
$2.5M Bet On Truist Financial? Check Out These 3 Stocks Insiders Are Buying

$2.5M Bet On Truist Financial? Check Out These 3 Stocks Insiders Are Buying

$250萬用於投資Truist Financial?查看這3個股票內部人員正在購買。
Benzinga ·  07/26 21:37

Although U.S. stocks closed mixed on Thursday, there were a few notable insider trades.


When insiders purchase shares, it indicates their confidence in the company's prospects or that they view the stock as a bargain. Either way, this signals an opportunity to go long on the stock. Insider purchases should not be taken as the only indicator for making an investment or trading decision. At best, it can lend conviction to a buying decision.


Below is a look at a few recent notable insider purchases. For more, check out Benzinga's insider transactions platform.


Truist Financial

truist financial

  • The Trade: Truist Financial Corporation (NYSE:TFC) Chairman and CEO William H Rogers Jr acquired a total of 57,300 shares at an average price of $43.96. To acquire these shares, it cost around $2.52 million.
  • What's Happening: On July 22, Truist Finl posted upbeat quarterly earnings.
  • What Truist Financial Does: Based in Charlotte, North Carolina, Truist is the combination of BB&T and SunTrust. Truist is a regional bank with a presence primarily in the Southeastern United States.
  • 交易:Truist Financial Corporation(紐交所:TFC)的董事長兼首席執行官William H Rogers Jr以43.96美元的平均價格共收購了57,300股。購買這些股票的成本約爲252萬美元。
  • 最新動態:7月22日,Truist Financial發佈了樂觀的季度業績。
  • Truist Financial的業務:總部位於北卡羅來納州夏洛特市,Truist Financial是BB&t和SunTrust的合併體。Truist Financial是一家面向東南部美國的區域型銀行。

Texas Capital Bancshares

Texas Capital Bancshares

  • The Trade: Texas Capital Bancshares, Inc. (NASDAQ:TCBI) Director Robert W Stallings acquired a total of 5,500 shares at an average price of $20.54. To acquire these shares, it cost around $112,950.
  • What's Happening: On July 18, Texas Capital Bancshares reported worse-than-expected second-quarter financial results.
  • What Texas Capital Bancshares Does: Texas Capital Bancshares Inc is a secured lender, with the majority of the loans held for investment, excluding mortgage finance loans and other national lines of business.
  • 交易:Texas Capital Bancshares,Inc(納斯達克:TCBI)的董事Robert W Stallings以20.54美元的平均價格共收購了5,500股。購買這些股票的成本約爲11.29萬美元。
  • 最新動態:7月18日,Texas Capital Bancshares公佈了低於預期的第二季度業績。
  • Texas Capital Bancshares的業務:Texas Capital Bancshares公司是一家綜合性的抵按金融借貸機構,投資佔大多數,除抵按金融貸款和其他全國性業務外。

Peoples Financial

Peoples Financial Corp.(密西西比州)

  • The Trade: Peoples Financial Corporation (OTC:PFBX) Director Ronald G Barnes bought a total of 1,000 shares at an average price of $16.00. To acquire these shares, it cost around $16,000.
  • What's Happening: On July 24, the company said net income for the second quarter was $2,329,000 down from $2,910,000 for the year-ago quarter.
  • What Peoples Financial Does: Peoples Financial Corp is a bank holding company that provides banking, financial and trust services to individuals, small and commercial businesses operating in Mississippi, Louisiana, and Alabama.
  • 交易:Peoples Financial Corporation(場外交易:PFBX)的董事Ronald G Barnes以16.00美元的平均價格購得1,000股。購買這些股票的成本約爲1.6萬美元。
  • 最新動態:7月24日,公司表示第二季度的淨利潤爲232.9萬美元,低於去年同期的291萬美元。
  • Peoples Financial Corp是一家銀行控股公司,爲在密西西比州、路易斯安那州和阿拉巴馬州經營的個人、小型和商業企業提供銀行、金融和信託服務。

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