
ZTEM Survey Underway at Kliyul Copper-Gold Project; Pacific Ridge to Advance Three Copper-Gold Porphyry Projects This Summer

ZTEM Survey Underway at Kliyul Copper-Gold Project; Pacific Ridge to Advance Three Copper-Gold Porphyry Projects This Summer

newsfile ·  07/23 19:00

Vancouver, British Columbia--(Newsfile Corp. - July 23, 2024) - Pacific Ridge Exploration Ltd. (TSXV: PEX) (OTCQB: PEXZF) (FSE: PQWN) ("Pacific Ridge" or the "Company") is pleased to announce that a helicopter-borne Z-Axis Tipper Electromagnetic ("ZTEM") geophysical survey is underway at its 100% owned flagship Kliyul copper-gold project ("Kliyul"). In addition to the ZTEM survey at Kliyul, the Company is also planning an induced polarization ("IP") geophysical survey at its 100% owned Redton copper-gold project ("Redton"), and a 2,500 - 3,500 m diamond drill program at the Chuchi copper-gold project ("Chuchi") this summer. Kliyul, Redton, and Chuchi are located in the prolific Quesnel terrane in northcentral British Columbia (see Figure 1).

溫哥華,不列顛哥倫比亞省--(資訊社企業 - 2024年7月23日)--太平洋山脈勘探有限公司(TSXV:PEX)(OTCQB:PEXZF)(FSE:PQWN)(“Pacific Ridge”或“公司”)很高興宣佈其100%擁有的旗艦Kliyul銅金項目(“Kliyul”)正在進行直升機搭載的Z-Axis Tipper Electromagnetic(“ZTEm”)地球物理勘測。除了在Kliyul進行ZTEm勘測之外,公司還計劃在其100%擁有的Redton銅金項目(“Redton”)進行感應極化(“IP”)地球物理勘測,並在今年夏天在Chuchi銅金項目(“Chuchi”)開展25至35萬鑽井計劃。Kliyul,Redton和Chuchi位於不列顛哥倫比亞省中北部的富有成果的Quesnel地臺中(見圖1)。

"I'm very excited about the ZTEM survey underway at Kliyul," said Blaine Monaghan, President and CEO of Pacific Ridge. "Results of the 2023 drill program provided us with new vectors for targeting higher-grade copper-gold porphyry mineralization and possibly the source intrusion at the Kliyul Main Zone. I am confident that we will be able to increase the grade profile and the mineralized extents of the Kliyul Main Zone if the ZTEM survey results confirm our understanding."

“我對正在進行中的Kliyul ZTEm調查感到非常興奮,”太平洋山脈勘探有限公司總裁兼首席執行官Blaine Monaghan表示:“2023年鑽探計劃的結果爲我們提供了針對高品位銅金斑岩化礦化和可能的Kliyul Main Zone礦源的新矢量。我相信,在ZTEm調查結果確認我們的理解後,我們將能夠增加Kliyul Main Zone的品位特徵和礦化範圍。”

ZTEM Survey at Kliyul


The ZTEM survey at Kliyul will comprise 599 line-kilometres, covering approximately 85% of Kliyul, and will include the BAP Ridge, Ginger, Ginger South, Kliyul Main Zone ("KMZ"), M-39, and Parish Hill target areas. The ZTEM survey will also cover a portion of the mineral claims acquired in 2023 (see Figure 2). Although Kliyul presently lacks deep view geophysics, a 3D remanent magnetic inversion model developed by Platform Geoscience in 2020 suggests there is an underlying stock and source pluton starting at a depth of approximately 600 m (See Figure 3). The 2024 ZTEM survey and inversion modelling will provide Pacific Ridge with 3D geophysical coverage to over one kilometre depth. This will enable the Company to develop a signature of porphyry copper-gold mineralization to:

Kliyul的ZTEm調查將包括599條線公里,涵蓋Kliyul的約85%,並將包括BAP Ridge,Ginger,Ginger South,Kliyul Main Zone(“KMZ”).39和Parish Hill目標區域。ZTEm勘測還將覆蓋2023年收購的部分礦業權(見圖2)。雖然Kliyul目前缺乏深度觀測地球物理學研究,但由Platform Geoscience在2020年開發的3D剩磁反演模型表明,深度約爲60000萬的底下存在一個股體和源侵入體(見圖3)。2024年的ZTEm勘測和反演建模將爲太平洋山脈勘探有限公司提供超過一公里深度的三維地球物理覆蓋。這將使公司能夠發展出斑岩銅金礦化的識別標誌,以:

  • Expand KMZ laterally and to depth;

  • Evaluate the KMZ area for a cluster or linear series of porphyry targets;

  • Refine other existing porphyry targets including Bap Ridge, Ginger, Ginger South, M-39, and Parish Hill; and

  • Identify new porphyry targets on recently acquired mineral claims.

  • 將KMZ在水平和垂向上進行擴展;

  • 爲KMZ區域評估斑岩靶系或線性系列;

  • 改進其他現有斑岩靶,包括Bap Ridge,Ginger,Ginger South .39 和Parish Hill;以及

  • 辨識最近收購的礦業權上的新的斑岩靶。

Figure 1


Location of Kliyul, Chuchi and Redton


Figure 2


Kliyul 2024 ZTEM Survey Grid

Kliyul 2024年ZTEm勘測網格

Figure 3


Schematic Interpretation of KMZ Porphyry System Based on 2023 Drilling Results and Geophysics Showing Zoned Mineralization-Alteration and Inferred Source Intrusion Starting at ~600 m Depth


ZTEM Survey to Support 2023 Kliyul Drill Results

ZTEm Survey支持2023 Kliyul鑽探結果

A total of 10,284 m of diamond drilling was completed in 2023, the largest ever drill program at Kliyul, and tested an area measuring 1,300 m E-W x 600 m N-S x 650 m depth. Drilling materially increased the known extents of porphyry mineralization at KMZ to 760 m E-W x 600 m N-S x 650 m depth.

2023年完成了1028400萬的鑽井工作,這是Kliyul迄今最大的鑽井計劃,覆蓋了東-西130000萬,南-北60000萬,65000萬深的範圍。鑽孔在KMZ將銅金礦化已知的最遠處擊穿,其範圍爲76000萬東-西,最長達60000萬,垂向達65000萬。根據2023年鑽探的結果,KMZ被建立爲一個對稱區域的斑岩系統,具有磁鐵礦-綠泥石±黑雲母改造和黃銅礦±輝銅礦礦化斑岩核心(直徑約25000萬),其從KMZ向北-東北陡峭地下穿過中央癒合斷層或構造帶(見圖3)。礦化(>0.4% CuEq1)受到陡峭下降的幹管/管狀特徵以及在基岩中薄傾斜的地層和滲透性控制的控制。

Based on the 2023 drilling results, KMZ has been modelled as a symmetrically zoned porphyry system with a magnetite-chlorite ± biotite altered and chalcopyrite ± bornite mineralized porphyry core (~250 m diameter) that plunges steeply to the north-northeast from KMZ into KMZ North across a central healed fault or structural zone (see Figure 3). Mineralization (>0.4% CuEq1) is controlled by a steeply plunging stem/pipe feature, as well as by gently dipping stratigraphic and permeability controls in host rock.

2023年的最後一口鑽井孔(KLI-23-069)在KMZ North的48300萬處開始被超過17000萬的石英閃長巖和長英質斑岩侵入相所擊中,可能代表了一條中央複合的股體侵入岩體。鑽探返回58400萬處的4500萬0.58%CuEq1或0.86克/噸等量(AuEq)2(0.38%銅,0.28克/噸黃金和2.20克/噸銀)的礦化,且在礦化處於65500萬前中止鑽探(參見2024年1月9日發佈的新聞稿)。這是Kliyul銅金項目遇到的最深礦化區間,公司認爲它提供了一個抵達更高品位的斑岩中心的方向(見圖3和4)。此外,Fathom GeoPhysics開發的3D磁量矢量反演(MVI)足跡表明,在KMZ North和KMZ West(見圖4)仍有幾個未經測試的靶區。

The last drill hole of 2023 (KLI-23-069) intersected over 170 m of quartz diorite and feldspar porphyry intrusive phases starting at 483.0 m in KMZ North, possibly representing a central composite stock intrusion. Drilling returned 45.0 m of 0.58% copper equivalent ("CuEq")1 or 0.86 g/t gold equivalent ("AuEq")2 (0.38% copper, 0.28 g/t gold, and 2.20 g/t silver) at a downhole depth of 584 m and was terminated in mineralization at 655 m (see news release dated January 9, 2024). This is the deepest mineralized interval encountered at Kliyul and the Company believes it provides a vector towards a higher-grade porphyry centre (see Figure 3 and 4). In addition, a 3D Magnetic Vector Inversion (MVI) footprint developed by Fathom Geophysics suggests that there are several untested targets, mainly in KMZ North and KMZ West (see Figure 4).

2024年的ZTEm調查將允許創建3D ZTEm和磁反演模型。如果模型確認公司對KMZ斑岩系統的解釋,即位於KMZ North和KMZ的60000萬深的中央原因股體是一個上位脈和裂縫系列±角礫岩複合體,則將極大增加MVI足跡中未經測試區域的銅金成礦潛力,併爲KMZ銅金斑岩系統的擴展開闢道路。

The 2024 ZTEM survey will allow for the creation of a 3D ZTEM and Magnetic Inversion model. If the model confirms the Company's interpretation of the KMZ porphyry system, a central causative stock ~600 m deep in KMZ North and KMZ is a suprajacent dyke and fracture array ± breccia complex, it will greatly increase the prospectivity of the untested areas in the MVI footprint and open up the KMZ porphyry system for significant expansion.

MVI(傾斜導數)足跡 - 黃色星(KLI-23-069)表示可能在60000萬深度的系統中心。

Figure 4


MVI (Tilt Derivative) Footprint - Yellow Star (KLI-23-069) Indicates Potential Centre of System at 600 m Depth

Kliyul由太平洋山脈勘探公司100%擁有,面積超過90平方公里,位於靠近現有基礎設施的富有成果的Quesnel地臺上。Kliyul在一個長達六公里的礦化趨勢內擁有多個引人注目的勘探靶區,包括KMZ,自2020年以來一直是公司的重點關注。太平洋山脈勘探公司已在KMZ進行了175萬多億的鑽探,並將已知的礦化範圍擴大到了76000萬東西,最長達60000萬,上至65000萬垂向。KMZ在各個方向和深度上均保持開放。鑽探的亮點包括鑽探孔KLI-21-037,在56670萬的範圍內返回了31670萬的0.79% CuEq1或1.17克/噸AuEq2(0.30%銅,0.70克/噸金和2.17克/噸銀),及其內部的56670萬0.51%CuEq1或0.75克/噸AuEq2(0.20%銅,0.44克/噸金和1.31克/噸銀)(見2022年1月31日的新聞稿)

About Kliyul


Owned 100% by Pacific Ridge, Kliyul is over 90 km2 in size and is located in the prolific Quesnel terrane close to existing infrastructure. Kliyul hosts several compelling exploration targets within a six-kilometre long mineralized trend, including KMZ, which has been the Company's focus since 2020. Pacific Ridge has completed more than 17,500 m of diamond drilling at KMZ and has expanded the known mineralized extents to 760 m east-west, up to 600 m north-south, and up to 650 m vertical. KMZ remains open in every direction and at depth. Drill highlights include drill hole KLI-21-037 which returned 316.7 m of 0.79% CuEq1 or 1.17 g/t AuEq2 (0.30% copper, 0.70 g/t gold, and 2.17 g/t silver) within 566.7 m of 0.51% CuEq1 or 0.75 g/t AuEq2 (0.20% copper, 0.44 g/t gold, and 1.31 g/t silver) (see news release dated January 31, 2022).

領英: 推特:

To view all Pacific Ridge's drill results from Kliyul, click on the link below.


About Pacific Ridge

關於Pacific Ridge

Our goal is to become B.C.'s leading copper-gold exploration company. Pacific Ridge's flagship asset is its 100% owned Kliyul copper-gold project, located in the Quesnel terrane close to existing infrastructure. In addition to Kliyul, the Company's project portfolio includes the Chuchi copper-gold project, the RDP copper-gold project, the Onjo copper-gold project, and the Redton copper-gold project, all located in British Columbia. The Company would like to acknowledge that its B.C. projects are located in the traditional, ancestral and unceded territories of the Gitxsan Nation, McLeod Lake Indian Band, Nak'azdli Whut'en, Takla Nation, and Tsay Keh Dene Nation.

公司的目標是成爲卑詩省領先的銅金勘探公司。Pacific Ridge的旗艦資產是其100%擁有的Kliyul銅金項目,位於靠近現有基礎設施的Quesnel地帶。除了Kliyul項目外,公司的項目組合還包括Chuchi銅金項目、RDP銅金項目、Onjo銅金項目和British Columbia的Redton銅金項目,公司希望承認其卑詩省項目位於Gitxsan Nation、McLeod Lake Indian Band、Nak'azdli Whut'en、Takla Nation和Tsay Keh Dene Nation的傳統、祖傳和未盡領土。

On behalf of the Board of Directors,


"Blaine Monaghan"

"Blaine Monaghan"

Blaine Monaghan
President & CEO
Pacific Ridge Exploration Ltd.

Blaine Monaghan
Pacific Ridge Exploration Ltd.

Investor Relations:
Tel: (604) 687-4951
LinkedIn: Twitter:


1CuEq = ((Cu%) x $Cu x 22.0462) + (Au(g/t) x AuR/CuR x $Au x 0.032151) + (Ag(g/t) x AgR/CuR x $Ag x 0.032151)) / ($Cu x 22.0462).

1CuEq = ((Cu%) x $Cu x 22.0462) + (Au(g/t) x AuR/CuR x $Au x 0.032151) + (Ag(g/t) x AgR/CuR x $Ag x 0.032151)) / ($Cu x 22.0462).

2AuEq = ((Au(g/t) x $Au x 0.032151) + ((Cu%) x CuR/AuR x $Cu x 22.0462) + (Ag(g/t) x AgR/CuR x $Ag x 0.032151)) / ($Au x 0.032151).

2AuEq = ((Au(g/t) x $Au x 0.032151) + ((Cu%) x CuR/AuR x $Cu x 22.0462) + (Ag(g/t) x AgR/CuR x $Ag x 0.032151)) / ($Au x 0.032151)。

Commodity prices: $Cu = US$3.25/lb, $Au = US$1,800/oz., and Ag = US$20.00/oz.

商品價格:$Cu = US$3.25/lb,$Au = US$1,800/oz.,$Ag = US$20.00/oz.

There has been no metallurgical testing on Kliyul mineralization. The Company estimates copper recoveries (CuR) of 84%, gold recoveries (AuR) of 70%, and silver recoveries (AgR) of 65% based on average recoveries from Kemess Underground, Mount Milligan, Red Chris.)

Kliyul礦化未進行冶金試驗。公司估計銅回收率(CuR)爲84%,金回收率(AuR)爲70%,銀回收率(AgR)爲65%,基於Kemess Underground、Mount Milligan、Red Chris的平均回收率。

Factors: 22.0462 = Cu% to lbs per tonne, 0.032151 = Au g/t to troy oz per tonne, and 0.032151 = Ag g/t to troy oz per tonne

因素:22.0462=Cu%到每噸磅,0.032151=Au g/t至每噸特洛伊盎司,0.032151=Ag g/t至每噸特洛伊盎司

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.


The technical information contained within this News Release has been reviewed and approved by Danette Schwab, P.Geo., Vice President Exploration, and a Qualified Person as defined by National Instrument 43-101 policy.

本新聞稿中包含的技術信息已由Danette Schwab, P.Geo.審查並獲得批准,她是一位符合國家43-101規定的資格人員的勘探副總裁。

Forward-Looking Information: This release includes certain statements that may be deemed "forward-looking statements". All statements in this release, other than statements of historical facts, which address exploration drilling and other activities and events or developments that Pacific Ridge Exploration Ltd. ("Pacific Ridge") expects to occur, are forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements in this news release include the ZTEM survey at Kliyul, the IP survey at Redton, and the 2,500 - 3,500 m drill program at Chuchi. Although Pacific Ridge believes the expectations expressed in such forward-looking statements are based on reasonable assumptions, such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those forward-looking statements. Factors that could cause actual results to differ materially from those in forward-looking statements include market prices, exploration successes, and continued availability of capital and financing and general economic, market or business conditions. These statements are based on a number of assumptions including, among other things, assumptions regarding general business and economic conditions, that one of the options will be exercised, the ability of Pacific Ridge and other parties to satisfy stock exchange and other regulatory requirements in a timely manner, the availability of financing for Pacific Ridge's proposed programs on reasonable terms, and the ability of third party service providers to deliver services in a timely manner. Investors are cautioned that any such statements are not guarantees of future performance and actual results or developments may differ materially from those projected in the forward-looking statements. Pacific Ridge does not assume any obligation to update or revise its forward-looking statements, whether because of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required by applicable law.

前瞻性信息:本公告包含可能被視爲“前瞻性聲明”的一些聲明。本公告中除了涉及探礦鑽探和其他活動、事件或開發上,太平洋嶺頂勘探公司(“太平洋嶺頂”)預計將要發生的歷史事實陳述外,所有聲明均爲“前瞻性聲明”。本新聞稿中的前瞻性聲明包括基於合理假設表達的ZTEm調查、Redton的IP調查和Chuchi的250000 - 350000萬鑽探計劃。儘管太平洋嶺頂認爲此類前瞻性聲明中的期望是基於合理的假設,但這些聲明並非未來績效的保證,實際結果或開發可能會與前瞻性聲明有所不同。導致實際結果與前瞻性聲明不同的因素包括市場價格、探礦成功和持續可獲得的資本和融資以及一般的經濟、市場或商業條件。這些聲明基於多個假設條件,包括但不限於一般商業和經濟條件、其中一個選項將被行使、太平洋嶺頂和其他方在及時滿足證券交易所和其他監管要求方面的能力、太平洋嶺頂擬議計劃獲得合理條款的融資的能力以及第三方服務提供商能夠及時提供服務的能力。投資者應注意,任何此類聲明均不構成未來績效的保證,實際結果或開發可能與前瞻性聲明中所述變化有很大不同。太平洋嶺頂不承擔任何更新或修訂其前瞻性聲明的義務,除非適用法律要求。

