On 25 July, Peijia announced its unaudited operating data with revenue of RMB290m-310m in 1H24, indicating 28.9%-37.8% YoY growth, which was below our expectations. On the same day, Peijia's partner JenaValve was acquired by Edwards Lifesciences, showing that Peijia has a good eye for BD selection. The management maintained the guidance of achieving (i) 23%-27% market share of TAVR industry in 2024, (ii) 35%-45% YoY growth in neurointerventional business in 2024, (iii) profit turnaround in neurointerventional business in 2024, and (iv) breakeven in 2026. We revised down revenue growth in the short to long term to reflect slower-than-expected market growth (e.g. 20% YoY implants growth in 1H24), ex-factory price cut on first/second generation products, etc. Cut TP to HK$4.2. Eyes on the launches of new products.
7月25日,培嘉宣佈了未經審計的運營數據,1H24年實現了29000萬.31000萬的營業收入,同比增長28.9%至37.8%,略低於預期。同時,培嘉的合作伙伴JenaValve被愛德華生命科學收購,顯示培嘉對BD選擇有良好的眼光。管理層維持其目標,即(i)在2024年佔據TAVR行業市場份額23%至27%,(ii)2024年神經介入業務年 YoY 增長率爲35%-45% ,(iii)2024年神經介入業務利潤扭轉,以及(iv)2026年達到盈虧平衡點。我們下調了短期至長期的營收增長預期以反映市場增長速度下滑等因素,例如1H24年植入物 YoY 增長率僅爲20%,一至二代產品的出廠價格也被降低了。將目標價降至4.2港元。關注新產品的上市。
Key Factors for Rating
28.9%-37.8% YoY growth of revenue in 1H24: On 25 July, Peijia announced its unaudited operating data with revenue of RMB290m-310m in 1H24, indicating 28.9%-37.8% YoY growth, which was below our expectation, mainly due to ASP reduction on TAVR. Peijia held a business updated call during the HKEX lunch break. According to the management, c.40% and c.60% of the total revenue came from TAVR business and neurointerventional business, respectively. For TAVR business, Peijia has completed c.1,750 TAVR implants in China in 1H24, indicating c.40% YoY growth, in line with our expectation, while it initiatively reduced the ASP of the first/second generation of TAVR products as the price strategy for new products to launch within 1-2 years (including 1.5/2.5 generation of TAVR, TaurusNXT (non-glutaraldehyde crosslinked dry- tissue TAVR), and TaurusTrio (TAVR for aortic regurgitation (AR)), leading to only 20%+ YoY growth in TAVR business in terms of revenue. The management expects a stable ASP in the remaining of this year and next year. As per management, the overall implantation growth of TAVR (transfemoral) in 1H24 was about 20% YoY. Neurointerventional business witnessed rapid growth in 1H24, with a YoY growth of 45% in revenue, despite the impact from centralised procurement of neurointerventional products.
1H24年營收同比增長28.9%至37.8%,達到RMB29000萬.31000萬:7月25日,培嘉宣佈了其未經審計的營業數據,1H24年實現了29000萬.31000萬的營業收入,同比增長28.9%至37.8%。營收低於我們的預期,主要是由於TAVR價格的下降。培嘉在香港交易所午間休息期間召開了業務更新電話。根據管理層的說法,總營收中約40%來自TAVR業務,其他約60%來自神經介入業務。對於TAVR業務來說,培嘉在1H24年中國完成了近1750個TAVR植入,同比增長約40%,與我們的預期一致,同時,會主動降低TAVR產品的一/二代的ASP作爲新產品上市策略(包括1.5/2.5代TAVR,TaurusNXt(非戊二醛交聯幹組織TAVR)和TaurusTrio(主動脈反流(TAVR)),從而營業收入方面TAVR業務僅實現了20%以上的 YoY 增長。管理層預計,今年餘下時間和明年ASP將保持穩定。根據管理層稱,1H24年TAVR(梭形)的整體植入增長率約爲20% YoY。儘管受到神經介入性產品集中採購的影響,神經介入業務在1H24年實現了快速增長,營收同比增長達到45%。
Benefits from Edward Lifescience's acquisition of JenaValve: On the same day, Peijia's partner Jena Valve, of which Peijia has 1.91% equity interests and from which Peijia obtained the exclusive license to develop JenaValve Trilogy (TaurusTrio) in China, was acquired by Edwards Lifesciences (EW.US/NR), the leading player globally in TAVR industry. After the acquisition, Peijia expects gains on the investment of close to RMB100m and an exemption of the future payment obligation to JenaValve. Peijia has completed the technology transfer of JenaValve, which entitled Peijia to product manufacturing and product design iteration, etc. In China, the patient enrolment of TaurusTrio was completed in January 2024 and TaurusTrio is expected to be approved in late 2025 or early 2026. In the overseas market, Trilogy has received CE Mark and is expected to be approved in the US in 2025.
愛德華生命科學收購JenaValve的收益:同一天,培嘉的合作伙伴Jena Valve被全球領先的TAVR行業參與者愛德華生命科學收購。培嘉持有JenaValve 1.91%的股權,並獲得在中國開發JenaValve Trilogy(TaurusTrio)的獨有許可。收購完成後,培嘉預計將獲得接近1億元的投資收益,並豁免未來支付JenaValve的義務。培嘉已完成JenaValve 的技術轉移,從而享有了產品製造和產品設計等方面的權利。在中國,TaurusTrio的受試者招募工作已於2024年1月完成,預計將在2025年底或2026年初獲得批准,在海外市場,Trilogy已獲得CE標誌,預計將於2025年在美國獲得批准。
Key pipeline updates: Peijia has completed registrational patient enrolment of GeminiOne (TMVr, TEER), TaurusNXT, and TaurusTrio in 1H24 in China. The patient enrolment of Highlife (TMVR) continues and the management does not expect to accelerate patient enrollment until 20-30 patients have been enrolled in China. In overseas markets, Peijia expects GeminiOne and MonarQ (TTVR) to receive EFS in the US by YE24 and 3Q/4Q24, respectively.
未來計劃的重要更新:在1H24年,培嘉已在中國完成GeminiOne (TMVr, TEER)、TaurusNXt、TaurusTrio的患者註冊。Highlife(TMVR)的患者註冊仍在進行中,管理層預計在中國招募20-30名患者後才會加速招募。在海外市場上,培嘉預計,GeminiOne和MonarQ(TTVR)將分別於2024年底和2024年第三季度/第四季度在美國獲得EFS。
Key Risks for Rating
1) Intensified competition in valve market; 2) slower-than-expected ramp-up of TAVR products and R&D progress; 3) GPO risk on neuro-interventional product; 4) further price cut on TAVR products from GPO or inclusion of reimbursement scope.
We appreciate Peijia's comprehensive pipeline layout in transcatheter heart valve systems including TaurusNXT, TaurusTrio, HighLife, GeminiOne, MonarQ, etc.
However, we believe that the implementation of DRGS 2.0 and the rebound of the industry rectification activities continue to weigh on the growth of TAVR industry. And the market still needs time to rebuild its confidence in the commercialisation of transcatheter valve products. Year 2024 and Year 2025 are the transitional years for Peijia with steady commercialisation before the launch of its new products. We cut our 2024-26E topline forecasts to reflect (i) the ex- factory price cut on Peijia's first/second generation TAVR, (ii) the potential impact from policies above, and (iii) the intensified competition from overseas players, etc. We also lowered our operating expenses estimates in 2024-26 as the company is dedicated to cost control in order to reach breakeven in 2026.
我們認爲,DRGS 2.0 的實施和行業整改的回暖仍在拖累TAVR行業的增長。市場仍需要時間來重建其對經皮瓣膜產品商業化的信心。2024年和2025年是培嘉的過渡年份,新產品上市之前會有穩定的商業化情況。我們下調了2024-26E的銷售預期,以反映(i)培嘉一 / 二代 TAVR 的出廠價格下降,(ii)來自上述政策的潛在影響以及(iii)來自海外玩家的競爭加劇等原因。我們還降低了2024-26年的營業費用預估值,因爲該公司致力於成本控制,以便在2026年達到盈虧平衡點。
We lowered our terminal growth from 3% to 2% to reflect slower growth of the industry due to potential centralised procurement and continued stiff national insurance fund budget control. We revised down our 12-month TP to HK$4.2 (WACC: 11.1%, terminal growth: 2.0%). Maintain BUY rating.
我們將終端增長從3%下調至2%,以反映行業增長放緩的趨勢,這是由於潛在的集中採購和持續的地方政府醫保基金預算管制。我們將12個月的 TP 下調至港元4.2 (WACC: 11.1%,終端增長: 2.0%).,並維持買入評級。