
Earnings Call Summary | Neogen(NEOG.US) Q4 2024 Earnings Conference

Earnings Call Summary | Neogen(NEOG.US) Q4 2024 Earnings Conference

業績會總結 | 紐爾真檢測(NEOG.US) 2024財年第四季度業績會
富途資訊 ·  07/31 02:18  · 電話會議

The following is a summary of the Neogen Corporation (NEOG) Q4 2024 Earnings Call Transcript:


Financial Performance:


  • Neogen Corporation reported Q4 revenues of $237 million, with a core revenue growth of 2%. Adjusted EBITDA for the quarter was $53 million, reflecting a year-over-year decline.

  • Gross margin was 47.9%, down from 50.9% in the previous year due to costs related to stabilizing distribution and logistics operations.

  • Adjusted net income and adjusted earnings per share were $22 million and $0.10, respectively, both decreasing from the previous year.

  • 紐爾真檢測公司報告Q4的營業收入爲$23700萬,核心收入增長2%。調整後的季度EBITDA爲5300萬美元,同比下降。

  • 由於與穩定分銷和物流經營有關的成本,毛利率爲47.9%,低於去年的50.9%。

  • 調整後的淨收入和調整後的每股收益分別爲$2200萬和$0.10,均較去年下降。

Business Progress:


  • Successfully integrated the former 3M sample handling product lines and ramped up to full production levels.

  • Enhanced shipping performance and commercial focus on demand generation.

  • Launched an automated Petrifilm reader, targeting high-throughput labs, and integrated with existing workflows to improve efficiency.

  • Achieved designation of the Neogen Molecular Detection System by the USDA as the primary screening method for Salmonella and Listeria in various food categories.

  • 成功整合了之前的300萬樣品處理產品線,並逐步達到了全面生產水平。

  • 提高了發貨性能和商業焦點的需求生成。

  • 推出了適用於高通量實驗室的自動化Petrifilm閱讀器,並與現有的工作流程集成以提高效率。

  • 美國農業部將Neogen分子檢測系統指定爲各種食品中沙門氏菌和李斯特菌的主要篩查方法。



  • Expecting a mid-single-digit range growth in core revenue for FY 2025, driven by improvements in the food safety and animal safety sectors and new product innovations like the automated Petrifilm reader.

  • 預計FY2025核心營收將保持中個位數區間增長,推動因食品安全和動物安全領域的改善以及自動化Petrifilm閱讀器等新產品創新的增長。



  • Persistent challenges in food production volumes due to market and economic conditions, impacting growth. Continued reliance on resolving distribution inefficiencies and optimizing logistics operations to meet demand.

  • 由於市場和經濟情況的影響,食品生產量存在持續的挑戰,影響增長。需要繼續解決分銷效率和優化物流操作以滿足需求。

More details: Neogen IR


Tips: For more comprehensive details, please refer to the IR website. The article is only for investors' reference without any guidance or recommendation suggestions.


