
Maxim Power Corp. Announces 2024 Second Quarter Financial and Operating Results

Maxim Power Corp. Announces 2024 Second Quarter Financial and Operating Results

Maxim Power公司宣佈2024年第二季度財務及運營結果
GlobeNewswire ·  08/07 06:00

CALGARY, Alberta, Aug. 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Maxim Power Corp. ("MAXIM" or the "Corporation") (TSX: MXG) announced today the release of financial and operating results for the second quarter ended June 30, 2024. The unaudited condensed consolidated interim financial statements, accompanying notes and Management's Discussion and Analysis ("MD&A") will be available on SEDAR+ and on MAXIM's website on August 6, 2024. All figures reported herein are Canadian dollars unless otherwise stated.

亞省卡爾加里,2024年8月6日 (環球新聞社)——Maxim Power Corp.(“MAXIM” 或“公司”) (TSX: MXG)今日宣佈發佈截至2024年6月30日二季度的財務和運營業績。未經審計的精簡合併中期財務報表、附註和管理層討論與分析(MD&A)將於2024年8月6日在SEDAR+和MAXIM網站上公佈。以下所有數據如無特別註明,均以加拿大元計算。



Three Months Ended
June 30,
Six Months Ended
June 30,
($ in thousands except per share amounts) 2024
2023 2024 2023
Revenue 17,007 - 51,775 -
Net income 1,056 5,964 11,543 13,715
Earnings per share – basic 0.02 0.12 0.23 0.27
Earnings per share – diluted 0.02 0.11 0.21 0.24
Adjusted EBITDA (1) 4,287 8,988 20,209 20,719
Total generation – (MWh) 365,666 - 842,197 -
Total fuel consumption – (GJ) 3,034,857 961 6,950,517 22,507
Average Alberta market power price ($ per MWh) 45.17 159.79 72.23 150.95
Average realized power price ($ per MWh) 46.51 - 61.48 -
Total net debt (net cash) (1) (7,219) 36,096 (7,219) 36,096
Total assets 434,198 390,009 434,198 390,009
(1) Select financial information was derived from the consolidated financial statements and is prepared in accordance with GAAP, except adjusted Earnings before Interest, Income Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization ("Adjusted EBITDA"), which is a non-GAAP measure (see Non-GAAP Financial Measures below). Net debt is included in the notes to the consolidated financial statements. Net debt is calculated to include: loans and borrowings (including the convertible loan facility) less unrestricted cash.
(以千元爲單位,每股金額除外) 2024
2023 2024 2023
營業收入 17,007 - 51,775 -
淨利潤 1,056 5,964 11,543 13,715
基本每股收益 0.02 0.12 0.23 0.27
稀釋每股收益 0.02 0.11 0.21 0.24
調整後的EBITDA(1) 4,287 8,988 20,209 20,719
總髮電量——(兆瓦時) 365,666 - 842,197 -
總燃料消耗——(兆焦耳) 3,034,857 961 6,950,517 22,507
亞省市場平均電價(每兆瓦時加元) $6.47 159.79 72.23 150.95
實現平均電價(每兆瓦時加元) 46.51 - 61.48 -
總淨債務(淨現金)(1) (7,219) 36,096 (7,219) 36,096
總資產 434,198 390,009 434,198 390,009
(1) 本文中的部分財務信息來自合併財務報表,並按照 GAAP 準則編制,調整後息稅折舊及攤銷前利潤(“Adjusted EBITDA”)爲非 GAAP 財務指標(見下文非 GAAP 財務指標)。淨債務計算詳見合併財務報表中的附註。淨債務計算包括:貸款及借款(包括可轉換貸款工具)減去不受限制的現金。



During the second quarter and first six months of 2024, revenues increased, while Adjusted EBITDA(1) and net income decreased as compared to 2023. Revenue increased primarily due to Milner 2 ("M2") continuing operations in the second quarter and first six months of 2024, while it was offline in the comparable periods of 2023 due to the non-injury fire that occurred at Milner on September 30, 2022 ("Non-Injury Fire"). Decreases to net income and Adjusted EBITDA(1) in the second quarter and first six months 2024 were primarily due to the cessation of business interruption claims in 2024, partially offset by the net impacts of operations of M2 in 2024 as compared to the same period in 2023 during which it was offline due to the Non-Injury Fire. Average realized power prices compared to average market power prices were lower in the first six months of 2024, primarily due to an unplanned outage in January 2024 at M2 coinciding with higher market power prices.

2024年二季度和前六個月,營收增加,而調整後息稅折舊及攤銷前利潤(1)(Adjusted EBITDA)和淨利潤卻較2023年同期有所下滑。收入增加主要得益於2024年二季度和前六個月Milner 2 ("M2")繼續運營,而2023年的同期Milner停機服務,出於2022年9月30日Milner發生非致傷火災 (“Non-Injury Fire”)的原因。2024年二季度和前六個月,淨利潤和調整後息稅折舊及攤銷前利潤(Adjusted EBITDA)(1)下滑的主要原因是中斷商業索賠,部分抵銷了2024年M2業務運營淨影響與2023年同期(因Non-Injury Fire停機)相比,2024年的實現平均電價較2024年前六個月市場平均電價低,主要因爲M2在2024年1月發生計劃外停機同時市場電價較高。


M2 CCGt運營

M2 has been experiencing a temporary capability derate of the legacy cooling tower system. In late May 2024, M2 came offline for a planned outage to address routine maintenance items and management took the opportunity to aggressively expedite cleaning efforts on the legacy cooling tower system during the planned outage window. M2 came back on-line during the first half of June, with the temporary capability derate largely restored. As a result, generation from M2 decreased in the second quarter of 2024 as compared to the first quarter of 2024. Management continues to actively address the remaining derate through corrective measures which has resulted, and will continue to result in, variable plant output during this period until output is fully restored. Management anticipates it will have the capability derate addressed in the third quarter of 2024.

M2的傳統冷卻塔系統暫時能力下降已經有一段時間了。 2024年5月下旬,M2因計劃停機而下線,以解決例行維護項目,管理層在計劃停機窗口期間積極加快清洗傳統冷卻塔系統的工作。 M2在6月上旬重新上線,臨時能力降低在很大程度上恢復。因此,與2024年第一季度相比,2024年第二季度M2的發電量有所下降。管理層將繼續通過糾正措施積極解決剩餘的能力下降,這將導致直到輸出完全恢復期間的可變體廠輸出。管理層預計它將在2024年第三季度解決能力下降問題。



MAXIM's current normal course issuer bid ("NCIB") program is for the August 31, 2023 to August 30, 2024 period. Under this NCIB, the Corporation may purchase for cancellation up to 2,526,477 common shares of the Corporation. Collectively under this program and as of the date of this press release, the Corporation has repurchased and cancelled 252,176 common shares for $1.1 million at a weighted average price of $4.45 per share. MAXIM's NCIB program is limited to $2.0 million for the 2024 calendar year under the senior credit facility. Any excess is subject to approval from the lenders under the senior credit facility.




Management evaluates MAXIM's performance using a variety of measures. Adjusted EBITDA, as discussed below is a non-GAAP measure and should not be considered as an alternative to or to be more meaningful than net income of the Corporation, as determined in accordance with GAAP, when assessing MAXIM's financial performance or liquidity. This measure does not have any standardized meaning prescribed by GAAP and may not be comparable to similar measures presented by other companies.


Adjusted EBITDA


Adjusted EBITDA is provided to assist management and investors in determining the Corporation's approximate operating cash flow before interest, income taxes, and depreciation and amortization and certain other non-recurring income and expenses.


Three months ended
June 30
Six months ended
June 30
($000's) 2024 2023 2024 2023
GAAP Measures from Condensed Consolidated Statement
of Operations
Net income 1,056 5,964 11,543 13,715
Income tax expense 15 1,862 3,230 4,142
Finance expense, net 898 1,261 2,242 2,617
Depreciation and amortization 3,635 1,840 7,264 3,849
5,604 10,927 24,279 24,323
Other income, net (2,947) (18,565) (2,979) (38,528)
Business interruption insurance claim - 16,372 - 34,522
Unrealized loss (gain) on commodity swaps 1,373 88 (1,612) 88
Share-based compensation 257 166 521 314
Adjusted EBITDA 4,287 8,988 20,209 20,719
($000的) 2024 2023 2024 2023
淨利潤 1,056 5,964 11,543 13,715
所得稅費用 15 1,862 3,230 4,142
財務費用,淨 898 1,261 2,242 2,617
折舊和攤銷 3,635 1,840 7,264 3849
5,604 10,927 24,279 24,323
其他收入,淨 (2,947) (18,565) (2,979) (38,528)
業務中斷保險索賠 - 16,372 - 34,522
商品掉期的未實現損失(收益) 1,373 88 (1,612) 88
股票補償 257 166 521 314
調整後的EBITDA 4,287 8,988 20,209 20,719

Adjusted EBITDA is calculated as described above from its most directly comparable GAAP measure, net income, and adjusts for specific items that are not reflective of the Corporation's underlying operations and excludes other non-cash items.


Adjusted EBITDA is provided to assist management and investors in determining the Corporation's approximate operating cash flows attributable to shareholders before finance expense, income taxes, depreciation and amortization, and certain other non-recurring or non-cash income and expenses. Financing expense, income taxes, depreciation and amortization, loss on write-off of asset and impairment charges are excluded from the Adjusted EBITDA calculation, as they do not represent cash expenditures that are directly affected by operations. Management believes that presentation of this non-GAAP measure provides useful information to investors and shareholders as it assists in the evaluation of performance trends. Management uses Adjusted EBITDA to compare financial results among reporting periods and to evaluate MAXIM's operating performance and ability to generate funds from operating activities.


In calculating Adjusted EBITDA for the second quarter and first six months ended June 30, 2024 and June 30, 2023 management excluded certain non-cash and non-recurring transactions. In both 2024 and 2023, Adjusted EBITDA excluded unrealized gains or losses on commodity swaps, share-based compensation and all items of other income and expense except for business interruption insurance as it reflects a portion of earnings that would have been earned if M2 was operational.




Based in Calgary, Alberta, MAXIM is one of Canada's largest truly independent power producers. MAXIM is now focused entirely on power projects in Alberta. Its core asset – the 300 MW H.R. Milner Plant, M2, in Grande Cache, AB – is a state-of-the-art combined cycle gas-fired power plant that commissioned in Q4, 2023. MAXIM continues to explore additional development options in Alberta including its currently permitted gas-fired generation project and the permitting of its wind power generation project. MAXIM trades on the TSX under the symbol "MXG". For more information about MAXIM, visit our website at . For further information please contact:

總部位於阿爾伯塔省卡爾加里市,MAXIM是加拿大最大的真正獨立發電企業之一。MAXIM現在完全專注於阿爾伯塔的電力項目。其核心資產 - 300 MW H.R. Milner Plant, M2位於Grande Cache,Ab,是一座在2023年第4季度投入使用的先進的燃氣聯合循環發電廠。MAXIM繼續探索在阿爾伯塔的其他發展選項,包括其目前獲准的燃氣發電項目和其風力發電項目的許可。MAXIM在tsx上交易,代碼爲“MXG”。有關MAXIM的更多信息,請訪問我們的網站。欲了解更多信息,請聯繫:

Bob Emmott, President and CEO, (403) 263-3021

Bob Emmott,總裁兼首席執行官,(403)263-3021

Kyle Mitton, CFO and Vice President, Corporate Development, (403) 263-3021

Kyle Mitton,首席財務官兼副總裁,企業發展,(403)263-3021

Forward-looking statements

前瞻性聲明 本新聞稿中包括的關於未來表現和結果、預期、規劃、策略、重點、承諾和其他聲明(包括與我們社會、環境和其他可持續性目標有關的聲明)的非歷史事實的前瞻性聲明,是根據美國聯邦證券法的定義而作出的前瞻性聲明。本新聞稿中關於我們環境和其他可持續性計劃和目標的前瞻性聲明以及其他聲明並不意味着這些聲明對於投資者、我們的業務、運營結果、財務狀況、前景或策略、對我們在可持續發展事項上的影響或其他當事方來說均是重要的,或者必須披露在我們向證券交易委員會(“SEC”)或其他監管機構的備案中。此外,歷史、現有及未來涉及社會、環境和可持續性的相關聲明可能是基於仍在發展的衡量進展的標準、不斷演變的內部控制和流程以及假設,在將來可能會發生變化。前瞻性聲明基於當前的信仰、期望和假設,並受到可能導致實際結果與前瞻性聲明有實質性差異的重大風險、不確定性和情況變化的影響。

This press release contains forward-looking statements and forward-looking information (collectively "forward-looking information") within the meaning of applicable securities laws relating to MAXIM's plans and other aspects of MAXIM's anticipated future operations, management focus, objectives, strategies, financial, operating and production results. Forward-looking information typically uses words such as "anticipate", "believe", "project", "expect", "goal", "plan", "intend", "may", "would", "could" or "will" or similar words suggesting future outcomes, events or performance. The forward-looking statements contained in this press release speak only as of the date thereof and are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement. Specifically, this press release contains forward-looking statements concerning, among other things, expected timing of repairs to M2 cooling tower system and related impact to operations.


Forward-looking information is based on certain assumptions and analysis made by MAXIM in light of our experience and MAXIM's perception of historical trends, current conditions, expected future developments and other factors MAXIM believes appropriate under the circumstances.


MAXIM's actual results, performance or achievement could differ materially from those expressed in, or implied by, these forward-looking statements and, accordingly, no assurance can be given that any of the events anticipated by the forward-looking statements will transpire or occur, or if any of them do so, what benefits that MAXIM will derive there from. Risk factors include that MAXIM may not generate full MW capacity from the CCGT expansion of M2. Readers are cautioned that the foregoing lists of factors are not exhaustive. Additional information on these and other factors that could affect MAXIM's business, operations or financial results are included in the reports on file with applicable securities regulatory authorities, including but not limited to MAXIM's Annual Information Form for the year ended December 31, 2023, which may be accessed on MAXIM's SEDAR+ profile at . These forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this press release and MAXIM disclaims any intent or obligation to update publicly any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or results or otherwise, other than as required by applicable securities laws.

MAXIM的實際結果、表現或成就可能與這些前瞻性陳述所表達的不同,因此,不能保證前瞻性陳述所預期的任何事件將發生或實現,或如果發生或實現,MAXIM將從中獲得任何好處。風險因素包括MAXIM可能無法從M2 CCGt擴建中產生全部兆瓦容量。讀者應注意,上述因素列表並非詳盡無遺。有關這些和其他可能影響MAXIM業務、運營或財務業績的因素的其他信息,請參閱存檔於適當證券監管機構的報告,包括但不限於MAXIM截至2023年12月31日的年度信息表,可在MAXIM的SEDAR+檔案中訪問。這些前瞻性陳述是截至本新聞稿的發佈日期作出的,MAXIM否認任何意圖或義務公開更新任何前瞻性陳述,無論是因爲新信息、未來事件或結果還是其他原因,除適用證券法規定外。

