
Solar Alliance Signs Agreements for Multiple Commercial Solar Projects Totaling $775,000 as Mid-sized Project Momentum Accelerates

Solar Alliance Signs Agreements for Multiple Commercial Solar Projects Totaling $775,000 as Mid-sized Project Momentum Accelerates

GlobeNewswire ·  07/23 20:00

Small and medium-sized project growth in addition to continued large project opportunities being pursued


TORONTO and KNOXVILLE, Tenn., July 23, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Solar Alliance Energy Inc. ('Solar Alliance' or the 'Company') (TSX-V: SOLR, OTC: SAENF), a leading solar energy solutions provider focused on the commercial and utility solar sectors, is pleased to announce the signing of agreements for several commercial solar projects totaling $775,000.

多倫多和田納西州諾克斯維爾,2024年7月23日 /美通社/--太陽能聯盟能源公司(“太陽能聯盟”或“公司”)(TSX-V:SOLR,OTC:SAENF)是一家領先的商業和公用事業太陽能解決方案提供商,很高興宣佈簽署了多份商業太陽能項目協議,總額達775,000美元。

The five projects are all scheduled to be completed by the end of 2024:

這五個項目都計劃於2024年底完成。包括: 1. 一家田納西州製造商的74千瓦(“kW”)太陽能系統,資本成本211,000美元。 2. 一家田納西州機械和工程公司的45 kW,價值261,000美元的太陽能和儲能系統。 3.一家肯塔基州企業的三個54 kW 項目,總價值303,000美元。

  • A 74-kilowatt ("kW") solar system for a Tennessee manufacturer with a capital cost of $211,000.
  • A 45-kW, $261,000 solar and battery storage system for a mechanical and engineering firm in Tennessee.
  • Three 54-kW projects totaling $303,000 for a business in Kentucky.
  • 美國總經理Jon Hamilton表示:“太陽能聯盟仍然看好商業太陽能項目的強勁需求,而今天宣佈的這五個項目爲我們持續增長打下了堅實的基礎。”“我們組建了一個精幹、靈活和技術熟練的團隊,填補了商業太陽能產業的需求。我們的客戶正在從我們這裏受益,可獲得我們地區太陽能刺激措施的最佳組合,而且他們還向其他企業證明,太陽能與能量儲存可以通過降低他們的電費來對他們的潛在利潤產生積極的影響。“
  • 首席執行官Myke Clark表示:“我們向客戶提供的小型中型和大型項目組合,使得在一個大的可尋址市場中實現可持續增長成爲可能。”“我們致力於通過專注於盈利能力來實現公司的增長,並認爲我們的商業計劃和簽約的積壓訂單可支持今後的發展戰略。在業務拓展的同時,我們還會評估針對多兆瓦範圍太陽能項目的特定區域性投標要求,並考慮通過我們的安裝經驗和區域品牌知名度,獲得競爭優勢。“Clark總結道。”
  • Solar Alliance是一家專注於商業、公用事業和社區太陽能領域的能源解決方案提供商。我們擁有經驗豐富的太陽能專業人員團隊,可消除或減少客戶面臨的不利於上漲的能源成本風險,提供環保型電力發電方式,並提供價格合理的一站式清潔能源解決方案。Solar Alliance的戰略是建立、擁有和運營我們自己的太陽能資產,同時通過向商業和公用事業客戶出售和安裝太陽能項目,產生穩定的收入。來自業務模式的技術和運營協同效應,支持着太陽能項目價值鏈中的設計、工程、安裝、擁有和運營/維護的持續增長。“

"Solar Alliance continues to see strong demand for commercial solar projects, and projects like the five announced today provide a strong foundation for our continued growth," said U.S. General Manager Jon Hamilton. "We have built a lean, flexible and technically proficient team that fills a need in the commercial solar industry. Our clients are benefiting from an optimal combination of incentives for solar in our area and they are also demonstrating to other businesses that solar with energy storage can positively impact their bottom line by reducing their electricity costs."


"The mix of small, medium and large projects we are delivering to customers allows for sustainable growth in a large addressable market," said CEO Myke Clark. "We remain committed to growing the Company with an emphasis on profitability and we believe our business plan and contracted backlog support this strategy moving forward. Our business development efforts now include assessing specific regional requests for proposals for solar projects in the multi-megawatt range, where Solar Alliance believes it has a competitive advantage as a result of our installation experience and regional brand awareness," concluded Clark.

U.S. General Manager Jon Hamilton 表示,我們正在向客戶提供的小型、中型和大型項目組合,可以讓我們在一個巨大的地址的市場環境中實現可持續的增長。CEO Myke Clark 表示,我們致力於通過盈利能力的提高來推動公司的成長,我們相信我們的商業計劃和簽約項目可以支持此戰略在未來的運作。我們的商業拓展工作包括評估特定區域太陽能項目的招標要求,並追求大量兆瓦的工業項目。Solar Alliance認爲其在安裝經驗和區域品牌知名度方面具有競爭優勢。

Myke Clark, CEO

Myke Clark,首席執行官

For more information:

Investor Relations
Myke Clark, CEO


Myke Clark,首席執行官

About Solar Alliance Energy Inc. (
Solar Alliance is an energy solutions provider focused on the commercial, utility and community solar sectors. Our experienced team of solar professionals reduces or eliminates customers' vulnerability to rising energy costs, offers an environmentally friendly source of electricity generation, and provides affordable, turnkey clean energy solutions. Solar Alliance's strategy is to build, own and operate our own solar assets while also generating stable revenue through the sale and installation of solar projects to commercial and utility customers. The technical and operational synergies from this combined business model supports sustained growth across the solar project value chain from design, engineering, installation, ownership and operations/maintenance.

Solar Alliance 是一家專注於商業、公用事業和社區太陽能領域的能源解決方案提供商。我們擁有經驗豐富的太陽能專業人員團隊,可消除或減少客戶面臨的不利於上漲的能源成本風險,提供環保型電力發電方式,並提供價格合理的一站式清潔能源解決方案。Solar Alliance的戰略是建立、擁有和運營我們自己的太陽能資產,同時通過向商業和公用事業客戶出售和安裝太陽能項目,產生穩定的收入。來自商業模式的技術和運營協同效應,支持Solar Alliance在太陽能項目的價值鏈從設計、工程、安裝、擁有和運營/維護等方面的持續增長。

Statements in this news release, other than purely historical information, including statements relating to the Company's future plans and objectives or expected results, constitute Forward-looking statements. The words "would", "will", "expected" and "estimated" or other similar words and phrases are intended to identify forward-looking information. Forward-looking information in this press release include, but is not limited to that solar with energy storage can positively impact businesses bottom line by reducing their electricity costs, the commitment to growing the Company with an emphasis on profitability, the five announced projects providing a strong foundation for our continued growth, focus on larger, higher margin commercial solar projects, the assessment of acquisition opportunities and pursuit of corporate opportunities, the ability to scale, increasing project margins, targeting profitability and the Company offering a unique investment opportunity in the renewables sector space. Forward-looking information is subject to known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors that may cause the Company's actual results, level of activity, performance or achievements to be materially different than those expressed or implied by such forward-looking information. Such factors include but are not limited to: uncertainties related to the ability to raise sufficient capital, changes in economic conditions or financial markets, litigation, legislative or other judicial, regulatory, legislative and political competitive developments, technological or operational difficulties, the ability to maintain revenue growth, the ability to execute on the Company's strategies, the ability to complete the Company's current and backlog of solar projects, the ability to grow the Company's market share, the high growth US solar industry, the ability to convert the backlog of projects into revenue, the expected timing of the construction and completion of the Company's solar projects, the targeting of larger customers, potential corporate growth opportunities and the ability to execute on the key objectives in 2024. Consequently, actual results may vary materially from those described in the forward-looking statements.


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