
Pieridae Announces Sale of Goldboro, Equity Financing, Full Repayment of Bridge Loan & Production Shut-In

Pieridae Announces Sale of Goldboro, Equity Financing, Full Repayment of Bridge Loan & Production Shut-In

GlobeNewswire ·  07/26 06:01

Completes strategic pivot to a focused E&P and Midstream company while reducing both debt and cost of capital




CALGARY, Alberta, July 25, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Pieridae Energy Limited ("Pieridae" or the "Company") (TSX: PEA) is pleased to announce it has completed the sale of its Goldboro assets (the "Goldboro Sale") and has issued notice to repay in full the Company's subordinated secured bridge loan (the "Bridge Loan"). The balance of the Bridge Loan repayment in excess of the Goldboro Sale proceeds will be funded by the Company's existing liquidity. Pieridae is also pleased to announce it has agreed to a private placement of common shares with Alberta Investment Management Corporation ("AIMCo"), an existing Pieridae shareholder (the "Private Placement"), the proceeds of which will be used to repay a portion of the Company's existing credit facilities. Also, in response to sustained low natural gas prices, Pieridae is shutting-in approximately 6,250 boe/d of production that flows to a third-party owned and operated facility in the Company's Central Alberta core area.

加拿大亞省卡爾加里,2024年7月25日,Pieridae Energy Limited ("Pieridae" 或"公司") (TSX: PEA) 很高興地宣佈,已完成其Goldboro資產的出售 ("Goldboro Sale") 和發出通知以完全償還公司的次級擔保橋貸款 ("Bridge Loan")。超過 Goldboro Sale 收益的橋貸款償還餘額將由公司現有的流動性提供。Pieridae 也很高興地宣佈,已與Alberta Investment Management Corporation ("AIMCo") 達成定向增發普通股的協議,AIMCo 是現有的 Pieridae 股東 ("Private Placement"),所籌集的資金將用於償還公司現有信貸設施的一部分。此外,鑑於天然氣價格持續低迷,Pieridae 正關閉其在公司中央阿爾伯塔核心區域向第三方擁有和經營的設施流量,每天約爲 6,250 bours équivalent pétrole/d。

Darcy Reding, President & CEO, commented "We are excited to conclude the sale of Goldboro, an important step in concentrating our strategy onto our upstream and midstream businesses. We are also very pleased with the ongoing support of our lenders and of AIMCo, who have each made additional commitments to enable the repayment of the highest cost loan in our capital structure. Pieridae will be stronger financially with a lower risk profile and a clearer investment proposition that benefits our shareholders."

Darcy Reding,總裁兼首席執行官,評論說:“我們很高興完成 Goldboro 的出售,這是將我們的策略專注於上游和中游業務的重要一步。我們也非常滿意債權人和 AIMCo 的持續支持,他們各自做出了額外承諾,以償還我們資本結構中成本最高的貸款。Pieridae 將在財務上更加強大,擁有更低的風險和更清晰的投資方案,使我們股東受益。”



On July 25, 2024, Pieridae issued a binding repayment notice (the "Repayment Notice") to TEC pursuant to which the Company has agreed to fully repay the 18% fixed rate, subordinated convertible Bridge Loan which matures December 13, 2024. Pursuant to the Repayment Notice, the Bridge Loan will be settled in cash on or prior to August 24, 2024 in the amount of $24.0 million, including outstanding principal and accrued interest. Extinguishing the Bridge Loan with cash reduces the Company's total debt and avoids more significant equity dilution that would otherwise occur in the event of a full conversion of the Bridge Loan to common shares.

2024年7月25日,Pieridae 發出了一份有約束力的償還通知 ("Repayment Notice"),向 TEC 發出通知,公司已同意全額償還 18% 的固定利率、次級可轉換橋貸,截至 2024年12月13日到期。根據償還通知,橋貸款項將在 2024年8月24日或之前以現金結算,包括未償還的本金和應計利息,共2400萬元。現金清償橋貸減少了公司的總債務,避免了由於將橋貸轉換爲普通股而導致的更嚴重的股權稀釋。


Goldboro 出售

In November 2023, Pieridae announced its intention to sell its Goldboro assets. On July 25, 2024 Pieridae finalized the Goldboro Sale for cash consideration of $12.0 million, subject to normal closing adjustments and the release of security by Third Eye Capital Corporation ("TEC"), concurrent with repayment of the Bridge Loan.

2023年11月,Pieridae 宣佈打算出售其 Goldboro 資產。2024年7月25日,Pieridae 爲現金對價1200萬美元 ("Goldboro Sale") 完成了 Goldboro Sale,視情況調整,並在由 Third Eye Capital Corporation ("TEC") 所持有的擔保全部得到釋放,同時償還橋貸款。

The conclusion of the Goldboro Sale is an important step in the Company's previously announced strategic pivot away from the legacy of an integrated east coast LNG project. Pieridae has now completed the shift to focus on operating and growing the Company's natural gas, NGL and sulphur production and optimizing its midstream processing facilities in the Foothills region of Alberta.

Goldboro Sale 的完成是公司之前宣佈的從綜合東海岸LNG項目的遺產中脫離的重要一步。Pieridae 現已完成了將重點放在運營和增長公司的天然氣、NGL 和硫的生產,並優化其在阿爾伯塔的 Foothills 地區的中游加工設施的轉變。



Concurrent with the closing of the sale of the Goldboro assets, Pieridae has entered into a subscription agreement with AIMCo to issue 12,800,000 common shares to AIMCo at a price of $0.35 per share, for proceeds of $4.48 million in a non-brokered private placement. Pieridae has 159,111,336 common shares outstanding prior to the Private Placement and will have 171,911,336 common shares outstanding following the Private Placement. Proceeds from the Private Placement will be used to repay a portion of the Company's existing credit facilities.

與 Goldboro 資產出售同時,Pieridae 與 AIMCo 簽訂了認購協議,發行 12,800,000 股普通股,認購價格爲 0.35 美元/股,籌集了 448 萬美元的資金,這是非經紀人定向增發。私募股份配售前,Pieridae 有 159,111,336 股普通股,此次 Private Placement 完成後,Pieridae 有 171,911,336 股普通股。籌集的資金將用於償還公司現有信貸設施的一部分。

The Company has received conditional approval for the Private Placement from the Toronto Stock Exchange ("TSX") and, pursuant to National Instrument 45-102 - Resale of Securities, the shares issued under the Private Placement are subject to a four month plus one day hold period, commencing on the day of closing which is anticipated to occur on or about the date of repayment of the Bridge Loan.

公司已獲得多倫多證券交易所("TSX")對定向增發的條件批准,並根據 45-102 全國證券同意書-轉售證券的規定,定向增發的股票受限於在關閉之日起爲期四個月加一天的佔有期,預計在償還橋貸期日前後達成。



Peters & Co. Limited is acting as exclusive financial advisor to Pieridae with respect to the Private Placement. Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP is acting as Pieridae's legal advisor.

Peters & Co. Limited 是 Pieridae 關於定向增發的唯一財務顧問。Norton Rose Fulbright Canada LLP 是 Pieridae 的法律顧問。



Pieridae has initiated the shut-in of approximately 6,250 boe/d of uneconomic sour gas production in its Central Alberta core area due to extremely low AECO natural gas prices and high processing costs. The production flows to a third-party processing facility and is expected to be completely shut-in by July 26, 2024. Pieridae continually evaluates the economic performance of its producing assets to optimize net operating income during periods of sustained low commodity prices.

Pieridae 已啓動在其中央阿爾伯塔核心區域關閉約6,250 boe/d 的經濟性酸性氣體生產,原因是 AECO 天然氣價格極低和加工成本高。生產流向第三方加工設施,預計將於2024年7月26日完全關閉。Pieridae 不斷評估其現有資產的經濟表現,以在持續低商品價格期間優化淨營業收入。



Pieridae is a Canadian energy company headquartered in Calgary, Alberta. The Company is a significant upstream producer and midstream custom processor of natural gas, natural gas liquids, condensate, and sulphur from the Canadian Foothills and adjacent areas in Alberta and in northeast British Columbia. Pieridae's vision is to provide responsible, affordable natural gas and derived products to meet society's energy security needs. Pieridae's Common Shares trade on the TSX under the symbol "PEA".

Pieridae 是一家總部位於加拿大亞省卡爾加里的能源公司。公司是加拿大山麓和鄰近地區的重要上游生產商和中游自定義加工商,從該地區的天然氣、天然氣液體、凝析油和硫中提取燃料幣。Pieridae 的願景是提供負責任、具有可負擔性的天然氣及其衍生產品,以滿足社會的能源安全需求。Pieridae 的普通股在 TSX 上交易,代碼爲 "PEA"。

For further information, visit , or please contact:


Darcy Reding, President & Chief Executive Officer
Telephone: (403) 261-5900
Adam Gray, Chief Financial Officer
Telephone: (403) 261-5900
Investor Relations
Darcy Reding,總裁兼首席執行官

Forward-Looking Statements
Certain of the statements contained herein may constitute "forward-looking statements" or "forward-looking information" within the meaning of applicable securities laws (collectively "forward-looking statements"). Words such as "may", "will", "should", "could", "would", "anticipate", "agreed to", "focus on", "optimize", "grow", "reduce", "avoid", "vision", "strategy", "proposition", "ongoing" and other similar words and expressions may be used to identify the forward-looking statements contained herein. These statements reflect management's current beliefs and are based on information currently available to management. Forward-looking statements contained herein include, without limitation: the intended use of proceeds from the Goldboro Sale and the Private Placement; the Company's ability to draw on its existing credit facilities; expectations with respect to the closing of the Private Placement, including timing thereof; expectations with respect to repayment of the Bridge Loan, including mechanics and timing thereof; the anticipated benefits of the repayment of the Bridge Loan, including, but not limited to, increasing the Company's financial strength and lowering its risk profile, improving the Company's investment profile, reducing the Company's total debt, avoiding equity dilution and other benefits to shareholders; expectations with respect to ongoing support from the Company's lenders and AIMCo; the release of security held by TEC in connection with the Goldboro Sale; and the Company's strategic focus on operating and growing its natural gas, NGL and sulphur production and on optimizing its midstream process facilities.

此文中包含的某些聲明可能構成適用證券法規的"前瞻性語句"或"前瞻性信息"(統稱"前瞻性陳述")。可能使用 "可能"、"將"、"應該"、"可以"、"會"、"預計"、"同意"、"關注"、"優化"、"增長"、"減少"、"避免"、"願景"、"策略"、"方案"、"持續"和其他類似的詞語和表達式識別此類前瞻性陳述。這些聲明反映了管理層的當前信念,並基於管理層目前掌握的信息。此處包含的前瞻性聲明包括但不限於:Goldboro Sale 和 Private Placement 的擬定用途;公司有能力動用現有的信貸設施;關於 Private Placement 結束的預期,包括結束的時間;有關償還 Bridge Loan 的預期,包括機制和時間;償還 Bridge Loan 的預期益處,包括但不限於加強公司的財務實力和降低風險,改善公司的投資方案,減少公司的總債務,避免股權稀釋以及其他對股東有益的益處等;有關債權人和 AIMCo 的持續支持的預期;與 Goldboro Sale 相關的 TEC 所持有的擔保釋放;公司注重運營和增長天然氣、NGL 和硫的生產,以及優化其在阿爾伯塔的 Foothills 地區的中游加工設施的戰略重點。

Forward-looking statements involve significant risk and uncertainties. A number of factors could cause actual results to differ materially from the results discussed in the forward-looking statements including, but not limited to, the risks associated with oil and gas exploration, development, exploitation, production, processing, marketing and transportation, loss of markets, volatility of commodity prices, currency fluctuations, imprecision of resources estimates, environmental risks, competition from other producers, incorrect assessment of the value of acquisitions, failure to realize the anticipated benefits of acquisitions, delays resulting from or inability to obtain required regulatory approvals, and ability to access sufficient capital from internal and external sources. These and other risk factors are discussed in more detail under "Risk Factors" and elsewhere in Pieridae's Annual Information Form for the year ended December 31, 2023, which is available on the Company's profile on SEDAR+ at . Additional risk factors include, but are not limited to: the Private Placement may not be completed, or may not be completed on the terms and timeline as currently expected; and the repayment of the Bridge Loan may not be completed on the terms or timeline as currently expected.

生成前瞻性陳述涉及重大風險和不確定性。許多因素可能導致實際結果與前瞻性陳述中討論的結果顯著不同,包括但不限於與油氣勘探,開發,開採,生產,加工,營銷和運輸相關的風險,市場失去,商品價格波動,貨幣波動,資源估算不精確,環境風險,來自其他生產商的競爭,未對收購價值進行準確評估,無法實現收購預期收益,因取得所需監管批准而導致的延誤或無法獲得,以及從內部和外部來源獲取足夠資本的能力。這些和其他風險因素在Pieridae 2023年度信息表格的“風險因素”和其他地方中有更詳細的討論,該信息表格可在SEDAAR+上公司的配置文件上找到。其他風險因素包括但不限於:可能無法完成定向增發,或者可能無法按照當前預期的條款和時間表完成定向增發;以及可能無法按照當前預期的條款或時間表償還橋接貸款。

Forward-looking statements are based on a number of factors and assumptions which have been used to develop such forward-looking statements, but which may prove to be incorrect. Although Pieridae believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, undue reliance should not be placed on forward-looking statements because Pieridae can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to be correct. In addition to other factors and assumptions which may be identified in this document, assumptions have been made regarding, among other things: the impact of increasing competition; the general stability of the economic and political environment in which Pieridae operates; the ability of Pieridae to obtain and retain qualified staff, equipment and services in a timely and cost efficient manner; the ability of the operator of the projects which Pieridae has an interest in to operate the field in a safe, efficient and effective manner; the ability of Pieridae to obtain financing on acceptable terms; the ability to replace and expand oil and natural gas resources through acquisition, development and exploration; the timing and costs of pipeline, storage and facility construction and expansion and the ability of Pieridae to secure adequate product transportation; future oil and natural gas prices; currency, exchange and interest rates; the regulatory framework regarding royalties, taxes and environmental matters in the jurisdictions in which Pieridae operates; timing and amount of capital expenditures; future sources of funding; production levels; weather conditions; success of exploration and development activities; access to gathering, processing and pipeline systems; advancing technologies; and the ability of Pieridae to successfully market its oil and natural gas products.


Readers are cautioned that the foregoing list of assumptions and risk factors is not exhaustive. Additional information on these and other factors that could affect Pieridae's operations and financial results are included in reports on file with Canadian securities regulatory authorities and may be accessed through the SEDAR+ website (), and at Pieridae's website ().


Although the forward-looking statements contained herein are based upon what management believes to be reasonable assumptions, management cannot assure that actual results will be consistent with these forward-looking statements. Investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are made as of the date hereof and Pieridae assumes no obligation to update or review them to reflect new events or circumstances except as required by applicable securities laws.


Forward-looking statements contained herein concerning the oil and gas industry and Pieridae's general expectations concerning this industry are based on estimates prepared by management using data from publicly available industry sources as well as from reserve reports, market research and industry analysis and on assumptions based on data and knowledge of this industry which Pieridae believes to be reasonable. However, this data is inherently imprecise, although generally indicative of relative market positions, market shares and performance characteristics. While Pieridae is not aware of any misstatements regarding any industry data presented herein, the industry involves risks and uncertainties and is subject to change based on various factors.


Neither TSX nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


