
Earnings Call Summary | Ambac Financial(AMBC.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | Ambac Financial(AMBC.US) Q2 2024 Earnings Conference

業績會總結 | ambac financial(AMBC.US) 2024年第二季度業績會
富途資訊 ·  08/06 23:58  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Ambac Financial Group Inc (AMBC) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:

以下是Ambac Financial Group Inc(AMBC)2024年第二季度業績會議電話記錄摘要:

Financial Performance:


  • Ambac reported a net loss of just under $1 million, improved from a net loss of $13 million in Q2 2023.

  • Adjusted net income and consolidated EBITDA were $8 million and $27 million, respectively.

  • Revenue included significant contributions from Cirrata premiums, which grew 31% to over $53 million, and Everspan, which reported a 254% increase in net premiums to $32 million driven by strategic growth initiatives.

  • Ambac報告的淨損失接近100萬美元,較2023年第二季度的淨損失1300萬美元有所改善。

  • 經調整後的淨收入和合並後的息稅前利潤EBITDA分別爲800萬美元和2700萬美元。

  • 營業收入包括Cirrata保費的大幅貢獻,增長31%至超過5300萬美元,以及Everspan,由於戰略增長舉措,淨保費收入增長了254%至3200萬美元。

Business Progress:


  • Ambac announced the sale of its legacy financial guarantee business to Oaktree Capital for $420 million, set to close in Q4 2024.

  • The acquisition of Beat Capital has been completed, enhancing Ambac's insurance distribution capabilities and doubling the size of its P&C platform.

  • New ventures like Tara Hill have been launched, focusing on management and professional lines, further diversifying Ambac's business model.

  • Ambac宣佈將其傳統財務擔保業務以4200萬美元的價格出售給橡樹資本,並計劃於2024年第四季度結束。

  • Beat Capital的收購已完成,增強了Ambac的保險分銷能力,並將P&C平台的規模翻倍。

  • 推出了像Tara Hill這樣的新企業,專注於管理和專業線路,進一步實現Ambac的業務模型多元化。



  • The combination with Beat offers potential for significant revenue, capital, and expense synergies, expected to drive superior returns and increase shareholder value.

  • The anticipated growth from newly integrated businesses and increased capabilities in specialty P&C lines presents opportunities for market expansion and enhanced profitability.

  • 與Beat的結合爲實現顯著的營收、資本和費用協同效應,預計推動優異回報並提高股東價值。

  • 新整合業務的預期增長和專業P&C線路能力的增強提供了市場擴展和增強盈利能力的機會。



  • The gradual growth from AI services as Azure AI scales poses risks of slower-than-expected financial gains.

  • The discontinued commercial auto program due to increased loss frequency reflects operational challenges and adaptation needs in the underwriting strategy.

  • Azure AI逐漸增長的人工智能服務帶來了比預期慢的財務收益風險。

  • 由於損失頻率增加,商業汽車計劃已停止,反映出應對承保策略的操作挑戰和適應性需求。

More details: Ambac Financial IR

更多細節:Ambac Financial IR

Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


