
Kincora Copper Announces ANT and Gravity Geophysical Surveys at the Nyngan Project

Kincora Copper Announces ANT and Gravity Geophysical Surveys at the Nyngan Project

Kincora Copper宣佈在Nyngan項目進行ANT和重力地球物理勘測。
newsfile ·  07/25 17:30
  • Ambient Noise Tomography (ANT) and gravity geophysical survey partnership formed with Fleet Space Technologies Pty Ltd (Fleet Space) at the Nyngan Project

  • Two phase regional and infill surveys to commence in early August

  • Surveys cover a regionally significant priority target identified by Fleet Space under a Research and Development grant agreement

  • Within the immediate district Fleet Space has recently completed the world's largest ANT survey and built a proprietary AI-powered district scale copper prospectivity map

  • The Fleet Space surveys complement Kincora and AngloGold Ashanti plc's (AngloGold Ashanti) planned exploration and upcoming drilling via an up to $50 million earn-in and joint venture agreement for the Nyngan and Nevertire Projects

  • 針對Nyngan項目,Kincora Copper Limited (TSXV: KCC) (ASX: KCC)與 Fleet Space Technologies Pty Ltd (Fleet Space) 一起建立了環境噪聲層析成像技術 (ANT) 和重力地球物理勘探的合作伙伴關係。

  • 兩個階段區域和填充勘測將在八月初開始。

  • 勘測覆蓋了 Fleet Space 在研發資助協議下確定的區域性重要目標。

  • 在近區範圍內,Fleet Space 最近完成了世界上最大的ANT勘測並建立了一張基於AI的區域型銅礦前景地圖。

  • Fleet Space 的勘測與 Kincora 和AngloGold Ashanti plc (AngloGold Ashanti) 在Nyngan 和Nevertire項目計劃的勘探和即將到來的鑽探(通過長達5000萬的股權合作)相輔相成。

Melbourne, Australia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 25, 2024) - Kincora Copper Limited (TSXV: KCC) (ASX: KCC) (Kincora or the Company) is pleased to announce an ANT and gravity geophysical survey partnership with Fleet Space at the Nyngan Project, located in the Northern Junee-Narromine Belt (NJNB) of the Macquarie Arc, Central West New South Wales.

澳大利亞墨爾本,2024年7月25日 - Kincora Copper Limited (TSXV: KCC) (ASX: KCC) (以下簡稱“Kincora”或“公司”) 高興地宣佈,在新南威爾士州中西部的Macquarie Arc的Northern Junee-Narromine Belt (NJNB)地區的Nyngan項目與Fleet Space建立了一個ANT和重力地球物理勘測的合作伙伴關係。

Sam Spring, President and CEO of Kincora commented:

Kincora的總裁兼首席執行官Sam Spring說:

"We are pleased to partner with Fleet Space who shares our and AngloGold Ashanti's view that the undercover extensions of the Macquarie Arc are a globally significant opportunity.

“我們很高興與Fleet Space合作,因爲他們與AngloGold Ashanti的觀點一致,即Macquarie Arc的涵蓋區域性有着重要機遇。

Fleet Space is making very significant investments in this district seeking to prove its proprietary exploration techniques and technology, designed to improve the speed and success rates for the discovery of new globally significant porphyry copper deposits. They have successfully defined a number of new large targets for other porphyry explorers in the district, one currently being drill tested within 10km from the surveys at our Nyngan Project.

Fleet Space正在對這個地區進行重大投資,以驗證其用於發現新的區域型重要斑岩銅礦牀的專有勘探技術與技術,其目標是提高勘探速度和成功率。他們已經成功爲該地區的其他斑岩勘探者確定了許多新的大型目標,目前正在10km內距離我們Nyngan項目的勘探地點內進行鑽探。

Through their knowledge of the belt, Fleet Space identified the northern Nyngan license area as a highly prospective untested new porphyry complex target area.

Fleet Space通過對該帶的了解,將北部Nyngan授權區域確定爲一個高度有前途的未經測試的新斑岩複合體目標區。

The upcoming surveys will cover a large interpreted magnetic complex, and intrusive level transverse structure within it, which is an existing high priority target and expected to be shortly drilled under the earn-in and joint venture agreement with AngloGold Ashanti."

即將到來的勘測將覆蓋一個大型磁性複合體和其中的穿侵岩層,在長達5000萬的股權合作中與AngloGold Ashanti進行鑽探前,它是一個現有的高優先級目標,預計很快會進行鑽探。



Fleet Space's ANT and ground gravity surveys cover a regionally significant priority target separately identified by Kincora, AngloGold Ashanti and Fleet Space. Subject to access and weather conditions the gravity surveys are anticipated to commence early August followed by the ANT surveys from mid August. The surveys are anticipated to complement upcoming priority drilling plans.

Fleet Space 的ANT和地面重力勘測分別覆蓋了Kincora、AngloGold Ashanti和Fleet Space單獨確定的區域性重要目標。根據可達性和天氣條件,重力勘測預計將在八月初開始,隨後是ANT勘測。這些勘測預計將補充即將進行的優先級鑽探計劃。

The surveys are seeking to combine new proprietary low environmental impact ground exploration techniques utilising seismic noise derived from natural and anthropogenic sources, with new ground gravity and existing regional magnetics and gravity, to identify and refine targeting of new intrusive porphyry system complexes and key structural features.


It is well documented that the composite volcanic and intrusive complexes elsewhere in the Macquarie Arc, which hosts an estimated total mineral endowment of over 160Moz gold equivalent1, have large alteration and geochemical halos that are often identifiable from regional geophysical surveys (similar geophysical features are present at the Nyngan Project and could be related to alteration). Furthermore, the mineralised deposits generally occur in clusters situated on cross-arc structures (similar structures may be interpreted within the Fleet Space survey area).

衆所周知,在 Macquarie Arc 的其他地方,含估計超過160Moz黃金當量礦物的複合火山岩和侵入岩複合體有着很大的改造和地球化學特徵區,通常可從區域性地球物理勘測中識別出來 ( 類似的地球物理特徵存在於Nyngan項目並可能與改造有關 )。此外,礦化牀通常出現在跨拱形構造上 ( Fleet Space調查區域可能存在類似的結構 )。

The rapid turnaround from completion of the survey to interpretation of results is enabled by Fleet Space's real-time ANT data acquisition capabilities utilising its satellite constellation, smart seismic sensors (Geodes) and 3D data processing. The processing, inversions and interpretation utilise ExoSphere by Fleet and AI technology, seeking to enhance the speed and precision of inversions of all available datasets to optimise drill hole targeting.

Fleet Space實時的ANT數據採集能力利用其衛星星座,智能地震傳感器(Geodes)和3D數據處理使得結果的快速處理,倒置和識別工作得以完成,期望利用AI技術以優化所有可獲得數據集的倒置並優化鑽孔方案。

A regional ANT survey is planned to cover an area of approximately 35km2 across the northern Nyngan license area with a proposed infill area of approximately 9km2. Similar to other surveys in the district, the ANT velocity model is anticipated to image down to 1900m depth with ground gravity surveys to provide complimentary density models over the same area.


Combining the new data from the ANT and gravity surveys with existing regional airborne magnetic and gravity is anticipated to map and refine the interpretation of paleo-surface and basement rocks to identify areas of targeted alteration, intrusions and structures for a maiden drill testing at shallow-to-moderate depths.


A similar two-phase approach was successfully recently undertaken elsewhere in the Macquarie Arc at Waratah Minerals Limited's (WTM.ASX) Spur project and Inflection Resource's (AUCU.CSE) Duck Creek project. In both cases, such surveys are reported to have defined multiple additional new large intrusive porphyry targets 2,3. The survey at Duck Creek was located as close as 3km from the Nyngan license boundary, 10km from the targeted survey at the northern Nyngan area, and led AngloGold to accelerate its Exploration Agreement with Inflection to drill the targets identified by Fleet Space's technology 3.

類似的兩階段方法最近也已成功實施於Macquarie Arc的Waratah Minerals Limited (WTm.ASX) Spur項目和Inflection Resource's (AUCU.CSE) Duck Creek項目。在這兩種情況下,這樣的勘測報告顯示,它們定義了多個新的大型侵入斑岩目標2,3。Duck Creek的調查距Nyngan授權區域邊界僅3公里,距北部Nyngan區域的目標調查區域10公里,並促使AngloGold加速其與Inflection的勘探協議以鑽探Fleet Space技術所確定的目標3。

More recently Fleet Space and Inflection completed the first of its kind district scale ANT survey of the world's largest, adjacent to the Nyngan and Nevertire licenses and the immediate district 4. This survey sought to map belt-scale architecture of prospect basement rocks including large intrusive bodies and potential cross-arc structures, and underpinned development of an AI-powered district scale copper prospectivity map.

最近Fleet Space和Inflection完成了迄今爲止世界上最大的第一個區域性ANT調查,緊鄰Nyngan和Nevertire牌照和所述地區 4。該調查試圖繪製前景巖性的帶級結構(包括大型侵入體和潛在的橫弧構造),並支撐了基於AI的地區銅前景地圖。

Figure 1: The northern Nyngan license area is interpreted to host a composite volcanic and intrusive complex with analogous aeromagnetic signatures and intrusive level cross arc structures to other Macquarie Arc porphyry complexes (eg Cadia, Cowal, Boda-Kaiser, Marsden etc).

圖1:北部Nyngan授權區被解釋爲擁有複合火山岩和侵入岩複合體,與Macquarie Arc斑岩複合體(例如Cadia、Cowal、Boda-Kaiser、Marsden等)具有類似的氣磁特徵和推測的穿弧構造。

The Macquarie Arc is a proven Tier 1 terrane and Australia's foremost copper porphyry belt hosting a number of world-class mines in the southern, more exploration mature, of the Arc hosting over 160Moz gold equivalent endowment.


About the Nyngan Project


The Nyngan license was Kincora's first ground secured in NSW, a large 762km2 direct application tenement awarded from the NSW State covering a significant portion of the interpreted under cover section of the northern Junee-Narromine Belt. The license hosts limited, but encouraging, prior explorer drilling that has been inadequately followed up with regional geophysics supporting multiple new large-scale intrusive complex targets 5.


In May 2024, Kincora signed a definitive multiple-phase Earn-in and Joint Venture Agreement with a wholly owned subsidiary of AngloGold Ashanti plc (AngloGold) (NYSE: AU; JSE: ANG), the world's fourth largest gold miner by production which has a successful track record for new greenfield discovery success, for the Northern Junee-Narromine Belt Project, comprising the Nyngan and Nevertire licenses 6.

2024年5月,Kincora與AngloGold Ashanti(AngloGold)的全資子公司簽署了一份多階段收益和合資協議,該公司是全球第四大黃金生產商,具有成功的新綠地發現成功記錄,爲Nyngan和Nevertire許可證項目提供支持,兩個項目組合爲北Junee-Narromine帶項目,6。

AngloGold Ashanti has the right to spend up to A$50 million to earn a 80% interest through:

AngloGold Ashanti有權花費高達A$5000萬來賺取80%的利益:

  • A$25 million of exploration expenditure to earn a 70% joint venture interest (Phase I) including a minimum A$2 million expenditure obligation, with Kincora the initial operator for a 10% management fee.

  • Completion of a Pre-Feasibility Study (PFS) or funding of a further $25 million of expenditure to earn a 80% joint venture interest (Phase II).

  • A$2500萬的勘探支出以獲得70%的合資公司權益(第I階段),包括最低A$200萬的支出義務,由Kincora擔任10%的管理費。

  • 完成可行性研究報告(PFS)或再融資A$2500萬的支出以獲得80%的合資公司權益(第II階段)。

About Fleet Space Technologies

有關Fleet Space Technologies

Fleet Space Technologies (Fleet Space) is Australia's leading space company and is seeking to revolutionise humanity's search for critical minerals, space exploration, and defence with its satellite-enabled solutions and AI-powered, end-to-end mineral exploration technology, ExoSphere by Fleet.

Fleet Space Technologies(Fleet Space)是澳大利亞領先的航天公司,正在尋求利用其衛星技術和以人工智能爲驅動的端到端礦物勘探技術ExoSphere,革命性地改變人類對關鍵礦物、空間探索和國防的搜索。

Fleet Space's proprietary approach to data capture, interpretation, and targeting for mineral and water exploration is seeking to reduce the time and improve success rates for new economic discoveries.

Fleet Space對礦物和水勘探的數據捕捉、解釋和目標尋找的專有方法旨在縮短新經濟發現的時間並提高成功率。

ExoSphere's end-to-end architecture unlocks new insights and predictive capabilities to enhance outcomes and streamline operations at every stage of the exploration process.


Leveraging Fleet's satellite network in low Earth orbit, smart seismic sensors enabled with edge computing, and rapid data processing - ExoSphere delivers real-time 3D mapping of mineral systems and AI-powered drill targeting with near-zero environmental impact. This process enables a faster and more efficient end-to-end data journey, making exploration activities more dynamic and precise by giving onsite teams access to actionable insights in real-time.


In the last month, Barrick Gold announced it would partner with Fleet Space to survey copper porphyry complexes across 1,150km2 of the world-class Reko Diq project 7.

上個月,Barrick Gold宣佈將與Fleet Space合作,在世界級Reko Diq項目的1150平方公里範圍內調查銅斑岩群的情況6。

Recently, Inflection Resources announced new targets generated by ExoSphere, leading AngloGold to accelerate their Exploration Agreement and drilling with Inflection 3. In the last month, Inflection and Fleet have conducted the world's largest real-time ANT survey across 1818 km2 and built an AI-powered district scale copper prospectivity map 4.

最近,Inflection Resources宣佈利用ExoSphere生成的新靶點,促使AngloGold加速他們的勘探協議和鑽探3。上個月,Inflection和Fleet在1818平方公里的範圍內進行了世界上最大的實時ANt調查,並建立了一個以AI爲驅動的區域銅成礦前景圖4。

ExoSphere's rapid global adoption has propelled Fleet Space's exponential recent growth, including a A$50 million Series C funding round, a doubling of its valuation to A$350 million, plans to send a variant of ExoSphere to the Moon in 2026, and recognition as Australia's fastest growing company by the Australian Financial Review (2023).

ExoSphere的全球迅速採用推動了Fleet Space的指數級增長,包括A$5000萬的C輪融資、估值翻倍至A$35000萬、計劃在2026年將ExoSphere的變體送往月球以及被《澳大利亞金融評論》評爲澳大利亞增長最快的公司(2023)。

For more information please visit Fleet Space's website at .

有關更多信息,請訪問Fleet Space的網站。

About Kincora


Kincora Copper is dual listed on the ASX and TSX-V (ticker "KCC") and is an active explorer and project generator focused on world-class copper-gold discoveries that has recently executed four agreements that unlock up to A$60 million in multiple year partner funding. Further new projects that offer a clear value path and targeted partnerships are proposed.

Kincora Copper在ASX和TSX-V上同步上市(股票代碼“KCC”),是一家專注於世界級銅金礦發現的活躍勘探者和項目發電機,最近簽署了四份可帶來多年合作伙伴資金達A$6000萬的協議。還提出了提供明確的價值路徑和針對性合作伙伴的新項目。

Kincora's portfolio includes district scale landholdings and scale-able drill ready targets in both Australia and Mongolia's leading porphyry belts, the Macquarie Arc and Southern Gobi, respectively, and, the Company is targeting exposure to 10,000-30,000m pa of drilling.


For more information please visit Kincora's website at .




(1) Sourced from MinEx Consulting for Kincora


(2) ANT geophysics defines additional epithermal-porphyry targets at Spur Project - Waratah press release May 23, 2024

(2)ANT地球物理在Spur項目定義了額外的淺成熱-斑岩靶區 - Waratah新聞稿2024年5月23日

(3) Reimaging porphyry copper exploration using Exosphere: Ambient Noise Tomography from the Duck Creek project, Macquarie - Fleet and Inflection Case Study 2023

(3)使用Exosphere重塑斑岩銅勘探:來自Macquarie Duck Creek項目的環境噪聲層析成像 - Fleet和Inflection案例研究2023年

(4) Completes 1,800Km2 Ambient Noise Tomography Survey Across Portfolio of Projects in New South Wales - Inflection press release July 10, 2024


(5) Kincora secures strategic license in Australia's leading porphyry belt - Kincora press release November 21, 2019

(5)Kincora在澳大利亞領先的斑岩帶獲得了戰略許可 - Kincora新聞稿2019年11月21日

(6) AngloGold Ashanti to earn-in to the NJNB Project - Kincora press release May 28, 2024

(6)AngloGold Ashanti將投資NJNb項目 - Kincora新聞發佈,2024 年5 月28 日。

(7) Fleet Space's Exosphere Enhances Barrick Gold's Data-Driven Copper Exploration at Reko Diq - Fleet press release July 9, 2024

Fleet Space的Exosphere增強了Barrick Gold在Reko Diq的數據驅動銅勘探 - Fleet新聞稿2024年7月9日

This announcement has been authorised for release by the Board of Kincora Copper Limited (ARBN 645 457 763)

此公告已由Kincora Copper Limited(ARBN 645 457 763)董事會授權發佈

For further information please contact:

Sam Spring, President and Chief Executive Officer or +61431 329 345
Executive office
400 - 837 West Hastings Street
Vancouver, BC V6C 3N6, Canada
Tel: 1.604.283.1722
Fax: 1.888.241.5996
Subsidiary office Australia
Vista Australia
Level 4, 100 Albert Road
South Melbourne, Victoria 3205

Sam Spring,總裁兼首席執行官
sam.spring@kincoracopper.com或+61431 329 345
400 - 837 West Hastings Street
加拿大卑詩省溫哥華市V6C 3N6
Vista Australia
阿伯特路100號第4層 墨爾本南區,維多利亞州3205

Qualified Person


The scientific and technical information in this announcement was prepared in accordance with the standards of the Canadian Institute of Mining, Metallurgy and Petroleum and National Instrument 43-101 - Standards of Disclosure for Mineral Projects ("NI 43-101") and was reviewed, verified and compiled by Kincora's staff under the supervision of Peter Leaman (M.Sc. Mineral Exploration, FAusIMM), Senior Vice-President of Exploration of Kincora, and John Holliday (BSc Hons, BEc, member of the Australian Institute of Geoscientists), Non-Executive Director and Chairman of Kincora's Technical Committee, who are Qualified Persons for the purpose of NI 43-101.

本公告中的科學技術信息根據《加拿大采礦、冶金和石油學會規定和礦物項目披露標準》(“NI 43-101”)編制,並由Kincora的員工在Peter Leaman(礦產勘查碩士,FAusIMM),Kincora勘探高級副總裁和 John Holliday(BSc榮譽,BEC,澳大利亞地質科學研究所會員),Kincora技術委員會董事長的監督下進行了審核、驗證和編譯,他們是NI 43-101的合格人員。本公告中涉及勘探結果、礦物資源或礦石儲量的信息是之前報告的(原稿已在本公告中提到),在礦物資源或礦石儲量的情況下,支撐估計的主要假設和技術參數未發生重大變化,並經Paul Cromie(他是JORC所定義的“背景資料和技術參數與估計相一致的技術人員”,並具有相關類似礦化和所考慮礦牀類型及所進行活動的足夠經驗,以達到2012年版《澳大利亞勘探成果、礦物資源和礦石儲量報告規範》中定義的“背景資料和技術參數與估計一致的人員”)審查和批准。John Holliday和Peter Leaman同意在基於他信息的形式和上下文中包含此報告中的事項。針對Trundle、Fairholme、Nyngan、Nevertire和Condobolin項目披露在此處的信息的審核和驗證過程已涵蓋了之前運營商的所有勘探數據、結果和採樣程序,並已通過Kincora地質工作人員使用標準驗證程序進行審查。

JORC Competent Person Statement


Information in this announcement that relates to Exploration Results, Mineral Resources or Ore Reserves are those that have been previously reported (with the original release referred to in this announcement), in the case of Mineral Resources or Ore Reserves the material assumptions and technical parameters underpinning the estimates have not materially changed, and have been reviewed and approved by Paul Cromie, who is a Competent Person under the definition established by JORC and has sufficient experience which is relevant to the style of mineralisation and type of deposit under consideration and to the activity being undertaking to qualify as a Competent Person as defined in the 2012 Edition of the 'Australasian Code for Reporting of Exploration Results, Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves'. John Holliday and Peter Leaman consents to the inclusion in this report of the matters based on his information in the form and context in which it appears. The review and verification process for the information disclosed herein for the Trundle, Fairholme, Nyngan, Nevertire and Condobolin projects have included the receipt of all material exploration data, results and sampling procedures of previous operators and review of such information by Kincora's geological staff using standard verification procedures.

本公告中涉及勘探成果、礦產資源或礦石儲量的信息均爲此前已經報告過的(在本公告所提及的原始發佈中),在礦產資源或礦石儲量方面,支撐估計的物質假設和技術參數並未發生重大改變,並已由保羅·克羅米(Paul Cromie)審查和批准,他是符合JORC建立的有資格人員定義的能幹人士,在礦化風格和考慮到的礦牀類型以及從事的活動方面具有相關經驗。約翰·霍利迪(John Holliday)和彼得·萊曼(Peter Leaman)同意根據他提供的信息以其出現的形式和上下文包含報告中的相關事項。針對特蘭德爾、費爾霍姆、尼幹、內弗泰爾和康多布林項目披露的信息所涉及的評審和驗證過程已經包括獲取所有先前經營者的探礦數據、結果和採樣程序以及Kincora的地質工作人員使用標準驗證程序對這些信息進行審查。

Forward-Looking Statements


Certain information regarding Kincora contained herein may constitute forward-looking statements within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking statements may include estimates, plans, expectations, opinions, forecasts, projections, guidance or other statements that are not statements of fact. Although Kincora believes that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, it can give no assurance that such expectations will prove to have been correct. Kincora cautions that actual performance will be affected by a number of factors, most of which are beyond its control, and that future events and results may vary substantially from what Kincora currently foresees. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include market prices, exploitation and exploration results, continued availability of capital and financing and general economic, market or business conditions. The forward-looking statements are expressly qualified in their entirety by this cautionary statement. The information contained herein is stated as of the current date and is subject to change after that date. Kincora does not assume the obligation to revise or update these forward-looking statements, except as may be required under applicable securities laws.

本公告中有關Kincora的某些信息可能構成適用證券法律的前瞻性聲明。 前瞻性陳述可能包括估計,計劃,期望,意見,預測,投影,指導或其他非事實性聲明。 儘管Kincora認爲此類前瞻性聲明所反映的期望是合理的,但它不能保證這些期望將被證明是正確的。 Kincora提醒說,實際表現將受到許多因素的影響,其中大多數因素不在其控制之下,並且未來的事件和結果可能大大不同於Kincora當前預測的情況。 可能會導致實際結果與前瞻性聲明中的結果大不相同的因素包括市場價格,開採和勘探結果,資本和融資的持續可用性以及普遍經濟,市場或商業條件。 前瞻性陳述在其整體上受到此警告聲明的明確限制。 本文所含信息爲截止日期的聲明,並且在該日期之後可能發生變化。 Kincora不承擔修訂或更新這些前瞻性聲明的義務,除非適用的證券法律要求。

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) or the Australian Securities Exchange accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX Venture Exchange及其監管服務提供商(如TSX Venture Exchange政策中所定義的那樣)或澳大利亞證券交易所均不對本發佈公告的充分性或準確性承擔責任。

