
Weed Drinks Maker Jones Soda Closes Second Tranche Of Private Placement Offering, One More To Go Ahead Of Q2 Earnings Report

Weed Drinks Maker Jones Soda Closes Second Tranche Of Private Placement Offering, One More To Go Ahead Of Q2 Earnings Report

大麻飲料製造商Jones Soda完成第二批定向增發,還有一批將在Q2業績發佈前完成。
Benzinga ·  08/02 00:40

Jones Soda Co. (CSE:JSDA) (OTCQB:JSDA) has closed the second tranche of its previously announced private placement offering of its units for aggregate gross proceeds of $640,000.

Jones Soda Co. (CSE:cse) (OTCQB:JSDA)已完成其預先公佈的定向增發計劃的第二期,募集總毛額爲640,000美元的份額。

What Happened


The offering is composed of one common share in the company's capital and one‐half of one detachable share purchase warrant.


The Seattle-based company closed the first tranche of a previously announced private placement offering of its units for aggregate gross proceeds of $3,013,960 on Monday.


The weed-infused drinks innovator first announced a private placement of up to 7.5 million units for 40 cents per unit, for total gross proceeds of $3 million earlier in July, only to increase the size of its private placement shortly after. According to a July 11 press release, Jones Soda said it will issue up to 10 million units of the company for $0.40 per unit, for aggregate gross proceeds of $4 million.

這家創新的大麻飲料公司早在7月便宣佈以每股40美分的價格發行最多750萬個單位的私募股份,總募集金額爲300萬美元,僅在不久之後增加私募規模。根據7月11日的新聞稿,Jones Soda稱將發行最多1000萬份股份,每股價格爲0.40美元,募集總額爲400萬美元。

Following the upsizing of the offering, Jones Soda announced that it intends to issue up to a maximum of 12. 5 million of its units for $0.40 per unit, for aggregate gross proceeds of up to $5 million, according to a subsequent press release.

在增加發行規模後,Jones Soda宣佈,根據隨後的新聞稿,公司將發行最多1250萬個單位,發行價格爲每單位0.40美元,總募集資金高達500萬美元。

Read Also: Cannabis-Infused Innovator Jones Soda Co. Partners With Street League Skateboarding In Multi-Year Deal

閱讀下文:大麻-infused 創新品牌 Jones Soda 與 Street League Skateboarding 達成多年合作協議

Why It Matters


Jones Soda plans to use the funds to support growth and for general corporate purposes.

Jones Soda計劃使用這些資金來支持公司的增長和一般企業用途。

What's Next


The Company expects to close a third tranche of the offering on or about August 8, 2024.


In addition, the company is slated to hold a conference call on Tuesday, August 13, 2024, at 4:30 pm Eastern Time to discuss its financial results for the second quarter that ended June 30, 2024.


  • Jones Soda's Marijuana Drinks Bring In 200% Higher Q1 Revenue, Co. Eyes Expansion And Praises New Hemp Delta-9 Products
  • Jones Soda的大麻飲料帶來了200%的Q1營業收入增長,該公司正在着眼擴張並讚揚新的大麻Delta-9產品。

JSDA Price Action


Jones Soda's shares traded 6.25% lower at 45 cents per share after the market close on Wednesday afternoon.

週三下午市場閉市後,Jones Soda的股票下跌6.25%,每股45美分。

To keep on top of what's happening with cannabis stocks and everything else going on across the industry, join us at the 19th Benzinga Cannabis Capital Conference, coming to Chicago this Oct. 8-9. Get your tickets now before prices go up by following this link.

如果想了解大麻股和整個行業的最新情況,請加入我們於10月8日至9日在芝加哥舉行的第19屆Benzinga Cannabis Capital Conference。在此鏈接上購買門票可享受優惠價格。

