
Lucid Bots Acquires Avianna, Enhancing AI and Autonomous Operations in Robots That Make Cleaning Easier

Lucid Bots Acquires Avianna, Enhancing AI and Autonomous Operations in Robots That Make Cleaning Easier

Lucid Bots收購Avianna,增強人工智能和自主操作功能,使清潔機器人更易於使用。
PR Newswire ·  07/24 20:37

CHARLOTTE, N.C., July 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The future of robotics has never been more lucid as Lucid Bots, a pioneer in robotics, announces the acquisition of Avianna, an AI company that enables robots to understand human language and operate autonomously. This strategic partnership marks a major milestone in Lucid Bots' mission to create intelligent, productive, and responsible robots integrated into daily life.

作爲機器人先驅,Lucid Bots宣佈收購AI公司Avianna,實現了機器人技術的前所未有的突破,讓機器人能夠理解人類語言並實現自主操作。這一戰略合作是Lucid Bots創造智能、高效和負責任機器人,融入日常生活使命的重要里程碑。

Lucid Bots Acquires Avianna, Enhancing AI and Autonomous Operations in Robots that Make Cleaning Easier
Lucid Bots收購Avianna,推進使清潔機器人更加人工智能、自動化、以及開展更廣泛的業務。

Andrew Ashur, founder of Lucid Bots, explains, "This is the ChatGPT moment for robotics. Previously, robots had been controlled manually by joysticks or you needed a strong background in engineering to program robotic actions. With Avianna, our customers will be able to interact with our robots through natural language, making automation more accessible and intuitive."

Lucid Bots創始人Andrew Ashur解釋道:“這是機器人ChatGPt(chat general-purpose technology)的時代。以前,機器人需要通過搖桿手動控制,或需要在工程領域有紮實的背景來編寫機器人動作腳本。有了Avianna,我們的客戶將能夠通過自然語言與我們的機器人交互,使自動化更加易於實現和直觀。”

"The true magic of robots lies in their ability to extend our reach, not replace our touch, however, robots need to be simple and easy-to-use to unlock mass-market adoption and value. This partnership with Avianna is the key to creating a future where robots can be a collaborative part of the workforce for the general population." - Andrew Ashur, Founder of Lucid Bots

“機器人真正的魔力在於它們能夠擴展我們的能力,而不是取代我們的接觸,但是,機器人需要簡單易用,以解鎖大規模的市場採用和使用。與Avianna的這一合作是創建一個未來的關鍵,機器人可以成爲一般人口勞動力的協作部分。”-Lucid Bots創始人Andrew Ashur

Lucid Bots envisions a future where robots are partners in progress, handling heavy work while humans focus on innovation, empathy, and wellness. The collaboration with Avianna, founded by Vic Pellicano, merges software, AI, and mechanical systems to revolutionize robot interactions with the world. Pellicano adds, "Technology has always played a role in uplifting humanity. We stand at the precipice of another such transformation, and we are excited to be a driving force to unlocking newfound efficiencies and safety for dirty and dangerous jobs."

Lucid Bots構想了機器人成爲進步夥伴的未來,處理沉重的工作,而人類則專注於創新、同情和健康等方面。與由Vic Pellicano創立的Avianna的合作,將軟件、人工智能和機械系統融合在一起,從而徹底改變了機器人與世界的交互方式。Pellicano補充說:“科技一直在扮演着提升人類的角色,我們站在另一種變革的邊緣,在解鎖新的效率和爲髒亂危險工作帶來新的安全性方面,我們很激動能夠成爲推動力量。”

"Our partnership with Lucid represents a significant step forward in our mission to make robots smarter, more autonomous, and collaborative. Together, we are empowering customers by simplifying their operations and allowing them to control their robots through simple language." -Vic Pellicano, founder of Avianna.

“我們與Lucid的合作代表我們使機器人更智能、更自主、更協作所邁出的重要一步。我們正在通過簡化操作,允許客戶通過簡單語言控制機器人,來爲用戶帶來更多的權利。”-Avianna創始人Vic Pellicano

A Brighter Future, Built in America


This groundbreaking partnership is proudly rooted in America, with Lucid Bots' headquarters in Charlotte, NC. By keeping its operations domestic, Lucid Bots emphasizes data privacy, security, and ethical standards, distinguishing itself from global robotic companies that may pose privacy risks. Building and deploying robots in the US ensures that stringent regulatory standards are met and that innovations contribute to the local economy. Lucid Bots introduced its first robot, the Sherpa cleaning drone, in 2019, and is now tackling surface cleaning with Lavo Bot. Both products address the challenges that business owners and workers face every day including labor fatigue and unsafe jobs, all while improving efficiency. With Avianna, Lucid Bots' will add communication and automation to their arsenal of benefits to their customers. With Avianna technology, Lucid Bots' end users will be able to talk to their Sherpa and Lavo Bot through voice command and chat.

這一創新性的合作關係是自豪地根植於美國的,Lucid Bots總部位於北卡羅來納的夏洛特。通過保持其國內運營,Lucid Bots強調數據隱私、安全和道德標準,與可能帶來隱私風險的全球機器人公司區別開來。在美國建造和部署機器人確保符合嚴格的監管標準,並促進創新對當地經濟的貢獻。Lucid Bots在2019年推出了其首款機器人——Sherpa清潔無人機,並開始銷售Lavo Bot,這兩個產品解決了業主和工人每天都面臨的諸多問題,包括勞動疲勞和不安全的工作,同時提高了效率。有了Avianna的技術,Lucid Bots的最終用戶將能夠通過語音命令和聊天來與Sherpa和Lavo Bot交流和操作。

With an aging population and a growing shortage of people willing to perform manual labor, Lucid Bots is addressing critical societal needs. Its robots are already deployed nationwide, having completed thousands of missions. The integration of Avianna's technology will supercharge these efforts, offering a glimpse into a future where robots are a meaningful, responsible, and productive part of human society. This commitment to American values and technological excellence reinforces Lucid Bots' dedication to creating solutions that are not only innovative but also ethically sound and economically beneficial for the country. Lucid Bots and Avianna are building a brighter future, redefining our relationship with technology and our customers while crafting a narrative of progress where robots and humans coexist harmoniously.

隨着人口日益老齡化和缺少願意從事體力勞動的人員的增加,Lucid Bots正在應對關鍵的社會需求。其機器人已經在全國範圍內部署,並完成了數千次任務。集成Avianna的技術將加速這些努力,展示了機器人成爲人類社會中有意義、有責任和有成果的一部分的未來。對美國價值和技術卓越的承諾強化了Lucid Bots創造不僅是創新而且也是倫理和經濟上有益於國家的解決方案的承諾。

Pioneering Leaders, Inspiring Stories: Meet Andrew and Vic


Andrew Ashur, the catalytic force behind Lucid Bots, didn't start with an army of engineers. His journey began in college, where he taught himself to build drones from scratch, diving deep into every necessary skill and technology. Andrew's commitment was so unwavering that in the early years, he fasted for days to save money to buy drone parts. He has cleaned hundreds of properties, both by hand and with robots, to understand the industry from the inside out. "Our robots are designed with real, practical knowledge," Ashur emphasizes. "They are born from sweat, grit, and an intimate understanding of the problems we are solving."

Lucid Bots的推動力,Andrew Ashur,並沒有從擁有一支工程師隊伍開始。他的旅程始於大學,他在那裏自學了從零開始構建無人機的技能和技術。Andrew的承諾是如此堅定,以至於在早期,他通過節食來省錢,以購買無人機零件。他已經手動和機器人清潔了數百個領地,以了解這個行業的內部情況。Ashur強調:“我們的機器人是基於實際的、有實戰經驗的知識構建的。”“它們誕生於汗水、磨礪和對我們正在解決的問題的深入理解之中。”

Vic Pellicano's life narrative is a testament to human resilience. Early parental loss forced him to abandon law school and face the realities of homelessness, living out of his car. This hardship, however, didn't break his spirit. Starting in an entry level position at a manufacturing company, Vic taught himself software development and business strategy, building his own company from these humble beginnings which he eventually sold to Oracle. With Avianna, Vic is using his hard-won expertise to pioneer all new AI capabilities. "Life taught me early on the value of hard work and vision," Vic shares. "These are values we inject into every line of code at Avianna." Vic continues to bring his entrepreneurial magic with another enterprise AI with Seraf, which revolutionizes the way people search for information at work

Vic Pellicano的生活敘事是人道主義強韌性的結晶。早期父母的離世迫使他放棄法學院,面對無家可歸的現實,住在自己的車裏。然而,這種艱辛並沒有擊敗他的精神。Vic從製造公司的基層職位開始,自學軟件開發和商業戰略,從這些謙遜的開始建立自己的公司,最終將其出售給Oracle。在Avianna,Vic利用他艱苦奮鬥的專業知識開創全新的人工智能能力。Vic分享道:“生活早早地教會了我努力工作和遠見的價值觀。這些是我們在Avianna的每一行代碼中注入的價值觀。” Vic繼續爲Seraf的企業AI帶來他的創業魔力,這革新了人們在工作場所搜索信息的方式。

Together, Andrew and Vic are more than business partners; they are the embodiment of Lucid Bots' mission. They exemplify what it means to use adversity as a catalyst for innovation and positive change. Their partnership goes beyond technology; it's about creating a future where machines amplify human potential. Learn more about Vic and Andrew's journey in The Lucid Bots Podcast #3: From Hardship to Happiness. The company has also launched Sound Bots, a twice weekly short video segment about AI and Robotics from the point-of-view of the Lucid Bots' team.

一起,Andrew和Vic不僅是商業合作伙伴,也是Lucid Bots願景的體現。他們展示瞭如何將逆境作爲創新和積極變革的催化劑。他們的合作超越了技術,而是爲機器擴大了人類潛力的未來鋪平道路。通過 The Lucid Bots Podcast#3:從逆境走向幸福,了解有關Vic和Andrew旅程的更多信息。該公司還推出了Sound Bots,一個每週播出兩次的關於Lucid Bots小組人工智能和機器人的短視頻節目。

About Lucid Bots, Inc.
Founded in 2018, Lucid Bots Inc. is an AI robotics company that is committed to uplifting humanity by building the world's most productive and responsible robots that can do dangerous and demanding tasks. Headquartered in Charlotte, the company engineers, manufactures, and supports its products domestically, which include the Sherpa, a cleaning drone, and the Lavo Bot, a pressure-washing robot. Lucid Bots' products are elevating safety and efficiency for a growing number of customers around the world. Lucid is a Y Combinator-backed company, with investments from Cubit Capital, Idea Fund Partners, Danu Ventures, and others. Lucid Bots raised $9M in Series A funding in May and was recently named a member of the NVIDIA Inception Program, designed to help startups evolve faster through cutting-edge technology, opportunities to connect with venture capitalists, and access to the latest technical resources.

Lucid Bots,Inc.簡介。
成立於2018年的Lucid Bots Inc.是一家人工智能機器人公司,致力於通過建立世界上最高效和負責任的機器人,能夠處理危險和苛刻的任務來提升人類的地位。總部位於夏洛特,該公司國內工程,製造和支持其產品,包括Sherpa清潔無人機和Lavo Bot高壓清洗機器人。Lucid Bots的產品正在提高越來越多全球客戶的安全性和效率。Lucid是Y Combinator支持的公司,獲得了Cubit Capital, Idea Fund Partners, Danu Ventures等公司的投資。Lucid Bots在5月份獲得了900萬美元的A輪融資,並最近被命名爲NVIDIA Inception計劃的一員,該計劃旨在通過尖端技術、與風險投資家的聯繫和最新技術資源的獲取,幫助初創企業加速發展。

For more information, visit and follow the company on LinkedIn.


About Avianna:


Avianna is revolutionizing the way robots are used, operated, and interact with humans. The Company's products, Mission AI, Vision AI, and Fleet Management, are designed to enable natural language communication between the robot and its operator, unlocking previously inaccessible potential and transforming the robotics industry into a more collaborative space.


2023 NVIDIA, the NVIDIA logo, and NVIDIA Inception Program are trademarks and/or registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation in the U.S. and other countries.

2023 NVIDIA、NVIDIA徽標和NVIDIA Inception計劃是NVIDIA Corporation在美國和其他國家的商標和/或註冊商標。

Media Contacts


McKenzie H.
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Dana L.
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SOURCE Lucid Bots Inc.

來源:Lucid Bots公司。

