America's Car-Mart Files 8K - Director, Officer or Compensation Filing >CRMT
America's Car-Mart Files 8K - Director, Officer or Compensation Filing >CRMT
DJ America's Car-Mart Files 8K - Director, Officer or Compensation Filing >CRMT
DJ 美國的汽車集市檔案 8K-董事、高級職員或賠償申請 >CRMT
America's Car-Mart Inc. (CRMT) filed a Form 8K - Director, Officer or Compensation Filing - with the U.S Securities and Exchange Commission on November 26, 2019.
美國的卡瑪公司(CRMT)於 2019 年 11 月 26 日向美國證券交易委員會提交 8K 表格-董事,高級職員或賠償申請。
On November 26, 2019, the Compensation Committee of the Board of Directors of America's Car-Mart, Inc. (the "Company") recommended, and the Board of Directors approved, the following annual base salary increases for its named executive officers, effective December 1, 2019: Jeffery A. Williams, President and Chief Executive Officer, $750,000; Vickie D. Judy, Chief Financial Officer, and Leonard L. Walthall, Chief Operating Officer, each $400,000.
2019 年 11 月 26 日,美國 Car-Mart, Inc. 董事會(「公司」)董事會薪酬委員會建議,董事會批准,其任命執行官的年度基本薪金增加,自 2019 年 12 月 1 日起生效:總裁兼首席執行官杰弗里 ·A· 威廉姆斯,750,000 美元;首席財務官 Vickie D· 朱迪(Vickie D. Judy),自 2019 年 12 月 1 日起生效:總裁兼首席執行官 Jeffery A· 威廉姆斯(Jeffery A· 威廉姆斯),每名營運長 750,000 美元;首席財務官 Vickie D Judy,自 2019 年 12 月 1 日起生效。四十萬
In connection with the base salary increases, the Compensation Committee agreed to retain a short-term incentive program for named executive officers for fiscal 2020; however, the Committee does not intend to adopt a short-term incentive program for the named executive officers for fiscal 2021.
關於基本薪金增加,薪酬委員會同意在 2020 財政年度為指定的執行官保留一項短期激勵計劃;但是,委員會不打算為 2021 財政年度的指定執行官員採取短期激勵計劃。
The short-term incentive bonuses for Mr. Williams and Ms. Judy for fiscal 2020 will be based on the attainment of a projected fully diluted GAAP earnings per share goal for the fiscal year. If the Company's actual fully diluted GAAP earnings per share equals 95-99% of the projected fully diluted GAAP earnings per share, the bonus paid will be the targeted bonus potential amount for the executive multiplied by 0.67. If the Company's actual fully diluted GAAP earnings per share equals 100-104% of the projected fully diluted GAAP earnings per share, the bonus paid will be the targeted bonus potential amount for the executive multiplied by 1.0. If the Company's actual fully diluted GAAP earnings per share equals 105% or more of the projected fully diluted GAAP earnings per share, the bonus paid will be the targeted bonus potential amount for the executive multiplied by 1.33. The targeted bonus potential amounts for fiscal 2020 for Mr. Williams and Ms. Judy are $100,000 and $80,000, respectively.
2020 財政年度威廉姆斯先生和 Judy 女士的短期獎勵獎金將根據預計完全攤薄的 GAAP 每股收益目標的達成情況為基礎。如果公司的每股全面攤薄 GAAP 盈利等於預計完全攤薄的 GAAP 每股盈利的 95-99%,則支付的獎金將是該行政人員的目標潛在獎金額乘以 0.67。如果公司的每股全面攤薄 GAAP 盈利等於預計完全攤薄的 GAAP 每股盈利的 100-104%,則支付的獎金將是該行政人員的目標潛在獎金額乘以 1.0。如果公司的每股全面攤薄 GAAP 盈利等於預計完全攤薄的 GAAP 每股盈利的 105% 或以上,則支付的獎金將是該行政人員的目標潛在獎金額乘以 1.33。威廉姆斯先生和朱迪女士的 2020 財政年度的目標獎金潛在金額分別為 100,000 美元和 80,000 美元。
The short-term incentive bonus for Mr. Walthall for fiscal 2020 will be based on the attainment of a similar net income goal for the fiscal year. If the Company's actual net income equals 95-99% of budgeted net income, the bonus paid will be the targeted bonus potential amount for the executive multiplied by 0.67. If the Company's actual net income equals 100-105% of budgeted net income, the bonus paid will be the targeted bonus potential amount for the executive multiplied by 1.0. If the Company's actual net income equals 106% or more of budgeted net income, the bonus paid will be the targeted bonus potential amount for the executive multiplied by 1.65. The targeted bonus potential amount for fiscal 2020 for Mr. Walthall is $65,000.
沃特霍爾先生在 2020 財政年度獲得的短期獎勵獎金將基於該財政年度類似的淨收入目標的達到。如果公司的實際淨收入等於預算淨收入的 95-99%,則支付的獎金將是高管的目標潛在獎金額乘以 0.67。如果公司的實際淨收入等於預算淨收入的 100-105%,則支付的獎金將是執行人員的目標獎金潛在金額乘以 1.0。如果公司的實際淨收入等於預算淨收入的 106% 或以上,則支付的獎金將是執行人員的目標潛在獎金額乘以 1.65。沃爾索爾先生 2020 財政年度的目標獎金潛在金額為 65,000 美元。
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有關此 SEC 備案的任何展品和相關文件都可以在以下位置檢索:
Public companies must file a Form 8-K, or current report, with the SEC generally within four days of any event that could materially affect a company's financial position or the value of its shares.
上市公司必須在任何可能對公司財務狀況或其股份價值產生重大影響的事件發生後的四天內向 SEC 提交 8-K 表或當前報告。
(END) Dow Jones Newswires
(完) 道瓊斯通訊社
December 03, 2019 16:39 ET (21:39 GMT)
2019 年十二月三日 16:39 歐洲時間 (格林威治標準時間 21:39)
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