
ChatGPT Parent OpenAI Unveils GPT-4o Mini - A Cost-Effective AI Model For Developers

ChatGPT Parent OpenAI Unveils GPT-4o Mini - A Cost-Effective AI Model For Developers

Benzinga ·  02:12

Microsoft Corp (NASDAQ:MSFT) backed OpenAI is introducing an affordable and compact version of its advanced AI model, aiming to attract a broader spectrum of developers and businesses.


The new model, named GPT-4o mini, offers a cost-effective alternative to the highly capable GPT-4o.

新型號GPt-4o mini是高性能模型GPt-4o的經濟實惠替代品。

The San Francisco-based company said that GPT-4o mini will be available immediately for free users, as well as ChatGPT Plus and Team subscribers, with enterprise customers gaining access next week.

這家總部位於舊金山的公司表示,GPt-4o mini將立即提供給免費用戶、ChatGPt Plus和Team訂閱用戶,企業客戶下週將獲得使用權限。

This new model replaces GPT-3.5 Turbo in ChatGPT, Bloomberg reports. Originally unveiled in May, GPT-4o was designed to function as a superior digital assistant capable of processing audio and visual information in real time.

彭博社報道稱,這款新模型將取代ChatGPt中的GPt-3.5 Turbo。GPt-4o最初於五月推出,旨在作爲一款功能強大的數字助手,能夠實時處理音頻和視覺信息。

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GPT-4o mini retains much of this functionality, with more features planned for future updates.

GPt-4o mini保留了很多這些功能,並計劃在未來發布更多功能。

Developers have been testing GPT-4o mini over the past week. For example, email startup Superhuman used it to create automated email replies, and financial services startup Ramp utilized it to extract information from receipts.

開發人員已經在過去一週內測試了GPt-4o mini。例如,電子郵件創業公司Superhuman使用它創建自動化電子郵件回覆,而金融服務創業公司Ramp則利用它從收據中提取信息。

AI companies like Anthropic and Alphabet Inc's (NASDAQ:GOOGL) Google often release smaller, less expensive versions of their top models to provide more options for developers, according to Bloomberg.

彭博社稱,像Anthropic和Alphabet Inc(納斯達克:GOOGL)旗下的Google這樣的人工智能公司經常發佈更小、更便宜的版本,以爲開發人員提供更多選擇。

Smaller models are suitable for automating basic tasks, while larger models handle more complex functions. This strategy allows developers to choose the most appropriate tool for their needs.


Initially, GPT-4o mini can process and generate text and images, and it is the first model to use a new safety method called "instruction hierarchy," designed to prioritize certain instructions, such as those from a company, to prevent misuse.

最初,GPt-4o mini能夠處理和生成文本和圖像,它是首款使用稱爲"指令層次結構"的新安全方法的模型,旨在優先處理某些指令,例如公司的指令,以防止誤用。

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Disclaimer: This content was partially produced with the help of AI tools and was reviewed and published by Benzinga editors.


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