
FDA Clears Incannex To Proceed With Phase 2 Psilocybin-Assisted Therapy Trial For Anxiety

FDA Clears Incannex To Proceed With Phase 2 Psilocybin-Assisted Therapy Trial For Anxiety

Benzinga ·  08/06 01:37

As reported in a recent press release, Incannex Healthcare Inc. (NASDAQ:IXHL) has received approval from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to proceed with a phase 2 clinical trial investigating its psilocybin formulation, PSX-001, combined with psychotherapy for treating generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). This follows the successful review of the company's Investigational New Drug (IND) application, which detailed the clinical trial protocol and the safety and quality of the investigational drug product.

據最近一份新聞稿報道,Incannex Healthcare Inc.(納斯達克:IXHL)已獲得美國食品和藥物管理局的批准,進入第二階段臨床試驗,探究其含有賽洛西賓的 PSX-001 配方與心理治療聯合治療廣泛性焦慮症(GAD)的功效。此前,該公司的新藥申請(IND)已成功通過審核,詳細說明了臨床試驗方案和診療藥物的安全性和質量。

Previous Positive Results


The trial, named PsiGAD2, builds on the positive results of the initial PsiGAD1 proof-of-concept study conducted at Monash University in Melbourne. PsiGAD1 demonstrated a significant 12.8-point reduction in the Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A) scores from baseline in the psilocybin treatment group, highlighting the potential of psilocybin-assisted psychotherapy in reducing anxiety symptoms.

PsiGAD2 試驗是在 PsiGAD1 的積極結果基礎上進行的。PsiGAD1 在墨爾本的莫納什大學進行了概念驗證研究,顯示出賽洛西賓輔助心理治療在減輕焦慮症狀方面的潛力,賽洛西賓治療組的 Hamilton 焦慮量表(HAM-A)得分與基線相比有顯著的12.8分降低。

Phase 2 Trials


PsiGAD2 aims to replicate and expand on the encouraging outcomes of PsiGAD1. In the previous test, 44% of the psilocybin group experienced over a 50% reduction in HAM-A scores, and 27% achieved remission, significantly outperforming the placebo group.

PsiGAD2 旨在複製並擴展 PsiGAD1 的鼓舞人心的成果。在先前的測試中,賽洛西賓組中有44%的人的韓氏焦慮量表得分降低了50%以上,27%的人獲得了緩解,顯著表現優於安慰劑組。

Incannex submitted the IND application on June 26, 2024 and the FDA completed its review within the allotted 30-day time frame. Approval was granted after a thorough evaluation of the trial protocol, principal investigator and a risk-benefit analysis of the proposed drug. The new trial plans to enroll approximately 94 patients with GAD, including those currently treated with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, who meet the study criteria.

Incannex 於 2024 年 6 月 26 日提交了 IND 申請,FDA 在規定的 30 天時間內完成了審核。經過對試驗方案、主要研究人員以及擬議藥物進行風險收益分析的深入評估後,獲得了批准。新的試驗計劃招募大約 94 位患有 GAD 的患者,包括那些目前接受選擇性血清素再攝取抑制劑治療的患者。

Patients will be administered one of two doses of PSX-001 under double-blind conditions. Each patient will undergo two dosing sessions, along with preparatory and integrative psychotherapy sessions. The primary endpoint is the change in HAM-A score two weeks after the second dosing session. Secondary endpoints include quality of life measures, healthcare utilization, electroencephalography (EEG) assessments, and safety and tolerability assessments by monitoring for adverse events.

患者將在雙盲條件下接受兩種劑量的 PSX-001 注射。每個患者將進行兩個注射療程,以及預備和整合性心理治療療程。主要終點是第二次注射療程後 2 周 HAm-A評分的變化。次要終點包括生活質量評估、醫療保健利用率、腦電圖(EEG)評估和通過監測不良事件進行安全和耐受性評估。

Company Expansion


In addition to the U.S. approval, PsiGAD2 is under review by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) in the United Kingdom. Incannex plans to initiate trial activities in the UK concurrently with those in the U.S. The company holds 20 granted patents and over 30 pending applications, and is pursuing U.S. FDA approval and registration for each drug and therapy under development, which represent major global economic opportunities.

除了在美國的批准外,PsiGAD2 還在英國的藥品和保健品監督管理局(MHRA) 的審查之下。Incannex 計劃在美國和英國同時啓動試驗活動。該公司擁有 20 項授予專利和 30 餘項申請,正在尋求美國 FDA 批准和註冊開發中的每種藥物和治療方法,這代表着全球的重大經濟機遇。

Generalized Anxiety Disorder


GAD is characterized by excessive, uncontrollable worry persisting for at least six months. Symptoms include persistent worry, nervousness, restlessness, and difficulty concentrating, leading to significant impairment in daily functioning. GAD affects about 6-9% of the population over a lifetime and approximately 3% annually in countries like Australia and the United States. Effective treatment options remain limited, with many patients experiencing high relapse rates and significant side effects from current therapies.

患者的不適控制的病態擔心至少持續6個月,這就是廣泛性焦慮症。症狀包括持續的擔心、緊張不安、不安寧,注意力難以集中,導致日常生活中的顯著障礙。GAD 在人群中的發病率約爲 6-9%,而在像澳大利亞和美國這樣的國家,每年約有 3% 的人口患上該病。有效的治療選擇仍然有限,許多患者從當前的治療中經歷高複發率和顯著的副作用。

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