
Keyfield International Berhad Expands Fleet, Secures New Contract

Keyfield International Berhad Expands Fleet, Secures New Contract

Business Today ·  08/06 18:12

Keyfield International Berhad ("Keyfield") has announced significant developments through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Keyfield Offshore Sdn Bhd ("KOSB").

Keyfield國際有限公司("Keyfield")通過其全資子公司Keyfield Offshore Sdn Bhd("KOSB")宣佈了重大進展。

1. Acceptance of New Contract


On 22 July 2024, KOSB accepted a Letter of Award from Carigali-PTTEPI Operating Company Sdn. Bhd. ("CPOC") for the provision of an Anchor Handling Tug Supply ("AHTS") vessel. This two-year firm charter, with a one-year extension option, is valued at approximately USD10.0 million (RM44.3 million) for the primary period and USD5.0 million (RM22.2 million) for the extension.

2024年7月22日,KOSB接受了來自Carigali-PTTEPI Operating Company Sdn. Bhd.("CPOC")的一個拖纜和補給("AHTS")船的中標通知書。該兩年合同主期限價值約1000萬美元(4430萬令吉),有一年的延長選擇權,延長期限價值約500萬美元(2220萬令吉)。

2. Acquisition of Secondhand AHTS

2. 收購二手AHTS

KOSB has signed an agreement to acquire a secondhand AHTS vessel, MV Aulia ("Aulia"), for USD7.8 million (RM34.6 million). Delivered in 2021, Aulia features a Dynamic Positioning 1 system and a bollard pull capacity of 60 tonnes. With an accommodation capacity of 42 persons, it has been chartered to customers as a third-party vessel since February 2024. Following the acquisition, Aulia will be integrated into Keyfield's fleet, enhancing operational efficiency and profitability.

KOSB已經簽署了一份協議,以780萬美元(3460萬令吉)的價格收購了一艘二手AHTS船舶MV Aulia("Aulia")。Aulia於2021年交付,具有動態定位1系統和60噸的拖綱牽引能力。它可以容納42人,自2024年2月以來一直作爲第三方船舶出租給客戶。收購後,Aulia將被整合到Keyfield的船隊中,提高運營效率和盈利能力。

Statements from Keyfield Leadership


Dato' Darren Kee, Group CEO and Executive Director of Keyfield, remarked, "The acquisition of Aulia aligns with our expansion strategy outlined in our IPO Prospectus. Having already chartered third-party vessels to meet AHTS demand, the addition of Aulia will allow us to increase our gross profit margins and efficiently meet growing demand."

Keyfield的集團總裁兼執行董事Dato' Darren Kee表示:"Aulia的收購符合我們在IPO招股說明書中概述的擴張策略。我們已經將第三方船舶租賃用於滿足AHTS需求,Aulia的加入將使我們能夠增加毛利潤率並有效滿足不斷增長的需求。"

Kee added, "Aulia's proven track record and successful operations in Malaysia make it a strategic addition to our fleet. This acquisition will enhance our capacity to deliver high-quality AHTS services."


