
Elemental Altus Notes Major Expansion Study at Karlawinda and Announces Completion of Tungsten Royalty Acquisition

Elemental Altus Notes Major Expansion Study at Karlawinda and Announces Completion of Tungsten Royalty Acquisition

Elemental Altus宣佈在Karlawinda進行主要擴展研究,並宣佈完成鎢版稅收購。
newsfile ·  08/06 20:02

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 6, 2024) - Elemental Altus Royalties Corp. (TSXV: ELE) (OTCQX: ELEMF) ("Elemental Altus" or the "Company") notes the announcement by Capricorn Metals Ltd (ASX: CMM) ("Capricorn") of a major expansion study at the Karlawinda Gold Project ("Karlawinda", or "KGP"), where Elemental Altus holds an uncapped 2.0% Net Smelter Return ("NSR") royalty. The Karlawinda royalty is a cornerstone asset for Elemental Altus, contributing US$4.6 million in revenue in 2023. Elemental Altus also announces the successful completion of the Mactung and Cantung royalty acquisition.

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞州-(Newsfile corp. -2024年8月6日)-Elemental Altus Royalties corp.(tsxv:ELE)(OTCQX:ELEMF)(「Elemental Altus」或「公司」)注意到Capricorn Metals Ltd(ASX:CMM)(「Capricorn」)在Karlawinda Gold Project(「Karlawinda」或「KGP」)上宣佈了一項重大擴張研究,其中Elemental Altus持有無上限的2.0%淨冶煉回報率(「NSR」)賠率。Karlawinda賠率是Elemental Altus的核心資產,爲公司2023年的營業收入帶來了460萬美元。Elemental Altus還宣佈成功完成了Mactung和Cantung年費收購。



  • Karlawinda is the Company's second largest royalty and contributed US$4.6 million in revenue in 2023 when the gold price averaged less than US$2,000/oz

  • Capricorn has commenced work on a major expansion study for KGP, looking at an expansion of between 2.0 and 2.5 million tonnes per annum ("Mtpa"), an approximate 50% increase in throughput on the current 4.5 Mtpa

  • The expansion study is targeted for completion by end of 2024 and Capricorn plans to move into permitting and execution as quickly as possible

  • Capricorn announced a 15% increase to the Mineral Reserves to 1,428 thousand ounces ("koz") gold, which is an increase of 27% after accounting for mining depletion as of July 2024. All KGP Mineral Reserves are categorised as Probable Reserves. Indicated Resources were increased to 1,965 koz gold. Inferred Resources include a further 287 koz of gold

  • Updated KGP Mineral Reserves provide for a pre-expansion mine-life in excess of 13 years

  • 當金價平均不到2000美元/盎司時,Karlawinda是該公司第二大賠率,爲2023年的營業收入貢獻了460萬美元

  • Capricorn已啓動一項重大擴張研究,旨在將吞吐量從4.5 Mtpa增加到2.0至250萬噸/年,約增加50%

  • 該擴張研究的目標是在2024年底前完成,並計劃儘快進入許可和執行

  • Capricorn宣佈將礦產儲量增加15%至142.8萬盎司(「koz」)金,考慮到2024年7月採礦耗損後增加了27%。所有KGP礦產儲量均歸類爲可靠儲量。待定資源增加至1,965 koz金。推測資源還包括另外287 koz的金。

  • 更新的KGP礦產儲量可提供超過13年的擴張前礦山壽命

Elemental Altus has also completed the acquisition of the Mactung and Cantung royalties, with the 4% NSR over Mactung providing significant exposure to one of the largest, high-grade tungsten deposits in the world.

Elemental Altus還完成了Mactung和Cantung的收購,其中Mactung的4%NSR爲公司提供了重要的暴露,使其成爲世界上最大的高品質鎢礦石之一。

Frederick Bell, CEO of Elemental Altus, commented:

元素奧爾圖斯的首席執行官Frederick Bell評論道:

"The initiation of an expansion study at Karlawinda, targeting a throughput increase of approximately 50%, underscores the significant upside potential of our material royalties. Karlawinda's expansion potential has always been a principal reason for our investment, and Capricorn has the track record to implement a successful expansion study quickly. This not only reinforces our confidence in Karlawinda as a cornerstone asset but also demonstrates our team's ability to identify royalties with transformative potential.


The potential expansion comes at no cost to the Company and further validates our investment strategy. Karlawinda's status as a proven high-quality, uncapped gold royalty in a Tier 1 jurisdiction exemplifies this strategy and our commitment to long-term growth.


We are also pleased to successfully complete the acquisition of an uncapped 4.0% NSR royalty at the Mactung Project. This is a high-quality, high-grade tungsten project in Canada with the potential to be a future long-life operation and fits very well into our development pipeline."


Karlawinda Mineral Reserve and Mineral Resource Update


Capricorn have announced a significant increase to the KGP Mineral Reserves from recent drilling at Bibra, the contiguous Southern Corridor deposit, and the Berwick deposit. Berwick is a satellite deposit that is part of the KGP East group of prospects. The Berwick Mineral Reserves are the first KGP reserve reported outside of the Bibra Complex.

Capricorn已經宣佈對KGP礦產儲量進行了重大增加,其中包括對Bibra、相鄰的Southern Corridor沉積物和Berwick沉積物的最近鑽探。 Berwick是KGP東部前景的一部分的附屬物。 Berwick礦石儲量是在Bibra複合體以外報告的第一個KGP儲量。

The drilling program also successfully upgraded Inferred Resources to Indicated Resources immediately down dip of the 2023 reserve pit design, underpinning a significant conversion of resources to reserves.


The KGP JORC-compliant Mineral Reserves, as reported by Capricorn, have been increased to 57.7 million tonnes ("Mt") of Probable Reserves with a grade of 0.8 g/t gold containing 1,428 koz gold including Bibra, the Southern Corridor, Berwick, and stockpiles. This Mineral Reserves update supports a pre-expansion life of mine exceeding 13 years and the additional 333 koz represents a 27% increase after accounting for mining depletion (as of July 2024) of 152 koz gold.

根據Capricorn報告的符合JORC標準的KGP礦產儲量已增加至5770萬噸(「Mt」),可靠儲量爲0.8克/噸黃金,含有1,428 koz黃金,包括Bibra,南走廊,Berwick和儲備品。該礦產儲量更新支持擴張前的礦山壽命超過13年,而額外的333 koz則表示考慮採礦損耗(截至2024年7月)的152 koz黃金後增加了27%。

The updated Karlawinda Open Pit Reserves were estimated using a gold price of A$2,200/oz (approximately US$1,430/oz) for the pit shells.


The recent drilling has also contributed to an increase of the estimated Indicated Resources to 85.0 Mt at a grade of 0.7 g/t gold containing 1,965 koz gold. Inferred Resources contain an additional 98.6 Mt with a grade of 0.7 g/t gold for 287 koz of gold.

最近的鑽探還導致估計的實指資源增加到85.0 Mt,黃金品位爲0.7 g / t,含有1,965 koz金。推測資源還包括額外的98.6 Mt,品位爲0.7 g / t 金,含287 koz的金。

Mineral Resources for Karlawinda are reported inclusive of Mineral Reserves.


The KGP Mineral Resources were estimated using a gold price of A$2,400/oz (approximately US$1,560/oz) and it is particularly encouraging to note that the 824 koz in the resources not currently included in the reserve are primarily located immediately down dip of the current Bibra pit design.

KGP礦產資源使用的黃金價格爲澳元2400/盎司(約合1,560/盎司美元),特別值得注意的是,未包括在當前Bibra坑殼下的資源中的824 koz主要位於立即向下傾斜的地方。呈Bibra坑殼設計。

Karlawinda Expansion Study


Capricorn has initiated a study to consider a 2.0 to 2.5 Mtpa expansion of the current 4.5 Mtpa Karlawinda operation. Capricorn have stated their intent to progress into permitting and execution as quickly as possible on conclusion of a successful study.

Capricorn已經啓動一項研究,考慮將目前的4.5 Mtpa Karlawinda工作量擴展至2.0至2.5 Mtpa。 Capricorn已經表明,如果研究成功,他們將盡快進入許可和執行階段。

The scope of the expansion study includes an increase to throughput by approximately 45% to 55% from the current rate of 4.5 Mtpa to 6.5 to 7.0 Mtpa. Optimisation studies are considering blending additional ore supplied from an accelerated mining schedule with lower grade ore currently being stockpiled.

擴建研究的範圍包括將吞吐量從目前的4.5 Mtpa 增加大約45% 至55%,達到 6.5 到 7.0 Mtpa。優化研究正在考慮採用來自加快採礦進度的額外礦石與當前儲備的低品位礦石混合。

The expansion study will focus on an expanded processing plant flowsheet, the plant configuration, and equipment installation logistics. Process plant and infrastructure capital costs will be estimated as part of the study. The mining schedule and fleet optimisation will be evaluated with a tailings storage facility expansion and other permitting requirements.


Work has commenced on a number of these areas with a view to Capricorn completing the study by year end 2024.


Frederick Bell
CEO and Director

Frederick Bell

Corporate & Media Inquiries:
Tel: +1 604 646 4527

電話: +1 604 646 4527

Elemental Altus is a proud member of Discovery Group. For more information please visit: or contact 604-653-9464.

Elemental Altus是Discovery Group的自豪成員。有關更多信息,請訪問:或致電604-653-9464。

TSX.V: ELE | OTCQX: ELEMF | ISIN: CA28619K1093 | CUSIP: 28619K109

TSX.V: ELE | OTCQX: ELEMF | ISIN: CA28619K1093 | CUSIP: 28619K109

About Elemental Altus Royalties Corp.

關於Elemental Altus Royalties Corp.

Elemental Altus is an income generating precious metals royalty company with 10 producing royalties and a diversified portfolio of pre-production and discovery stage assets. The Company is focused on acquiring uncapped royalties and streams over producing, or near-producing, mines operated by established counterparties. The vision of Elemental Altus is to build a global gold royalty company, offering investors superior exposure to gold with reduced risk and a strong growth profile.

Elemental Altus是一家收入豐厚的貴金屬特許權公司,擁有10個生產特許權以及一個多樣化的預生產和發現階段資產組合。該公司專注於收購由成熟對等方運營的生產或接近生產的礦山上未封頂的特許權和流。Elemental Altus的願景是建立一個全球黃金特許權公司,爲投資者提供更優越的黃金資產以減低風險並具有強大的增長潛力。

Qualified Person


Richard Evans, FAusIMM, is Senior Vice President Technical for Elemental Altus, and a qualified person under National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects, has reviewed and approved the scientific and technical disclosure contained in this press release. Capricorn's press release and disclosure (including that referred to in this press release) includes inferred mineral resources that are too speculative geologically to have economic considerations applied to them that would enable them to be categorized as mineral reserves and there is no certainty that the forecast production amounts will be realized.

Richard Evans,FAusIMm,是Elemental Altus的資深技術副總裁,也是《43-101礦產項目披露標準》下的合格人員,他已經審核並批准了本新聞發佈中包含的科學和技術披露。Capricorn的新聞發佈和披露(包括本新聞發佈中提到的內容)還包括被認爲地質上過於推測的推斷礦產資源,不能將經濟因素應用於這些資源以使其被分類爲礦產儲備,而且不確定預測的生產量是否能夠實現。



1) "KGP Ore Reserve increases to 1.43 Million Ounces - Expansion Study Underway", dated August 1, 2024, at

1) 2024年8月1日發表的"KGP礦石儲量增至143萬盎司—擴建研究正在展開"一文

Neither the TSX-V nor its Regulation Service Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX-V) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this press release.


Cautionary note regarding forward-looking statements


This news release contains certain "forward looking statements" and certain "forward-looking information" as defined under applicable Canadian securities laws. Forward-looking statements and information can generally be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "may", "will", "should", "expect", "intend", "estimate", "anticipate", "believe", "continue", "plans" or similar terminology.


Forward-looking statements and information include, but are not limited to, statements with respect to the date that the name change is expected to become effective, whether shareholders will be required by their broker to exchange their issued certificate for a new certificate or take any other action in connection to the name change, the Company's ability to deliver a materially increased revenue profile with a lower cost of capital, the future growth, development and focus of the Company, and the acquisition of new royalties and streams. Forward-looking statements and information are based on forecasts of future results, estimates of amounts not yet determinable and assumptions that, while believed by management to be reasonable, are inherently subject to significant business, economic and competitive uncertainties and contingencies.


Forward-looking statements and information are subject to various known and unknown risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the ability of Elemental Altus to control or predict, that may cause Elemental Altus' actual results, performance or achievements to be materially different from those expressed or implied thereby, and are developed based on assumptions about such risks, uncertainties and other factors set out herein, including but not limited to: the impact of general business and economic conditions, the absence of control over the mining operations from which Elemental Altus will receive royalties, risks related to international operations, government relations and environmental regulation, the inherent risks involved in the exploration and development of mineral properties; the uncertainties involved in interpreting exploration data; the potential for delays in exploration or development activities; the geology, grade and continuity of mineral deposits; the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic; the possibility that future exploration, development or mining results will not be consistent with Elemental Altus' expectations; accidents, equipment breakdowns, title matters, labour disputes or other unanticipated difficulties or interruptions in operations; fluctuating metal prices; unanticipated costs and expenses; uncertainties relating to the availability and costs of financing needed in the future; the inherent uncertainty of production and cost estimates and the potential for unexpected costs and expenses, commodity price fluctuations; currency fluctuations; regulatory restrictions, including environmental regulatory restrictions; liability, competition, loss of key employees and other related risks and uncertainties. For a discussion of important factors which could cause actual results to differ from forward-looking statements, refer to the annual information form of Elemental Altus for the year ended December 31, 2023. Elemental Altus undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements and information except as required by applicable law. Such forward-looking statements and information represents management's best judgment based on information currently available. No forward-looking statement or information can be guaranteed, and actual future results may vary materially. Accordingly, readers are advised not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements or information.

前瞻性聲明和信息面臨各種已知和未知的風險和不確定性,其中許多超出了Elemental Altus控制或預測的能力,這些風險和不確定性可能導致Elemental Altus的實際結果、表現或成就與其所表達或暗示的大不相同,並根據此處設定和假設的該類風險、不確定性和其他因素進行開發,其中包括但不限於:一般商業和經濟條件的影響、缺乏對Elemental Altus將收到特許權的礦山操作的控制、與國際業務相關的風險、政府關係和環境監管、勘探和開發礦產資產中存在的固有風險;解釋勘探數據的不確定性;勘探或開發活動可能會延遲;礦牀的地質、品位和持續性;COVID-19大流行的影響;未來勘探、開發或採礦的結果可能沒有達到Elemental Altus的預期;事故、設備損壞、所有權爭議或其他意外的困難或中斷;金屬價格波動;未預料到的成本和費用;有關未來所需融資的可用性和費用的不確定性;生產和成本估計的不確定性和未預料到的成本和費用可能性,商品價格波動;貨幣匯率波動;監管限制,包括環境監管限制;責任、競爭、關鍵員工流失和其他相關風險和不確定性。有關重要因素的討論,這些因素可能會導致實際結果與前瞻性聲明有所不同,請參閱Elemental Altus於2023年12月31日止年度信息表。除適用法律要求外,Elemental Altus不承諾更新前瞻性聲明和信息。此類前瞻性聲明和信息代表管理層基於當前可用信息的最佳判斷。不能保證前瞻性聲明或信息的實際未來結果與其預期有所不同。因此,讀者被建議不要過度依賴前瞻性聲明或信息。

