
Early Warning Press Release Regarding Sasquatch Resources Corp.

Early Warning Press Release Regarding Sasquatch Resources Corp.

關於Sasquatch Resources Corp.的預警新聞發佈
Accesswire ·  08/06 19:30

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / August 6, 2024 / Mr. Thomas Lamb announces that he has acquired an aggregate of 187,000 common shares of Sasquatch Resources Corp. ("SASQ" or the "Company") in public purchases through the Canadian Securities Exchange ("CSE"). Under the transactions: Mr. Lamb paid $13,090, representing a price of $0.07 per share, to acquire an aggregate of 187,000 SASQ shares. Prior to the transactions, Mr. Lamb held an aggregate of 2,354,143 SASQ shares, representing approximately 9.99% of the issued and outstanding SASQ shares. Following the transactions: Mr. Lamb holds an aggregate of 2,541,143 SASQ shares, representing approximately 10.78% of the issued and outstanding SASQ shares; and holds an aggregate of 2,541,143 SASQ shares, 250,000 SASQ stock options and 857,143 SASQ common share purchase warrants, collectively representing approximately 14.78% of the issued and outstanding SASQ shares, assuming exercise of all of the stock options and warrants held by Mr. Lamb.

Thomas Lamb先生宣佈通過加拿大證券交易所(CSE)的公開購買獲取了總共187,000股Sasquatch Resources Corp.(簡稱"SASQ"或"該公司") 的普通股。根據交易: Lamb先生花費了$13,090購買了總共187,000股SASQ股票,每股價格爲$0.07。交易前,Lamb先生持有2,354,143股SASQ的股票,約佔發行和未流通SASQ股票的9.99%。交易後: Lamb先生持有2,541,143股SASQ的股票,約佔發行和未流通SASQ股票的10.78%; 並持有2,541,143股SASQ的股票,250,000 SASQ的期權和857,143 SASQ的認股權證,合計約佔發行和未流通SASQ股票的14.78%。即使Lamb先生行使了持有的所有期權和認股權證,僅供投資目的。Lamb先生未來可以根據情況買賣SASQ的證券或相關金融工具。除此之外,Lamb先生沒有計劃或任何與前述事項相關或會導致任何其他前述事項的未來意圖。

The shares were acquired by Mr. Lamb for investment purposes. Depending upon the circumstances, Mr. Lamb may, from time to time, acquire additional securities or related financial instruments of SASQ or dispose of all or a portion of the securities or related financial instruments of SASQ previously acquired. Other than the foregoing, Mr. Lamb does not have plans or any future intentions which relate to or would result in any of the other foregoing matters.


"Thomas Lamb"
Thomas Lamb

“Thomas Lamb”
Thomas Lamb

The Form 62-103F1 - Required Disclosure under the Early Warning Requirements associated with this news release can be obtained from the Company's profile on SEDAR+ at . To obtain a copy of the report, please contact Mr. Lamb of Vancouver, British Columbia, at +1(604) 899-6401 or

與此新聞發佈相關的Form 62-103F1-根據早期警示要求的必要披露, 可從該公司的SEDAR+個人檔案中獲取。 若要獲取報告副本,請與溫哥華不列顛哥倫比亞省的Lamb先生聯繫,電話號碼爲+1(604)899-6401或電子郵件。

SOURCE: Sasquatch Resources Corp.

消息來源:Sasquatch Resources Corp.



