
SaaS Finance Veteran Jennifer Ceran Joins Mesh Payments Board of Directors Amidst Growing Enterprise Momentum

SaaS Finance Veteran Jennifer Ceran Joins Mesh Payments Board of Directors Amidst Growing Enterprise Momentum

雲計算金融資深人士Jennifer Ceran加入Mesh Payments董事會,推動企業增長勢頭。
PR Newswire ·  07/24 00:00

eBay, PayPal, Box, Smartsheet alum joins Mesh board, redefining the future of travel and expense management


NEW YORK, July 23, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Mesh Payments, the leading technology provider for global corporate travel and expense (T&E) management, today announced the appointment of Jennifer Ceran to its Board of Directors. Ceran brings more than two decades of financial leadership experience, having served as CFO of Smartsheet, VP of Treasury for Box, and VP of Finance at eBay/PayPal.

2024年7月23日紐約/新聞通稿——全球企業差旅和費用(T&E)管理領先的科技提供商Mesh Payments今天宣佈任命Jennifer Ceran爲董事會成員。Ceran擁有超過20年的財務領導經驗,曾任Smartsheet的CFO,Box的財務副總裁和eBay / PayPal的財務副總裁。

"Jennifer's deep expertise in scaling finance organizations at renowned tech companies is invaluable..." Oded Zevahi

“Jennifer在爲知名科技公司擴大財務組織方面的深刻專業知識是無價的…” Oded Zevahi

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Jennifer Ceran
Jennifer Ceran

"Jennifer's deep expertise in scaling finance organizations at renowned tech companies is invaluable as Mesh continues its rapid growth," said Oded Zevahi, co-founder and CEO of Mesh Payments. "Her understanding of the challenges faced by modern CFOs in managing travel and expenses aligns perfectly with our mission to transform this space. We're honored to have her guidance as we continue to innovate and serve our customers."

Mesh Payments的聯合創始人兼CEO Oded Zevahi表示:“Jennifer在爲知名科技公司擴大財務組織方面的深刻專業知識在Mesh快速增長的過程中是非常寶貴的。她對現代CFO在管理差旅和費用方面面臨的挑戰的理解與我們的使命完全一致,以改變這個領域。我們很榮幸有她的指導,繼續創新並服務客戶。”

Ceran's impressive career includes leading Smartsheet through an IPO and a period of substantial growth, with revenue increasing over five-fold and market capitalization growing by more than 30x during her tenure. She also played a pivotal role in preparing Box for its IPO and subsequent transition to a public company. In addition to her executive roles, Ceran is currently on the boards of several growth companies, including Klaviyo, NerdWallet, Flock Safety, and Riskified.

Ceran令人印象深刻的職業生涯包括帶領Smartsheet通過股票首次公開發行(IPO)和一段大幅增長的時期,其中收入增長了五倍以上,市值在她的任期內增長超過30倍。她還在多個成長型公司董事會上扮演了至關重要的角色,其中包括Klaviyo、NerdWallet、Flock Safety和Riskified。

"Mesh is uniquely positioned to address the growing demand for modern travel and expense solutions that prioritize ease of use, seamless integration, and global reach," said Ceran. "I'm excited to join the Mesh team at this pivotal moment as they continue to disrupt the travel and expense space and redefine the future of corporate spend management and global T&E."

“Mesh在滿足易用性、無縫集成和全球覆蓋的現代差旅和費用解決方案日益增長的需求方面處於獨特地位…” Ceran表示,“在這個關鍵時刻加入Mesh團隊,繼續顛覆差旅和費用領域,並重新定義企業支出管理和全球T&E,我感到非常興奮。”

Recently, Mesh has expanded its travel and expense management platform, launching a guest booking platform to streamline travel arrangements for non-employees. Mesh also unveiled its differentiated approach to travel management, facilitating a multi-TMC strategy that supports a mix of online, offline, and direct bookings, all integrated with corporate card and expense management. This strategic move allows businesses to leverage the strengths of multiple travel management companies while maintaining a unified view of their travel and expense data.


About Mesh Payments

關於Mesh Payments

Mesh Payments is the leading all-in-one travel and expense management platform for global enterprises. Mesh integrates corporate cards, expense management, and travel bookings on a single platform, streamlining the entire T&E lifecycle from request to reconciliation. With AI-powered automation, customizable policies, and multi-currency support, Mesh simplifies global spending across multiple entities, reduces costs, and ensures compliance. Today, more than 1,500 enterprise customers, including Fortune 100 household brands and leading multinational tech providers, leverage Mesh Payments to optimize their financial operations. Recognized by CNBC and Statista as one of the world's top fintech companies of 2024, Mesh sets the standard for innovative T&E management solutions.

Mesh Payments是全球企業領域領先的全一體化差旅和費用管理平台。Mesh將企業卡、費用管理和旅行預訂集成在一個平台上,簡化了整個T&E的生命週期,從請求到對賬。藉助AI動力自動化、可定製的政策和多幣種支持,Mesh簡化了跨多個實體的全球支出,降低成本,確保合規性。今天,超過1,500家企業客戶,包括財富100強的知名品牌和領先的跨國科技提供商,利用Mesh Payments優化其財務運營。Mesh被CNBC和Statista評爲2024年世界頂級金融科技公司之一,成爲創新T&E管理解決方案的標準。

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SOURCE Mesh Payments

SOURCE Mesh Payments

