
电视剧《庆余年》被大肆盗版 腾讯&爱奇艺:已报案

TechWeb ·  Dec 11, 2019 20:08

Original title: The TV drama “Celebrating the Years” was heavily pirated by Tencent & iQiyi: Reported Source: TechWeb

On November 26, the blockbuster IP adaptation of the year, “Celebrating the Years” premiered on Tencent Video and iQiyi. Currently, Douban ratings have exceeded 8 points, drawing constant praise from viewers.


“Celebrating the Years” is a costume drama directed by Sun Hao and starring Zhang Ruoyun, Li Qin, Chen Daoming, Wu Gang, Xin Zhilei, Song Yi, and Guo Qilin. The drama is based on the novel of the same name by the writer, Mao Fu, and began serializing in 2007. It tells the story of a young man with a mysterious life who started out in a small seaside town, went through various tests in his family, rivers, lakes, and temples, and eventually grew up.

Last night, the official Weibo account of the TV drama “Celebrating the Years” posted a statement saying that during surveillance, it was discovered that people on the Internet illegally sold and distributed pirated content of the TV drama “Celebrating the Years” (first season) through the Internet, and carried out extensive infringement and piracy. Some lawbreakers even use this to commit fraud, falsely claiming that they own unbroadcast series content, and trick viewers into buying it.

The rights holder and the original broadcast platform strongly condemned this and ordered the infringer to immediately stop the infringement. The audience is also reminded to beware of being scammed and not to buy or distribute infringing content. The above actions of the infringers not only seriously disrupted the normal broadcast order of the TV drama “Celebrating the Years” (first season) and infringed on the legitimate rights and interests of the rights holders, but are also suspected of constituting a criminal offense. The rights holders have reported the case to the public security authorities to investigate the criminal responsibility of those responsible.

The translation is provided by third-party software.

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