
Cathedra Bitcoin Completes Business Combination With Kungsleden

Cathedra Bitcoin Completes Business Combination With Kungsleden

newsfile ·  07/24 05:30
  • Completion of the transaction creates a developer and operator of high-density compute infrastructure with 95 MW of expected power capacity under management and 4.8 EH/s of expected hash rate under management.
  • Shares of Cathedra Bitcoin Inc. are expected to resume trading on the TSXV under the symbol "CBIT" on or around the beginning of August 2024.
  • 本次交易完成後,開發高密度計算基礎設施的開發者和運營商共管理了 95MW 預期電力容量和 4.8EH/s 預期哈希率。
  • Cathedra Bitcoin Inc.股票預計於2024年8月初重新在 TSXV 交易所上交易,交易時股票代碼爲“CBIT”。

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - July 23, 2024) - (Block Height: 853,620) - Cathedra Bitcoin Inc. (TSXV: CBIT) (OTCQB: CBTTF) ("Cathedra" or the "Company") is pleased to announce the completion of its previously announced business combination (the "Transaction"), with Kungsleden, Inc. ("Kungsleden"), a developer and operator of alternative high-density compute infrastructure.


"We are excited to complete this strategic business combination and begin executing our shared vision alongside the Kungsleden team," remarked AJ Scalia, Chief Executive Officer of the Company. "We look forward to expanding our portfolio of high-density compute data centers for customers in high-growth end markets like bitcoin mining and-in time-potentially artificial intelligence."

公司首席執行官AJ Scalia表示:“我們對完成這項戰略業務合併並開始與Kungsleden團隊一起實現我們的共同願景感到興奮。我們期待在高成長的終端市場,如比特幣挖掘和人工智能等領域擴大我們的高密度計算數據中心投資組合”。

Thomas Masiero, the former Chief Executive Officer and co-founder of Kungsleden, added, "John D. Rockefeller got it right when he said, 'I do not think that there is any other quality so essential to success of any kind as the quality of perseverance. It overcomes almost everything, even nature.' Let's get to work!"

Kungsleden的前首席執行官和聯合創始人Thomas Masiero補充說:"約翰·D·洛克菲勒說過:‘沒有任何對任何種類的成功都如此重要的其他品質,如毅力的品質。它幾乎能克服任何事情,甚至是自然。’讓我們開始吧!"

The Transaction


The Transaction was completed according to the terms of a share exchange agreement dated March 6, 2024, as amended on June 18, 2024 (together, the "Share Exchange Agreement") between the Company, Kungsleden and Kungsleden's shareholders (the "Vendors", and together with the Company and Kungsleden, the "Parties").

交易是根據2024年3月6日股票交換協議的條款完成的,該協議於2024年6月18日修訂(統稱爲“股票交換協議”),協議雙方爲公司,Kungsleden和Kungsleden股東(“銷售方”)等各方(統稱爲“交易各方”) 。

Pursuant to the terms of the Share Exchange Agreement, Cathedra acquired all of the outstanding shares of Kungsleden from the Vendors in exchange for 6,253,429 multiple voting shares of Cathedra (the "Multiple Voting Shares") on the basis of an exchange ratio of one common share of Kungsleden for approximately 6.253429078 Multiple Voting Shares. The 6,253,429 Multiple Voting Shares issued to the Vendors are convertible into 625,342,900 subordinate voting shares of Cathedra (the "Subordinate Voting Shares"). The Transaction resulted in the Vendors owning (on a non-diluted basis) approximately 72.5% of the equity of the Company and existing Cathedra shareholders owning the remaining 27.5% of the equity of the Company. The Vendors hold approximately 80% of the voting rights of Cathedra and existing Cathedra shareholders own the remaining 20%.

根據股票交換協議的條款,Cathedra 通過以交換比率 1:6.253429078 交換 Kungsleden 的普通股以獲取 Kungsleden 的全部已發行股份,換取了 6,253,429 股 Cathedra 的多次投票股份("多次投票股份")。向銷售方發行的 6,253,429 股多次投票股份可以轉換成 Cathedra 的 625,342,900 股控制權受限投票股份(以下簡稱 "受限制共權股")。本次交易導致銷售方(不受稀釋)擁有該公司約 72.5% 的股本,現有的 Cathedra 股東擁有該公司約 27.5% 的股本。銷售方擁有 Cathedra 約 80% 的表決權,現有的 Cathedra 股東擁有剩餘的 20%。

In connection with the Transaction, the Company's articles and notice of articles were amended to, among other things (the "Share Structure Alteration"): (a) change the name of Cathedra's common shares to Subordinate Voting Shares, (b) create a new class of unlimited Multiple Voting Shares, with each Multiple Voting Share convertible into 100 Subordinate Voting Shares, (c) add special rights and restrictions to the Subordinate Voting Shares and the Multiple Voting Shares, pursuant to which, among other things, the holders of the Multiple Voting Shares are entitled to 152 votes per Multiple Voting Share held (or 1.52 votes per Subordinate Voting Share on an as converted basis). The Transaction constituted a "reverse takeover" of the Company pursuant to Policy 5.2 of the TSX Venture Exchange (the "TSXV").

與本次交易相關聯,本公司的章程和章程通知進行了修改,其中包括以下內容("股份結構變革"):a)將Cathedra的普通股更名爲受限制投票權股份;b)創建一個無限制多次投票權,每個多次投票股份可以轉換爲 100 受限制投票股份;c)爲受限制投票股和多次投票股添加特殊權利和限制,其中,每個多次投票股份的持有人有資格獲得每個持有的 152%表決權股份(或按折算基礎每個受限制投票股份 1.52 票)。該交易構成了本公司於 TSX Venture Exchange 的“反向收購”。

A summary of material changes resulting from the Transaction is provided herein. For further information, readers are referred to the management information circular of the Company dated June 18, 2024 (the "Circular") which is available under the Company's SEDAR+ profile at . The Transaction and resumption of trading remains subject to the final approval of the TSXV.

交易後所導致的重大變化概述已在此處提供。有關更多信息,請參閱公司於2024年6月18日發佈的管理信息通知(“通知”),該通知可在公司的SEDA+檔案下獲取。 交易和恢復交易仍需等待TSXV的最終批准。

The Meeting


Shareholders of Cathedra approved all items of business at its annual and special meeting held on July 22, 2024 (the "Meeting"), including the appointment of the Company's auditors, increasing the number of directors to seven, the election of the Company's directors, the Transaction, the Consolidation (as defined below), the Share Structure Alteration (as defined below), and the Company's equity-based incentive plan.


Management and Directors


Management of Cathedra remains unchanged and consists of Antonin Scalia, Chief Executive Officer; Thomas Armstrong, President and Chief Operating Officer; and Inar Kamaletdinov, Chief Financial Officer.

Cathedra的管理層保持不變,由首席執行官Antonin Scalia,總裁兼首席運營官Thomas Armstrong和首席財務官Inar Kamaletdinov組成。

Kungsleden co-founders Thomas Masiero and Jialin (Gavin) Qu will focus on leading growth initiatives.

Kungsleden的聯合創始人Thomas Masiero和Jialin(Gavin)Qu將專注於領導增長倡議。

The board of directors of the Company consists of the four prior Cathedra directors, Antonin Scalia, Thomas Armstrong, Marcus Dent, and David Jaques; and three new directors, Jialin (Gavin) Qu, Thomas Masiero, and Matthew Kita. Jialin (Gavin) Qu is the Chairman of the Company.

公司的董事會由四名先前的Cathedra董事Antonin Scalia,Thomas Armstrong,Marcus Dent和David Jaques以及三名新董事Jialin(Gavin)Qu,Thomas Masiero和Matthew Kita組成。Jialin(Gavin) Qu是公司的主席。

An aggregate of 8,141,544 restricted share units ("RSUs") were granted to certain directors and officers of the Company in accordance with the Company's amended long-term incentive plan which was approved by shareholders at the Meeting. 1/3 of the RSUs will vest on the date that is one year from the date of the grant, 1/3 of the RSUs will vest on the date that is two years from the date of the grant, and the remaining RSUs will vest on the date that is three years from the date of the grant. All such RSUs are subject to escrow, as further detailed below.

公司的某些董事和高管根據公司修訂後的長期激勵計劃授予了8,141,544個限制性股票單位(“RSU”),該計劃已獲得會議股東的批准。 1/3的RSUs將於授予之日起一年後歸屬,1/3的RSUs將於授予之日起兩年後歸屬,其餘RSUs將於授予之日起三年後歸屬。所有此類RSUs均受到監管,詳情如下。

Consolidated Capitalization


After giving effect to the Transaction, the following securities of the Company are outstanding as of the date hereof: 237,513,935 Subordinate Voting Shares, 6,253,429 Multiple Voting Shares, 3,605,364 stock options, 9,858,425 RSUs, and 51,144,882 Subordinate Voting Share warrants.

在本次交易生效後,本公司的以下證券已發行:237,513,935 股受限制投票權股份,6,253,429 股多次投票股份,3,605,364 股股票期權,9,858,425 個限制股票單位和 51,144,882 張受限制投票權股票認股權證。

Repricing of Convertible Debentures

Cathedra 還認購證券的協議修正

Cathedra also announces that, in connection with the closing of the Transaction, it has amended the conversion price (the "Repricing") of 3.5% senior secured convertible debentures of the Company due November 11, 2025 (the "Maturity Date"), originally issued to the debenture holder on November 11, 2021 (the "Debentures"), from C$0.78 to C$0.15. The aggregate principal amount outstanding of the Debentures as of the date hereof is C$5,733,728.38. Cathedra expects that the Repricing will optimize its capital structure and prepare the Company to focus on profitable growth. The remaining outstanding principal amount of the Debentures continues to bear interest at a rate of 3.5% per annum, payable quarterly in arrears on the last day of March, June, September, and December of each year until the Maturity Date.

Cathedra還宣佈,與交易關閉相關的將 3.5% 高級擔保可轉換債券的認購價格進行了修正(“Repricing”)。截至本文日期,該債券持有方於 2021 年 11 月 11 日發行了該債券,到期日爲 2025 年 11 月 11 日。原始認購價格爲 C$0.78,現已調整爲 C$0.15。截至本文日期,該債券的未償還本金總額爲 C$5,733,728.38。Cathedra預計Repricing將優化其資本結構,並準備專注於收益增長。債券的餘下未償還本金繼續按年利率 3.5% 計息,每年在每年的 3 月、6 月、9 月和 12 月的最後一天支付欠款。



In connection with the Transaction, certain principals of the Company and Kungsleden have entered into escrow agreements with Computershare Investor Services, Inc., as escrow agent (the "Escrow Agent"). 7,965,879 Subordinate Voting Shares and 2,800,000 options to purchase Subordinate Voting Shares have been deposited with the Escrow Agent in accordance with a Tier 2 Value Escrow Agreement (the "Tier 2 Escrow Agreement"). In addition, 263,676 Subordinate Voting Shares, 6,128,361 Multiple Voting Shares, 88,841 stock options to purchase Subordinate Voting Shares, and 7,414,415 RSUs have been deposited with the Escrow Agent in accordance with a Tier 1 Value Escrow Agreement (the "Tier 1 Escrow Agreement").

與交易相關的公司和Kungsleden的某些主要人員已與託管銀行Computershare Investor Services, Inc.簽訂託管協議,作爲託管代理人(“託管代理人”)。根據第二層價值託管協議(“第二層託管協議”),已存入7965879個下級普通股和280萬個下級普通股購買期權,由託管代理人進行管理。此外,根據第一層價值託管協議(“第一層託管協議”),已存入263676個下級普通股、6128361個多重投票股、88841個下級普通股購買期權和7414415個RSUs,由託管代理人進行管理。

Under the terms of the Tier 2 Escrow Agreement, 10% of such escrowed securities will be released upon the date of the exchange bulletin from the TSXV (the "Exchange Bulletin"), with the balance to be released in six tranches of 15% every six months thereafter. Under the terms of the Tier 1 Escrow Agreement, 10% of such escrowed securities will be released on the date of the Exchange Bulletin, with the balance to be released in three tranches of 25% every six months thereafter.

根據第二層託管協議的條款,在 TSXV 交易公告(“交易公告”)的發佈日釋放出10%的相應信託股份。之後每6個月的15%將分成6個階段進行釋放。根據第一層託管協議,10%的相應信託股份將在交易公告的發佈日釋放,並在之後的三個階段以每6個月的25%釋放。

Trading Halt Update


Trading in the Company's shares is expected to resume on the TSXV at or around the beginning of August 2024, once all conditions to the TSXV's acceptance of the Transaction have been satisfied. A further press release is expected to be disseminated prior to the commencement of trading.


Additionally, in accordance with OTC Markets policy, the OTCQB delisted the Company's shares in March in response to the mandatory trading halt placed on the Company's shares on the TSXV. Consequently, the Company has begun the process of relisting its shares on the OTCQB and expects to receive approval shortly after trading resumes on the TSXV. Trading in the Company's shares on the OTCQB would resume shortly thereafter.

此外,根據場外交易市場(OOTC Markets)的規定,場外交易板塊在3月份響應於發生在 TSXV 上的強制性交易停牌而撤下了公司的股票。 因此,公司已經開始了在場外交易市場重新上市的過程,並預計在 TSXV 交易恢復後不久獲得批准。之後,則會在場外交易市場重新啓動公司的股票交易。

U.S. Listing Update


As previously announced, to improve market accessibility and liquidity, the Company is continuing the process of listing its shares on a major U.S. stock exchange (a "U.S. Listing"). The Company expects to complete a U.S. Listing in the second half of 2024, subject to receipt of applicable regulatory and exchange approvals.




At the Meeting, Cathedra received approval from its shareholders to approve a consolidation of its Subordinate Voting Shares (the "Consolidation"), in preparation for potentially listing the Subordinate Voting Shares on a major U.S. stock exchange, on the basis of one post-Consolidation Subordinate Voting Share for up to one hundred fifty (150) pre-Consolidation Subordinate Voting Shares, with the exact Consolidation ratio to be determined definitively by the directors of the Company at a later date. The Consolidation is only expected to be completed in connection with a U.S. Listing, as the exchange in question imposes minimum share price requirements for listed companies, which the Company does not presently satisfy based on the most recent price of its Subordinate Voting Shares on the TSXV. The Company intends only to consolidate Subordinate Voting Shares in connection with the approval of its listing application by a major U.S. exchange, and any U.S. Listing would occur immediately following the Consolidation. If the Company does not obtain a U.S. Listing, it does not intend to consolidate its Subordinate Voting Shares. Furthermore, if the Company obtains a U.S. Listing, it intends to consolidate its Subordinate Voting Shares at the minimum ratio necessary to comfortably satisfy applicable exchange requirements. The Consolidation ratio of up to 150:1 represents a maximum potential Consolidation ratio and is significantly more than what the Company anticipates will be necessary.

在股東大會上, Cathedra 獲得了股東的批准,以便爲可能在美國主要股票交易所上市下級普通股(“整合”)進行整合,每150股整合後的下級普通股據此交易1股。精確的整合比例將由公司董事會在以後的一天確切地確定。整合僅預計在美國股票交易所上市時完成,因爲問題所在的股票交易所對於上市公司的股票價格設置了最低限制要求,而根據公司在 TSXV 上的下級普通股的最近價格,公司目前並未滿足該要求。公司打算僅在獲得主要的美國股票交易所的上市申請批准時,整合下級普通股,並且任何美國股票交易所的上市都將緊隨其後。如果公司未能獲得美國股票交易所的上市,公司不打算整合其下級普通股。此外,如果公司獲得美國股票交易所的上市,則打算按照舒適符合適用交易所要求的最低比例合併下級普通股。150:1的整合比率代表最大潛在整合比率,比公司預計的要高得多。

Early Warning Disclosure


Thomas Masiero, a director of the Company, acquired: (i) through Thy Kingdom Trust, 2,993,829 Multiple Voting Shares, convertible into 299,546,576 Subordinate Voting Shares, in exchange for 478,750 common shares of Kungsleden; and (ii) 2,325,950 RSUs. Prior to the acquisition, Mr. Masiero owned 163,676 Subordinate Voting Shares, and 88,841 stock options representing 0.07% of the issued and outstanding Subordinate Voting Shares on a non-diluted basis and 0.11% of the issued and outstanding Subordinate Voting Shares on a partially-diluted basis assuming the exercise of Mr. Masiero's stock options into Subordinate Voting Shares. Immediately following the acquisition, Mr. Masiero now owns 163,676 Subordinate Voting Shares, 2,993,829 Multiple Voting Shares, 88,841 stock options and 2,325,950 RSUs, representing 34.73% of the issued and outstanding Subordinate Voting Shares on a non-diluted basis (assuming the conversion of all outstanding Multiple Voting Shares into Subordinate Voting Shares) and 34.92% of the issued and outstanding Subordinate Voting Shares on a partially-diluted basis assuming the exercise of Mr. Masiero's options and RSUs into Subordinate Voting Shares (and assuming the conversion of all outstanding Multiple Voting Shares into Subordinate Voting Shares).The Multiple Voting Shares were acquired by Mr. Masiero for investment purposes. Mr. Masiero may acquire additional securities of the Company, including on the open market or through private acquisitions, or sell securities of the Company, including on the open market or through private dispositions, in the future depending on market conditions, reformulation of plans and/or other relevant factors.

公司董事Thomas Masiero通過Thy Kingdom Trust取得了以下內容:(i)通過向銷售方提供478,750股Kungsleden普通股,獲得了2,993,829份多重表決股,可轉換爲299,546,576份從屬表決股;和(ii) 2,325,950個RSU。在此次收購之前,Masiero先生擁有163,676份從屬表決股,88,841個股票期權,佔非攤薄基礎上已發行和流通從屬表決股的0.07%,佔部分稀釋基礎上已發行和流通從屬表決股的0.11%,假定Masiero先生的股票期權轉換爲從屬表決股。 在收購之後,Masiero先生現擁有163,676份從屬表決股,2,993,829份多重表決股,88,841個股票期權和2,325,950個RSU,在非攤薄基礎上佔發行和流通從屬表決股34.73%(假設所有未發行的多重表決股轉換爲從屬表決股)),佔部分稀釋基礎上發行和流通從屬表決股的34.92%(假定Masiero先生的期權和RSU轉換爲從屬表決股,並假定所有未發行的多重表決股轉換爲從屬表決股)。Masiero先生收購多重表決股是爲了投資目的。 根據市場情況,計劃的改組或其他相關因素,Masiero先生未來可能收購公司的其他證券,包括在公開市場或通過私人收購方式,也可能出售該公司的證券,包括在公開市場或通過私人處置方式。

Jialin (Gavin) Qu, a director and the Chairman of the Company, acquired: (i) through Togetsu Trust, 3,134,532 Multiple Voting Shares, convertible into 313,382,900 Subordinate Voting Shares, in exchange for 501,250 common shares of Kungsleden; and (ii) 2,035,386 RSUs. Prior to the acquisition, Mr. Qu did not own any securities in the Company. Immediately following the acquisition, Mr. Qu now owns 3,134,532 Multiple Voting Shares, and 2,035,386 RSUs, representing 36.32% of the issued and outstanding Subordinate Voting Shares on a non-diluted basis (assuming the conversion of all outstanding Multiple Voting Shares into Subordinate Voting Shares) and 36.47% of the issued and outstanding Subordinate Voting Shares on a partially-diluted basis assuming the exercise of Mr. Qu's RSUs into Subordinate Voting Shares (and assuming the conversion of all outstanding Multiple Voting Shares into Subordinate Voting Shares). The Multiple Voting Shares were acquired by Mr. Qu for investment purposes. Mr. Qu may acquire additional securities of the Company, including on the open market or through private acquisitions, or sell securities of the Company, including on the open market or through private dispositions, in the future depending on market conditions, reformulation of plans and/or other relevant factors.

公司董事會主席Jialin(Gavin)Qu通過Togetsu Trust取得了以下內容:(i)通過向Kungsleden提供501,250股普通股,獲得了3,134,532股多重表決股,可轉換爲313,382,900股從屬控股股票;和(ii) 2,035,386個RSU。 在此次收購之前,Mr. Qu未持有任何該公司的證券。 在收購之後,Jialin(Gavin)Qu現擁有3,134,532股多重表決股和2,035,386個RSU,在非攤薄基礎上佔發行和流通從屬表決股的36.32%(假設所有未發行的多重表決股轉換爲從屬表決股),在部分稀釋的基礎上佔發行和流通從屬表決股的36.47%(假定Mr. Qu的RSU轉換爲從屬表決股,並假定所有未發行的多重表決股轉換爲從屬表決股)。Qu先生獲得多重表決股是爲了投資目的。 根據市場情況,計劃的改組或其他相關因素,Qu先生未來可能收購公司的其他證券,包括在公開市場或通過私人收購方式,也可能出售該公司的證券,包括在公開市場或通過私人處置方式。

This disclosure is issued pursuant to National Instrument 62-103 - The Early Warning System and Related Take-Over Bid and Insider Reporting Issues, which also requires an early warning report to be filed with the applicable securities regulators containing additional information with respect to the foregoing matters. A copy of the early warning report will be filed by Mr. Masiero and Mr. Qu in accordance with applicable securities laws and will be available on the Company's issuer profile on SEDAR+ at .

根據《國家工具 62-103早期預警系統及相關收購和內幕交易問題》的規定,此披露還要求披露人在適用的證券監管機構提交一份早期預警報告,其中包含有關上述事項的其他信息。發出此類提示報告的副本將按照適用的證券法規提交給適當的監管機構,並可在公司在 SEDAR 上的發行人檔案中獲得。+

About Cathedra Bitcoin

關於 Cathedra Bitcoin

Cathedra Bitcoin Inc. develops and operates high-density compute infrastructure across North America. The Company hosts bitcoin mining clients across its portfolio of three data centers (30 MW total) in Tennessee and Kentucky. Additionally, Cathedra is a 25% partner in a joint venture that is developing a 60-MW data center in North Dakota which will also host bitcoin miners upon its expected completion in Q3 2024. Cathedra also operates a fleet of proprietary bitcoin mining machines at its own and third-party data centers, producing approximately 400 PH/s of hash rate. The Company is focused on expanding its portfolio of data center infrastructure for high-density compute applications including bitcoin mining and artificial intelligence. Cathedra is headquartered in Vancouver and its shares trade on the TSX Venture Exchange under the symbol CBIT.

Cathedra Bitcoin公司在北美開發和運營高密度計算基礎設施。該公司在田納西州和肯塔基州的三個數據中心(總功率爲30 MW)上託管了比特幣挖礦客戶端。此外, Cathedra 是一個合資企業的25%的合作伙伴,該企業正在北達科他州開發一個60 MW 的數據中心,預計將在2024年第3季度完工後,將在其中託管比特幣礦工。 Cathedra 還在其自己和第三方數據中心中經營自有比特幣挖礦機隊,產生約400 PH/s 的哈希率。該公司專注於擴大其高密度計算應用的數據中心基礎設施組合,包括比特幣挖礦和人工智能。Cathedra的總部位於溫哥華,其股票在 TSX Venture Exchange(TSXV)交易,股票代碼爲CBIt。

For more information about Cathedra, visit or follow Company news on Twitter at @CathedraBitcoin or on Telegram at @CathedraBitcoin.


Media and Investor Relations Inquiries


Please contact:
AJ Scalia
Chief Executive Officer

AJ Scalia

Cautionary Statement


Trading in the securities of the Company should be considered highly speculative. No stock exchange, securities commission or other regulatory authority has approved or disapproved the information contained herein. Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

應該將該公司證券的交易視爲極高的投機性。沒有任何股票交易所、證券委員會或其他監管當局批准或不批准此處包含的信息。TSX Venture Exchange或其監管服務提供商(該術語在TSX Venture Exchange的政策中定義)不接受本發佈的充分或準確性的責任。

Forward-Looking Statements


This news release contains certain "forward-looking information" and "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable Canadian securities laws that are based on expectations, estimates and projections as at the date of this news release. The information in this release about future plans and objectives of the Company and Kungsleden, are forward-looking information. Forward-looking information contained in this news release includes but is not limited to information concerning: the expectation that the Repricing will optimize its capital structure and prepare the Company to focus on profitable growth, the release of the Company's securities from escrow and the timing thereof, timing with respect to the resumption of trading of the Subordinate Voting Shares on the TSXV, the expectation to complete a U.S. Listing, that the U.S. Listing will improve market accessibility and liquidity, the completion of the Consolidation and the timing and consolidation ratio thereof, the expected completion of the 60-MW data center in North Dakota in Q3 2024, that the Company is focused on expanding its portfolio of data center infrastructure for high-density compute applications including bitcoin mining and artificial intelligence, the intentions and future actions of senior management, the intentions, plans and future actions of the Company, as well as its ability to successfully mine digital currency; the expected benefits from the Transaction; the combination of Cathedra's business and Kungsleden's business; the impact that the Transaction is expected to have on the business operations of the Company including without limitation, the expected growth and capabilities of the Company; and the expectation that the Company will receive approval of the OTCQB shortly after trading resumes on the TSXV and that trading in the Company's Subordinate Voting Shares on the OTCQB will resume shortly thereafter. Any statements that involve discussions with respect to predictions, expectations, beliefs, plans, projections, objectives, assumptions, future events or performance (often but not always using phrases such as "expects", or "does not expect", "is expected", "anticipates" or "does not anticipate", "plans", "budget", "scheduled", "forecasts", "estimates", "believes" or "intends" or variations of such words and phrases or stating that certain actions, events or results "may" or "could", "would", "might" or "will" be taken to occur or be achieved) are not statements of historical fact and may be forward-looking information and are intended to identify forward-looking information.


This forward-looking information is based on reasonable assumptions and estimates of management of the Company at the time it was made, including, without limitation, assumptions that the parties will be able to obtain the final approval to resume trading; that no unanticipated events will occur that will frustrate the operation of Cathedra and Kungsleden's combined businesses; that market conditions impacting the average revenue per MWh will align with management's expectations; that the Company will be able to meet all requirements and obtain all applicable approvals to complete the U.S. Listing; that management's expectations regarding the impact of the Repricing, the completion of the Transaction and the completion of the U.S. Listing will prove to be accurate; and that the parties will have access to the financial and other resources required to carry out their business plans as currently anticipated. The Company has also assumed that no significant events occur outside of its normal course of business.


Additionally, these forward-looking statements may be affected by risks and uncertainties in the business of Cathedra and Kungsleden and general market conditions. Investors are cautioned that forward-looking statements are not based on historical facts but instead reflect Cathedra and Kungsleden's respective management's expectations, estimates or projections concerning future results or events based on the opinions, assumptions and estimates of management considered reasonable at the date the statements are made. Although Cathedra and Kungsleden believe that the expectations reflected in such forward-looking statements are reasonable, such statements involve risks and uncertainties, and undue reliance should not be placed thereon, as unknown or unpredictable factors could have material adverse effects on future results, performance or achievements of the Company. Among the key factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements are the following: the failure to successfully combine the business operations of the Company and Kungsleden; the failure of the Company to obtain final TSXV approval to resume trading; the potential impact of the announcement of the completion of the Transaction on relationships, including with regulatory bodies, employees, customers and competitors; changes in general economic, business and political conditions, including changes in the financial markets; changes in applicable laws and regulations both locally and in foreign jurisdictions; compliance with extensive government regulation and the costs associated with compliance; unanticipated costs; changes in market conditions impacting the average revenue per MWh; the risks and uncertainties associated with foreign markets; the failure of the Company to meet the requirements or obtain the approvals required for the U.S. Listing; and the failure of the Transaction, the U.S. Listing, or the Repricing to have the impact expected. Additionally, the forward-looking statements contained herein may be affected by risks and uncertainties in the business of Cathedra and Kungsleden and general market conditions.

此外,這些前瞻性聲明可能會受到Cathedra和Kungsleden業務和一般市場條件的風險和不確定性的影響。 投資者應注意,前瞻性聲明不基於歷史事實,而是反映了Cathedra和Kungsleden各自管理層在發表此類前瞻性說明時所持的有關未來業績或事件的預期,估計或預測。 儘管Cathedra和Kungsleden認爲此類前瞻性聲明所反映的期望是合理的,但此類聲明涉及風險和不確定性,不應過度依賴這些聲明,因爲未知或不可預測的因素可能對公司未來的業績,表現或業績產生重大不利影響。導致實際結果與前瞻性聲明中預測的結果有所不同的關鍵因素包括以下幾個方面:未能成功合併公司和Kungsleden的業務操作;公司未能獲得最終TSXV批准以恢復交易;交易完成後的公告對關係產生的潛在影響,包括與監管機構,員工,客戶和競爭對手的關係;一般經濟,商業和政治條件的變化,包括金融市場的變化;本地和外國法律和法規的變化;遵守廣泛的政府監管和遵守該等監管的成本;未預料的成本;影響每兆瓦小時平均收入的市場條件的變化;外國市場面臨的風險和不確定性;公司未能滿足U.S.上市的要求或獲得所需的批准;交易,U.S.上市或再定價未達到預期影響的風險。 此外,前瞻性陳述可能會受到Cathedra和Kungsleden業務和一般市場條件的風險和不確定性的影響。

Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or should assumptions underlying the forward-looking statements prove incorrect, actual results may vary materially from those described herein as intended, planned, anticipated, believed, estimated or expected. Although the Company has attempted to identify important risks, uncertainties and factors which could cause actual results to differ materially, there may be others that cause results not to be as anticipated, estimated or intended and such changes could be material. Readers should not place undue reliance on forward-looking information.


Neither TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

TSX Venture Exchange及其監管服務提供者(如TSX Venture Exchange的政策中所定義的那樣)均不對本發佈的充分性或準確性承擔責任。

