
Singtel Celebrates National Day With Olympics Film Featuring Team Singapore Athletes Bound for Paris

Singtel Celebrates National Day With Olympics Film Featuring Team Singapore Athletes Bound for Paris


Singapore, 26 July 2024 – With the nation's birthday and the Olympic Games coinciding this year, Singtel launches its annual National Day film in support of Team Singapore athletes who will be making their way to the world's most prestigious sporting competition in Paris. Titled "Shining Bright From Singapore to Paris", the 90 second film celebrates the Olympics journey of some of the republic's most promising sports profiles: shuttler Loh Kean Yew, kitefoiler Maximilian Maeder and fencer Kiria Tikanah Abdul Rahman.

新加坡,2024年7月26日——今年的新加坡生日和奧運會恰逢其時,新加坡電信推出其年度國慶日影片,以支持即將前往巴黎參加世界上最負盛名的體育比賽的新加坡隊運動員。這部90秒的電影名爲 “Shining Bright 從新加坡到巴黎”,慶祝了該國一些最有前途的體育人物的奧運之旅:羽毛球運動員盧健耀、風箏愛好者馬克西米利安·梅德和擊劍運動員基里亞·蒂卡納·阿卜杜勒·拉赫曼。

The film is the latest addition to Singtel's series of branded films that embody its Group purpose, Empower Every Generation. This guiding principle helps direct every aspect of the business, so that the power of technology can be harnessed to inspire and uplift communities.

這部電影是新加坡電信品牌電影系列的最新補充,這些電影體現了其集團宗旨 “賦予每一代人的力量”。這一指導原則有助於指導業務的方方面面,從而可以利用技術的力量來激勵和振興社區。

" The road to the Olympics requires hard work, focus and the determination to succeed and these values resonate deeply with us at Singtel. We are proud to feature three of Singapore's best athletes - Kean Yew, Maximilian and Kiria - and we hope this will inspire a new generation of youth who dare to chase their dreams and have the work ethic to realise their full potential.""

“通往奧運之路需要辛勤工作、專注和成功的決心,這些價值觀在新加坡電信引起了我們的深刻共鳴。我們很自豪能夠邀請三位新加坡最優秀的運動員——Kean Yew、Maximilian和Kiria——我們希望這將激勵新一代年輕人,他們敢於追逐自己的夢想,有職業道德來發揮自己的全部潛力。””

Yuen Kuan Moon,
Singtel Group CEO


"As a long-time sponsor of the Singapore National Olympic Council (SNOC), we've been privileged to extend our unstinting support to Team Singapore as they've strived to represent the country in the world's major games, putting Singapore on the global stage time and again. The road to the Olympics requires hard work, focus and the determination to succeed and these values resonate deeply with us at Singtel. We are proud to feature three of Singapore's best athletes - Kean Yew, Maximilian and Kiria - and we hope this will inspire a new generation of youth who dare to chase their dreams and have the work ethic to realise their full potential," says Mr Yuen Kuan Moon, Singtel Group CEO.

“作爲新加坡國家奧林匹克理事會(SNOC)的長期贊助商,我們很榮幸能夠向新加坡隊提供慷慨的支持,因爲他們努力代表國家參加世界大型運動會,使新加坡一次又一次地登上全球舞臺。通往奧運之路需要辛勤工作、專注和成功的決心,這些價值觀在新加坡電信引起了我們的深刻共鳴。新加坡電信集團首席執行官袁光文先生說,我們很自豪能夠邀請三位新加坡最優秀的運動員——Kean Yew、Maximilian和Kiria,我們希望這將激勵新一代年輕人,他們敢於追逐自己的夢想,具備充分發揮自己潛力的職業道德。

Singtel has been an Official Partner of SNOC since 2012 and is one of the earliest corporate sponsors supporting Team Singapore athletes. In 2023, the Group renewed its sponsorship with SNOC for the third time pledging S$1.7 million over the next five years, its biggest sponsorship for sports to date. The sponsorship will continue to help fund training grants for athletes, and offset fees and expenses at major games.


Ingredients for success


In the film, Kean Yew, Maximilian and Kiria are seen preparing for the Paris Olympics with their coaches and teammates as well as training against iconic Singapore locations such as Marina Bay, Gardens by the Bay, and Henderson Waves at Telok Blangah Hill Park. As they get physically and mentally primed for one of the most important competitions in their career, they have called out three ingredients they regard as critical for success – speed, resilience, and tenacity.

影片中,Kean Yew、Maximilian和Kiria與他們的教練和隊友一起爲巴黎奧運會做準備,並在濱海灣、海灣花園和Telok Blangah Hill公園的Henderson Waves等新加坡標誌性地點訓練。當他們爲職業生涯中最重要的比賽之一做好身心準備時,他們大聲疾呼了他們認爲對成功至關重要的三個要素——速度、韌性和韌性。

Ms Lian Pek, Singtel's Vice President of Group Strategic Communications and Brand adds, "We understand these values all too well which is why these athletes' stories of endeavour speak to us at Singtel. As the leading provider of advanced connectivity, digital services and digital infrastructure, speed and the resiliency of our networks, platforms and services are crucial to our success and ambitions to serve our stakeholders, be they our customers or communities. Our athletes also remind us that we need tenacity and a little fire in the belly to go that extra mile. I'm sure Singapore's Olympics story will resonate with anyone who's ever dreamed of reaching beyond themselves."


"Shining Bright From Singapore to Paris" premieres today on Singtel TV and across its digital platforms. Each athlete will also highlight one of the three essential values for achieving success in three separate 30 second videos.

“Shining Bright 從新加坡到巴黎” 今天在新加坡電信電視臺及其數字平台上首播。每位運動員還將在三個單獨的30秒視頻中重點介紹取得成功的三個基本價值觀之一。



"Flying" through the waters is Maximilian. In the video, he shares he wants to "show the world how fast and powerful our nation can be". Indeed, he will be a fierce competitor with his consecutive victories leading up to Paris. Maximilian will be making his first Olympic appearance this year and was previously the youngest winner in any Olympic sailing class competition at the age of 16 in 2023.

在水中 “飛行” 的是馬克西米利安。在視頻中,他分享了他想 “向世界展示我們國家的速度和強大程度”。事實上,他在巴黎賽前連續取得勝利,將成爲激烈的競爭對手。馬克西米利安今年將首次參加奧運會,此前他是所有奧運會帆船級別比賽中最年輕的冠軍,他在2023年年僅16歲。



Kiria made history as the first female Singaporean to ever compete in the epee event, at the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. In her video, she talks about rising to the challenge to make Singapore proud. Kiria has secured her place to compete again at this year's Olympic Games, and she is ready to rise to the challenge once more.




As Kean Yew puts it in his video, "To show the world our tenacity and strength", he has since earned a world championship title and three BWF World Tour wins since the previous 2020 Tokyo Olympics. Now stronger physically and mentally, he is ready to make a big smash in Paris.

正如Kean Yew在他的視頻 “向世界展示我們的堅韌和力量” 中所說的那樣,自上屆2020年東京奧運會以來,他已經贏得了世界冠軍頭銜和三次世界羽聯世界巡迴賽冠軍。現在,他在身體和精神上都變得更強壯了,準備在巴黎大放異彩。

Watch "Shining Bright From Singapore to Paris" here. The individual athletes' video will be released in line with their respective event dates to drum up support in the community.

在這裏觀看 “從新加坡到巴黎的閃耀”。個人運動員的視頻將根據各自的賽事日期發佈,以爭取社區的支持。

From 27 July to 12 August, customers can stay on top of the latest Olympic action and cheer Team Singapore athletes on with Mediacorp's coverage of the Olympic Games Paris 2024, available for free in HD on CAST and Singtel TV Ch21 – 26.

從7月27日至8月12日,客戶可以隨時了解最新的奧運會動態,並收看Mediacorp對2024年巴黎奧運會的報道,在Cast和新加坡電信電視Ch21 — 26上免費提供高清報道。



