
Xali Gold Trading Halt

Xali Gold Trading Halt

GlobeNewswire ·  08/06 19:00

VANCOUVER, British Columbia, Aug. 06, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Xali Gold Corp. (TSXV:XGC) ("Xali Gold" or "the Company") advises that the British Columbia Securities Commission has notified the Company that it has issued a cease trade order ("FFCTO") under Multilateral Instrument 11-103 – Failure-to-File Cease Trade Orders in Multiple Jurisdictions for the Company. The FFCTO was issued as a result of the Company's delay in filing its audited annual financial statements, accompanying management discussion and analysis, and CEO and CFO certifications for the financial year ended March 31, 2024 (the "Annual Filings") in accordance with applicable Canadian securities laws.

加拿大卑詩省溫哥華,2024年8月6日(環球通訊社)-Xali Gold Corp.(TSXV:XGC)(“Xali Gold”或“公司”)通知卑詩省證券委員會已向公司發出了一份停止交易訂單(“FFCTO”), 根據《多轄區工具11-103-未能提交停止交易令》的規定,在多個管轄區針對該公司發出。由於公司未能按照適用的加拿大證券法規定提交截至2024年3月31日的財務年度報表,附帶管理討論和分析以及首席執行官和首席財務官的認證,該FFCTO即被髮出(“年度報表”)。

The FFCTO prohibits any trading, whether direct or indirect, in respect of each security of the Company in each jurisdiction in Canada until such time as the Company is able to complete the filing of the Annual Filings.


The Company expects to be able to file as required and resume trading within the next 3 or 4 days.


About Xali Gold

關於Xali Gold

Xali Gold has gold and silver projects in Peru and Mexico. The Company's flagship project El Oro is a district scale gold project encompassing a well-known prolific high-grade gold dominant gold-silver epithermal vein system in Mexico. The project covers 20 veins with past production and more than 57 veins in total, from which approximately 6.4M ozs of gold and 74M ozs of silver were reported to have been produced from just two of these veins (Ref. Mexico Geological Service Bulletin Nr. 37, Mining of the El Oro and Tlapujahua Districts. 1920, T. Flores).

Xali Gold在秘魯和墨西哥擁有黃金和白銀項目。該公司的旗艦項目El Oro是一個區域規模的黃金項目,涉及在墨西哥一個著名的多產高品位的金銀熱液脈系統。該項目涵蓋了20條脈,其中兩條脈僅就這些脈的生產記錄就產生了大約640萬盎司的黃金和7400萬盎司的白銀。 (參考:墨西哥地質服務公告第37號,El Oro和Tlapujahua地區的採礦。1920萬億。Flores)。

Modern understanding of epithermal vein systems indicates that several of the El Oro district's veins hold excellent discovery potential, particularly below and adjacent to the historic workings of the San Rafael Vein, which was mined to an average depth of only 200m.

對熱液脈礦脈系統的現代理解表明,El Oro地區的幾個礦脈具有出色的發現潛力,特別是在San Rafael Vein的歷史作業的下方和相鄰地段,這個礦脈的挖掘深度僅爲200米的平均深度。

Xali Gold is dedicated to being a responsible Community partner.

Xali Gold致力於成爲負責任的社區合作伙伴。

Joanne C. Freeze, P.Geo., President and CEO is the Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 for the projects discussed above. Ms. Freeze has reviewed and approved the contents of this release. Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Joanne C. Freeze,P.Geo.,總裁兼CEO是上述項目的定義人,根據43-101國家工具的規定。 Freeze女士已經審查並批准了本發佈的內容。 TSX Venture Exchange及其監管服務提供商不承擔本發佈的充分性或準確性。

Forward-looking Information
This news release may contain forward-looking information (as such term is defined under Canadian securities laws) including but not limited to historical production records. While such forward-looking information is expressed by Xali Gold in good faith and believed by Xali Gold to have a reasonable basis, they may address future events and conditions and are therefore subject to inherent risks and uncertainties including those set out in Xali Gold's MD&A. Factors that cause the actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking information include, without limitation, gold prices, results of exploration and development activities, regulatory changes, defects in title, availability of materials and equipment, timeliness of government approvals, potential environmental issues, availability of capital and financing and general economic, market or business conditions. Xali Gold expressly disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except in accordance with applicable securities laws.

此新聞稿可能包含前瞻性信息(根據加拿大證券法的定義),包括但不限於歷史生產記錄。雖然Xali Gold認爲此類前瞻性信息是出於善意並且有合理的基礎,並可能涉及未來事件和狀況,但它們因此會受到固有的風險和不確定性的影響,包括Xali Gold的MD&A所述因素。導致實際結果與前瞻性信息不同的因素包括但不限於金價、勘探和開發活動的結果、監管變化、權屬瑕疵、材料和設備的可用性、政府批准的及時性、潛在的環境問題、資本和融資的可用性以及普遍經濟、市場或業務狀況。Xali Gold明確聲明不打算或不承諾更新或修訂任何前瞻性信息,除非根據適用的證券法律。

On behalf of the Board of Xali Gold Corp.

代表Xali Gold Corp.董事會

"Joanne Freeze" P.Geo.
President, CEO and Director

“Joanne Freeze” P.Geo。

For further information please contact:
Joanne Freeze, President & CEO
Tel: + 1 (604) 689-1957

Joanne Freeze,總裁和首席執行官

NR 135

NR 135

