
Keeping Score: How We Did On The Trades We Exited On Abercrombie & Fitch And Tesla Last Week

Keeping Score: How We Did On The Trades We Exited On Abercrombie & Fitch And Tesla Last Week

Benzinga ·  07/22 22:41

Last Week's Trade Exits


As soon as I exit a stock or options trade, I note that in the comments of the post where I first mentioned the trade; at the end of the week, I try to track them all in one post. Starting this month, I have also been tracking them in this spreadsheet. These are the trades I exited last week.


Stocks or Exchange Traded Products


  • Abercrombie & Fitch Co. (NYSE:ANF). Bought at $171.54 on 7/8/2024; stopped out at $150.79 on 7/18/2024. Loss: 12%
  • Abercrombie & Fitch Co.(紐約證券交易所代碼:ANF)。2024年7月8日以171.54美元的價格買入;2024年7月18日收於150.79美元。損失:12%

Options trades


  • Call spread on Tesla, Inc. (NASDAQ:TSLA). Entered at a net credit of $1.50 on 7/11/2024; options expired worthless on 7/19/2024. Profit: 150%.
  • 特斯拉公司(納斯達克股票代碼:TSLA)的看漲價差。2024年7月11日以1.50美元的淨信用額度入市;期權於2024年7月19日到期一文不值。利潤:150%。



Stocks or Exchange Traded Products


Despite getting stopped out on ANF, our core strategy continues to perform well, driven by the performance of our top ten names.


So far, we have 6-month returns for 56 weekly top names cohorts since we started this Substack at the end of December, 2022.



And as you can see above, our top names have averaged returns of 23.06% over the next six months, versus SPY's average of 13.1%. You can see an interactive version of the table above here, where you can click on each date and see a chart showing each of the holdings that week.


By exiting our losers early and letting our winners run, our core strategy can generate even better performance than that.


Options trades


As I wrote about this one last week,


I've removed the paywall on this morning's trade alert, so you can read it below, but let me quickly explain why I placed this trade. No, I didn't know Tesla would postpone the development of its robo-taxi, but I knew this:

  • Tesla's RSI (Relative Strength Index) of 87 indicated the stock was overbought.
  • After closing in the green for 11 or 12 straight sessions, the stock seemed like it was ready for a pullback.
  • The net credit available on this call spread so close to the money was too good to pass up.

  • modest_tesla.jpg

    Tesla closed at $239.20 on Friday, so this one worked out well.

    If you want a heads up when we place our next trade, feel free to subscribe to our trading Substack/occasional email list below.

    If you'd like to stay in touch

    You can scan for optimal hedges for individual securities, find our current top ten names, and create hedged portfolios on our website. You can also follow Portfolio Armor on X here, or become a free subscriber to our trading Substack using the link below (we're using that for our occasional emails now).


  • 特斯拉的RSI(相對強度指數)爲87,表明該股已超買。
  • 在連續11或12個交易日收盤上漲之後,該股似乎已經爲回調做好了準備。
  • 本次電話會議上可用的淨信貸利差與資金非常接近,不容錯過。

  • 特斯拉週五收於239.20美元,因此這款表現良好。



    您可以掃描個別證券的最佳套期保值,找到我們目前排名前十的股票,並在我們的網站上創建對沖投資組合。你也可以在此處的X上關注Portfolio Armor,或者使用下面的鏈接成爲我們的交易Substack的免費訂閱者(我們現在偶爾會用它來發送電子郵件)。

This article is from an unpaid external contributor. It does not represent Benzinga's reporting and has not been edited for content or accuracy.

本文來自一位未付費的外部撰稿人。它不代表 Benzinga 的舉報,也未就內容或準確性進行過編輯。

