
Tantalus Launches the TRUFlex(TM) Protect Advanced Load Shed Solution

Tantalus Launches the TRUFlex(TM) Protect Advanced Load Shed Solution

愛文思控股推出TRUFlex™ Protect先進負荷削減解決方案
newsfile ·  08/01 05:00

Solution helps utilities respond quickly, safely and equitably during rolling blackouts caused by extreme weather and emergency events


Burnaby, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 31, 2024) - Tantalus Systems (TSX: GRID) ("Tantalus" or the "Company"), a technology company dedicated to helping utilities modernize their distribution grids by harnessing the power of data, is pleased to announce the launch of TRUFlex Protect, an advanced software application designed to help utilities navigate imbalances between the supply and demand of electricity resulting from extreme weather or emergency events. With TRUFlex Protect, a utility can mitigate the risks and impact of rolling blackouts by keeping its distribution grid energized while selectively shedding electric load through edge intelligence.

不列顛哥倫比亞省Burnaby--(新聞稿)--2024年7月31日--科技公司Tantalus Systems (TSX: GRID)("Tantalus"或"公司")致力於幫助公用事業單位通過運用數據,現代化其電網分配技術,欣然宣佈推出TRUFlex Protect,一款旨在幫助公用事業單位在極端天氣和突發事件引起的電力供需失衡時,通過邊緣智能優化負荷的高級軟件應用程序。藉助TRUFlex Protect,公用事業單位可以通過有選擇性地削減電負荷,使其電網保持通電,從而減輕滾動斷電的風險和影響。

In contrast to feeder rotation, which is a traditional approach taken by utilities when there is an energy supply shortfall, TRUFlex Protect allows smart grid systems such as outage management to remain fully functional and deliver a carefully calibrated and coordinated customer experience during an event. Benefits of the TRUFlex Protect solution include:

與供電路旋轉相對應的是,TRUFlex Protect允許智能電網系統(例如故障管理)保持完全功能,在事件期間提供精心校準和協調的客戶體驗。TRUFlex Protect解決方案的優勢包括:

  • Ensuring that vulnerable customers, including those using medical equipment, have uninterrupted power throughout an event;
  • Giving other customers equal access to power, regardless of their location on the grid;
  • Protecting revenue and minimizing customer inconvenience;
  • Preventing overloads and expensive rebound peaks at the end of shed events; and
  • Maintaining fully functional outage management systems during events to support storm response.
  • 確保包括使用醫療設備的脆弱客戶在事件期間有不間斷的電力供應;
  • 使網格上所有的客戶都能平等地獲得電力供應;
  • 保護收入、最小化客戶的不便;
  • 防止負載過載和昂貴的回彈高峰,以及
  • 在事件期間維護完全功能的停電管理系統,以支持風暴響應。

TRUFlex Protect is available through the combination of Tantalus' TRUFlex Load+DER Management System software and the TRUConnect Load Champ edge intelligence application. The Load Champ application runs on the TRUConnect Edge module in each general service disconnect meter and runs load management events dispatched to groups of customers through the TRUFlex software. TRUFlex Protect is automated, so crews are not required to actively shift power between feeders.

TRUFlex Protect通過將Tantalus的TRUFlex負荷+分佈式能源管理系統軟件與TRUConnect負荷控制邊緣智能應用程序相結合而實現。負載控制器應用程序在每個一般服務斷開計量器上運行,並通過TRUFlex軟件將調度給群體客戶的載荷管理事件執行。由於TRUFlex Protect是自動化的,因此不需要工作人員主動在饋線之間移動電力。

By using TRUFlex Protect, utilities can implement, monitor, and adjust load shed events as needed and ramp load after the event to avoid problematic post-event demand peaks. Utilities with current TRUConnect AMI and disconnect meters require no additional equipment to adopt TRUFlex Protect. Utilities evaluating upgrades to their metering infrastructure can access TRUFlex Protect as part of the Tantalus Grid Modernization Platform.

使用TRUFlex Protect,公用事業單位可以根據需要實施、監測和調整負載削減事件,並在事件後逐步增加負載,以避免問題性的事件後需求高峰。擁有當前TRUConnect AMI和斷開計量器的公用事業單位無需額外的設備即可採用TRUFlex Protect。評估其計量基礎設施升級的公用事業單位可以將TRUFlex Protect作爲Tantalus Grid Modernization Platform的一部分來獲得。

"When winter storm Uri hit Texas in 2021, we were unable to rotate any feeders because of critical load, so instead we shed loads by manually connecting and disconnecting meters one by one. We lost sleep, but we met our obligations and protected our vulnerable customers without the problems and lengthy outages seen elsewhere in the state," said Ben White, City Manager and Public Works Director at the City of Farmersville, TX. "Then, we teamed up with Tantalus and tested TRUFlex Protect on our system to automate that manual process. The results have been fantastic, with all the same benefits and more, but with very little effort or risk. Nobody wants to do rotating blackouts, but TRUFlex Protect is the insurance policy we need when we have no other choice."

"當2021年冬季風暴Uri襲擊得克薩斯州時,由於存在關鍵負荷,我們無法旋轉任何饋線,因此我們通過手動連接和斷開一個個計量器來卸載負載。我們失去了睡眠,但我們履行了義務,保護了我們脆弱的客戶,沒有出現其他地方長時間停電的問題,"得克薩斯州Farmersville市市長和公共工程主任本·懷特說。"然後,我們與Tantalus合作,在我們的系統上測試了TRUFlex Protect,以自動化該手動過程。結果非常好,所有的優點都保留了下來,增加了更多的好處,但花費的精力和風險很小。沒有人想要進行輪流停電,但是當我們別無選擇時,TRUFlex Protect是我們需要的保險。"

"This solution is another example of the power of the Tantalus user community collaborating with us on their grid modernization journey," said Tantalus President and CEO Peter Londa. "Emergency load shed events are becoming more frequent, particularly when extreme weather impacts communities. The latest NERC Long-Term Reliability Assessment suggests this trend will continue. By leveraging a software application that resides at the meter, TRUFlex Protect becomes an important tool for utilities of all sizes to ensure their customers and members are able to mitigate risks during emergencies."

"這個解決方案是Tantalus用戶社區與我們在其電網現代化之旅上合作的又一個例子," Tantalus總裁兼首席執行官彼得·倫達說。"緊急負載削減事件正在變得越來越頻繁,特別是在極端天氣影響社區的情況下。最新的長期可靠性評估報告建議,這種趨勢將會持續。通過利用存儲在計量器上的軟件應用程序,TRUFlex Protect成爲各種規模的公用事業單位確保客戶和會員能夠在緊急情況下減少風險的重要工具。"

Tantalus will be hosting a webinar that details the benefits and other aspects of the TRUFlex Protect solution on Thursday, August 8, 2024 at 2:00pm ET/11:00am PT. If interested, please register for this webinar here. Additional information about TRUFlex Protect is available at the TRUFlex webpage on the Tantalus website or you may contact us at

Tantalus將於2024年8月8日星期四(東部時間下午2:00 / 太平洋時間上午11:00)舉辦詳細介紹TRUFlex Protect解決方案的網絡研討會。如果您有興趣,請在此處註冊。有關TRUFlex Protect的其他信息,請訪問Tantalus網站上的TRUFlex網頁,或通過TantalusInfo@Tantalus.com與我們聯繫。

About Tantalus Systems Holding Inc. (TSX: GRID)
Tantalus is a technology company dedicated to helping utilities modernize their distribution grids by harnessing the power of data across all their devices and systems deployed throughout the entire distribution grid. We offer a grid modernization platform across multiple levels: intelligent connected devices, communications networks, data management, enterprise applications and analytics. Our solutions provide utilities with the flexibility they need to get the most value from existing infrastructure investments while leveraging advanced capabilities to plan for future requirements. Learn more at .

Tantalus是一家科技公司,旨在通過在周圍的配電網中利用其所有的設備和系統所提供的數據,幫助公用事業現代化其配電網。 我們提供一種跨多級的網格現代化平台:智能連接設備,通信網絡,數據管理,企業應用和分析。 我們的解決方案爲公用事業提供了所需的靈活性,從而能夠從現有基礎設施投資中獲得最大價值,並利用先進的功能規劃未來的需求。 了解更多請訪問。
本新聞稿包含的信息,陳述,信仰和意見是前瞻性的,並反映了關於未來事件的當前估計,期望和預測, 包括但不限於水電公司當前和未來可能面臨的問題,如網格現代化和DER的影響,這些問題的優先級,Tantalus的解決方案(包括Tantalus網格現代化平台和TRUSense網關)能否協助客戶解決這些問題(例如提高復原能力和管理DER),以及其他說法,這些說法包含"相信","期望","項目","應該","尋求","預計", "將","打算","定位","風險","計劃","可能","估計" 或各種意義上的否定和相似含義的單詞。前瞻性信息的性質涉及許多風險,不確定性和假設,這些風險,不確定性和假設可能會導致實際結果或事件與前瞻性信息所表達的結果或事件有所不同。這些風險,不確定性和假設可能會對此處所述的計劃和事件的結果產生不利影響。讀者不應過分依賴前瞻性信息,該信息基於本新聞發佈日期可獲得的信息,Tantalus不承擔任何更新或修訂本新聞發佈中包含的任何前瞻性信息的意圖或義務,除非適用法律要求。本新聞發佈中所包含的前瞻性信息在其整體上受到此警告聲明的明確限制。

Forward-Looking Statement:
This news release includes information, statements, beliefs and opinions which are forward-looking, and which reflect current estimates, expectations and projections about future events, including, but not limited to, the issues anticipated to face utilities, such as extreme weather or imbalances between the supply and demand of electricity during emergencies causing load shed events and the risks of rolling blackouts, the prioritization of such issues, the ability and benefits of Tantalus' solutions, including TRUFlex Protect, to assist customers in addressing such issues and mitigating related risks, and other statements that contain words such as "believe," "expect," "project," "should," "seek," "anticipate," "will," "intend," "positioned," "risk," "plan," "may," "estimate" or, in each case, their negative and words of similar meaning. By its nature, forward-looking information involves a number of risks, uncertainties and assumptions that could cause actual results or events to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking information. These risks, uncertainties and assumptions could adversely affect the outcome of the plans and events described herein. Readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information, which is based on the information available as of the date of this news release and Tantalus disclaims any intention or obligation to update or revise any forward-looking information contained in this new release, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, unless required by applicable law. The forward-looking information included in this news release is expressly qualified in its entirety by this cautionary statement.

本新聞稿包括有關前瞻信息、陳述、信仰和意見,這些信息、陳述、信仰和意見是前瞻性的,反映了關於未來事件的目前估計、期望和預測,包括但不限於公用事業單位預期面臨的問題,例如極端天氣或能源供需失衡引起的電力負荷減少事件和滾動斷電的風險,這些問題的優先級,Tantalus解決方案(包括TRUFlex Protect)協助客戶解決這些問題和減輕相關風險的能力和效益,以及其他包含"認爲"、"期望"、"預計"、"應該"、"尋求"、"預計"、"將"、"打算"、"定位"、"風險"、"計劃"、"可能"、"估計"或具有類似含義的詞語的聲明。由於其性質,前瞻性信息涉及多種風險、不確定性和假設,這些風險、不確定性和假設可能導致實際結果或事件與前瞻性信息所表達的結果或事件有所不同。這些風險、不確定性和假設可能對在此處描述的計劃和事件的結果產生負面影響。讀者不應過分依賴前瞻性信息,該信息基於本新聞稿發佈之日可獲得的信息,Tantalus不承擔任何更新或修訂本新聞稿中包含的任何前瞻性信息,無論是基於新的信息、未來事件還是其他原因,除非適用法律要求。本新聞稿中包含的前瞻性信息在其整體上因此被此警告語所明確限定。

Contact Tantalus:
Jacquie Hudson
Marketing Communications Manager
613-552-4244 |

Jacquie Hudson
613-552-4244 |

LinkedIn: LinkedIn/company/tantalus


