
UUE Annouces First Financial Quarter Report Since Listing

UUE Annouces First Financial Quarter Report Since Listing

Business Today ·  07/29 18:19

UUE Holdings Berhad announced its financial result for its first quarter recording RM5.56 million in profit after tax on the back of RM38.96 million in revenue.

UUE Holdings Berhad公佈了其第一季度的財務業績,在收入爲3896萬令吉的基礎上,稅後利潤爲556萬令吉。

There are no comparative figures for the preceding corresponding period as the Company was only listed on the ACE Market of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad on 2 July 2024.


Contribution from the Group's operations in Malaysia made up for 80.90% whilst Singapore generated the remaining 19.10% of total revenue. In line with the Group's overall increase in revenue from the preceding immediate quarter of about 11.82%, the Group also managed to achieve robust growth of over 300% for PAT which came in at RM5.56 million during the quarter as opposed to RM1.27 million in the immediate precedent quarter ended 29 February 2024.


Even after adjusting for one-off non-recurring IPO related expenses in the immediate preceding quarter and quarter under review of RM1.83 million and RM0.40 million respectively, the Group still recorded growth of over 90% for its bottom-line. Overall, the Group was able to maintain its strong PAT margins of 14.27% during the quarter.


Datuk Dr Kenny Ting, the Managing Director of UUE said, "Our first quarter results for the financial year is certainly encouraging and represents a good start to our journey as a listed entity. The increase in revenue for the quarter was partially attributed to our increase in sales of our HDPE pipes to third parties which more than doubled from the prior quarter. In terms of our core underground utilities engineering solutions business, we continue to build our orderbooks as evidenced by our recent success in being awarded two contracts in the northern region, with a total value of approximately RM27 million for installation, testing and commissioning underground cable works."

拿督UE董事總經理Kenny Ting博士表示:“我們本財政年度的第一季度業績無疑令人鼓舞,也是我們作爲上市實體之旅的良好開端。本季度收入的增長部分歸因於我們向第三方銷售的高密度聚乙烯管道的增長,比上一季度增長了一倍多。就我們的核心地下公用事業工程解決方案業務而言,我們繼續增加訂單量,最近在北部地區成功獲得兩份合同,總價值約爲2700萬令吉的地下電纜工程的安裝、測試和調試就證明了這一點。”

