
Colabor Group Reports Results for the Second Quarter 2024

Colabor Group Reports Results for the Second Quarter 2024

GlobeNewswire ·  07/25 05:01

SAINT-BRUNO-DE-MONTARVILLE, Quebec, July 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Colabor Group Inc. (TSX: GCL) ("Colabor" or the "Company") reports its results for the second quarter ended June 15, 2024.

魁北克省聖布魯諾德蒙塔維爾,2024年7月24日(美通社)——Colabor Group Inc.(tsx:GCL)(“Colabor”或“公司”)公佈了截至2024年6月15日的第二季度業績。

Second Quarter 2024 Financial Highlights:


  • Sales decreased by 1.8% to $161.3 million, compared to $164.2 million for the corresponding period of 2023;
  • Net earnings from continuing operations were $1.7 million compared to $2.3 million for the corresponding period of 2023;
  • Adjusted EBITDA(1) increased by 4.6% to $9.7 million from $9.3 million for the corresponding period of 2023 with an adjusted EBITDA(1) margin to 6.0% of sales compared to 5.7% of sales during the corresponding period of 2023;
  • Cash flow from operating activities decreased to $5.0 million compared to $11.3 million for the second quarter of 2023;
  • Net debt(2) decreased to $56.0 million, compared to $61.5 million as at December 30, 2023. The leverage ratio(3) is 2.1x as at June 15, 2024, compared to 2.4x as at December 30, 2023; and
  • On March 15, 2024, the Company acquired certain assets related to foodservice activities from Beaudry & Cadrin Inc. ("the Acquisition").
  • 銷售額下降了1.8%,從2023年相應時期的16420萬美元降至16130萬美元;
  • 持續經營活動的淨收益爲170萬美元,低於2023年相應時期的230萬美元;
  • 調整後的 EBITDA(1) 從2023年相應期間的930萬美元增加到970萬美元,調整後的 EBITDA(1) 毛利率爲銷售額的6.0%,高於2023年相應期間的銷售額的5.7%;
  • 經營活動現金流量從2023年第二季度的1130萬美元下降至500萬美元;
  • 淨債務(2) 從2023年12月30日的6150萬美元降至5600萬美元。截至2024年6月15日,槓桿比率(3) 爲2.1倍,而截至2023年12月30日爲2.4倍;並
  • 2024年3月15日,公司從 Beaudry & Cadrin Inc. 收購了與餐飲業務相關的某些資產("收購")。

Table of Second Quarter 2024 Financial Highlights:


Financial highlights 12 weeks 24 weeks
(in thousands of dollars, except percentages, per share data and financial leverage ratio)
2024 2023 2024 2023
$ $ $ $
Sales from continuing operations 161,278 164,186 292,478 298,109
Adjusted EBITDA(1) 9,718 9,294 14,600 14,868
Adjusted EBITDA(1) margin (%) 6.0 5.7 5.0 5.0
Net earnings (loss) from continuing operations 1,679 2,314 (97) 2,154
Net earnings (loss) 1,659 2,314 (117) 2,154
Per share - basic and diluted ($) 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.02
Cash flow from operating activities 4,978 11,268 16,723 12,075
Financial position As at As at
June 15, December 30,
2024 2023
Net debt(2) 55,997 61,481
Financial leverage ratio(3) 2.1x 2.4x
財務亮點 12周 24周
2024 2023 2024 2023
$ $ $ $
持續經營業務的銷售額 161,278 164,186 292,478 298,109
調整後的EBITDA(1) 9,718 9,294 14,600 14,868
調整後的 EBITDA(1) 毛利率(百分比) 6.0 5.7 5.0 5.0
持續經營業務的淨收益(虧損) 1,679 2,314 (97) 2,154
淨收益(虧損) 1,659 2,314 (117) 2,154
每股基本和攤薄 ($) 0.02 0.02 0.00 0.02
經營活動現金流量 4,978 11,268 16,723 12075
財務狀況 下面包括了開多期債務和總債務的對比: 下面包括了開多期債務和總債務的對比:
6月15日, 12月30日
2024 2023
淨負債(2) 55,997 61,481
財務槓桿率(3) 2.1倍 2.4倍

(1) Non-IFRS measure. Refer to the table Reconciliation of Net Loss to adjusted EBITDA in MD&A section 5 "Non-IFRS Performance Measures". Adjusted EBITDA corresponds to net operating earnings before costs not related to current operations, depreciation and amortization and expenses for stock-based compensation plan.
(2) Non-IFRS measure. Refer to MD&A section 5 "Non-IFRS Performance Measures". Net debt corresponds to bank indebtedness, current portion of long-term debt and long-term debt, net of cash.
(3) Financial leverage ratio is an indicator of the Company's ability to service its long-term debt. It is defined as net debt / adjusted EBITDA less lease liability payments for the last four quarters. Refer to MD&A section 5 "Non-IFRS Performance Measures".

(1) 非 IFRS 度量。請參閱 MD&A 第 5 節“非 IFRS 表現度量”。調整後的 EBITDA 對應於不與當前業務相關的成本、折舊和攤銷以及股權酬聽計劃費用。
(2) 非 IFRS 度量。請參閱 MD&A 第 5 節“非 IFRS 表現度量”。淨負債相當於銀行負債、長期負債的流動部分和長期負債,減去其中的現金。
(3) 財務槓桿率是公司償還長期債務的指標。它被定義爲淨負債/調整後的 EBITDA,減去最近四個季度的租賃負債支付。請參閱 MD&A 第 5 節“非 IFRS 表現度量”。

"The efforts of recent years dedicated to diversifying our clientele and penetrating new territories continue to bear fruits. Thus, the contribution of new customers and the growth in purchasing volume among certain customers of the distribution sector allowed us to gain market share and mitigate the effect of the anticipated drop in volume in our wholesale activities and headwinds currently operating in the restaurant industry. In addition, the strategic management of our customer and product mix contributed to the increase in our gross margin rate to 18.6%, compared to 18.0% during the same quarter of 2023" said Louis Frenette, President and Chief Executive Officer of Colabor.

“近年來專注於擴大客戶群和進入新領域的努力繼續得到回報。因此,分銷行業某些客戶購買量的增長和新客戶的貢獻使我們獲得了市場份額,並減輕了我們批發業務預期的成交量下降和目前在餐廳行業運營的逆風影響。同時,我們對客戶和產品組合的戰略管理則爲我們收入保持在18.6%的毛利率水平上作出了貢獻,而同一季度的比率爲18.0%。” Colabor總裁兼首席執行官Louis Frenette如是說。

"The sound management of our balance sheet and our ability to generate operational cash flows position us well in the current context, and allow us to continue to execute our strategic plan in a proactive and opportunistic manner," added Pierre Blanchette, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer.

“我們健康的資產負債表管理和營運現金流的產生使我們在目前的環境下處於良好地位置,並允許我們以積極和機會主義的方式繼續執行我們的戰略計劃。” Colabor高級副總裁兼首席財務官Pierre Blanchette補充道。

Results for the Second Quarter of 2024


Consolidated sales for the second quarter were $161.3 million, a decrease of 1.8% compared to $164.2 million during the corresponding quarter of 2023. Sales for the distribution activities increased by 0.7%, primarily as a result of a volume increase, part of which is related to the development of new territories, as well as the impact of inflation and the recent Acquisition. This growth was mitigated by a more difficult macroeconomic environment during the second quarter of 2024 directly affecting the restaurant and retail industries. Wholesale sales have declined by 8.4% mainly as a result of a more difficult macroeconomic environment during the second quarter of 2024, as explained previously, and mitigated by the impact of inflation.


Adjusted EBITDA(1) from continuing activities was $9.7 million or 6.0% of sales from continuing activities compared to $9.3 million or 5.7% during 2023. These variations are mainly explained by the improvement in the gross margin resulting from a better mix of products and customers.

調整後的 EBITDA(1)爲繼續營運的業務提供了970萬美元,佔繼續營運的業務銷售額的6.0%,而2023年爲930萬美元,佔5.7%。這些變化主要是由於毛利率的改善,這歸因於更好的產品和客戶組合。

Net earnings from continuing operations and net earnings for the second quarter were $1.7 million, down from $2.3 million for the corresponding quarter of the previous year, resulting essentially from higher financial expenses, mitigated by an increase of adjusted EBITDA(1) and lower income taxes expenses. The increase in financial charges is a result of the increase in our rental obligations, particularly for our premises located in Saint-Bruno-de-Montarville.

繼續營運的業務的淨收益和第二季度的淨收益爲170萬美元,低於去年同期的230萬美元,主要是由於較高的財務費用,其中一部分被調整後的 EBITDA(1)增加和所得稅減少降低。財務費用的增加是因爲我們租賃義務的增加,特別是對位於桑布魯德蒙塔維爾的場所的租賃義務的增加。

Results for the 24-week period of 2024


Consolidated sales for the 24-week period were $292.5 million compared to $298.1 million for the corresponding period of 2023. Sales for the distribution activities grew by 0.8% and the wholesale sales declined by 8.9%.


Adjusted EBITDA(1) from continuing operations was $14.6 million or 5.0% of sales from continuing operations compared to $14.9 million or 5.0% in 2023. These variations were the result of a sales decrease, mitigated by lower operating expenses.

繼續經營所得的調整後 EBITDA(1)爲1460萬美元,佔繼續營運的業務銷售額的5.0%,而2023年爲1490萬美元,佔5.0%。這些變化是銷售額下降的結果,但低營業費用部分彌補了這種影響。

Net loss from continuing operations and net loss were $0.1 million, down from net earnings of $2.2 million in the previous fiscal year. This decrease is a result of increased financial expenses as explained previously, combined with a decrease of EBITDA(1), mitigated by higher income taxes recovery.

繼續營運的業務的淨虧損和淨虧損爲10萬美元,低於上一個財年的淨收益220萬美元。這種下降是財務費用的增加造成的,如前所述,再加上 EBITDA(1) 的下降,但由所得稅減少的部分彌補。

Cash Flow and Financial Position


Cash flows from operating activities were $5.0 million for the second quarter compared to $11.3 million for the corresponding period of 2023. This decrease is mainly due to higher utilization of working capital(4), mitigated by the increase of the adjusted EBITDA(1). The higher utilization of working capital(4) is explained by the increase in inventory investments and timing of supplier payments. Cash flows from operating activities were $16.7 million for the 24-week period of 2024 compared to $12.1 million for the corresponding period of 2023. This increase is mainly due to a lower utilization of working capital(4) which is explained by the timing of supplier payments, mitigated by the increase in inventory purchases.

第二季度的經營活動現金流爲500萬美元,而2023年對應期爲1130萬美元。主要原因是工作資本(4)的利用率更高,但調整後的 EBITDA(1)的增加彌補了這種影響。工作資本(4)的使用率較高是由於商品投資的增加和供應商付款的時間問題。24週期的經營活動現金流爲1670萬美元,而2023年對應期爲1210萬美元。這種增長主要是由於較低的工作資本(4)利用率,這是由供應商付款的時間解釋的,但由庫存採購增加所彌補。

As at June 15, 2024, the Company's working capital(4) was $49.5 million, down from $54.0 million at the end of the fiscal year 2023. This decrease is the result of the timing in supplier payments and an improvement in the inventory turnover rate.


As at June 15, 2024, the Company's net debt(2) was down to $56.0 million, compared to $61.5 million at the end of the fiscal year 2023, resulting from the increase of cash and a credit facility repayment of $1.8 million.


(4) Working capital is a non-IFRS performance measure. Working capital is an indicator of the Company's ability to hedge its current liabilities with its current assets. Refer to MD&A section 3.2 "Financial Position" for detailed calculation.

(4) 營運資本是非IFRS的業績指標。營運資本是公司用其流動資產對沖流動負債的一個指標。請參閱管理層討論和分析部分3.2“財務狀況”以獲取詳細計算。



"Although we are currently experiencing some weaknesses in the restaurant and retail industries, as a result of the investments having been completed in our distribution platform, we will be able to act on several fronts to continue to improve our productivity and operational efficiency. We will pursue a strategy of prudent allocation of our cash flows by prioritizing debt repayment, while remaining on the lookout for investment opportunities that will maximize shareholder returns," concluded Mr. Frenette.

“儘管我們目前正在經歷餐飲和零售行業的某些疲軟,但由於我們投資於我們的分銷平台,我們將能夠在多個方面採取行動,繼續提高我們的生產率和運營效率。我們將通過優先考慮債務償還,謹慎分配現金流的策略,同時繼續尋找最大化股東回報的投資機會,” Frenette先生總結道。

Non-IFRS Performance Measures


The information provided in this release includes non-IFRS performance measures, notably adjusted earnings before financial expenses, depreciation and amortization and income taxes ("Adjusted EBITDA")(1). As these concepts are not defined by IFRS, they may not be comparable to those of other companies. Refer to Section 5 "Non-IFRS Performance Measures" in the Management's Discussion and Analysis.


Reconciliation of Net Earnings (Loss) to Adjusted EBITDA(1) 12 weeks 24 weeks
(in thousands of dollars) 2024 2023 2024 2023
$ $ $ $
Net earnings (loss) from continuing operations 1,679 2,314 (97) 2,154
Income taxes (recovery) 555 854 (61) 747
Financial expenses 2,784 1,383 5,373 2,625
Operating earnings 5,018 4,551 5,215 5,526
Expenses for stock-based compensation plan 37 60 52 149
Costs not related to current operations 23 2 122 51
Depreciation and amortization 4,640 4,681 9,211 9,142
Adjusted EBITDA(1) 9,718 9,294 14,600 14,868
淨收益(虧損)和調整後EBITDA(1)的對賬單 12周 24周
(以千美元爲單位) 2024 2023 2024 2023
$ $ $ $
持續經營的淨收益(虧損) 1,679 2,314 (97) 2,154
所得稅(收回) 555 854 (61) 747
財務費用 Streamline和Glidelogic Corp.擁有同一最終控制人-馬大鵬先生和薛一天先生。雖然他們在Streamline擁有多數股權,但他們共同擁有Star Success Business, LLC的100%股份,該公司擁有Glidelogic公司75%的權益。 1,383 5,373 2,625
營業利潤 5,018 4,551 5,215 5,526
股票補償計劃的費用 37 60 52 149
不與當前運營相關的成本 23 2 122 51
折舊和攤銷 4,640 4,681 9,211 9,142
調整後的EBITDA(1) 9,718 9,294 14,600 14,868

Additional Information


The Management's Discussion and Analysis and the consolidated financial statements of the Company are available on SEDAR+ (). Additional information, including the annual information form, about Colabor Group Inc. can also be found on SEDAR+ and on the Company's website at .


Forward-Looking Statements


This press release contains certain forward-looking statements as defined under applicable securities law. Forward-looking information may relate to Colabor's future outlook and anticipated events, business, operations, financial performance, financial condition or results and, in some cases, can be identified by terminology such as "may"; "will"; "should"; "expect"; "plan"; "anticipate"; "believe"; "intend"; "estimate"; "predict"; "potential"; "continue"; "foresee"; "ensure" or other similar expressions concerning matters that are not historical facts. Particularly, statements regarding the Company's financial guidelines, future operating results and economic performance, objectives and strategies are forward-looking statements. These statements are based on certain factors and assumptions including expected growth, results of operations, performance and business prospects and opportunities, which Colabor believes are reasonable as of the current date. Refer in particular to section 2.2 "Development Strategies and Outlook" of the Company's MD&A. While Management considers these assumptions to be reasonable based on information currently available to the Company, they may prove to be incorrect. Forward-looking information is also subject to certain factors, including risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from what Colabor currently expects. For more exhaustive information on these risks and uncertainties, the reader should refer to section 6 "Risks and Uncertainties" of the Company's MD&A. These factors are not intended to represent a complete list of the factors that could affect Colabor and future events and results may vary significantly from what Management currently foresees. The reader should not place undue importance on forward-looking information contained in this press release, information representing Colabor's expectations as of the date of this press release (or as of the date they are otherwise stated to be made), which are subject to change after such date. While Management may elect to do so, the Company is under no obligation (and expressly disclaims any such obligation) and does not undertake to update or alter this information at any particular time, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by law.


Conference Call


Colabor will hold a conference call to discuss these results on Thursday, July 25, 2024, beginning at 9:30 a.m. Eastern time. Interested parties can join the call by dialing 1-888-390-0549 (from anywhere in North America) or 1-416-764-8682. If you are unable to participate, you can listen to a recording by dialing 1-888-390-0541 or 1-416-764-8677 and entering the code 628721# on your telephone keypad. The recording will be available from 1:30 p.m. on Thursday, July 25, 2024, until 11:59 p.m. on August 1, 2024. Note that the recording will be available offline on our website at the following address:


You can also use the QuickConnect link: . This new link allows any participant to access the conference call by clicking on the URL link and enter their name and phone number.


About Colabor


Colabor is a distributor and wholesaler of food and related products serving the hotel, restaurant and institutional markets or "HRI" in Quebec and in the Atlantic provinces, as well as the retail market. Within its two operating activities, Colabor offers specialty food products such as meat, fish and seafood, as well as food and related products through its Broadline activities.


Further information:


Pierre Blanchette
Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer
Colabor Group Inc
Tel.: 450-449-4911 extension 1308
Danielle Ste-Marie
Ste-Marie Strategy and Communications Inc.
Investor Relations
Tel.: 450-449-0026 extension 1180
Pierre Blanchette
Colabor Group Inc
Danielle Ste-Marie
Ste-Marie Strategy and Communications Inc.
電話:450-449-0026 分機1180

