
Zeekr Launches Updated 009 MPV and Its Right-hand-drive Variant in HK as It Ups Bet on Global Markets

Zeekr Launches Updated 009 MPV and Its Right-hand-drive Variant in HK as It Ups Bet on Global Markets

Zeekr在全球市場上的賭注增加,推出更新版本的009 MPV和其右駕駛變體在香港。
CnEVPost ·  01:22

Zeekr said all of its future new models will be offered in both left-hand-drive and right-hand-drive versions.


(Image credit: Zeekr)

Zeekr (NYSE: ZK) rolled out the updated Zeekr 009 MPV (multi-purpose vehicle) and its right-hand-drive version in Hong Kong, marking the first time it has held a major product launch outside of the Chinese mainland and underscoring its commitment to global expansion.

上汽吉利旗下的豪華電動汽車品牌,Zeekr(紐交所:ZK)在香港推出更新款Zeekr 009 MPV(多用途車),以及其右駕版本,這是該品牌首次在中國大陸以外舉行重要產品發佈活動,突顯其全球擴張的承諾。

The premium electric vehicle (EV) subsidiary of Geely Holding Group launched the updated Zeekr 009 in Hong Kong on Friday, saying that deliveries to customers in the Chinese mainland will begin on July 22, and deliveries of the right-hand-drive version in Hong Kong will begin in the fourth quarter.

上汽吉利旗下的豪華電動汽車品牌,Zeekr(紐交所:ZK)在香港推出更新款Zeekr 009 MPV(多用途車),以及其右駕版本,這是該品牌首次在中國大陸以外舉行重要產品發佈活動,突顯其全球擴張的承諾。該車將於7月22日開始在中國大陸交付給客戶,右駕版本的交付則將從第四季度開始。

The updated Zeekr 009 brings lower prices and better configurations to mainland Chinese customers, which the company's management said is aided by economies of scale as well as lower costs for key components.

更新的Zeekr 009爲中國大陸的客戶提供了更低的價格和更好的配置,公司管理層表示,這得益於規模經濟以及關鍵元件降低成本。

Initially launched in the Chinese mainland on November 1, 2022, the Zeekr 009 is Zeekr's second model after the Zeekr 001, with deliveries beginning in February 2023.

Zeekr 001之後,是Zeekr在2023年2月推出的第二款車,該車最初於2022年11月1日在中國大陸上市。

On January 15 of this year, Zeekr launched the 2024 Zeekr 009 with a small increase in starting price and better features.

今年1月15日,Zeekr推出了2024年款的Zeekr 009,起售價略有上漲,但功能更好。

The previously available 2024 Zeekr 009 was only available in six-seat versions with starting prices of RMB 500,000 and RMB 588,000 respectively and was aimed at affluent families.

此前推出的2024年款Zeekr 009僅提供6座版車型,價格分別爲500,000元人民幣和588,000元人民幣,針對的是富裕家庭。

On April 19, Zeekr launched the four-seat Zeekr 009 Grand as an all-new model in addition to the regular Zeekr 009, with a starting price of RMB 789,000, targeting the high-end segment including business owners.

4月19日,Zeekr推出四座位的全新車型Zeekr 009 Grand,除了常規的Zeekr 009,售價爲789,000元人民幣,針對的是商業車主等高端客戶。

The updated Zeekr 009 launched today is available in 6-seater and 7-seater options, marking the first time that Zeekr has offered a 7-seater version of the model.

更新的Zeekr 009提供6座版和7座版兩種選擇,也是首次推出7座版車型。

The MPV measures 5,217 mm in length, 2,024 mm in width and 1,812 mm in height and has a wheelbase of 3,205 mm.


Zeekr is offering the updated Zeekr 009 in a left-hand-drive version for customers in the Chinese mainland and a right-hand-drive version for the Hong Kong market, and said it will offer both left-hand-drive and right-hand-drive versions for future models.

Zeekr爲中國大陸客戶提供左駕版本的更新Zeekr 009,爲香港市場提供右駕版本,表示未來車型將提供左右駕兩個版本選擇。

The updated Zeekr 009 is available in the Chinese mainland in three variants with starting prices of RMB 439,000 ($60,390), RMB 459,000 and RMB 469,000, the first two of which are seven-seaters and the last is a six-seater.

更新的Zeekr 009在中國大陸提供三種版本,分別爲6座版和7座版,起售價分別爲439,000元人民幣,459,000元人民幣和469,000元人民幣。

That starting price is RMB 61,000, or 12.2 percent, lower than its predecessor.


The updated Zeekr 009 for the Chinese mainland has an upgraded voltage platform of 800 V from the regular 400 V. The higher voltage is expected to result in lower energy consumption and faster charging.


All three variants are powered by Li-ion ternary battery packs with a capacity of 108 kWh and CLTC ranges of 740 kilometers, 702 kilometers and 702 kilometers respectively.


Customers in the Chinese mainland can pay RMB 50,000 to upgrade the battery pack to 140 kWh for a CLTC range of up to 900 kilometers.


Previously available 2024 models of the Zeekr 009 have battery pack capacities of 116 kWh and 140 kWh, with CLTC ranges of 702 kilometers and 822 kilometers, respectively.

之前推出的2024年款Zeekr 009電池組容量分別爲116千瓦時和140千瓦時,續航里程分別爲702公里和822公里。

The entry-level variant of the updated Zeekr 009 is powered by a single motor with a peak motor power of 310 kW and peak torque of 440 Nm, which allows it to accelerate from 0 to 100 kilometers per hour in 6.9 seconds.

入門級版本的更新款Zeekr 009配備單電機,峯值功率爲310千瓦,峯值扭矩爲440牛·米,可以在6.9秒內從0加速到100公里/小時。

The other two more expensive variants are powered by dual motors with a peak power of 580 kW and peak torque of 810 Nm and can accelerate from 0 to 100 km/h in 3.9 seconds.


The right-hand-drive version of the Zeekr 009 available in Hong Kong is based on the 400 V platform. It comes standard with dual electric motors and has a starting price of HK$755,000 ($96,660) after subsidies.

Zeekr 009的右駕版本是基於400伏電壓平台的,標配雙電動機,售價爲港幣755,000元(約合96,660美元)(補貼後)。

The Zeekr 009 for Hong Kong comes standard with a battery pack with a capacity of 116 kWh and a WLTP range of 582 kilometers.

香港版Zeekr 009車型標配電池組容量爲116千瓦時,WLTP續航里程爲582公里。

The updated Zeekr 009 received more than 3,000 orders outside of the Chinese mainland within a week of the start of warming-up, Zeekr said at today's launch.

據Zeekr在今天的發佈會上表示,更新後的Zeekr 009在預熱開始後一週內就收到了超過3,000份中國大陸以外的訂單。

The launch of the right-hand-drive version of the Zeekr 009 signals Zeekr's increased focus on the international market, with the company's management saying in a media roundtable after the launch that all of Zeekr's future models will be offered in both left-hand-drive and right-hand-drive versions.

Zeekr 009的右舵版本的推出標誌着Zeekr將更加關注國際市場,該公司管理層在發佈會後的媒體圓桌會議上表示,Zeekr未來所有的車型都將提供左舵和右舵版本。

The global market for right-hand-drive vehicles stands at around 10 million units per year, while EV penetration is only around 5 percent, signaling big growth space, Zeekr vice president Chen Yu told reporters.


Zeekr is currently focusing on the battery electric vehicle (BEV) market, but is not ruling out the possibility of launching extended-range electric vehicle (EREV) models in the future, its CEO Andy An said in response to a question about EREVs.


In addition to the Zeekr 009, Zeekr's current models include the Zeekr 001, Zeekr 007, and Zeekr X. The company will launch the Zeekr 7X SUV for the family market later this year, which will also be available in both left-hand-drive and right-hand-drive versions.

除Zeekr 009外,Zeekr目前的車型還包括Zeekr 001、Zeekr 007和Zeekr X。該公司將在今年晚些時候爲家庭市場推出Zeekr 7X SUV,該車型還將提供左舵和右舵版本。

In the first half of the year, Zeekr sold 87,870 vehicles, up 106.11 percent year-on-year.


The Zeekr 009 sold 2,907 units in the first half of the year, contributing 3.31 percent of Zeekr sales, according to data compiled by CnEVPost.

據CnEVPost彙編的數據,上半年Zeekr 009銷售了2,907輛,貢獻了Zeekr銷售額的3.31%。

($1 = RMB 7.2697, $1=HK$ 7.8107)


Zeekr launches right-hand drive Zeekr X compact SUV in HK

Zeekr在香港推出了右舵Zeekr X小型SUV。

