
Guardian Report: Only One-third of Americans Say They're Doing Well, With Retirement Planning and Personal Finances Primary Sources of Stress

Guardian Report: Only One-third of Americans Say They're Doing Well, With Retirement Planning and Personal Finances Primary Sources of Stress

PR Newswire ·  07/30 21:15

Guardian's annual Mind, Body, and Wallet report finds that while well-being edged up, more support and resources are needed to address Americans' evolving needs


NEW YORK, July 30, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- In its annual Mind, Body, and Wallet report, The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America (Guardian) found that well-being among Americans remains low, highlighting the pressing need for additional well-being support and resources, especially around retirement planning and personal finance stressors.

2024年7月30日,紐約 /美通社/-- 保險公司美國守護者人壽保險公司 (Guardian) 在其年度《心智、身體和錢包報告》中發現,美國人的健康狀況仍然較低,這突顯了需要在退休規劃和個人財務壓力方面提供額外的健康支持和資源的緊迫性。

According to the 2024 report, which surveyed more than 4,000 full-time employees and benefits decision-makers in the U.S., only one-third of Americans self-reported "good" or "excellent" well-being. Across various aspects of well-being, mental and physical health were rated as "good" or "excellent" by 36% and 37% of Americans, respectively. An even smaller proportion of Americans—32%—say their financial health is "good" or "excellent." Compared to findings from the 2023 report, well-being for each category saw a four percentage point year-over- increase, reflecting some progress.


Influencing this year's report findings are persistent concerns about personal finances, including:


  • Retirement-related concerns are a top source of stress for Americans—including not having enough money to last through retirement and not having a guaranteed source of income in retirement (48%, respectively).
  • Despite being a primary source of stress for Americans, just half say they know how much money they will need in retirement and only 36% say they are "very good" at managing their finances.
  • Close to half of Americans said they would face financial hardship without their workplace benefits.
  • Fortunately, many employers recognize the valuable role benefits play in supporting financial and overall well-being, with the majority saying that addressing and improving their employees' financial (74%), physical (66%), and mental (71%) health is very important.
  • 美國人退休相關的擔憂是其最大的壓力來源,其中包括沒有足夠的錢度過退休生活和沒有退休後的保障收入(分別爲48%)。
  • 儘管是美國人的主要壓力來源,但只有一半的人表示他們知道自己需要多少退休金,只有36%的人表示他們在管理財務方面“非常好”。
  • 近一半的美國人表示,如果沒有工作場所的福利,他們將面臨財務困境。
  • 幸運的是,許多僱主意識到福利在支持員工的財務和整體健康方面所起的重要作用,大多數僱主表示,解決和改善他們員工的財務(74%)、身體(66%)和心理健康(71%)非常重要。

The report also found that, especially during pivotal life moments, many Americans have interconnected mental, physical, and financial well-being needs. For example:


  • 73% of Americans with high financial health also rated their emotional health as "good" or "very good." On the other hand, 82% with low financial health also self-reported poor emotional health.
  • Just 34% of Americans reported good work-life balance. This likely contributed to the 33% increase in the number of workers who reported feeling burnt out.
  • For the first time in several years, members of Gen X reported worse financial well-being than Gen Z, potentially given the former's concerns around inflation and economic uncertainty as they approach retirement.
  • Across the board, single parents self-reported significantly lower well-being scores than partnered parents, with just 27% reporting good physical health (vs. 43% of partnered parents), 26% citing good mental health (vs. 43%), and 18% recording good financial health (vs. 40%).
  • Of particular concern is the mental health of new parents. Between 2020 and 2023, Guardian saw a 215% increase in short-term disability claims due to post-partum depression.
  • Among Sandwich Generation members, including parents taking care of parents, roughly four-in-10 reported low mental (43%) and financial (41%) well-being, and 31% reported low physical health.
  • 73%的財務狀況良好的美國人也將其情感健康狀況評價爲“良好”或“非常好”。另一方面,82%的財務狀況不佳的人表示其情感健康狀況較差。
  • 只有34%的美國人報告擁有良好的工作與生活平衡。這可能導致報告中報告感到疲憊的工人數量增加了33%。
  • 幾年來,X世代的成員首次報告的財務狀況比Z世代差,可能是因爲前者擔心通貨膨脹和經濟不確定性,即將退休。
  • 總體來說,單親家長的幸福指數顯著低於成雙成對的家長,只有27%的單親家長報告身體健康狀況良好(相比之下,成雙成對的父母中有43%),26%的單親家長表示精神狀況良好(相比之下,成雙成對的父母中有43%),只有18%的單親家庭認爲自己的財務狀況良好(相比之下,40%的成雙成對的家庭認爲自己的財務狀況良好)。
  • 特別令人擔憂的是新父母的心理健康。在2020年至2023年期間,守衛者因產後抑鬱症的短期傷殘賠付索賠增加了215%。
  • 包括照顧父母的父母在內的三明治生活代表,約四分之一的人報告情感(43%)和財務(41%)健康狀況不佳,31%的人報告身體健康狀況不佳。

"The study re-affirmed the outsized impact financial health has on overall well-being, with particular influence on mental and physical wellness," said Andrew McMahon, Chief Executive Officer and President of Guardian. "While we were encouraged to see a small year-over-year increase, sustainable improvement to well-being will require a continued focus on education, empowerment, and solutions that meet people where they are."


For more information about Guardian's Mind, Body, and Wallet report and additional insights into the state of Americans' well-being, please visit .


About the Mind, Body, and Wallet Report
Guardian's 13th Annual Workplace Benefits Study was fielded in January and February of 2024 and consisted of two online surveys: one among benefits decision-makers (employers) and another among working Americans (employees), allowing us to explore benefits issues from both perspectives.


About Guardian
Guardian makes a difference in the lives of people when they need us most. With over 160 years of stability and fiscal integrity, we are a trusted resource to generations of families and business owners, inspiring well-being and helping build financial confidence. Today, we stand behind millions of consumers, helping them prepare and plan for a bright future for themselves and their families. We help business owners care for their employees. And we help people recover and thrive in times of unexpected loss. As a modern mutual insurance company, we believe in driving value beyond dividends. We invest in our colleagues, are building an inclusive and innovative culture, and are helping to uplift communities through thoughtful corporate impact programs. Guardian, which is based in New York City, is a leading provider of life, disability, dental, and other benefits, and has received accolades for its culture and service. Our colleagues and financial professionals serve with care and experience, and our commitments rest on a strong financial foundation, which included a 2024 dividend allocation of $1.398 billion – the largest in the company's history. For more information, visit or follow us on Facebook, LinkedIn, and YouTube.


Guardian is a registered trademark of The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America. Copyright 2024 The Guardian Life Insurance Company of America.


Dividends are not guaranteed. They are declared annually by Guardian's Board of Directors. The total dividend calculation includes mortality experience and expense management as well as investment results.


Financial information concerning Guardian as of December 31, 2023, on a statutory basis: Admitted assets = $80.3 billion; liabilities = $71.2 billion (including $58.0 billion of reserves); and surplus = $9.1 billion.

根據2023年12月31日的財務信息(法定基礎),Guardian的准予資產= 803億美元;負債= 712億美元(包括580億美元的準備金);剩餘= 91億美元。

Morgan Musikantow
External Communications Lead
[email protected]

Brian Siegel,IRC,MBA-高級管理董事,Hayden IR,電話:(346)396-8696,
[email protected]

SOURCE Guardian


