
Gold Rush 2.0: Britannia Mining and Paragon Geochemical Bring Cutting-Edge Assaying Technology to the West Coast

Gold Rush 2.0: Britannia Mining and Paragon Geochemical Bring Cutting-Edge Assaying Technology to the West Coast

newsfile ·  08/06 21:47
  • Recently commissioned PhotonAssay unit at Paragon's newly built Surrey, BC, facility

  • Represents Paragon's second PhotonAssay unit globally, following the commissioning of its PhotonAssay unit in Hamilton, Ontario, earlier this year

  • Paragon expects to roll out an additional 10 PhotonAssay units before the end of 2025, bringing its total number of PhotonAssay units globally to 12

  • 最近在 Paragon 不列顛哥倫比亞省薩里市新建的工廠投入使用了 PhotoNassay 裝置

  • 代表帕拉貢繼今年早些時候位於安大略省漢密爾頓的PhotoNassay裝置投入使用後,在全球範圍內的第二套PhotoNassay裝置

  • Paragon預計將在2025年底之前再推出10個PhotoNassay裝置,使其在全球的PhotoNassay單位總數達到12個

Toronto, Ontario and Surrey, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 6, 2024) - Britannia Life Sciences Inc. (CSX: BLAB) (FSE: L020) and its wholly-owned subsidiaries, Britannia Mining Solutions Inc. ("BMS") and Paragon Geochemical ("Paragon"), are excited to announce the commissioning of a PhotonAssay unit at Paragon's newly built facility in Surrey, British Columbia. PhotonAssay is an innovative technology that delivers faster, safer and more accurate gold, silver and copper analysis in an environmentally friendly alternative to centuries-old fire assay. PhotonAssay has been adopted by some of the world's largest and most respected mining companies, including Barrick Gold, affirming it as the future industry benchmark for minerals analysis.

安大略省多倫多和不列顛哥倫比亞省薩里--(Newsfile Corp.,2024年8月6日)——不列顛尼亞生命科學公司(CSX:BLAB)(FSE:L020)及其全資子公司不列顛尼亞礦業解決方案公司(“BMS”)和百麗宮地球化學(“帕拉貢”)很高興地宣佈Photonassay裝置在帕拉貢新建的工廠投入使用在不列顛哥倫比亞省的薩里。PhotoNassay是一項創新技術,可提供更快、更安全、更準確的金、銀和銅分析,是已有數百年曆史的火災分析的環保替代方案。PhotoNassay已被包括Barrick Gold在內的一些世界上最大和最受尊敬的礦業公司所採用,這證實了它作爲未來礦產分析的行業基準。

Paragon's newly completed lab is strategically located along major shipping routes to the interior of British Columbia, the Northwest Territories, Yukon and Alaska, and the western United States.


Images courtesy of Chrysos Corporation

圖片由 Chrysos 公司提供

Now open and accepting samples, Paragon is pleased to offer PhotonAssay prices comparable with fire assay and deliver industry-leading analysis turnaround times measured in days rather than weeks. This non-destructive analytical technique enables more efficient and accurate metallurgical design and process engineering by preserving samples from the beginning of exploration. This development means there is no need for extra drilling to acquire further material for testing, resulting in fewer environmental consequences, increased financial benefits, and greater speed-to-market. Finally, for organizations reporting Environment, Sustainability and Governance (ESG) metrics, using PhotonAssay in your supply chain will help you demonstrate a deepening commitment to stakeholders and rights holders by reducing hazardous waste and CO2 emissions.


"We're not just analyzing samples; we're driving the future of responsible mining," says Paragon's Vice President of Operations and resident nuclear chemist, Robert Oliver. "With PhotonAssay, we're well-positioned to help clients achieve their exploration, development, or operational goals, allowing them to strike gold in more ways than one - fast results, precise data, and a smaller environmental footprint."


Video courtesy of Chrysos Corporation

視頻由 Chrysos 公司提供

About Paragon


Paragon Geochemical, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Britannia Mining Solutions, provides geochemical testing and analysis to the natural resources industry. Paragon's mission is to bring technology-enabled solutions to the global mining industry by setting up laboratories to address the global backlog in mineral assays. Paragon operates a geochemical laboratory in Sparks, Nevada, and has commenced a global rollout of Chrysos Corporation's PhotonAssay technology with a total of 12 PhotonAssay units being deployed worldwide. Paragon's first PhotonAssay unit in Hamilton, Ontario, has been in operation since early 2024, with its second unit being commissioned in the Greater Vancouver Area in August 2024. Paragon is a subsidiary of Britannia Life Sciences Inc. (CSX: BLAB) (FSE: L020) and is supported by a distinguished group of mining investors and advisors.

不列顛尼亞礦業解決方案的全資子公司Paragon Geochemical爲自然資源行業提供地球化學測試和分析。Paragon的使命是通過建立實驗室來解決全球礦物分析的積壓問題,爲全球採礦業提供技術驅動的解決方案。帕拉貢在內華達州斯帕克斯經營着一個地球化學實驗室,並已開始在全球範圍內推廣Chrysos公司的光子分析技術,在全球共部署了12個光子分析裝置。Paragon在安大略省漢密爾頓的第一臺PhotoNassay裝置自2024年初開始運營,其第二套裝置於2024年8月在大溫哥華地區投入使用。Paragon是不列顛尼亞生命科學公司(CSX:BLAB)(FSE:L020)的子公司,並得到一群傑出的礦業投資者和顧問的支持。

For more information about Paragon, visit or email

有關 Paragon 的更多信息,請訪問或發送電子郵件至。

About Chrysos Corporation

Chrysos 公司簡介

Headquartered in Adelaide, with operations spanning Australia, Canada, Africa, and Europe, Chrysos Corporation combines science and software to create technology solutions for the global mining industry. The Company's flagship product PhotonAssay delivers faster, safer, more accurate and environmentally-friendly analysis of gold, silver, copper and other elements.

Chrysos Corporation總部位於阿德萊德,業務遍及澳大利亞、加拿大、非洲和歐洲,將科學和軟件相結合,爲全球採礦業創建技術解決方案。該公司的旗艦產品PhotoNassay可以對金、銀、銅和其他元素進行更快、更安全、更準確和更環保的分析。

For more information about Chrysos or its PhotonAssay technology, visit or email

有關 Chrysos 或其 PhotoNassay 技術的更多信息,請訪問或發送電子郵件至。

Contact Information:
Paragon Geochemical
Peggy Bell, Vice President of Sales & Marketing
1555 Industrial Way
Sparks, NV

1555 工業之路

