
Stuart Therapeutics, Inc. Announces Key Addition to Its Executive Team

Stuart Therapeutics, Inc. Announces Key Addition to Its Executive Team

Stuart Therapeutics,Inc.宣佈其高管團隊新增關鍵人員。
PR Newswire ·  07/26 02:07

Company adds Lukas Scheibler as Chief Science and Technology Officer

公司聘請Lukas Scheibler作爲首席科學技術官

STUART, Fla., July 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Stuart Therapeutics, a clinical-stage ophthalmic biopharmaceutical company focused on developing therapies for the treatment of anterior segment, refractive and posterior segment eye disorders, today announced the addition of Lukas Scheibler, PhD as its Chief Science and Technology Officer.

佛羅里達州斯圖爾特,2024年7月25日/PRNewswire/--斯圖爾特治療公司是一家臨床前眼科生物製藥公司,專注於開發治療前段、屈光和後段眼疾的療法。今天宣佈,Lukas Scheibler博士加入公司擔任首席科學技術官。

Stuart, Florida

"The advancement of our pipeline of novel collagen mimetic peptide therapeutics has increased the need for us to augment our capabilities. We are excited to have Lukas join the Stuart Therapeutics team as our Chief Science and Technology Officer. He has an extensive background in pharma, and we are particularly excited about his capabilities in retinal indications, an area where Stuart has developed some very exciting pre-clinical results. Lukas will work with a strong research team that includes Brian Del Buono, PhD, EVP R&D, and David Calkins, PhD. Dr. Calkins who has acted as the company's Chief Science Officer, will take on the new role as the head of our Scientific Advisory Board" said Eric Schlumpf, Stuart's President and CEO.

我們藥物管道的提升,增加了我們提高能力的需求。我們很高興Lukas加入Stuart Therapeutics團隊擔任首席科學技術官。他在製藥方面有很豐富的背景,我們對他在視網膜病變的能力特別感到興奮,這是Stuart已經取得了一些非常令人興奮的臨床前結果的領域。Lukas將與一支強大的研究團隊一起工作,其中包括Brian Del Buono博士、EVP R&D和David Calkins博士。擔任公司首席科學家的Calkins博士將擔任我們科學諮詢委員會的負責人"。

"Stuart Therapeutics is developing an extremely interesting therapeutic platform that targets diseased tissues in a novel way compared to conventional therapeutics for ophthalmology," said Dr. Scheibler. "The company has demonstrated the ability to build viable development programs with a lean, effective team. I'm pleased to be a part of this strong group, and am looking forward to helping drive their new programs, including retinal diseases, forward to success."

"Stuart Therapeutics正在開發一種與傳統眼科治療方法不同的非常有趣的治療平台,有針對性地針對患有疾病的組織。"Scheibler博士表示。 "與一個精幹、高效的團隊一起,該公司已經展示出了建立可行的開發計劃的能力。我很高興成爲這個強大團隊的一員,期待幫助推動它們的新項目,包括視網膜疾病,取得成功"。

Dr. Scheibler is an R&D professional with in-depth experience in drug development. Prior to his role at Stuart, he was the Chief Research Officer at Apellis Pharmaceuticals where he was responsible for creating and managing all preclinical research projects and advancing them into clinical development to establish proof of concept. Prior to this, he held leading roles in Acucela, Alcon and Novartis in research, clinical development and business development. He holds a PhD from the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, and has completed postdoctoral training at Harvard Medical School.

Scheibler博士是一位擁有深入藥物研發經驗的研發專業人士。在加入Stuart之前,他曾擔任Apellis Pharmaceuticals的首席研究官,負責創建和管理所有臨床前研究項目,並將其推進到臨床開發階段以建立概念證明。在此之前,他曾在Acucela、Alcon和Novartis擔任研究、臨床開發和業務拓展的領導職位。他持有瑞士洛桑大學的博士學位,並在哈佛醫學院完成了博士後培訓。

About Stuart Therapeutics, Inc.
Stuart Therapeutics, founded in 2017 and based in Stuart, Florida, is the leader in the development of ECM-targeting therapeutics for disease treatment. Its platform technology, PolyCol, is a portfolio of synthesized collagen mimetic peptides designed to specifically bind to and repair disease- or injury-damaged helical collagen structures. This activity results in both a repair of collagen structures and a restoration of homeostatic cell signaling, with positive effects on cell growth and proliferation and reduction in inflammation. These effects occur rapidly in treated tissues, and Stuart Therapeutics has extensive research results in a variety of refractive, anterior segment and posterior segment ophthalmic disease indications. The company's programs include vezocolmitide, a topical drug for dry eye disease, currently in a Phase 3 trial, and pre-clinical assets in retinal disease and myopia. The company also has a licensing partnership with Glaukos Corporation in glaucoma neuroprotection. For more information, visit .

關於Stuart Therapeutics,Inc。
Stuart Therapeutics成立於2017年,總部位於佛羅里達州斯圖爾特,是ECm靶向治療藥物開發的領軍者。其平台技術PolyCol是一組合成的膠原蛋白類似肽,旨在特異性地結合和修復因疾病或損傷而受損的螺旋膠原結構。這一活動導致膠原結構的修復和細胞信號恢復正常狀態,對細胞生長和增殖產生積極影響,並減少炎症。這些效應在治療組織中迅速發生,Stuart Therapeutics在各種屈光、前段和後段眼科疾病指標研究方面擁有廣泛的研究結果。公司的項目包括vezocolmitide,一種用於乾眼症的局部藥物,目前正在進行第三階段試驗,以及視網膜疾病和近視的臨床前資產。該公司還與Glaukos Corporation在青光眼神經保護方面擁有許可合作關係。有關更多信息,請訪問。

CONTACT: Eric Schlumpf, President & CEO
[email protected]

聯繫人:Eric Schlumpf,總裁兼首席執行官
[email protected]

SOURCE Stuart Therapeutics

消息來源:Stuart Therapeutics

