

Huizhou Desay SV Automotive (002920.SZ): The fourth-generation cockpit product has been newly designated by customers such as Li Auto Inc, Geely Auto, GAC Aion, and Weimar Automobile.

Gelonghui Finance ·  Jul 26 20:24

On July 26th, Gelonhui reported that Huizhou Desay SV Automotive (002920.SZ) stated on the investor interaction platform that the company has multiple differentiated Asia Vets cockpit solutions, providing customers with more diverse product choices. The third-generation high-performance intelligent cockpit products have been mass-produced and matched with Li Auto Inc, Chery Automobile, GAC Aion, GAC Passenger Vehicle, and other customers. The fourth-generation cockpit products have been designated for new projects by Li Auto Inc, Geely Auto, GAC Aion, and Polestar, and have been mass-produced and supplied in succession. More differentiated cockpit domain controller solutions have successively obtained orders from new projects of independent and joint venture brands.

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