
Steppe Gold Completes Acquisition of Boroo Gold, Becomes the Leading Gold Producer in Mongolia

Steppe Gold Completes Acquisition of Boroo Gold, Becomes the Leading Gold Producer in Mongolia

newsfile ·  08/02 04:45

Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia--(Newsfile Corp. - August 1, 2024) - Steppe Gold Ltd. (TSX: STGO) (OTCQX: STPGF) (FSE: 2J9) (the "Company" or "Steppe Gold") is pleased to announce the successful completion of the previously announced transaction between Steppe Gold and Boroo Gold LLC ("Boroo Gold"), whereby Steppe Gold has acquired all of the issued and outstanding common shares of Boroo Gold (the "Boroo Gold Transaction") from an indirect, wholly owned subsidiary of Boroo Pte Ltd. ("Boroo Singapore"). Concurrently with the closing of the Boroo Gold Transaction, Steppe Gold also sold the Tres Cruces Oxide Project to Boroo Singapore for approximately CAD$12 million in cash (the "Tres Cruces Transaction" and together with the Boroo Gold Transaction, the "Transaction").

蒙古國烏蘭巴托--(新聞發稿 - 2024年8月1日) - Steppe Gold Ltd. (TSX: STGO) (OTCQX: STPGF) (FSE: 2J9) (以下簡稱"公司"或"Steppe Gold") 非常高興地宣佈,Steppe Gold與 Boroo Gold LLC("Boroo Gold")之間預先宣佈的交易已成功完成,Steppe Gold從 Boroo Pte Ltd.("Boroo新加坡")的間接全資子公司處收購了 Boroo Gold 的所有已發行和流通普通股("Boroo Gold Transaction")。在 Boroo Gold 交易結束同時,Steppe Gold 還將 Tres Cruces Oxide 項目以約 CAD$1200萬的現金出售給 Boroo 新加坡("Tres Cruces Transaction",與 Boroo Gold 交易合稱爲"Transaction")

The Transaction is expected to deliver several benefits to Steppe Gold:

該交易預計將給Steppe Gold帶來幾個益處:

  • Increased Production: Boroo Gold brings substantial additional production, with an estimated 431,000 ounces of gold production between 2024 to 2031.

  • Immediate and strong cash flows to Steppe Gold: In 2023, Boroo Gold reported production of 67,315 oz of gold, an AISC of $847 per oz at an average gold price of $1,957.

  • Additional Flexibility in Financing: Expected positive cash flows will allow flexibility in restructuring the $150 million project financing for the ATO Phase 2 Expansion.

  • Cost Savings and Optimization: Steppe Gold has identified cost reductions through bulk purchasing, better equipment purchasing options, and lower administrative expenses as well as a number of optimization opportunities at the existing mines.

  • Strong social license: Over US$1 bnin benefits to Mongolia since 2003 and US$17.5 million in donations and investments in local soums.

  • Environmental leadership: Boroo Gold is a leader in environmental stewardship of mining assets in Mongolia, with a proven track record of innovation.

  • Exploration Upside: Identified exploration and resource expansion opportunities near its existing mines, offering promising opportunities for future discoveries.

  • Stronger Focus: By divesting the Tres Cruces Project for cash, Steppe Gold can concentrate its resources on growing its portfolio of Mongolian assets.

  • 增加產量: Boroo Gold 帶來了大量的產量增加,預計在 2024 年到 2031 年間將產生約 431,000 盎司的黃金產量。

  • 對 Steppe Gold 有立刻和強勁的現金流:在 2023 年,Boroo Gold 報告了67,315盎司的黃金產量,成本全包費用爲每盎司 $847,平均黃金價格爲$1,957。

  • 獲得融資的額外靈活性: 預計將有積極的現金流,使得企業有更多的靈活性,以重組 ATO 二期擴張的15000萬美元項目融資。

  • 成本節約和優化:Steppe Gold已確定通過批量採購、更好的設備採購選擇和更低的行政開支以及在現有礦山的許多優化機會中實現成本降低。

  • 強大的社會許可:自2003年以來,對蒙古國產生超過10億美元的收益和1750萬美元的捐贈和對當地蘇木的投資。

  • 環境領導力:Boroo Gold 是蒙古國礦業資產環保管理方面的領導者,具有創新的可持續性記錄。

  • 勘探潛力:現有礦山附近已確定勘探和資源擴展機會,爲未來的發現提供了大量機會。

  • 更強的專注力:通過出售 Tres Cruces 項目以獲取現金,Steppe Gold 可以集中其資源,增長其蒙古國資產組合。

Forward Guidance and Near-Term Considerations


  • Combined ATO and Boroo Gold mine production in 2024 and 2025 is expected to be between 80,000 to 90,000 ounces. Year to date (June 30) production at Boroo Gold is 44,506 ounces.

  • Capital expenditures in 2024 at Boroo Gold are expected to be approximately $19 million due to some one-time upgrades of the mining fleet. 2025 capital expenditures are expected to be lower.

  • In order to secure terms for debt and leases, Boroo Gold hedged the majority of its 2024 gold production at $2,000. This hedge is expected to expire in Q1 2025.

  • Boroo Gold is being acquired on a zero net debt basis. Steppe Gold plans to provide further details on the post transaction debt structure shortly.

  • Steppe Gold expects to provide an update on the ATO Phase 2 Expansion construction and related financing in the near future, along with an update on improved terms reflecting the higher gold price environment and stronger financial position of the Company.

  • 2024年和2025年ATO和Boroo Gold礦山的合併生產量預計在80,000至90,000盎司之間。截至目前(6月30日),Boroo Gold的產量爲44,506盎司。

  • 由於採礦設備的唯一性,2024年的Boroo Gold資本支出預計約爲$1900萬。2025年的資本支出預計會降低。

  • 爲獲得債務和租賃條款,Boroo Gold在$2,000的價格上對其大部分2024年黃金產量進行了套期保值。這個套期保值預計將在2025年第一季度到期。

  • Boroo Gold的收購是基於零淨債務基礎的。Steppe Gold計劃很快提供有關交易後的債務結構的更多詳細信息。

  • Steppe Gold主席兼首席執行官Bataa Tumur-Ochir評論道:"我們非常高興完成Boroo Gold收購案,成爲蒙古國領先的主要黃金生產商。這筆交易加快了我們成爲多個蒙古國資產的開發和勘探的礦業集團的步伐,並且重要的是,立即提供了強大的現金流來支持我們的增長計劃。這進一步提供了降低 ATO 二期擴張項目融資成本的靈活性。我們從這筆交易中得出結論,成爲一個更強大的企業,具備目前的正現金流和在蒙古國實現野心勃勃的增長計劃的財務實力。合併後的集團將具有規模和深度,能夠加速和優化發展、勘探和開採,並在運營和採購方面利用規模經濟效應。"

Steppe Gold Chairman and CEO, Bataa Tumur-Ochir commented, "We are very pleased to complete the acquisition of Boroo Gold and become Mongolia's leading primary gold producer. This Transaction accelerates our path to becoming a multi-asset Mongolia-focused mining group and, importantly, immediately provides strong cash flow to support our growth plans. It further provides flexibility to lower the cost of the project financing of the ATO Phase 2 Expansion. We emerge from this Transaction as a stronger company with current positive cash flow and financial strength to deliver on our ambitious growth plans in Mongolia. The combined group will have the scale and depth to both accelerate and optimize development and exploration and exploit economies of scale in operations and procurement."

Steppe Gold主席兼首席執行官Bataa Tumur-Ochir評論道:"我們非常高興完成Boroo Gold收購案,成爲蒙古國領先的主要黃金生產商。這筆交易加快了我們成爲多個蒙古國資產的開發和勘探的礦業集團的步伐,並且重要的是,立即提供了強大的現金流來支持我們的增長計劃。這進一步提供了降低 ATO 二期擴張項目融資成本的靈活性。我們從這筆交易中得出結論,成爲一個更強大的企業,具備目前的正現金流和在蒙古國實現野心勃勃的增長計劃的財務實力。合併後的集團將具有規模和深度,能夠加速和優化發展、勘探和開採,並在運營和採購方面利用規模經濟效應。"

The Transaction was approved at the annual general and special meeting of Steppe shareholders held on June 24, 2024. Further information on the Transaction is set out in the management information circular of Steppe dated May 8, 2024, which is filed under Steppe's profile on the SEDAR+ website at .

這筆交易於2024年6月24日Steppe股東的年度股東大會和特別股東大會上獲得了批准。有關交易的更多信息詳見2024年5月8日Steppe的管理信息循環,該文件已在 SEDAR+ 網站上註冊並可供查詢。

Early Warning Disclosure by Boroo Singapore


Pursuant to the Boroo Gold Transaction, Boroo Singapore was issued 143,796,574 common shares of Steppe Gold (the "Consideration Shares") at a deemed price of $0.59 per common share. Prior to the Boroo Gold Transaction, Boroo Singapore did not hold any securities of Steppe Gold and upon completion of the Boroo Gold Transaction, Boroo Singapore holds approximately 55.9% of the common shares of Steppe Gold.

根據Boroo Gold交易,Boroo Singapore以每股$0.59的價格發行了Steppe Gold的143,796,574股普通股("Consideration Shares")。在 Boroo Gold 交易之前,Boroo 新加坡沒有持有任何 Steppe Gold 的證券,在 Boroo Gold 交易完成後,Boroo 新加坡持有 Steppe Gold 的普通股約爲 55.9%。

The Consideration Shares were acquired for investment purposes. Boroo Singapore has no current plans or intentions, which relate to, or would result in, acquiring additional securities of Steppe Gold, disposing of securities of Steppe Gold, or any other actions described in Item 5 of Form 62-103F1 - Required Disclosure under the Early Warning Requirements. Boroo Singapore may, depending on market and other conditions, increase or decrease its beneficial ownership of or control or direction over the Company's securities, whether in the open market, by privately negotiated agreements or otherwise, subject to a number of factors, including general market conditions and other available investment and business opportunities.

Consideration Shares 是爲了投資目的而收購的。Boroo Singapore 目前沒有與 Steppe Gold 相關的計劃或意向,包括收購Steppe Gold 的其他證券、出售Steppe Gold 的證券或在第62-103F1號表格中的任何其他行動。Boroo Singapore可能會因市場和其他條件而增加或減少其對公司證券的實際所有權或控制或定向,無論是在開放市場上、通過私下協商協議或其他方式,但必須考慮到許多因素,包括一般市場條件和其他可用的投資和業務機會。

Further to the requirements of National Instrument 62-104 - Take-Over Bids and Issuer Bids and National Instrument 62-103 - The Early Warning System and Related Take-Over Bid and Insider Reporting Issues, Boroo Singapore will file an updated early warning report which will be made available on SEDAR+ website at . Further information and a copy of the early warning report may be obtained by contacting Jeremy South, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at +976 7732 1914 or

根據《國家法規62-104-收購要約和發行人要約》和《國家法規62-103-早期預警系統和相關收購要約和內幕交易報告問題》,Boroo Singapore將提交更新的早期預警報告,可在SEDAR+網站上查詢。欲獲得進一步信息和早期預警報告副本,可聯繫高級副總裁兼首席財務官Jeremy South,電話+976 7732 1914或電子郵件。

Board Changes

“我們對Thomas女士和Croft先生加入我們董事會的前景感到興奮,”公司總裁兼首席執行官David Kinder表示。“每個人都有阿爾伯塔省的根源,都帶來了獨特的技能,這將幫助我們的董事會與管理層合作增長Big Rock。”

As a result of the Transaction, and subject to stock exchange approval, Tserenbadam Dugeree has been appointed to the board of Steppe Gold (the "Board") pursuant to the share exchange agreement dated April 11, 2024 between Steppe Gold, Boroo Singapore and Centerra Netherlands BVBA. Boroo Singapore has the right to nominate another individual to the Board, which is expected to occur in the coming weeks, pursuant to the investor rights agreement dated August 1, 2024 between the Company and Boroo Singapore.

根據2024年4月11日Steppe Gold、Boroo Singapore和Centerra Netherlands BVBA之間的股票交換協議以及2024年8月1日Steppe Gold與Boroo Singapore之間的投資者權益協議,獲得股票交易後,Tserenbadam Dugeree已被任命爲Steppe Gold(“董事會”)董事會成員,待股票交易所批准。Boroo Singapore有權提名另一位個人加入董事會,預計在未來幾周內將實現。

In addition, Patrick Michaels has stepped down from the Board effective August 1, 2024. The Board would like to extend its sincere thanks to Patrick for his seven years of service as a director at Steppe Gold.

此外,Patrick Michaels自2024年8月1日起辭去董事會職務。董事會對Patrick在Steppe Gold任職七年表示衷心感謝。



Steppe Gold's legal counsel is Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP. Boroo Singapore's Canadian legal counsel is Stikeman Elliott LLP. Payet, Rey, Cauvi, Pérez Abogados are Peruvian legal counsel to Steppe Gold and Boroo Singapore. Steppe Gold's financial advisor is Sequeira Partners. Boroo Singapore's financial advisor is Cormark Securities Inc.

Steppe Gold的法律顧問是Fasken Martineau DuMoulin LLP。Boroo Singapore的加拿大法律顧問是Stikeman Elliott LLP。Payet,Rey,Cauvi,Pérez Abogados是Steppe Gold和Boroo Singapore在秘魯的法律顧問。Steppe Gold的財務顧問是Sequeira Partners。Boroo Singapore的財務顧問是Cormark Securities Inc。

Qualified Persons


The technical content of this news release regarding Steppe Gold has been reviewed and validated by Enkhtuvshin Khishigsuren, PEng., a "Qualified Person" as that term is defined in National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects.

與Steppe Gold有關的新聞發佈的技術內容已由Enkhtuvshin Khishigsuren,P.Eng.審查並驗證,他是《43-101國家法規-礦產項目披露標準》所定義的“合格人士”。

Technical Reports

關於公司在Ngayu黃金帶東北部("DRC")的Ngayu綠石金帶上的加拿大黃金勘探公司Loncor聚焦。Loncor團隊在DRC運營超過二十年。 Loncor在Ngayu帶中不斷增加的資源基礎目前包括Imbo和Makapela項目。 Imbo項目中,Adumbi礦牀具有1.88百萬盎司金(28.185萬噸平均品位爲2.08g / t金)的指示品位資源,Adumbi礦牀和兩個鄰近礦牀具有2.090百萬盎司金(22.508萬噸平均品位爲2.89g / t Au)的估計品位資源,其中84.68%的資源屬於Loncor。在公司於2020年和2021年在Adumbi礦牀進行鑽探計劃之後,公司完成了Adumbi礦牀的初步經濟評估("PEA"),並於2021年12月公佈了PEA的結果。 Makapela項目(Loncor擁有100%,距Imbo項目約50公里)具有614,200盎司金的指示礦產資源(2.20萬噸平均品位爲8.66g / t Au)和549,600盎司金的推測金礦資源(3.22萬噸平均品位5.30g / t Au) 。在2023年12月13日,Loncor宣佈出售Makapela項目,該銷售預計在2024年2月底之前完成(請參見公司2023年12月13日的新聞稿)。

Additional information with respect to Steppe Gold's Altan Tsagaan Ovoo Project, including its AuEq resource base, is contained in the technical report of Steppe Gold dated November 6, 2022 and entitled "Altan Tsagaan Ovoo Project (ATO) 2022 Mineral Resources & Reserves Report (NI 43-101)". A copy of said report can be obtained from SEDAR+ at .

關於Steppe Gold 的Altan Tsagaan Ovoo項目的其他信息,包括其AuEq資源基礎,詳情請參閱Steppe Gold於2022年11月6日發佈的技術報告,題爲“Altan Tsagaan Ovoo金礦項目(ATO)2022年礦產資源和儲量報告(NI 43-101)”。該報告的副本可在SEDAR+上獲得。

Further information with respect to the Tres Cruces Project is contained in the technical report of Steppe Gold, dated August 21, 2023 and entitled "Form 43-101F1 Technical Report Preliminary Economic Assessment". A copy of said report can be obtained from SEDAR+ at .

更多關於Tres Cruces項目的信息可在Steppe Gold的技術報告中找到,該技術報告於2023年8月21日併名爲《Form 43-101F1技術報告初步經濟評估》。可從SEDAR+處獲得該報告的副本。

About Steppe Gold

關於Steppe Gold

Steppe Gold is Mongolia's premier precious metals company and 100% owner of the ATO gold mine and the Uudam Khundii project in Mongolia.

Steppe Gold是蒙古國的主要貴金屬公司,100%擁有位於蒙古的ATO黃金礦和Uudam Khundii項目。

About Boroo Gold

有關Boroo Gold的信息

Established in 1997, Boroo Gold is a leading gold producer in Mongolia with an over 50,000 tons per day mining fleet, 5,500 tons per day mill and carbon-in-leach circuit gold processing plant, 3,000,000 tons per annum heap leach and carbon-in-columns plant and an approximate workforce of over 400 people. Boroo Gold operates the Boroo mine in Selenge province, as well as owning and operating the adjacent Ulaanbulag mine in Mongolia.

成立於1997年的Boroo Gold是蒙古國的領先黃金生產商,擁有一個每日超過50,000噸採礦車隊、每天5,500噸的磨礦廠和碳浸淋循環金處理廠,每年3,000,000噸的堆浸和碳柱狀廠以及約400名員工。Boroo Gold在Selenge省經營Boroo礦山,並擁有並經營相鄰的Ulaanbulag礦山。

For further information, please contact:


Bataa Tumur-Ochir, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Jeremy South, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

Bataa Tumur-Ochir,主席和首席執行官
Jeremy South,高級副總裁兼首席財務官

Shangri-La office, Suite 1201, Olympic Street 19A, Sukhbaatar District 1, Ulaanbaatar 14241, Mongolia
Tel: +976 7732 1914

蒙古國烏蘭巴托市蘇赫巴托爾區1號Sukhbaatar District 1奧林匹克街19A號Shangri-La辦公室1201室,郵編14241。
電話:+976 7732 1914

Notice Regarding Forward-Looking Statements


This news release includes certain statements that constitute "forward-looking statements" and "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities laws (collectively, "forward-looking statements"). These include statements regarding Steppe Gold's intent, or the beliefs or current expectations of the directors of Steppe Gold, for Steppe Gold's growth, production and valuation post-closing of the Transaction and future market conditions for metals.

本新聞稿包括構成“前瞻性聲明”和“前瞻性信息”的某些聲明,適用證券法規(統稱爲“前瞻性聲明”)。這些包括有關Steppe Gold在交易後的增長、生產和估值,以及金屬未來市場狀況的意圖,或Steppe Gold的董事的信仰或當前期望。

When used in this news release, words such as "anticipated", "can", "expected", "estimated", "future", "forecast", "likely", "opportunity", "ongoing", "potential", "planned", "projected", "proposed", "vision" and similar expressions are intended to identify these forward-looking statements as well as phrases or statements that certain actions, events or results "could", "may", "should", "will", or "would" occur or the negative connotation of such terms.


As well, forward-looking statements may relate to Steppe Gold's future outlook and anticipated events, such as the Steppe Board and management team of Steppe Gold following the Transaction; the anticipated benefits of the Transaction; the potential for value creation to Steppe Gold's shareholders; anticipated gold production of Boroo Gold and combined gold production of Steppe Gold; capital expenditures of Steppe Gold; the hedging of Boroo Gold in respect of its gold production; the anticipated cash flow of Steppe Gold; potential liquidity from the sale of the Tres Cruces Project; and discussion of future plans, projections, objectives, estimates and forecasts and the timing related thereto.

此外,前瞻性聲明可能涉及Steppe Gold的未來展望和預期事件,例如Transaction後的Steppe董事會和Steppe Gold管理團隊,Transaction帶來的預期收益,爲Steppe Gold股東創造價值的潛力,Boroo Gold和Steppe Gold的預期金產量,Steppe Gold的資本開支,Boroo Gold在其黃金生產中的對沖,Steppe Gold預期的現金流,通過銷售Tres Cruces項目獲得的潛在流動性,以及有關未來計劃、預測、目標、估計和預測以及與其相關的時間方面的討論。

These forward-looking statements involve numerous risks and uncertainties, including those relating to: required stock exchange approvals; material adverse effects on the business, properties and assets of Steppe Gold or Boroo Gold; discrepancies between actual and estimated production and test results, mineral reserves and resources and metallurgical recoveries; and such other risk factors detailed from time to time in Steppe Gold's public disclosure documents, including, without limitation, those risks identified in Steppe Gold's annual information form for the year ended December 31, 2023, which is available on SEDAR+ at .

這些前瞻性聲明涉及諸多風險和不確定性,包括有關:所需的股票交易所批准;對Steppe Gold或Boroo Gold業務、財產和資產的重大不利影響;實際和估計生產和測試結果、礦產儲量和資源以及冶金回收率之間的差異;以及Steppe Gold公開披露文件中時常詳細闡述的其他風險因素,包括但不限於Steppe Gold 2023年12月31日年度信息表,可在SEDAR+獲得。

Forward-looking statements are based on information available at the time those statements are made and/or management's good faith belief as of that time with respect to future events and are subject to risks and uncertainties that could cause actual performance or results to differ materially from those expressed in or suggested by such forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date those statements are made. Except as required by applicable law, Steppe Gold assumes no obligation to update or to publicly announce the results of any change to any forward-looking statement contained or incorporated by reference herein to reflect actual results, future events or developments, changes in assumptions or changes in other factors affecting the forward-looking statements. If Steppe Gold updates any one or more forward-looking statements, no inference should be drawn that the company will make additional updates with respect to those or other forward-looking statements. All forward-looking statements contained in this news release are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement.

前瞻性聲明是根據當時可獲取的信息或管理層在那個時候的誠信信仰,針對未來事件作出的,他們受制於可能導致實際表現或結果與所述或暗示的前瞻性聲明有所不同的風險和不確定性。前瞻性聲明僅在發表時有效。除非適用法律規定,Steppe Gold不承擔更新或公佈任何變更的前瞻性聲明結果的義務,包括實際結果、未來事件或發展、假設的變更或影響前瞻性聲明的其他因素的變更。如果Steppe Gold更新任何一個或多個前瞻性聲明,則不應推斷出該公司將對這些或其他前瞻性聲明進行其他更新。本新聞稿中包含的所有前瞻性聲明均應受到此警示性聲明的明確限制。

The Toronto Stock Exchange has not reviewed and does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of the content of this news release.


