
Omega Pacific Gains Further Insight on Williams Property GIC Prospect and Expands Exploration Strategy

Omega Pacific Gains Further Insight on Williams Property GIC Prospect and Expands Exploration Strategy

Accesswire ·  07/31 15:05

VANCOUVER, BC / ACCESSWIRE / July 31, 2024 / Omega Pacific Resources Inc. (CSE:OMGA)(OTCQB:OMGPF)(FSE:Q0F) ("Omega Pacific'' or the "Company") is pleased to provide a detailed interpretation of its recently announced assay results from drill hole WM24-01 and overview of its Phase 1 direction.

不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華/ACCESSWIRE/2024 年 7 月 31 日/歐米茄太平洋資源公司(CSE: OMGA)(OTCQB: OMGPF)(FSE: Q0F)(“歐米茄太平洋” 或 “公司”)很高興詳細解釋其最近公佈的 WM24-01 鑽孔化驗結果及其第一階段方向概述。



  • Comparative analysis of drill holes WM22-02, 22-03 and 24-01 evidence robust gold mineralization along chargeability and resistivity anomalies

  • More drilling is warranted proximal to these holes and associated IP anomalies as well as IP anomalies elsewhere along the >4 km GIC trend

  • Drill hole WM24-01 was located 50 m from historical drill hole WM22-02 which had returned strong grades in 2022

    • At ~250 m, both drill holes share similar grades and geological properties, deepening the Company's understanding of GIC's mineralization controls

  • Moderate IP anomalies are proving to be powerful vectors to gold mineralization

  • Upcoming results from the remaining holes of the initial 2024 drill program will further inform second phase drill program strategy

  • 對鑽孔 WM22-02、22-03 和 24-01 的比較分析表明,可充電性和電阻率異常存在穩定的金礦化現象

  • 需要在這些鑽孔和相關的 IP 異常附近進行更多鑽探,以及 >4 km GIC 趨勢中其他地方的 IP 異常

  • WM24-01 鑽孔位於歷史鑽孔 WM22-02 中 5000萬,該鑽孔在 2022 年恢復了強勁的成績

    • 這兩個鑽孔的等級和地質特性約爲25000萬,加深了公司對GIC礦化控制的理解

  • 事實證明,中等的知識產權異常是金礦化的強大載體

  • 2024年初步鑽探計劃的剩餘鑽孔即將得出的結果將進一步爲第二階段的鑽探計劃戰略提供信息

Drill Hole 24-01

鑽孔 24-01

Further analysis of last week's drill results reveals promising mineralization potential at GIC, marking a significant step forward in Omega Pacific's exploration efforts. The Company's first drill hole (WM24-01) intercepted strong grades that demonstrate the presence of both high-grade (6.22 g/t Au over 18.98m) and bulk tonnage (1.69 g/t Au over 104m) mineralization (OMGA press release July 24, 2024). Current drilling at GIC has encountered encouraging visual signs including broad zones of intense texturally destructive silicification (quartz-sericite-pyrite) including disseminated and fine fracture and vein-controlled pyrite. These visual indicators explain the resistivity and chargeability anomalies.


Historical and Current Work Programs


Historical Induced-Polarization (IP) geophysical surveys from 2022 and 2006 have helped steer the drilling at GIC. These surveys highlight chargeable (i.e. sulphides present) and resistive areas (i.e. quartz present), both of which can be indicative of gold mineralization separately and coincidentally.


The 2006 drilling at GIC focused on the highest chargeability anomalies from the 2006 IP survey - this drilling met with limited success. An expanded IP survey was conducted over GIC in 2021 in conjunction with a modern multi-element soil geochemical survey as a lead-up to the 2022 drill program which focused on direct testing of gold and copper in soil anomalies observed to be coincident with the more subtle moderate chargeability/resistivity responses. This approach yielded excellent results in WM22-02 and -03 with 2.2 g/t Au over 50 m (ended in mineralization) and 4.64 g/t Au over 8 m, respectively.

GIC 2006 年的鑽探側重於 2006 年 IP 調查中可充電性最高的異常情況——這次鑽探收效甚微。2021年對GIC進行了擴大的IP調查,同時進行了現代多元素土壤地球化學調查,這是2022年鑽探計劃的準備工作,該計劃側重於直接測試土壤異常中的金和銅,觀察到這些異常情況與更微妙的適度電荷率/電阻率響應相吻合。這種方法在 WM22-02 和 -03 中取得了優異的結果,其中 2.2 g/t Au 超過 5000萬(以礦化結束),4.64 g/t Au 超過 800萬。

These 2022 drill holes shed new light on the potential IP targets at GIC which remain open in all directions. Targeting for 2024 drilling centred around WM22-02 knowing that robust gold grades were occurring alongside the fringes of a moderate IP chargeability anomaly open to the east, west, and to depth. Each drill collar in Omega Pacific's 2024 Phase 1 drill program is located 50 m away from this drill hole. This strategy allows Omega Pacific's team to trace the depth and extent of mineralization and determine lateral direction of mineralization along strike and coincident with geophysical signatures.

這些2022年的鑽孔爲GIC的潛在知識產權目標提供了新的思路,這些目標仍然四面八方。2024 年的鑽探目標以 WM22-02 爲中心,因爲我們知道在向東、向西和向深處開放的中等 IP 可充電性異常的邊緣出現強勁的黃金品位。歐米茄太平洋公司2024年第一階段鑽探計劃中的每個鑽環都位於距離該鑽孔5000萬處。該策略使歐米茄太平洋的團隊能夠追蹤礦化的深度和範圍,並沿走向確定礦化的橫向方向,並與地球物理特徵相吻合。

As results from the 2024 drill program come in, Omega Pacific will interpret and re-evaluate the gold assays with the IP survey data to elucidate further drill targets across GIC. The 2021 IP survey covered approximately 4.5 km of strike length at GIC with survey lines averaging 1.2 km in length. In addition to rendering new drill targets, the reinterpretation of the existing IP data could also lead to the expansion of the IP survey.


Drill Hole Continuity


When comparing WM22-02 and WM24-01, both drill holes share strong mineralization and extensive alteration. High-grade mineralization occurs between the depths of 275 m and 320 m with robust, bulk tonnage intervals ranging from 250 m to 350 m. This continuity will allow Omega Pacific's technical team to identify geological structures and deploy targeted drilling at GIC.

比較 WM22-02 和 WM24-01 時,這兩個鑽孔具有強烈的礦化作用和廣泛的蝕變。高品位礦化發生在27500萬至32000萬的深度之間,穩健的散裝噸位間隔從25000萬到35000萬不等。這種連續性將使歐米茄太平洋公司的技術團隊能夠識別地質結構,並在GIC部署有針對性的鑽探。

Omega Pacific is currently awaiting assay results from the remaining three holes from the 2024 Phase 1 exploration program. Each drill-hole begins from the same location with altering azimuth and dips.


Appointment of CFO and Director


Omega Pacific is also pleased to announce the appointment of Mark Minckler as Chief Financial Officer and Director, effective July 31, 2024. Mr. Minckler has over 30 years of experience in accounting and finance, initially working in public practice for 10 years before moving to the private sector as a partner in a property development company. More recently, Mark has acted as controller for a geological consulting company, as well as a controller for a truck outfitter business. Mr. Minckler currently serves as Chief Financial Officer of Altiplano Metals Inc., a part of the Metals Group of companies.

歐米茄太平洋還高興地宣佈,任命馬克·明克勒爲首席財務官兼董事,自2024年7月31日起生效。明克勒先生在會計和財務領域擁有30多年的經驗,最初在公共執業領域工作了10年,之後轉到私營部門擔任房地產開發公司的合夥人。最近,Mark曾擔任一家地質諮詢公司的財務總監,以及一家卡車裝備商業務的財務總監。明克勒先生目前擔任金屬集團旗下Altiplano Metals Inc. 的首席財務官。

Concurrently, the Company announces the resignation of both Sheri Rempel (CFO and Director) and Shayne Taker (Director). Omega Pacific would like to thank Ms. Rempel and Mr. Taker for their professional services to the Company and wishes them both success in their future endeavors.


Qualified Person


Robert L'Heureux (P.Geol.), Director of Omega Pacific Resources, is the "Qualified Person" as defined by National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects and has reviewed, validated and approved the scientific and technical information contained in this news release. Mr. L'Heureux oversees exploration planning and execution at the Williams Property.

歐米茄太平洋資源董事Robert L'Heureux(P.Geol.)是《國家儀器43-101——礦業項目披露標準》定義的 “合格人員”,他審查、驗證和批准了本新聞稿中包含的科學和技術信息。L'Heureux先生負責監督威廉姆斯地產的勘探規劃和執行。

About Omega Pacific


Omega Pacific is a mineral exploration company focused on the development of mineral projects containing base and precious metals. The Company recently acquired an option to earn a 100% interest in the Williams Property, located in the Toodoggone region of the Golden Horseshoe. The Golden Horseshoe is a prolific area of British Columbia known to host many gold, copper and silver deposits. The Company also holds an option on the Lekcin Property, located 120 km east of Vancouver, BC.


For more information, please contact:


Omega Pacific Resources Inc.


Jason Leikam, Chief Executive Officer & Director
Tel: +1 (778) 650 4255

電話:+1 (778) 650 4255

Cautionary Statement


Certain statements contained in this press release constitute forward-looking information under the provisions of Canadian securities laws including statements about the Company's plans. Such statements are necessarily based upon a number of beliefs, assumptions, and opinions of management on the date the statements are made and are subject to numerous risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results and future events to differ materially from those anticipated or projected. The Company undertakes no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in the event that management's beliefs, estimates or opinions, or other factors should change, except as required by law.


Neither the CSE nor its Regulation Services Provider accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


SOURCE: Omega Pacific Resources Inc.


