
Hartwater Aesthetics to Unveil the Next Generation of Morpheus8

Hartwater Aesthetics to Unveil the Next Generation of Morpheus8

Hartwater Aesthetics將發佈下一代Morpheus8。
PR Newswire ·  08/02 21:00

MCKINNEY, Texas, Aug. 2, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Hartwater Aesthetics, a leading medical aesthetic brand, announced it will be unveiling the next generation of Morpheus8 by InMode, one of the most popular and trusted non-surgical aesthetic treatments worldwide.

位於得克薩斯州麥金尼市,2024年8月2日/美通社——領先的醫療美容品牌Hartwater Aesthetics宣佈將推出InMode的Morpheus8的下一代產品,這是全球最受歡迎和信任的非手術美容療法之一。

Morpheus8 has quickly become one of the most popular medical aesthetic treatments worldwide as patients increasingly seek out non-surgical alternatives to turn back the clock. Morpheus8 is a micro-invasive radiofrequency technology used to target adipose tissue in order to tighten loose skin, remodel fat, and improve skin texture on the face or body. It recently became the first of its kind to receive an FDA clearance for soft tissue skin contraction. Morpheus8 has also gained significant media attention as a go-to treatment for glamorous celebrities. It has been featured in publications such as Forbes, Vogue, and Cosmopolitan and has named been a New Beauty award-winner for the past four years running.

隨着患者越來越多地尋求非手術替代方案來逆轉時光,Morpheus8迅速成爲全球最受歡迎的醫療美容治療之一。Morpheus8 是一種微創無創射頻技術,用於瞄準脂肪組織,以緊緻鬆弛皮膚、重塑脂肪和改善面部或身體皮膚質地。最近,它成爲了首個獲得FDA軟組織皮膚收縮認可的設備。Morpheus8 還因其成爲明星的必選治療方式而受到了媒體的廣泛關注。它被列入了《福布斯》、《時尚》和《大衆》等雜誌,並連續四年榮膺新美麗獎得主。

Hartwater Aesthetics to unveil next generation of Morpheus8

Hartwater Aesthetics 將揭開Morpheus8的下一代技術,這是備受期待的Morpheus8 Burst,它提供了針對已經成熟的技術的創新。Hartwater還將是InMode最新推出的OptimasMAX平台的首批引入者之一,該平台包括Morpheus8 Burst在內的九種多功能模式。

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Hartwater Aesthetics is now set to launch the highly anticipated next generation of the Morpheus8 technology—Morpheus8 Burst—which offers new innovations on the well-established technology. Hartwater will also be among the first to introduce the newly released OptimasMAX platform from InMode, which includes nine multifunctional modalities, including the Morpheus8 Burst.

Hartwater Aesthetics現在準備推出備受期待的Morpheus8技術的下一代——Morpheus8 Burst,該技術提供了針對已經成熟的技術的創新。Hartwater也將是最先引入InMode最新推出的OptimasMAX平台的醫療機構之一,該平台包括Morpheus8 Burst在內的九種多功能模式。

"This is a very exciting advancement in aesthetic technology," said Hartwater Aesthetics CEO, Michael Madrinkian. "Morpheus8 is an extremely important part of our practice and we're proud that our patients will be among the first in the world to receive the new Burst treatment."

“這是醫學美容技術的一項非常令人興奮的進展,” Hartwater美容的首席執行官 Michael Madrinkian 說,“Morpheus8是我們診所極其重要的一個部分,我們很自豪,我們的患者將是世界上第一批接受這種新的 Burst 治療的人”。

Hartwater Aesthetics is known as one of the most trusted providers of Morpheus8 and was recognized among the top Morpheus8 practices in North America for 2023. Hartwater also educates aesthetic providers from across the country on Morpheus8 clinical protocols through the Hartwater Center for Aesthetic Research and Education in McKinney, TX. Hartwater Aesthetics is regularly at the forefront of new aesthetic technologies and has partnered with InMode Aesthetics on other major product launches, including its Envision RF platform, released in 2023.

Hartwater Aesthetics是最受信任的Morpheus8醫院之一,於 2023 年被評爲北美頂尖 Morpheus8 醫院之一。Hartwater還通過位於德克薩斯州麥金尼市的Hartwater美容與美學研究中心向全國各地的美容提供者教授Morpheus8的臨床協議。Hartwater Aesthetics經常處於新型美容科技的前沿,並與InMode美容公司合作推出了其他重要的產品,包括2023年推出的Envision RF平台。

About Hartwater Aesthetics
Hartwater Aesthetics is a premier medical aesthetic practice offering industry-leading treatments for the face, body, and skin. It is home to a team of world-class aesthetic providers and uses the most state-of-the-art technology to offer patients the highest quality of care available.

關於Hartwater Aesthetics
Hartwater Aesthetics是一個頂尖的醫療美容機構,專注於爲面部、身體和皮膚提供領先的治療方案。它擁有世界一流的醫療美容醫生團隊,採用最先進的技術爲患者提供最高質量的醫療護理。

SOURCE Hartwater Aesthetics

資料來源:Hartwater Aesthetics

