
Petrofrontier Corp. Announces $15.1 Million Funding Arrangement

Petrofrontier Corp. Announces $15.1 Million Funding Arrangement

Accesswire ·  07/30 19:00

CALGARY, AB / ACCESSWIRE / July 30, 2024 / PetroFrontier Corp. ("PetroFrontier" or the "Corporation") (TSXV:PFC) is pleased to announce that it has, pursuant to a term sheet made effective July 1, 2024 but accepted July 18, 2024, entered into a funding arrangement with DeerGarden Resources Ltd. (the "Funder"), an arm's-length private energy company incorporated under the laws of Alberta, whereunder the Funder will provide capital through a limited partnership, to optimize development of PetroFrontier's current and future interests in the Cold Lake area of Alberta (the "Funding Arrangement").

2024年7月30日,加拿大卡爾加里/ ACCESSWIRE /石油前線公司(“PetroFrontier”或“公司”)(TSXV:PFC)很高興宣佈,根據於2024年7月1日生效但於2024年7月18日接受的條款表,與德爾花園資源有限公司(“出資方”),這是根據阿爾伯塔法律成立的私人能源公司(以下稱爲“出資方”),簽署了一份擬議中的資金安排,出資方將通過有限合夥制提供資金,以優化PetroFrontier在阿爾伯塔省Cold Lake地區的目前和未來利益(以下稱爲“資金安排”)的開發。

"This is an important transaction for PetroFrontier and its stakeholders," stated Kelly Kimbley, President & CEO of PetroFrontier. "Our board of directors and management believe that, through our partnership with DeerGarden, we now have access to the level of capital and additional development capacity to fully unlock the potential of the Corporation's interests at Cold Lake." The Funding Arrangement is expected to proceed as follows:

“這對於PetroFrontier及其利益相關方來說是一筆重要的交易,”PetroFrontier總裁兼首席執行官Kelly Kimbley表示。 “我們的董事會和管理層相信,通過與DeerGarden的合作,我們現在可以獲得足夠的資金和額外的開發能力,以充分釋放公司在Cold Lake的利益的潛力。”資金安排預計將按以下方式進行:

(a) PetroFrontier will assign all its petroleum and natural gas interests in the Cold Lake area (the "Cold Lake Interests") to an Alberta registered limited partnership (the "Limited Partnership") in exchange for 99% of the units of the Limited Partnership (the "LP Units");

(a)PetroFrontier將其在Cold Lake地區的所有石油和天然氣利益(以下稱爲“Cold Lake利益”)分配給阿爾伯塔註冊的有限合夥制(以下稱爲“有限合夥制”)以換取有限合夥制的99%單位(以下稱爲“LP單位”);

(b) PetroFrontier and the Funder will enter into definitive transaction agreements to effect the Funding Arrangement including a limited partnership agreement, unanimous shareholder agreement and contribution agreement;


(c) An Alberta corporation has been formed to act as general partner for the Limited Partnership (the "General Partner") and hold 1% of the LP Units and will operate the Cold Lake Interests following qualification with the Alberta Energy Regulator to hold all applicable licenses associated with the Cold Lake Interests and to manage the business of the Limited Partnership. Pursuant to the Funding Arrangement, the General Partner will be jointly owned by PetroFrontier and the Funder (collectively, the "Parties");

(c)已構建阿爾伯塔省的一家公司,擔任有限合夥制的普通合夥人(以下稱爲“普通合夥人”),持有1%的LP單位,並將在符合要求後運營Cold Lake利益,以持有與Cold Lake利益相關的所有適用許可證,並管理有限合夥制的業務。根據資金安排,普通合夥人將由PetroFrontier和出資方(統稱“各方”)共同擁有。

(d) The Funder will contribute the principal sum of $14 million to the Limited Partnership in tranches as cash is called by the General Partner for ongoing development activities pertaining to the Cold Lake Interests in 2024 and 2025. The initial development activities will include the drilling of two single-leg horizontal wells and 9 workovers of existing wells all targeting production from the Mannville. Upon fulfillment of the $14 million contribution, LP Units will be held as follows:

(d)出資方將在2024年和2025年向有限合夥制提供1400萬加元的本金,以按要求提現,用於Cold Lake利益的持續開發活動。最初的開發活動將包括針對Mannville產生的兩個單腿水平井和對現有井的9個維修工作。在完成1400萬加元的出資之後,LP單位將持有如下:

General Partner












After which distributions will be based on LP Units owned.


(e) Unless otherwise agreed to by the Parties, distributable income from the Limited Partnership will be paid out quarterly to the Limited Partners on a preferential basis (75/25 in favour of the Funder) until the earlier of the two-year anniversary of initial cash flow from development activities under the Limited Partnership or upon receipt of $14 million in distributable income by the Funder (and, thereafter, in proportion to the LP Units held by the Parties); and

(e)除非各方另有協議,否則有限合夥制的可分配收入將按75/25的優先權(有利於出資方)分別支付給有限合夥人,直到有限合夥制從開發活動獲得的現金流的前兩年週年紀念日或出資方接收到1400萬加元的可分配收入(並且之後按各方持有的LP單位的比例); 和

(f) The Funding Arrangement also provides for new debt funding from the Funder to PetroFrontier of $1.1 million to reduce its outstanding accounts payable. The term of the debt funding will be for 18 months with an interest rate of 10% per annum.


The Funding Arrangement is expected to close within the next 30 to 60 days subject to certain conditions and regulatory approvals, including the approval of the TSX Venture Exchange (the "Exchange").

預計資金安排將在接下來的30至60天內達成,視情況和監管批准,包括TSX Venture Exchange(以下簡稱“Exchange”)的批准而定。

Closing of the Funding Arrangement remains subject to certain conditions precedent. These include the execution of all definitive agreements, obtaining requisite approvals including the Exchange and any required shareholder approval. There can be no assurance that the Funding Arrangement will be completed as proposed or at all.


PetroFrontier will provide additional updates regarding the Funding Arrangement in subsequent news releases.


About PetroFrontier Corp.


PetroFrontier is a junior energy company currently focused on developing two Mannville heavy oil plays in the Cold Lake and Wabasca areas of Alberta.

石油前線是一家初創能源公司,目前專注於開發阿爾伯塔省Cold Lake和Wabasca地區的兩個Mannville重質油藏。

PetroFrontier's head office is in Calgary, Alberta and its common shares are listed for trading on the Exchange under the symbol "PFC".


Forward-Looking Statements


This news release may contain forward-looking information that involves substantial known and unknown risks and uncertainties, most of which are beyond the control of PetroFrontier, including, without limitation, statements pertaining to entering into of definitive agreements, completion of the Funding Arrangement, the anticipated benefits of the Funding Arrangement, obtaining necessary approvals including from the Exchange, and to management's future plans and operations. All statements included herein, other than statements of historical fact, are forwardlooking information and such information involves various risks and uncertainties. There can be no assurance that such information will prove to be accurate, and actual results and future events could differ materially from those anticipated in such information. Any forward-looking statements are made as of the date of this news release and, other than as required by applicable securities laws, PetroFrontier does not assume any obligation to update or revise them to reflect new events or circumstances.


Completion of the Funding Arrangement is subject to a number of conditions, including Exchange acceptance and any required shareholder approval. There can be no assurance that the Funding Arrangement will be completed as proposed or at all.


The Exchange has in no way passed upon the merits of the Funding Arrangement and has neither approved nor disapproved the contents of this news release.


Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.




For More Information Contact Kelly Kimbley, President & CEO

欲知詳情,請聯繫Kelly Kimbley總裁兼CEO。

PetroFrontier Corp.
Suite 700, 903 - 8 Avenue S.W.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2P 0P7
Telephone: (403) 650-6355

郵編:T2P 0P7。
電話:(403) 650-6355。

SOURCE: PetroFrontier Corp.


