious, and now winning a gold medal over the weekend, the undisputed GOAT. Adding Taylor Fritz, among other brand sponsors, to their lineup; it's all genius. Barrett is ecstatic to be partners with Waterdrop."

“Waterdrop 是一個非常不可思議的品牌。他們已經接管了歐洲,我們迫不及待地想幫助推動他們在美國的增長。” 巴雷特副總裁布萊恩·科貝特說。“作爲一名狂熱的網球運動員和球迷,我非常喜歡他們贊助網球所做的一切,網球當然是一項全球運動。讓諾瓦克·德約科維奇佩戴你的徽標也沒什麼壞處,衆所周知,他注重健康,現在在週末贏得了無可爭議的GoAt的金牌。將泰勒·弗裏茨和其他品牌贊助商加入他們的陣容;這都是天才。巴雷特欣喜若狂地成爲Waterdrop的合作伙伴。”

Courtenay Schick, Senior Operations Manager, led the selection process on behalf of Waterdrop. Particularly impressed with Barrett's commitment to operational excellence and history of scaling eCommerce brands, Courtenay stated, "Waterdrop has achieved great success in Europe. As we look to fuel our growth in the USA, we need a 3PL partner with a proven track record. Their industry expertise, scalable solutions, and innovative technology make them the ideal partner to support our mission of providing sustainable hydration solutions to more customers across the continent."


In addition to adding newly formulated Microdrinks for the booming hydration market, Waterdrop has also brought in top talent from the consumer packaged goods industry (CPG) with the hiring of Alexandre Ruberti as General Manager of Waterdrop Americas. With over 20 years of experience in the CPG industry, including Board Member at Celsius Holdings, CEO at Future Farm, as well as a storied career at Red Bull Distribution Company, Ruberti will play a key role in the USA hypergrowth strategy.

除了爲蓬勃發展的補水市場增加新配方的微飲料外,Waterdrop還聘請了亞歷山大·魯伯蒂擔任Waterdrop Americas總經理,從而吸引了來自消費品行業(CPG)的頂尖人才。魯伯蒂擁有超過20年的消費品行業經驗,包括Celsius Holdings的董事會成員、未來農場的首席執行官以及紅牛分銷公司的傳奇職業生涯,他將在美國的超增長戰略中發揮關鍵作用。

Waterdrop will initially launch out of the Memphis region, where Barrett maintains a strong campus of premium eCommerce and omnichannel fulfillment centers. In addition to supporting Waterdrop's rapidly expanding eCommerce fulfillment needs, Barrett will also oversee all future retail and omnichannel expansion.


About Barrett Distribution Centers


Since 1941, Barrett has provided customized third-party logistics (3PL), direct-to-consumer (DTC) eCommerce fulfillment, omnichannel distribution, managed transportation solutions and retail compliance for clients across all industries, with a focus on apparel & footwear, health & beauty, consumer packaged goods (CPG) and education. Barrett continues to be a leading 3rd party logistics provider in North America, known for superior execution, customer engagement and direct access to senior leadership decision makers. As a member of Inc's fastest growing companies list 15 times, Barrett is big enough to do the job and still small enough to deeply care about your business. eCommerce brands interested in a new 3PL partnership may contact Barrett directly here.

自1941年以來,Barrett一直爲所有行業的客戶提供定製的第三方物流(3PL)、直接面向消費者(DTC)的電子商務配送、全渠道分銷、託管運輸解決方案和零售合規服務,重點是服裝和鞋類、健康與美容、消費包裝商品(CPG)和教育。Barrett 仍然是北美領先的第三方物流提供商,以卓越的執行力、客戶參與度和直接接觸高級領導層決策者而聞名。作爲Inc增長最快的公司名單中的15次成員,Barrett的規模足夠大,可以勝任這項工作,但規模仍然足夠小,足以深切關注您的業務。對新的3PL合作伙伴關係感興趣的電子商務品牌可以直接在這裏與Barrett聯繫。

About Waterdrop

關於 Waterdrop

Founded in 2016, Waterdrop has revolutionized the hydration market with their innovative Microdrinks, which offer natural fruit and plant extracts to enrich water without the need for sugar or artificial additives. With a mission to reduce plastic waste and promote healthy hydration, Waterdrop has garnered a loyal customer base across Asia, Europe, and the USA. Their products are available in major retailers such as Target, Walgreens, and HEB, as well as their own branded stores.


SOURCE Barrett Distribution Centers

來源 Barrett 配送中心

