
St. Luke's University Health System Receives Volpara Health's First "Designation of Excellence" Award for Superior Mammography Quality

St. Luke's University Health System Receives Volpara Health's First "Designation of Excellence" Award for Superior Mammography Quality

聖路加大學醫療系統因乳腺X線檢查質量卓越而獲得Volpara Health的首個“卓越評定”獎項。
PR Newswire ·  2024/08/01 20:15

Volpara Health Analytics in Action Program Drives Quality Improvement


LYNNWOOD, Wash., Aug. 1, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Volpara Health Technologies Ltd., a global leader in software for the early detection and prevention of cancer, announces St. Luke's University Health Network as the recipient of its inaugural "Analytics in Action Designation of Excellence" award. This award recognizes healthcare facilities that consistently deliver high-quality mammograms, achieving benchmarks objectively measured by Volpara Analytics.

華盛頓林伍德,2024年8月1日/美通社/ - 全球癌症早期檢測和預防軟件領導者Volpara Health Technologies Ltd. 宣佈,聖路加大學醫療保健網絡榮獲其首個“卓越分析設計獎”。該獎項表彰醫療保健機構在通過Volpara Analytics客觀測量指標達到高質量乳腺攝影標準方面一貫表現卓越。

St. Luke's, already renowned for exceptional quality care, embarked on a mission to standardize excellence across all its breast centers and to support ongoing staff development for their 16 breast centers and 65 mammography technologists. They have distinguished their breast program by adopting Volpara Analytics software and participating in the comprehensive Analytics in Action program. This program sets goals endorsed by The Miller Method and measured by Volpara Analytics exclusive TruPGMI algorithm. Assessments are completed at 30, 60, and 90 days after hands-on, intensive training. These tools have enabled St. Luke's to achieve the highest level of sustained mammography quality among Volpara Health's global customer base.

聖路加大學醫療保健網絡已因其卓越的質量護理而聞名,致力於在所有乳腺中心標準化卓越,併爲其16個乳腺中心和65位乳腺攝影技師提供持續技術開發支持。他們通過採用Volpara Analytics軟件並參與綜合的Analytics in Action計劃來區分其乳腺計劃。該計劃設定了Miller Method認可的目標,並通過Volpara Analytics TruPGMI獨家算法進行客觀測量。在實際操作的密集培訓後的30、60和90天,完成了評估。這些工具使聖路加大學醫療保健網絡在全球客戶基礎上實現了持續乳腺攝影質量的最高水平。

Other industry quality recognition and certification programs assess excellence based on subjective measures and services offered. "What is unique about the Volpara quality programs is that their AI software provides clear, objective, consistent measurements for quality. Every image of every mammogram is rated on key quality indicators," said Gina Arnold, Senior Mammography Technologist. The Analytics in Action program provides the methodology to benchmark current quality, identify individual strengths and weaknesses, personalize training and team goal setting. Individual and team recognition is another important component to maintain a culture of quality. "Every technologist is measured with the quality indicators, which builds trust and makes for better performance discussions," said Arnold.

其他行業質量認證和認證計劃基於主觀衡量和服務提供。高級乳腺攝影技師吉娜·阿諾德說:“Volpara質量程序的獨特之處在於他們的AI軟件爲質量提供了明確,客觀,一致的測量結果。每張乳腺攝影圖像都有關鍵質量指標評級,Analytics in Action計劃提供了基準當前質量,識別個人優勢和劣勢,個性化培訓和團隊目標設定的方法。個人和團隊的認可是保持質量文化的另一個重要組成部分。阿諾德說:“每位技師都用質量指標衡量,這可以建立信任並進行更好的表現討論。

"A mammogram exam is unique to the patient. Everyone brings a distinct body shape, physical challenges and sometimes fear to the appointment – all of which can complicate positioning," said Louise Miller, co-founder of Mammography Educators. Analytics in Action leverages Volpara Analytics software and The Miller Method expert hands-on instruction to customize training for each technologist. The AI-driven software evaluates breast positioning, x-ray dose, and compression for each mammogram, helping ensure optimal performance.

“每個乳腺攝影檢查都是獨特的。每個人帶來不同的身體形狀,身體挑戰和有時的恐懼 - 所以可能會複雜化定位,”乳腺攝影教育家的聯合創始人路易絲·米勒說。 Analytics in Action利用Volpara Analytics軟件和The Miller Method專家實踐指導爲每個技師定製培訓。AI驅動的軟件爲每張乳腺攝影評估乳房定位,X線劑量和壓縮,有助於確保最佳表現。

"We perform over 72,000 mammograms annually as part of our comprehensive breast imaging services. The quality of these mammograms is crucial for radiologists to accurately assess breast tissue and provide the best chance of early cancer detection for our patients," stated Michele Brands, Network Director of Women's Imaging at St. Luke's. "Our investment in Volpara's software and their quality program reflects our commitment to continuous staff development and delivering the best possible care to every patient daily through our Individualized Breast Screening program."

“我們每年進行超過72,000次乳腺攝影檢查,這是我們全面乳腺成像服務的一部分。這些乳腺攝影的質量對放射科醫師準確評估乳腺組織併爲我們的患者提供早期癌症檢測的最佳機會至關重要,”聖路加大學醫療保健網絡女性成像網絡主任Michele Brands說。“我們對Volpara的軟件和他們的質量計劃的投資反映了我們對持續員工發展和通過我們的個性化乳腺篩查計劃每天爲每個患者提供最佳護理的承諾。”

"We are all about leveling up breast care at every opportunity. Volpara Analytics was designed to address a compelling need for systematic methods for measuring and improving mammography quality," said Teri Thomas, CEO of Volpara Health. "This new award recognizes and promotes excellence in mammography services, setting a new standard for mammography quality in the healthcare industry. St. Luke's exemplifies a health system dedicated to quality, which is vital for early cancer detection and successful outcomes."

“我們一直在努力提高每一個乳腺護理的水平。Volpara Analytics旨在解決系統化方法測量和提高乳腺攝影質量的迫切需求。” Volpara Health的CEO Teri Thomas表示。“此新獎項表彰和促進乳腺攝影服務的卓越,爲醫療保健行業乳腺攝影質量設定了新標準。聖路卡醫療保健網絡展示了一個致力於質量的衛生系統的典範,對早期癌症檢測和成功結果至關重要。”

About St. Luke's


Founded in 1872, St. Luke's University Health Network (SLUHN) is a fully integrated, regional, non-profit network of more than 20,000 employees providing services at 15 campuses and 350+ outpatient sites. With annual net revenue of $3.4 billion, the Network's service area includes 11 counties in two states: Lehigh, Northampton, Berks, Bucks, Carbon, Montgomery, Monroe, Schuylkill and Luzerne counties in Pennsylvania and Warren and Hunterdon counties in New Jersey. St. Luke's hospitals operate the largest network of trauma centers in Pennsylvania, with the Bethlehem Campus being home to St. Luke's Children's Hospital.


Dedicated to advancing medical education, St. Luke's is the preeminent teaching hospital in central-eastern Pennsylvania. In partnership with Temple University, the Network established Lehigh Valley's first and only four-year medical school campus. It also operates the nation's oldest School of Nursing, established in 1884, and 52 fully accredited graduate medical educational programs with more than 500 residents and fellows. In 2022, St. Luke's, a Children's Hospital Association member, opened the Lehigh Valley's first and only free-standing facility dedicated entirely to kids.

聖路加大學醫療保健網絡致力於推進醫學教育,是賓夕法尼亞中東部的主要教學醫院。與天普大學合作,網絡建立了Lehigh Valley地區第一個並且唯一的爲期四年的醫學院校區。它也經營着全國最古老的護理學院,成立於1884年,並擁有52個完全認可的研究生醫學教育項目,擁有500多名住院醫師和研究生。 2022年,聖路加大學醫療保健網絡成爲兒科醫院協會會員,並開設了Lehigh Valley地區第一個和唯一的完全專門面向兒童的醫療設施。

SLUHN is the only Lehigh Valley-based healthcare system to earn Medicare's five-star ratings (the highest) for quality, efficiency and patient satisfaction. It is both a Leapfrog Group and Healthgrades Top Hospital and a Newsweek World's Best Hospital. The Network's flagship University Hospital has earned the 100 Top Major Teaching Hospital designation from Fortune/PINC AI 10 years in a row, including in 2023 when it was identified as THE #4 TEACHING HOSPITAL IN THE COUNTRY. In 2021, St. Luke's was identified as one of the 15 Top Health Systems nationally. Utilizing the Epic electronic medical record (EMR) system for both inpatient and outpatient services, the Network is a multi-year recipient of the Most Wired award recognizing the breadth of the SLUHN's information technology applications such as telehealth, online scheduling and online pricing information. The Network is also recognized as one of the state's lowest-cost providers.

SLUHN是唯一一家獲得了醫療保險最高的五星評級(最高評級)的萊高山谷醫療保健體系,涵蓋質量,效率和患者滿意度。它是Leapfrog Group和Healthgrades的頂級醫院,也是Newsweek World's Best Hospital和美國最好的醫療系統之一。網絡的旗艦大學醫院連續10年被Fortune / PINCAI評選爲100個主要教學醫院之一,包括在2023年被評爲全國第四大教學醫院。 2021年,聖路加醫療保健網絡被確定爲全國15個最佳衛生系統之一。網絡在住院和門診服務中使用Epic電子醫療記錄(EMR)系統,並多次獲得最具互聯性獎,以表彰SLUHN的信息技術應用(如遠程醫療,在線預約和在線定價信息)。網絡也被認爲是該州成本最低的提供者之一。

About Volpara Health

關於Volpara Health

Volpara Health is on a mission to save families from cancer with AI-powered software that helps healthcare providers better understand cancer risk, guide personalized care decisions, and recommend additional imaging and interventions. Used in over 2,000 facilities by more than 5,600 technologists worldwide. Volpara's software impacts nearly 17M patients, supports over 3M annual cancer risk assessments, and integrates seamlessly with electronic health records and imaging systems. Volpara helps radiologists quantify dense breast tissue with precision and technologists produce mammograms with optimal positioning, compression, and dose. Volpara software also streamlines operations to ease compliance and accreditation. Volpara was acquired by Lunit in 2024 and is headquartered in Wellington, New Zealand, with an office in Seattle. Volpara is the trusted partner of leading healthcare institutions globally. For more information, visit .

Volpara Health致力於通過AI技術軟件幫助醫療保健提供者更好地了解癌症風險,指導個性化護理決策,並建議其他成像和干預措施,以拯救家庭免受癌症侵害。Volpara的軟件在全球超過2,000個醫療設施中使用,由全球超過5,600名技師使用。Volpara軟件影響近1700萬患者,支持超過300萬例癌症風險評估,並與電子健康記錄和成像系統無縫整合。Volpara幫助放射科醫師精確量化密集的乳腺組織,並幫助技師產生具有最佳定位,壓縮和劑量的乳腺攝影。Volpara軟件還簡化了流程,以便順暢符合合規性和認證。Volpara於2024年被Lunit收購,總部位於新西蘭惠靈頓,設有西雅圖辦事處。Volpara是全球領先醫療機構的信任夥伴。有關更多信息,請訪問。

SOURCE Volpara Health, Inc.

資料來源:Volpara Health,Inc.

