
Aero Energy Begins Drilling at the Sun Dog Uranium Project, Saskatchewan

Aero Energy Begins Drilling at the Sun Dog Uranium Project, Saskatchewan

艾洛能源開始在薩斯喀徹溫省的Sun Dog鈾礦項目進行鑽探。
newsfile ·  07/25 19:00

Drill Holes to Test New Shallow High-Priority Targets


Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 25, 2024) - Aero Energy Ltd (TSXV: AERO) (OTC Pink: AAUGF) (FSE: UU3) ("Aero" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that drilling activities have commenced at the Company's Sun Dog Uranium Project ("Sun Dog", or the "Project") located near Uranium City in northwestern Saskatchewan (Figure 1). Field crews have arrived at the Project and drilling has commenced. The drill program is being funded by Aero and operated by Standard Uranium Ltd. ("Standard") (TSXV: STND), pursuant to the underlying option agreement between the companies.

英屬哥倫比亞省溫哥華 -(Newsfile Corp. - 2024年7月25日)- Aero Energy Ltd(TSXV:AERO)(OTC Pink:AAUGF)(FSE:UU3)("Aero"或"公司")很高興地宣佈,在位於薩斯喀徹溫西北部鈾城附近(圖1)的公司Sun Dog Uranium Project("Sun Dog"或"項目")已經開始了鑽探活動。現場工作人員已經到達該項目地點,並已開始鑽探。該鑽探計劃由Aero資助,並由Standard Uranium Ltd.("標準")(TSXV:STND)運營,根據公司之間的基礎期權協議進行。



  • Drilling Underway: Drilling activities began on July 23, 2024. Approximately 1,000-1,200 metres are planned across 5-7 drill holes targeting shallow high-grade basement-hosted uranium mineralization, beginning with the Wishbone target area (Figure 2).
  • 正在進行鑽探:鑽孔活動於2024年7月23日開始。計劃在5-7個鑽孔上完成約1,000-1,200米的鑽探,目標是淺層高品位基底型鈾礦化,首先以Wishbone目標區(圖2)爲起點。
  • Undrilled & Shallow Drill Targets: Drill plans comprise helicopter-supported diamond drilling focused on high-priority targets refined by geophysical work completed by the Company earlier this year, bolstered by recent prospecting and identification of strong radioactivity at surface within ideal uranium host rocks.
  • 未鑽探的淺層鑽探目標:鑽探計劃包括直升機支持的金剛石鑽探,重點是通過公司於今年早些時候完成的地球物理工作細化的高優先級目標,再加上最近的採礦和在理想的鈾岩層中表現出強烈輻射活性的發現。
  • Untapped Uranium Potential: Drilling will focus on target areas along refined VTEMTM corridors with the proven exploration thesis of focusing on major conductor trends associated with cross-cutting faults and surficial radioactivity expressions.
  • 未開發的鈾潛力:鑽孔將集中在沿着經過細化的VTEMTm走廊的目標區域,這個探索理論已被證明集中於與相交斷層和表面輻射性表現相關的主要導體趨勢。
  • Fully Funded: The drill program is fully funded and may be expanded based on results.
  • 完全資助:該鑽孔計劃已得到充分資助,並可以根據結果進行擴展。

Caption: Aero Energy and Standard Uranium Personnel Prospecting Upcoming Drill Targets

題注:Aero Energy和Standard Uranium人員正在預測即將到來的鑽孔目標

Galen McNamara, CEO of Aero Energy, stated, "With drilling now underway at Sun Dog we are very much looking forward to testing the targets. Each target was carefully chosen based on a number of features and strengthened by the identification of favourable radioactive host rocks at surface. In my experience, targets like this are rare so I'm glad we are in a position to quickly test them via drilling."

Aero Energy首席執行官Galen McNamara表示:"隨着Sun Dog的鑽探現在開始,我們非常期待測試這些目標。每個目標都是基於許多特徵仔細選擇的,並通過在表面識別良好放射性寄主岩石加強。根據我的經驗,這樣的目標很少,所以我很高興我們能夠通過鑽探快速測試它們。"

Figure 1: Overview of the Sun Dog Project highlighting 2024 summer drill target areas, high-grade uranium occurrences, and EM-conductors.

圖1:Sun Dog項目概述,突出2024年夏季鑽探目標區,高品位鈾出現和電磁導體。

Figure 2: Detail map of the Wishbone target area highlighting newly discovered mineralized graphitic metapelite outcrop, anomalous surface radioactivity***, and untested VTEM conductors. The first drill hole of the 2024 program will test the Wishbone target for the first time.

圖2:Wishbone目標區的詳細地圖,突出了新發現的礦化石墨變質岩露頭,異常地表輻射等,並突出了未經檢測的VTEm導體。 2024年計劃的第一個鑽孔將首次測試Wishbone目標。

2024 Summer Drill Program


Diamond drilling on the first hole is currently underway. This program will comprise approximately 1,000-1,200 metres of drilling at high-priority target areas following completion of a VTEM Plus survey and geophysical modeling earlier this year.

第一個鑽孔的金剛石鑽探正在進行。該計劃將包括大約1,000-1,200米的鑽探,針對高優先級目標區域,隨着今年早些時候完成VTEm Plus調查和地球物理建模的完成。

Target Selection for 2024 Drill Campaign


Targets were selected and prioritized through an iterative approach working in collaboration with the teams from Standard and Convolutions Geoscience. Recent prospecting and mapping at the Wishbone, McNie, and Spring-Dome target areas has outlined multiple outcrops of favourable uranium host-rocks, including graphitic pelite, which is commonly radioactive over >200 m of collective strike length. Structural measurements and radioactivity mapping has further refined drill targets in these areas.

通過與Standard和Convolutions Geoscience團隊的協作,通過迭代方法選擇和優先考慮目標。在Wishbone,McNie和Spring-Dome目標區域進行的最新探礦和繪圖工作已經概述了多個有利的鈾母巖露頭,包括石墨泥岩,長度超過> 20000萬米。在這些地區,結構測量和放射性映射進一步細化了鑽孔目標。

Targets are ranked and prioritized based on geophysical signature, geological/structural setting, proximity to historical uranium occurrences of interest, and the Company's recent prospecting and mapping campaign. A total of seven priority targets were identified (Figure 1) to encompass a variety of target types and provide a third phase of regional testing across the Project:


Wishbone Target Area:


  • - Approximately five kilometres of strike length along a regional scale anticline, defined by strong VTEM conductors with associated radioactivity that has never been drill tested.

  • - Graphitic pelitic rocks have been mapped along both fold limbs, hosting strong radioactivity up to 22,300 cps.

  • - Mineralized cross-cutting faults have been mapped in the overlying rocks which intersect the uranium-bearing graphitic pelite unit.

  • - Historical outcrop sampling at the northwestern graphitic pelite exposure returned assay results of 0.32% U3O8 and 0.30% Cu (SMDI #2095).

  • - 約五公里長的區域性逆斷層,由具有相關輻射活性的強VTEm導體定義,從未進行過鑽探。

  • - 石墨泥岩沿着雙摺疊肢段進行了映射,可承載強烈放射性至22,300 cps。

  • - 已經映射出礦化交叉斷裂位於覆蓋層岩石中,它們與富含鈾的石墨泥岩單元相交。

  • - 在西北石墨泥岩露頭的歷史露頭取樣返回了0.32% U3O8和0.30% Cu(SMDI#2095)。

McNie Target Area:


  • - Approximately four kilometres of untested VTEM conductor strike length.

  • - The corridors are off-set by significant E-W trending regional faults, which host known uranium showings to the east towards the newly discovered zone at target H15 on the Murmac Project, and to the west towards the past-producing Gulch uranium mine.

  • -未探查過的VTEm傳導體的約四公里長度。

  • -走廊由顯著的東西向區域性斷層偏離,這些斷層向東方承載已知鈾礦,延伸至Murmac項目上的目標H15處新發現的區域,向西方承載曾開採過的Gulch鈾礦。

Spring-Dome Target Area:


  • - Historically explored Gunnar-style target focused on mineralized carbonatized granites and pitchblende veins and fractures.

  • - The Spring-Dome area has been historically drilled with intersections over 1.0% U3O8; however, several showings of uranium south of known drilling with values up to 17.4% U3O8 and radioactivity readings >65,535 cps have not been properly drill-tested.

  • - The Company is currently evaluating the priority of this area through prospecting, mapping, and geological modeling. The target area south of Spring Lake represents the possibility of a uranium deposit akin to the nearby past-producing "Beaverlodge-style" Gunnar mine.

  • -礦化碳酸化花崗岩和pitchblende脈和裂縫在歷史上已勘探的Gunnar型目標。

  • -Spring-Dome區域歷史上已進行過鑽探,與U3O8超過1.0%的相交點。然而,已知鑽井以南的多處鈾礦展現未得到適當的鑽探測試,其中一些含U3O8高達17.4%,放射性讀數> 65535 cps。

  • -公司目前正在通過勘探,製圖和地質建模評估該區域的優先級。 Spring Lake以南的目標區域代表了一座可能類似於附近的“ Beaverlodge式” Gunnar礦的鈾礦牀。

Other high-priority target areas including Haven, Java, and Skye are being reviewed with new datasets and models for a possible winter drill program in 2025.


*Natural gamma radiation in outcrop reported in this news release was measured in counts per second (cps) using a handheld RS-125 super-spectrometer. Readers are cautioned that scintillometer and gamma probe readings are not uniformly or directly related to uranium grades of the rock sample measured and should be treated only as a preliminary indication of the presence of radioactive minerals.


**The Company considers uranium mineralization with concentrations greater than 1.0 wt% U3O8 to be "high-grade".

** 公司認爲含有U3O8濃度大於1.0重量%的鈾礦化爲“高品位”。

*** The Company considers radioactivity readings greater than 300 counts per second (cps) to be "anomalous".

*** 公司認爲讀數大於300每秒計數(cps)的放射性爲“異常”。

Qualified Person


The technical content of this news release has been reviewed and approved by Galen McNamara, P. Geo., CEO of the Company and a qualified person as defined by National Instrument 43-101.

本新聞稿的技術內容已由本公司的CEO,符合《43-101號國家規定》定義的合格人員Galen McNamara P.Geo進行審查和批准。

Historical data disclosed in this news release relating to sampling results on the Sun Dog Project is historical in nature. Neither the Company nor a qualified person has yet verified this data and therefore investors should not place undue reliance on such data. The Company's future exploration work will include verification of the data. The Company considers historical results to be relevant as an exploration guide and to assess the mineralization as well as economic potential of the Project.

本新聞發佈中披露的有關Sun Dog項目取樣結果的歷史數據系歷史性質。公司或資深人士尚未核實此數據,因此投資者不應過度依賴此類數據。公司的未來勘探工作將包括數據驗證。 公司認爲歷史結果對探索指南和評估項目的礦化物化及經濟潛力具有相關性。

About the Sun Dog Project

關於Sun Dog項目

Sun Dog covers an area of 48,443 acres in nine mining claims, located 15 km from Uranium City on the northern margin of the Athabasca Basin. It hosts the historical Gunnar Uranium Mine, discovered in 1952, which doubled Canada's uranium production and became the largest uranium producer globally in 1956. The Gunnar Mine produced approximately 18M lbs of U3O8 between 1953 and 19811,2.

Sun Dog項目佔地48,443英畝,分佈於九個礦業權,距盆地北緣的鈾城15公里。它擁有歷史悠久的Gunnar鈾礦,該礦於1952年發現,使加拿大的鈾產量增加一倍,並在1956年成爲全球最大的鈾生產商。Gunnar礦在1953年至1981年間產生了大約18,000,000磅的U3O8。

About Aero Energy Limited

關於Aero Energy Limited

Aero Energy is a mineral exploration and development company advancing a district-scale 250,000-acre land package in the historic Uranium City district within Saskatchewan's Athabasca Basin. Aero Energy is focused on uncovering high-grade uranium deposits across its flagship optioned properties - Sun Dog, Strike, and Murmac - in addition to its fully owned properties. With the application of modern exploration techniques, the Company has identified over 50 shallow drill-ready targets and 125 kilometres of target horizon on the frontier north rim of the Athabasca Basin. Aero Energy is tapping into the Athabasca Basin's emerging potential for high-grade, unconformity-style mineralization.

Aero 能源是一家礦產資源勘探和開發公司,在薩斯喀徹溫盆地歷史悠久的鈾城區擁有一個區域範圍爲 250,000 英畝的土地包。 Aero 能源致力於在自己的旗艦經營區 Sun Dog、 Strike 和 Murmac 以及自己完全擁有的礦區中發現高品位的鈾礦牀。通過運用現代勘探技術,該公司已確定了超過50個淺層鑽探就緒目標和125公里的勘探走向,位於 Athabasca Basin 的前沿北緣區。 Aero 能源正在利用 Athabasca Basin 新興的高品位不整合型礦化潛力。

On Behalf of the Board of Directors

Carl Esprey

Galen McNamara, Chief Executive Officer

Galen McNamara,首席執行官

Further information on the Company can be found on the Company's website at and at , or by contacting the Company by email at




  1. 2022 Winter Mineral Assessment Report, Sun Dog Property, Northern Saskatchewan, Canada, Standard Uranium, 2022
  2. Information obtained from Saskatchewan Mineral Deposit Index and historical report from Uranium City Resources, 2007
  1. 2022年冬季礦物評估報告,Sun Dog Property,加拿大北部薩斯喀徹溫省,標準鈾,2022年。
  2. 從薩斯喀徹溫省礦牀指數獲取的信息和來自鈾城資源的歷史報告,2007年。

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Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


This news release contains certain "forward looking statements" and certain "forward-looking information" as defined under applicable Canadian and U.S. securities laws. Forward-looking statements and information can generally be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "may", "will", "should", "expect", "intend", "estimate", "anticipate", "believe", "continue", "plans" or similar terminology. The forward-looking information contained herein is provided for the purpose of assisting readers in understanding management's current expectations and plans relating to the future. These forward‐looking statements or information relate to, among other things the exploration and development of the Company's mineral exploration projects including completion of drilling activities.


Forward-looking information is subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the actual actions, events or results to be materially different from those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information, including but not limited to: the requirement for regulatory approvals; enhanced uncertainty in global financial markets as a result of the public health crises; unquantifiable risks related to government actions and interventions; stock market volatility; regulatory restrictions; and other related risks and uncertainties.


Forward-looking information are based on management of the parties' reasonable assumptions, estimates, expectations, analyses and opinions, which are based on such management's experience and perception of trends, current conditions and expected developments, and other factors that management believes are relevant and reasonable in the circumstances, but which may prove to be incorrect.


The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking information except as required by applicable law. Such forward-looking information represents management's best judgment based on information currently available. No forward-looking statement can be guaranteed and actual future results may vary materially. Accordingly, readers are advised not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements or information.


