
Jim Cramer Says Tech Earnings Crucial Test For 'Great Rotation' Theory As Key Reports From Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, And Meta Loom On the Horizon

Jim Cramer Says Tech Earnings Crucial Test For 'Great Rotation' Theory As Key Reports From Microsoft, Apple, Amazon, And Meta Loom On the Horizon

Benzinga ·  12:46

Jim Cramer, the host of CNBC's "Mad Money," has highlighted the upcoming earnings reports from major tech companies as a critical turning point for the "great rotation" in the stock market.

CNBC《瘋狂錢賺》主持人吉姆·克萊默(Jim Cramer)指出,主要科技公司即將公佈的業績將是股市“大輪換”的關鍵轉折點。

What Happened: Cramer, in his recent article, pointed out that the upcoming earnings reports from tech giants like Microsoft Corp. (NASDAQ:MSFT), Meta Platforms, Inc. (NASDAQ:META), Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL), and, Inc. (NASDAQ:AMZN) will be a crucial test for the "great rotation" theory.

發生的事情:克萊默最近在他的文章中指出,微軟公司(NASDAQ: MSFT)、meta platforms、蘋果公司(NASDAQ:AAPL)和亞馬遜公司(NASDAQ:AMZN)等科技巨頭即將公佈的業績將是“大輪換”理論的重要考驗。

The "great rotation" refers to the movement of investors away from large-cap technology stocks and into small-cap stocks. This shift has been a significant trend in the stock market over the past few months.


Cramer emphasized that the market has been filled with speculative theories about the performance of these tech giants, but the upcoming earnings reports will provide the real facts.


He also noted that the recent earnings reports from Alphabet Inc. (NASDAQ:GOOGL) (NASDAQ:GOOG) and Tesla, Inc. (NASDAQ:TSLA) were met with disappointment, despite exceeding expectations. This, he suggests, is a sign that the market may not react as expected to the upcoming tech earnings.

他還指出,儘管超出預期,但谷歌(Alphabet Inc.)和特斯拉(Tesla, Inc.)最近的業績仍令人失望。他認爲,這表明市場可能不會如預期地對即將公佈的科技公司業績做出反應。

"If the so-called "great rotation" out of megacap technology stocks into small caps that began earlier in July hadn't been at its zenith, I think both stocks would have rallied," Cramer wrote.


Why It Matters: The tech earnings season began with disappointments, as shares of the "Magnificent Seven" companies declined during the last trading week. Alphabet Inc. reported stronger-than-expected earnings and revenue but missed analysts' targets on YouTube advertising revenue.

爲什麼重要:科技股的業績期以失望開局,價格下跌。谷歌母公司Alphabet Inc.實現的收入和營業收入均超預期,但YouTube廣告收入未達分析師的預期,這導致該公司股價跌至一年來的最低點。同樣,由於產品價格下降和重組費用增加,特斯拉股價下跌了12.3%。

This led to the worst week of the year for the Google parent company's stock. Similarly, Tesla Inc. missed quarterly earnings forecasts due to thinner profit margins impacted by lower vehicle prices and restructuring charges, causing shares to fall 12.3%.

隨着第二季度業績期來臨,亞馬遜公司 Inc、優步技術公司(NYSE:UBER)和Alphabet Inc.正在成爲備受矚目的股票。JPMorgan分析師道格·安穆斯將這些公司視爲頭號選擇,儘管今年互聯網板塊表現不佳。

As the second-quarter earnings season approaches, Inc., Uber Technologies Inc. (NYSE:UBER), and Alphabet Inc. are emerging as standout picks. JPMorgan analyst Doug Anmuth highlights these companies as top picks, despite the mixed performance of the internet sector so far this year.

ARk Invest的CEO Cathie Wood預測,股票市場可能會發生轉變,青睞小市值股票而不是大市值科技公司。這個預測是基於聯儲局最近的投資者信中概述的“限制性”的貨幣政策。

Cathie Wood, the CEO of ARK Invest, has predicted a potential shift in the equity market, favoring small-cap stocks over large-cap tech companies. This forecast is based on the current "restrictive" monetary policy of the Federal Reserve, as outlined in a recent investor letter.

ARk投資的首席執行官Cathie Wood預測股權市場可能發生轉變,偏向小市值股票而非大型科技公司。這個預測基於聯儲局最近一封投資者信中所述的“限制性”貨幣政策。

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This story was generated using Benzinga Neuro and edited by Kaustubh Bagalkote

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