
中國恒大(03333.HK)獨立非執行董事辭任 繼續停牌

Evergrande (03333.HK) independent non-executive director resigns, continues suspension.

AASTOCKS ·  Jul 26 08:43

Evergrande (03333.HK) announced that Zhou Chengyan (as shown in the company's director register, who has served as an independent non-executive director) has resigned to handle his personal affairs, and therefore no longer serves as the chairman and member of the company's audit committee, as well as a member of the nomination committee. All of these are effective from May 31.

After Zhou Chengyan resigned, the number of independent non-executive directors, audit committee members, and nomination committee members of the company is below the minimum required by Listing Rules 3.10, 3.21 and 3.27A. Therefore, it does not comply with the requirements of the Listing Rules.

Trading of the stock has been suspended since 10:18 am on January 29, and will continue to be suspended until further notice.

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