share_log Adds New Guardian Dental Plan With High Max Benefit Adds New Guardian Dental Plan With High Max Benefit 添加了新的 Guardian 牙科計劃,最高報銷額度很高。
PR Newswire ·  08/06 22:07

LOS ANGELES, Aug. 6, 2024 /PRNewswire/ --, the leader in dental insurance comparison shopping, continues to expand its dental insurance choices with the addition of a sixth individual dental plan from Guardian. The new plan, named the Guardian Advantage Premier, is a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) dental plan with a $3,000 annual maximum benefit. A maximum benefit is the yearly limit on insurance contributions toward covered services. The Advantage Premier's maximum is twice as high as Guardian's Advantage Diamond PPO plan. The plan also has the dentist choice flexibility of a PPO plan so consumers can go out of network for dental care if they prefer.

DentalInsurance.com作爲牙齒保險比較購物的領導者,與Guardian合作添加了第六個個人牙齒保險計劃——Guardian Advantage Premier,這是一種首選提供者組織(PPO)牙齒保險計劃,最高年度最高保險額爲3000美元。最大受益是保險公司對所涵蓋服務的年度貢獻限制,Advantage Premier的最高限額是Guardian Advantage Diamond PPO計劃的兩倍。該計劃還具有PPO計劃的牙醫選擇靈活性,因此如果消費者願意,可以選擇去非網絡牙醫接受牙齒護理。

"We've been doing business with Guardian since 2015," says President Avery Smith, "because they offer a compelling combination of affordability and benefits. Over the years, it's been a very successful relationship for both of our companies. There has been a trend among consumers toward dental plans with higher protection against dental expenses and Guardian's new Advantage Premier plan answers that need with its $3,000 annual maximum.""

“我們自2015年以來一直與Guardian合作。” Avery Smith總裁表示,“因爲他們提供了經濟實惠和福利的有力結合。多年來,這對我們兩家公司都是非常成功的合作關係。消費者對具有更高抗擊牙齒費用的牙齒保險計劃的需求有所增加,Guardian的新Advantage Premier計劃爲其提供了每年3000美元的最高保險額。”

The Advantage Premier plan brings comprehensive benefits from Guardian with coverage for preventive, basic, and major dental services. Additionally, the plan includes orthodontic coverage, which is uncommon among traditional dental insurance offerings. Guardian has over 138,000 plus dentists from which to choose and most of their plans do not have waiting periods delaying access to dental benefits.

Advantage Premier計劃提供了Guardian的全面福利,包括預防、基本和重大牙科服務的保險覆蓋範圍,此外,該計劃還包括矯正保險覆蓋,這在傳統的牙科保險產品中很不常見。Guardian有超過138,000個牙醫提供選擇,他們的大多數計劃都沒有等待時間,可以立即享受到牙科保險福利。

Consumers interested in additional details on the Guardian products offered through can visit the site's web page Guardian Dental Insurance.

有興趣了解DentalInsurance.com提供的Guardian產品的更多詳細信息,可以訪問該網站的Guardian Dental Insurance網頁。

Launched in 2001 by Mark Kelsey, is the pioneer of the online dental insurance marketplaces. is headquartered in Los Angeles, California, and has an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau and 4.8 stars out of 5 on TrustPilot.

DentalInsurance.com由Mark Kelsey於2001年創立,是在線牙科保險交易市場的先驅。公司總部位於加利福尼亞州洛杉磯市,獲得了Better Business Bureau的A+評級,在TrustPilot上獲得了4.8顆星。



