
Mercer International Inc. Receives Improved ESG Risk Rating From Sustainalytics

Mercer International Inc. Receives Improved ESG Risk Rating From Sustainalytics

美世國際 ·  07/17 12:00

July 17, 2024 / All Stories, Company News, Featured, Investors

2024年7月17日 / 所有的故事、公司新聞、特色板塊、投資者

Mercer International Inc. receives improved ESG Risk Rating from Sustainalytics

Mercer International Inc.從Sustainalytics獲得了改進後的esg風險評級

NEW YORK, NY, July 17, 2024


Mercer International Inc. ("Mercer" or the "Company") (Nasdaq: MERC), a global forest products company with operations in Germany, the U.S. and Canada, announces that it has received an ESG Risk Rating of 17.4 from Sustainalytics. This rating places Mercer in the low-risk group and the 20th percentile of the 16,215 companies rated worldwide. The rating marks a 4.0-point improvement since 2023, underscoring Mercer's ongoing commitment to sustainability and effective ESG risk management.

Mercer International Inc.(“Mercer”或“公司”)(納斯達克:MERC)是一家全球林產品公司,在德國、美國和加拿大擁有業務,宣佈它在Sustainalytics獲得了17.4分的ESG風險評級。這一評級將Mercer歸爲低風險組,排名全球16,215家公司中的20%。自2023年以來,評級已經提高了4.0分,凸顯了Mercer對可持續性和有效的ESG風險管理的不斷承諾。

Juan Carlos Bueno, President and CEO of Mercer, stated, "The strong improvement in our Sustainalytics risk rating reflects our ongoing efforts to integrate sustainable practices into our core business operations. It also highlights our commitment to creating long-term value for our stakeholders by balancing environmental stewardship with responsible business growth.

Mercer的總裁兼首席執行官胡安·卡洛斯·布埃諾表示:“我們在Sustainalytics風險評級中的強勁提升反映了我們將可持續實踐納入到我們的核心業務運營中的持續努力。 它還凸顯了我們通過平衡環境管理和負責任的業務增長來爲利益相關者創造長期價值的承諾。

The Sustainalytics ESG Risk Ratings evaluate a company's exposure to industry-specific material ESG risks and its management of those risks. Ratings are categorized across five risk levels: negligible (below 10 points), low (10-20 points), medium (20-30 points), high (30-40 points) and severe (above 40 points). In its specific industry (Paper & Forestry) and sub-industry (Paper & Pulp), Mercer was ranked in the 18th and 17th percentile, respectively, indicating superior ESG risk management compared to many of its peers.


Notably, in the Sustainalytics assessment, Mercer received a "Strong" rating for its management of ESG issues. Additionally, Mercer achieved "Low" ESG Risk ratings in critical areas such as water use, emissions, and carbon. Additionally, Mercer achieved "Negligible Risk" scores in the areas of community relations, corporate governance and human capital categories. These achievements reflect progress in workforce development, sustainable sourcing, environmental stewardship, and community engagement, underscoring Mercer's commitment to governance, reducing environmental impact, sustainable supply chains, safety and well-being.


"We are honored to be recognized in our industry and globally. Our Sustainalytics rating is a testament to our teams, who are engaged every day to deliver on our business, including ESG, goals," said Bill Adams, Vice President, Sustainability and Innovations.

Bill Adams,可持續性和創新副總裁表示:“我們很榮幸在行業和全球範圍內受到認可。我們的Sustainalytics評級證明了我們每天都在致力於實現我們的業務目標,包括ESG目標。”

For further details, an abstract of the report is available on Sustainalytics' website at Sustainalytics ESG Rating – Mercer International Inc.

有關詳細信息,報告摘要可在Sustainalytics網站上獲得:Sustainalytics ESG Rating - Mercer International Inc。

About Mercer International Inc.

關於Mercer International Inc。

Mercer International Inc. is a global forest products company with operations in Germany, the USA, and Canada. Its consolidated annual production capacity is 2.1 million tonnes of pulp (air-dried tonnes, ADTMs), 960 million board feet of lumber, 210 thousand cubic meters of CLT, 45 thousand cubic meters of glulam, 17 million pallets, and 230,000 metric tonnes of biofuels. For further information on the company, please visit its website at

Mercer International Inc.是一家全球林產品公司,在德國、美國和加拿大擁有業務。其綜合年產能爲210萬噸紙漿(空氣乾燥噸,ADTMs),96000萬板英尺木材,21萬立方米的CLt,4.5萬立方米的膠合板,1700萬個托盤和23萬噸生物燃料。有關公司的更多信息,請訪問其網站。

About Morningstar Sustainalytics

關於Morningstar Sustainalytics

Morningstar Sustainalytics is a leading ESG data, research, and ratings firm that supports investors around the world with the development and implementation of responsible investment strategies. For more than 30 years, the firm has been at the forefront of developing high-quality, innovative solutions to meet the evolving needs of global investors. Today, Morningstar Sustainalytics works with hundreds of the world's leading asset managers and pension funds who incorporate ESG information and assessments into their investment processes. The firm also works with hundreds of companies and their financial intermediaries to help them consider material sustainability factors in policies, practices, and capital projects. Morningstar Sustainalytics has analysts around the world with varied multidisciplinary expertise across more than 40 industry groups. For more information, visit

Morningstar Sustainalytics是一家領先的ESG數據、研究和評級公司,支持世界各地的投資者在開發和實施負責任的投資策略方面。 該公司已經在開發高質量、創新的解決方案方面處於前沿超過30年。如今,Morningstar Sustainalytics與數百家全球領先的資產管理公司和養老基金合作,將ESG信息和評估納入其投資過程中。該公司還與數百家公司及其金融中介機構合作,幫助他們考慮政策、實踐和資本項目中的重要可持續性因素。Morningstar Sustainalytics在全球擁有各行各業的分析師,具有超過40個專業領域的豐富多樣的多學科專業知識。有關更多信息,請訪問

About Morningstar Sustainalytics ESG Risk Ratings

關於Morningstar Sustainalytics ESG風險評級

Morningstar Sustainalytics' ESG Risk Ratings measure a company's exposure to industry-specific material ESG risks and how well a company is managing those risks. This multi-dimensional way of measuring ESG risk combines the concepts of management and exposure to arrive at an assessment of ESG risk, i.e., a total unmanaged ESG risk score or the ESG Risk Rating, that is comparable across all industries. Sustainalytics' ESG Risk Ratings provide a quantitative measure of unmanaged ESG risk and distinguish between five levels of risk: negligible, low, medium, high, and severe. Learn more about the ESG Risk Ratings here: .

Morningstar Sustainalytics的ESG風險評級評估一家公司在行業特定的材料ESG風險和其風險管理方面的曝露情況。衡量ESG風險的這種多維度方式將管理和曝露的概念結合起來,得出一種ESG風險評估,即比較所有行業都可以比較的未管理ESG風險總分數或ESG風險評級。 Sustainalytics的ESG風險評級提供了未管理ESG風險的定量測量,並區分了五個風險級別:微小、低、中等、高和嚴重。有關ESG風險評級的更多信息,請在此處了解:。

This press release contains information developed by Sustainalytics (). Such information and data are proprietary of Sustainalytics and/or its third-party suppliers (Third Party Data) and are provided for informational purposes only. They do not constitute an endorsement of any product or project nor investment advice and are not warranted to be complete, timely, accurate or suitable for a particular purpose. Their use is subject to conditions available at

本新聞稿包含由Sustainalytics ()開發的信息。這些信息和數據歸Sustainalytics和/或其第三方供應商(第三方數據)所有,僅供信息目的。它們不構成對任何產品或項目的認可,也不構成投資建議,也不能保證完整,及時,準確或適合特定目的。它們的使用受條件的限制,可在....... 處獲得。

Forward-Looking Statements


The preceding includes forward-looking statements that involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties that may cause our actual results in future periods to differ materially from forecasted results. Words such as "expects", "anticipates", "are optimistic that", "projects", "intends", "designed", "will", "believes", "estimates", "may", "could" and variations of such words and similar expressions are intended to identify such forward-looking statements. Among those factors which could cause actual results to differ materially are the following: the highly cyclical nature of our business, raw material costs, our level of indebtedness, competition, foreign exchange and interest rate fluctuations, our use of derivatives, expenditures for capital projects, environmental regulation and compliance, disruptions to our production, market conditions and other risk factors listed from time to time in our SEC reports.




William D. McCartney
Chairman of the Board
+1 604 684-1099

William D. McCartney
+1 604 684-1099

Juan Carlos Bueno
Chief Executive Officer
+1 604 684-1099

Juan Carlos Bueno
+1 604 684-1099

