
Blue Star Intercepts 17 Metres of Semi-to-Massive Sulphides in a New Discovery on the Roma Project

Blue Star Intercepts 17 Metres of Semi-to-Massive Sulphides in a New Discovery on the Roma Project

newsfile ·  07/24 20:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 24, 2024) - Blue Star Gold Corp. (TSXV: BAU) (OTCQB: BAUFF) (FSE: 5WP0) ("Blue Star" or the "Company") announces a new critical mineral discovery (HI) on its Roma Project in the Kitikmeot region of Nunavut (Figure 1).

加拿大不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華-(Newsfile Corp. - 2024年7月24日)-Blue Star Gold Corp. (TSXV: BAU) (OTCQB: BAUFF) (FSE: 5WP0) ("藍星"或"公司")宣佈在努納武特地區的基蒂克梅奧特地域板塊的羅馬項目上發現了一種新的重要礦物發現(HI) (圖1)。

Highlights of the Current Exploration Program


  • Inaugural critical minerals exploration program in the prospective High Lake Greenstone Belt
  • First Blue Star drill hole assessing the HI VMS target intercepted a 17.1-metre interval of semi-to-massive sulphide mineralization (Figure 2); assays are pending
  • Follow-up drilling is underway to assess the large target zone
  • Drilling continues at gold targets on the Company's Ulu Project, including Mikigon and Nutaaq
  • 前所未有的重要礦物探索計劃-高湖綠巖帶
  • 首次鑽探HI VMS目標的第一口藍星鑽孔攔截了一個17.1米的半至塊狀硫化礦體區間(圖2);化驗試驗結果正在等待中。
  • 後續鑽探正在進行中,以評估大型目標區。
  • 在公司的烏魯項目上,包括米基貢和努塔克等黃金目標,鑽探仍在繼續。

Grant Ewing, CEO of Blue Star, stated, "Due to the abundance of mineral showings throughout our prospective landholdings, the current exploration program is assessing both critical mineral and gold targets. The first drill hole on the HI target has potentially resulted in an exciting new base metal discovery. Our team is very encouraged by similarities in the drill core to MMG's High Lake deposit, located ~12 kilometres to the south. Follow-up drilling is underway, and we look forward to assay results which are expected in August. The proposed Grays Bay Road, a major infrastructure development in Nunavut that is currently undergoing permitting, is located only 6 kilometres to the east of the HI discovery."

藍星公司的首席執行官Grant Ewing表示:“由於我們擁有大量的礦物露頭,所以當前探礦計劃既評估關鍵礦物又評估黃金目標。 HI目標上的第一口鑽孔可能導致令人興奮的新的基礎金屬礦物發現。我們的團隊對鑽探核心與五礦資源高湖礦山下方約12公里處的相似之處感到非常鼓舞。後續鑽探正在進行中,我們期待8月份的化驗結果。我們提議的格雷斯灣公路是努納武特的一個重要基礎設施發展項目,目前正在審批過程中,距離HI發現僅6公里。

Discussion of HI Results
Fieldwork confirmed the presence of massive sulphide mineralisation in a surface gossan occurring in felsic volcanic rock. Sampling of sub-cropping massive sulphide mineralisation hosting a 0.6-metre-wide section of massive sphalerite returned 17.75% zinc ("Zn"). A fixed loop electromagnetic survey ("EM") was subsequently completed identifying a strong conductor, with a resulting Maxwell-modelled plate measuring 320 metres x 100 metres in size, plunging north approximately 180 metres below the surface (Figure 3). The gossan and surface sampling are located up-dip, and ~200 metres south of the strong conductor.

野外工作實地確認了火山岩中的巨晶硫化礦物化合物。採樣顯示亞表露巨晶硫化礦物化合物托盤含有0.6米寬的巨晶菱鋅礦,其回收率爲17.75%("鋅"). 隨後進行了固定環電磁測量("EM"),識別出一個強烈的導體,通過模型計算得出其大小爲320米 x 100米,向北傾斜約180米,距離地表約200米(圖3)。巖肌和表面採樣位於上浮位置,位於強電導體南面約200米處。

The initial drill hole targeting the HI conductor was completed to a depth of 291 metres. Rock units encountered include the overlaying Proterozoic diabase sill, a late Archean granitoid unit, and a package of sericite-altered felsic tuffs hosting a seventeen (17) metre zone of stringer to massive sulphide mineralisation. Within the mineralised zone, a 1.7-metre interval of massive sphalerite and buckshot pyrite, and a 1.3-metre interval of massive pyrrhotite with chalcopyrite were intersected (Figure 2). The mineralised section is co-incident with the modeled strong conductor. Follow-up drilling is underway.


Noranda first identified the area in 1975 and drilled two shallow holes beneath the main gossan the following year. The 1976 holes intersected stringer to massive sulphide mineralization with sub-ore grades (Assessment Report 08558), and Noranda subsequently dropped the claims.

諾朗達公司於1975年首次發現該區域並在主要赤鐵礦石下鑽探了兩個淺孔。 1976年的測試孔相交的斑狀至塊狀硫化物礦體和子礦牀品位低(評估報告08558),隨後諾朗達公司失去了這些聲明權。

Comparison to the High Lake Deposit West Zone


The High Lake VMS deposit, located approximately 12 kilometres to the south-southeast of HI, is comprised of the A/B, D, and West Zones. Of particular interest is the West Zone, the most recent VMS discovery in the High Lake Belt, as it was also a blind discovery based on a strong EM conductor. The West Zone discovery hole was a 19.4-metre stringer to massive sulphide interval grading 3.85% copper ("Cu"), 1.38% Zn, 0.89 gram per tonne ("g/t") gold ("Au"), and 104 g/t silver ("Ag"). The resource of the West Zone is approximately 9.1 Mt of 1.97% Cu, 4.4% Zn, 0.42% lead ("Pb"), 1.29 g/t Au, and 96 g/t Ag. (The Northern Miner, January 23, 2006). The High Lake VMS deposit hosts ~14 Mt grading 2.5% Cu, 3.8% Zn, 0.4% Pb, 84 g/t Ag, and 1.3 g/t Au (MMG Mineral Resources and Ore Reserves Statement 30 June 2023). There is no guarantee that the results of the HI VMS discovery will be similar to those of the High Lake Deposit West Zone or that continued exploration will result in the definition of an economic resource.

高湖VMS礦牀位於HI以南約12公里處,由A / b區,D區和西區組成。其中最引人注目的是西區,這是高湖帶中最新的VMS發現,因爲它也是基於強EM導體的盲目發現。西區發現孔是一段19.4米的斑狀到塊狀硫化區間,品位爲3.85%的銅("Cu"), 1.38%的鋅,0.89克/噸("g/t")金("Au")和104g/t銀("Ag")。西區的資源約爲9.1Mt的1.97% Cu、4.4% Zn、0.42%鉛("Pb"),1.29g/t Au和96g/t Ag(The Northern Miner, Januaary 23, 2006)。高湖VMS礦牀的儲量達約14Mt,品位爲2.5%Cu、3.8%Zn、0.4% Pb、84g/t Ag和1.3g/t Au(MMG礦產資源和礦石儲備報告,2023年6月30日)。不能保證HI VMS發現的結果與高湖礦區西區相似,也不能保證持續的勘探工作能夠定義出經濟資源。

Exploration Program Progress and Next Steps


The 2024 exploration drilling program is ongoing. Drilling continues at gold targets on the Ulu Project (Mikigon, Nutaaq) and the HI discovery. The next steps for the gold component of the current drill program will be assessing other targets in the Flood Zone area, and the Central and Zebra Zones. To date, ~1,725 metres of the planned drill program have been completed.


Prospecting samples are grab samples which are selective by definition and have been collected from outcrop, subcrop and felsenmeer. Samples are sent under chain of custody to ALS Geochemistry in Yellowknife, NT for sample preparation which are then forwarded to ALS Canada Inc. in North Vancouver, BC for final analysis. Samples are prepared using code PREP-31 (crushing and pulverising) and analysed using codes Au-AA26 (50-gram fire assay with atomic absorption finish) and ME-MS61 (48 element four acid digestion with ICP-MS finish). Over limits for non-gold elements are ore grade four acid digestion with ICP-AES finish. Drill samples follow the same procedures.

普通採樣是具有選擇性的抓取樣品,已從露頭、亞露頭和岩屑堆中採集。樣品將按照證明鏈發送到黃刀鎮的ALS地球化學實驗室進行樣品製備,然後轉交給ALS Canada公司在北溫哥華進行最終分析。樣品使用代碼PREP-31(破碎和粉碎)進行準備,並使用代碼Au-AA26(50克物質含量的火焰法測定,使用電子吸收結束法)和ME-MS61(48元素四酸消化,ICP-MS結束法)進行分析。 非金屬類超標元素採用礦石品位四酸消化,ICP-AES結束法。 鑽頭樣品採用相同的程序。

Gray's Bay Road and Port Project (GBRPP)


The project envisions a deepwater port built on Coronation Gulf and a road connecting Nunavut to the Northwest Territories. The proposed all-season road would travel within and immediately adjacent to Blue Star's projects, providing excellent accessibility. This future access will dramatically lower the operating costs in the region, connect Northern products to markets around the world, and enable supplies to reach the area at a lower cost, for a longer season, and with greater reliability.


Figure 1: Blue Star Projects and New HI Discovery.


Figure 3: HI Discovery: Oblique View of Maxwell Plate Target and Proposed Drill Holes.

圖3: HI發現:Maxwell板目標和擬議鑽井孔的斜視圖。

Darren Lindsay, P. Geo. and Vice President Exploration for Blue Star, is a Qualified Person under National Instrument 43-101 ("NI 43-101") and has reviewed and approved the technical information contained in this news release.

Darren Lindsay,藍星副總裁和勘探副總裁,是根據加拿大《證券法規43-101》("NI 43-101")的規定,並已審查和核準了本新聞稿中所包含的技術信息的合格人員。

About Blue Star Gold Corp.

關於藍星黃金股份有限公司,藍星是一個專注於加拿大努納武特的礦產勘查和開發公司。藍星擁有總計270平方公里的高度潛力和未經開發的礦產物業於High Lake Greenstone 摺疊帶。該公司擁有Ulu Gold Project,包括Ulu Mining Lease和Hood River Property,以及Roma Project。在Ulu Mining Lease地區的Flood Zone礦牀上存在着大量高品位的金礦資源,公司的大片土地上還有衆多具備相當高的潛力的勘探目標區域,公司的礦產資源增長空間極爲巨大。在Grays Bay的未來深水港口建設現場到公司的物業距離爲40-100公里,Grays Bay全天候道路的擬定通道也將在Roma和Ulu金礦項目地區進行修建。藍星黃金在TSX創業板、OTCQB副交易市場和Frankfurt Exchange上市,股票代碼分別爲:BAU,BAUFF和5WP0。了解更多信息,請訪問公司網站。

Blue Star is a mineral exploration and development company focused in Nunavut, Canada. Blue Star's landholdings total 270 square kilometres of highly prospective and underexplored mineral properties in the High Lake Greenstone Belt. The Company owns the Ulu Gold Project, comprised of the Ulu Mining Lease and Hood River Property, and the Roma Project. A significant high-grade gold resource exists at the Flood Zone deposit (Ulu Mining Lease), and numerous high-potential exploration targets (gold and critical minerals) occur throughout the Company's extensive landholdings, providing Blue Star with excellent resource growth potential. The site of the future deep-water port at Grays Bay is 40 - 100 km to the north of the properties, and the proposed route corridor for the all-weather Grays Bay Road passes close by the Roma and Ulu Gold Projects.

藍星公司是一家專注於加拿大努納武特的礦產勘探和開發公司。藍星公司共擁有270平方公里的高度潛力和未勘探的礦產項目,包括烏魯金礦項目,包括烏魯採礦租賃區和Hood River Property,以及羅馬項目。在洪水區沉積中存在大量的高品位黃金,而且公司廣闊的土地持有,有很多高潛力的勘探目標(黃金和關鍵礦物),爲藍星提供了卓越的資源增長潛力。格雷斯灣未來的深水港區在這些特許權以北40-100千米處,而全天候格雷斯灣公路的擬議路線走近了羅馬和烏魯金礦項目。

Blue Star is listed on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol: BAU, the U.S. OTCQB Venture Market under the symbol: BAUFF, and on the Frankfurt Exchange under the symbol: 5WP0. For information on the Company and its projects, please visit our website: .

藍星礦業在tsx創業板,OTCQb空中創業板和法蘭克福交易所上市,交易標的爲BAU和5WP0。更多公司及項目信息請訪問我們的網站: .

For further information, please contact:


Grant Ewing, P. Geo., CEO
Telephone: +1 778-379-1433

Grant Ewing,P. Geo.,首席執行官
電話:+1 778-379-1433

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the Policies of the TSX-Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this Release.




This press release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable securities laws. Forward-looking statements can be identified by words such as: "anticipate," "intend," "plan," "goal," "seek," "believe," "project," "estimate," "expect," "strategy," "future," "likely," "may," "should," "will" and similar references to future periods. Examples of forward-looking statements include, among others, statements we make regarding prospective income and revenues, anticipated levels of capital expenditures for the fiscal year, expectations of the effect on our financial condition of claims, litigation, environmental costs, contingent liabilities, and governmental and regulatory investigations and proceedings, and estimates of mineral resources and reserves on our properties.


Forward-looking statements are neither historical facts nor assurances of future performance. Instead, they are based only on our current beliefs, expectations, and assumptions regarding the future of our business, plans and strategies, projections, anticipated events and trends, the economy, and other future conditions. Because forward-looking statements relate to the future, they are subject to inherent uncertainties, risks, and changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict and many of which are outside of our control. Our actual results and financial condition may differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements. Therefore, you should not rely on any of these forward-looking statements. Important factors that could cause our actual results and financial condition to differ materially from those indicated in the forward-looking statements include, among others, the following: economic and financial conditions, including volatility in interest and exchange rates, commodity and equity prices and the value of financial assets, strategic actions, including acquisitions and dispositions and our success in integrating acquired businesses into our operations, developments and changes in laws and regulations, including increased regulation of the mining industry through legislative action and revised rules and standards applied by the regulatory bodies in Nunavut, changes in the price of fuel and other key materials and disruptions in supply chains for these materials, closures or slowdowns and changes in labour costs and labour difficulties, including stoppages affecting either our operations or our suppliers' abilities to deliver goods and services to us, as well as natural events such as severe weather, fires, floods and earthquakes or man-made or other disruptions of our equipment, and inaccuracies in estimates of mineral resources and/or reserves on our mineral properties.


