
ZoomerMedia Limited Announces Third Quarter 2024 Financial Results

ZoomerMedia Limited Announces Third Quarter 2024 Financial Results

GlobeNewswire ·  07/25 10:02

TORONTO, July 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ZoomerMedia Limited (TSXV:ZUM) (the "Company"), the leader in serving the interests of the 18.1 million "Zoomers" aged 45plus, and the 13.7 million Millennials and Gen Zs, coincidentally also called "Zoomers", who follow in their footsteps, today announced its financial results for the third quarter ending May 31, 2024.

2024年7月24日,多倫多,(GLOBE NEWSWIRE)--ZoomerMedia有限公司(TSXV:ZUM)("公司"),作爲服務於1810萬年滿45歲Zoomer及其追隨者,即1370萬千禧一代和Z一代的領導者,今日宣佈截至2024年5月31日的第三財季財務業績。

Consolidated Results


For the nine months ending May 31, 2024, the company generated revenues of $46.1 million, operating expenses of $44.5 million and adjusted EBITDA of $1.6 million. Net loss for the nine months ending May 31, 2024 was $2.7 million.


For the comparative nine months ending May 31, 2023, the company had revenues of $48.1 million, operating expenses of $42.8 million and adjusted EBITDA of $5.2 million. Net income for the nine months ending May 31, 2023 was $0.3 million.


EBITDA and adjusted EBITDA are non-IFRS earnings measures which do not have any standardized meaning prescribed by IFRS and therefore may not be comparable to EBITDA or adjusted EBITDA presented by other companies. EBITDA represents earnings before interest expense, income taxes, depreciation and amortization. Adjusted EBITDA excludes the gain on sale of property and the unrealized gain or loss on equity instruments. These measures are important to management since they are used by potential investors to evaluate the Company's operating performance and ability to incur and service debt, and as a valuation metric. Investors are cautioned that this non-IFRS financial measure should not be construed as an alternative to other measures of financial performance calculated in accordance with IFRS.

EBITDA和調整後的EBITDA 是非IFRS盈利指標,它們沒有任何IFRS規定的標準化含義,因此可能不能與其它公司呈現的EBITDA或調整後的EBITDA進行比較。 EBITDA代表利息費用、所得稅、折舊和攤銷之前的收益。調整後的EBITDA不包括財產出售的收益和權益工具的未實現收益或損失。這些指標對管理層來說很重要,因爲潛在的投資者用它們來評估公司的經營業績和負債能力,並作爲估值指標。投資者被告知這一非IFRS財務指標不應被解釋爲其他按照IFRS計算的財務績效指標的替代品。

Additional Information


Detailed financial information and Management's Discussion and Analysis for the three months ended May 31, 2024 can be found on SEDAR's website at . The financial information included in this release is qualified in its entirety and should be read together with the interim consolidated financial statements for the nine months ended May 31, 2024, including the notes thereto.


About ZoomerMedia Limited


Founded by television and media icon Moses Znaimer in 2008, ZoomerMedia Limited is a multimedia company devoted to creating content, services and experiences for Canada's most powerful audiences: the 18.1 million people aged 45-plus aka "Zoomers", and the 13.7 million Millennials and Gen Zs, coincidentally also called "Zoomers", who follow in their footsteps.

ZoomerMedia Limited由電視和媒體偶像Moses Znaimer於2008年創立,是一家多媒體公司,致力於爲加拿大最強大的受衆—即1810萬45歲以上的人(也稱爲 "Zoomers "),以及1370萬千禧一代和Z一代,也被稱爲 "Zoomers ",創造內容、服務和體驗。

ZoomerMedia operates 5 TV, 3 Radio, 3 Print, and 21 Digital properties. ZoomerMedia produces original TV, Radio, Podcast and Print content, offers clients creative audio and video production services, and bespoke events on site at its 2.6-acre complex in Toronto's Liberty Village.

ZoomerMedia經營5個電視臺,3個廣播電臺,3個印刷媒體和21個數字媒體平台。ZoomerMedia製作原創電視、廣播、播客和印刷媒體內容,爲客戶提供創意音頻和視頻製作服務,並在其位於多倫多自由村(Liberty Village)的2.6英畝綜合大樓現場提供定製活動。

The specific ZoomerMedia property names and focus, are as follows.


Television: VisionTV, available in 7.5 million households is Canada's home for British comedy and drama series, plus uplifting movies, music, news, and multicultural and multilingual faith programming; ONETV: The Exercise & Entertainment Channel, combines original yoga, pilates, tai chi, and cardio dance and kettlebell fitness series with British serial soaps, dramas and American movies; JoyTV in Vancouver, Victoria, Surrey and the Fraser Valley, and FAITH TV in Winnipeg are devoted to broadcasting Christian, multi-faith, and local content.

電視:可在750萬戶家庭觀看的VisionTV是加拿大的英國喜劇和戲劇系列、令人振奮的電影、音樂、新聞、多元文化和多語種信仰節目之家;ONETV:運動和娛樂頻道,結合瑜伽、普拉提、太極和有氧舞蹈以及鑄鐵健身系列與英國肥皂劇、戲劇和美國電影;Joy TV和FAITH TV分別在溫哥華、維多利亞、薩里和弗雷澤谷地區以及溫尼伯播放以基督教、多元信仰和當地內容爲主題的節目。

Zoomer Digital Network ("ZDN"): Reaching 18.5 million monthly active users with over a billion annual pageviews and social media engagements, ZDN comprises the following: DailyHive, in Western Canada, Ontario, Quebec, and The Maritimes, is one of Canada's most followed news brands with over 10 million monthly active users, over 270 million annual page views, and 3.1 million followers across Instagram, Facebook, Twitter (X), TikTok, and LinkedIn; blogTO,, Toronto's unrivalled local publisher across digital and social media platforms, bringing in 8 million monthly active users, and over 213 million page views annually; Zoomer Magazine's, Canada's leading provider of online content targeting the 45-plus; The Peak,, serving 150,000 Canadian professionals and business leaders with the top global business, finance, and tech stories of the day packaged in smart, fast, and easily digestible formats; Ludwig Van,, Canada's leading and fastest growing digital voice for the latest classical, opera, chamber and choral music headlines, reviews, comments and personality driven features and interviews; and MobileSyrup,, Canada's News Source for all things Tech; TitusOne, a digital marketing agency that specializes in growing audiences through search, social media and creative content strategies; and Curiocity,, one of Alberta's leading digital media publishers, with a presence in other key markets in Canada.

Zoomer Digital Network ("ZDN"):ZDN每月活躍用戶數達到1850萬,年度訪問量和社交媒體互動超過10億次,包括:DailyHive和dailyhive.com在西加拿大,安大略省,魁北克和東部海岸,是加拿大最受關注的新聞品牌之一,擁有超過1000萬的月度活躍用戶,超過2700萬的年度頁面瀏覽量,以及Instagram,Facebook,Twitter (X),TikTok和LinkedIn平台上超過310萬的粉絲;blogto和,在多倫多跨數字和社交媒體平台上領先,每月活躍用戶達到800萬,年度頁面瀏覽量超過2130萬;Zoomer雜誌的,是加拿大領先的面向45歲以上人士的在線內容提供商;The Peak,,以智能、快速、易於消化的形式呈現每天最新的全球商業、金融和科技資訊,爲15萬加拿大專業人士和企業領袖服務;Ludwig Van,,是加拿大領先、增長最快的數字媒體,提供最新的古典音樂、歌劇、室內樂和合唱音樂頭條、評論、評論和由名人主持的特別報道;MobileSyrup,,是加拿大科技新聞的信息來源;TitusOne,一家專注於通過搜索、社交媒體和創意內容策略擴大受衆的數字營銷機構;以及Curiocity,,是阿爾伯塔省領先的數字媒體出版商,在加拿大其他關鍵市場也有存在。

Radio: The New Classical FM, Canada's only commercial all classical music radio station broadcasting over three frequencies in a unique regional Ontario network: 96.3FM CFMZ-FM Toronto (GTA), 103.1FM CFMX-FM Cobourg (Eastern Ontario), and 102.9FM CFMO-FM Collingwood (Southern Georgian Bay); Zoomer Radio, The Original Greatest Hits, the biggest broadcast footprint in Canada also reaching 28 American States, and broadcasting simultaneously both in AM and FM in Toronto (740AM CFZM-AM and 96.7FM CFZM-FM); and the newly acquired CJOS Bounce 92.3 FM in Owen Sound playing Adult Hits. (The sale is subject to CRTC approval and other closing conditions).

廣播電臺:The New Classical FM,加拿大唯一的商業古典音樂電臺,在獨特的安大略省區域網絡上播出三個頻率:96.3FM CFMZ-FM多倫多(大多地區),103.1FM CFMX-FM科堡(東部安大略省),以及102.9FM CFMO-FM Collingwood(南喬治亞灣);Zoomer Radio,The Original Greatest Hits,是加拿大最大的廣播覆蓋面,覆蓋28個美國州,同時在Toronto(740AM CFZM-AM和96.7Fm CFZM-FM)進行廣播;以及新獲得的成年流行音樂電臺CJOS Bounce 92.3 Fm,位於Owen Sound。(銷售需經過CRTC審核和其他完成條件)。

Print: ZOOMER Magazine, the Company's flagship magazine and Canada's largest paid circulation magazine for the 45-plus market; On The Bay Magazine, the dominant regional lifestyle magazine published quarterly for the 20 towns and villages of Ontario's Southern Georgian Bay; and Tonic Magazine, a regional health and wellness magazine distributed across the City of Toronto.

印刷媒體:ZOOMER雜誌,公司的旗艦雜誌和加拿大最大的45歲以上市場有償發行雜誌;On The Bay Magazine,出版季刊,爲安大略省南喬治亞灣的20個城鎮和村莊制定主導的地區生活方式雜誌;以及Tonic Magazine,由加拿大人在多倫多市分發的區域健康和健身雜誌。

Cautionary note on forward looking statements


The TSX Venture Exchange does not accept responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release. No stock exchange, securities commission or other regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the information contained herein. Certain statements made in this report are 'forward-looking statements' which may include, without limitation, any statement that may predict, forecast, indicate or imply future results, performance or achievements, and may contain the words 'believe', 'anticipate', 'expect', 'estimate', 'project', 'will be', 'will continue', 'will likely result' or similar words or phrases. Forward-looking statements involve risks and uncertainties, which may cause actual results to differ materially from the forward-looking statements. The risks and uncertainties are detailed from time to time in filings by ZoomerMedia Limited with provincial securities commissions. New risk factors emerge from time to time and it is not possible for management to predict all such risk factors, nor can it assess the impact of all such risk factors on the Company's business or the extent to which any factor, or combination of factors, may cause actual results to differ materially from those contained in any forward-looking statements. Such risks, uncertainties and other factors include, but are not limited to, the following:

TSX Venture Exchange不對本披露的充分性或準確性承擔責任。任何證券交易所、證券委員會或其他監管機構均未批准或駁回此處所包含的信息。本報告中的某些聲明屬於“前瞻性聲明”,可能包括任何可能預測、預測、指示或暗示未來結果、績效或成就的聲明,並可能包含“相信”、“預計”、“期望”、“估計”、“項目”、“將是”、“將繼續”、“很可能會產生”或類似的詞語或短語。前瞻性聲明涉及風險和不確定性,可能導致實際結果與前瞻性聲明不符。風險和不確定性會隨時從ZoomerMedia有限公司向省級證券委員會提交的文件中詳細說明。新的風險因素不斷湧現,管理層無法預測所有這些風險因素,也無法評估所有這些風險因素對公司業務的影響或任何因素或多個因素導致的實際結果與任何前瞻性聲明所包含的結果有實質性不同的程度。此類風險、不確定性和其他因素包括但不限於以下內容:

  • the risks inherent in magazine publishing;
  • the risks inherent in the operation of Internet media properties;
  • the risks inherent in the operation of television broadcast properties;
  • the risks inherent in the operation of radio broadcast properties;
  • the risks inherent in the operations of affinity partners with respect to royalty revenue;
  • the risks inherent in the operation of consumer shows generally,
  • the competition within the media industry for the baby boomer generation's business;
  • the risks associated with governmental regulation of the publishing, internet, radio broadcasting and television broadcasting businesses;
  • the results of legal claims made by or against the Company;
  • the dependence of the business on the continuing operation of its computer systems;
  • the dependence of the business on key personnel; and
  • the emergence of public health crisis and emergencies, such as Covid-19
  • 雜誌出版的固有風險;
  • 互聯網媒體屬性運營的固有風險;
  • 電視廣播財產運營的固有風險;
  • 電臺廣播財產運營的固有風險;
  • 關於版稅收入與親和力合作伙伴營運的固有風險;
  • 消費展覽運營普遍存在風險,
  • 針對嬰兒潮一代的媒體行業板塊內的競爭;
  • 涉及出版、互聯網、廣播和電視業務的政府監管風險;
  • 針對公司提起或被提起的法律索賠的結果;
  • 業務依賴於計算機系統的持續運行;
  • 業務依賴於主要人員;
  • 公共衛生危機和緊急情況的出現,例如Covid-19;

Given these risks, and uncertainties, investors should not place undue reliance on forward-looking statements as a prediction of actual results. ZoomerMedia Limited does not intend and does not assume any obligation to update these forward-looking statements.

鑑於這些風險和不確定性,投資者不應過分依賴前瞻性聲明作爲實際結果的預測。ZoomerMedia Limited沒有意圖和也不承擔任何更新這些前瞻性聲明的義務。

For further information, please contact:


Serge Blumenfeld
Chief Financial Officer
ZoomerMedia Limited
+1 416-889-2099
Leanne Wright
Vice President Communications
ZoomerMedia Limited
+1 416-886-6873
Serge Blumenfeld
+1 416-889-2099
+1 416-886-6873

