
SRC Announces 2024 Exploration on Ballarat Gold Project, Yukon

SRC Announces 2024 Exploration on Ballarat Gold Project, Yukon

newsfile ·  07/18 21:15

TSX Venture Exchange
Shares Outstanding: 17,766,412
Symbol: SRC

TSX Ventures Exchange

Toronto, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - July 18, 2024) - Stakeholder Gold Corp. (TSXV: SRC) ("Stakeholder" or the "Company") is pleased to announce commencement of the 2024 exploration program on the Company's 100% owned Ballarat Gold Project covering 18,741 Ha in the Heart of the White Gold District of the Yukon Territory, Canada.

加拿大育空地區的白金區域(White Gold District)持有18,741公頃的100% Ballarat黃金項目的Stakeholder Gold Corp.(tsxv:SRC,“Stakeholder” 或“公司”)很高興地宣佈2024勘探計劃的啓動。

The 2024 summer exploration program on Ballarat is designed to provide further information on gold and copper anomalies first identified in 2016 and then subsequently confirmed with more extensive testing during the 2023 exploration season. Highlights of the 2023 program include (1):


  • Identification of two distinct, subparallel, anomalous gold in soil trends of 1.9 km and 1.3 km on the Skye Zone. The Skye Zone extends west-southwest off of the route proposed for the Northern Gateway Road where the road traverses the northern section of the Company's claim holdings.
  • 在Skye區域,鑑定了兩個不同的、次並行的異常土壤金趨勢,長度分別爲1.9公里和1.3公里。該Skye區域向西南延伸,離公司申請持有北方門戶路線的北部區域路線路線不遠。
  • Detection of multiple further spot gold anomalies associated with ridge and spur samples. These newly identified gold in soil and ridge and spur anomalies, which now warrant follow up grid sampling, are located west and east of Ballarat Creek in areas several km south of the Sky Zone also proximal to the route proposed for the Northern Gateway Road.
  • 檢測到與脊線和拱頂樣品相關的多個新發現點黃金異常。這些新鑑定的土壤和脊線異常位於Ballarat Creek以西和以東,位於Sky Zone以南數公里處,靠近北方門戶路線提議的區域。
  • Identification of a 500 m wide zone of anomalous copper ridge and spur samples associated with a Jurassic aged intrusive unit; now called the Loki Zone. Regional mapping indicates that this unit has surface dimensions of approximately1,000 m by 300 m and is located east of Ballarat Creek within the southeast sector of the Company's contiguous claim holdings, and approximately 1 km east of the route proposed for the Northern Gateway Road where it traverses the southern section of the Company's claim holdings.
  • 識別出一條線性異常土壤銅線路樣品達50米,並與一種侏羅紀岩漿侵入體相關聯,該區域現被稱爲Loki區域。區域研究證實了這個岩漿侵入體的表面尺寸約爲1000米×3000米,並位於Ballarat Creek東側,Stakeholder黃金項目持有的連續申請的東南部區域內,離公司持有的南部申請區域的北門戶路線不足1公里。

(1) See the Company's News Release dated Oct. 18, 2023. Available on SEDAR.


"Our objective in 2024 is to confirm the significant potential of both the Skye Zone gold target and the Loki Zone copper target on the Company's 100% owned 18,741-hectare Ballarat Project located in the Heart of the White Gold District." Stated Christopher Berlet, CEO of Stakeholder.

"我們2024年的目標是確認Skye Zone金目標和Loki Zone銅目標的重大潛力,該公司持有位於白金區心臟地帶的佔地18,741公頃的Ballarat項目"。Stakeholder的首席執行官Christopher Berlet表示。

"Of note, is that both targets are located only a few hundred meters, west and east respectively, from the proposed route for the Northern Gateway Road which traces for more than 17 km north-south through the center of company claims. This proximity may portend significant logistical advantages as we develop project assets along the value chain in one of the world's leading mineral resource development jurisdictions."


2024 Exploration Program


The 2024 exploration program will include grid soil sampling, ground-based VLF surveys, geological mapping and prospecting, and a drone magnetic survey. The work will focus on the Skye Zone and newly discovered Loki Zone. The work will be conducted by GroundTruth Exploration Inc. from Dawson City, YT and is anticipated to begin in late July 2024.

2024年勘探計劃將包括柵格土壤取樣、地面VLF輪廓測量、地質測繪和地質找礦活動,以及一次無人機磁力調查。工作將集中在Skye區域和新發現的Loki區域。GroundTruth Exploration Inc.負責勘查工作的實地工作將於2024年7月下旬開始,該公司的總部位於育空市。

Skye Zone

Skye Zone

Work on the Skye Zone will include high-resolution soil sampling, VLF surveys, and geologic mapping and prospecting across the two NE-SW trending, subparallel, gold in soil anomalies which are up to 1.9 km in length. Previous work in the area indicates that the anomalies are associated with sericite altered quartz-feldspar gneiss hosting quartz veining and disseminated-vein controlled pyrite along an interpreted NE-SW oriented fault zone(s). The soil anomalies are 'gold only' with only slightly elevated lead-molybdenum and this geochemical association, along with the style of alteration/mineralization, indicates that these are potentially structurally controlled targets with similarities to the Golden Saddle deposit located approximately 32 km to the northwest.

在Skye Zone的工作將包括高分辨率土壤採樣、VLF測量和地理測繪以及在兩個NE-SW趨勢、次並行的黃金異常區域進行地質找礦活動,其長度爲1.9公里。該地區的先前研究表明,異常區域與含石英脈和沿着NE-SW方向的斷裂帶上贅狀脈狀黃鐵礦的雲母改性石英長石片岩有關。土壤異常僅涉及金,而僅有輕微的鉛鉬,這種地球化學關聯以及變質/礦化方式提示這些潛在是類似於位於西北32公里處的Golden Saddle礦牀的構造控制目標。

Loki Zone


Exploration on the Loki Zone will consist of grid soil sampling and geologic mapping and prospecting to define the extents and nature of the copper anomaly. The target lies on the northern margin of a Jurassic aged intrusive unit outlined by regional mapping and may have potential for porphyry style mineralization.


Drone Magnetic Survey


The Company is also planning to fly a property scale drone magnetic survey to aid in geologic and structural interpretation of the Ballarat Property. The survey will be conducted using the MagPlane by Overhead Intelligence & GroundTruth Exploration Inc. The MagPlane, is a fast unmanned magnetometry system with a maximum velocity of over >80km/hr. Magplane integrates a boom-mounted magnetometer with an advanced laser altimeter and maintains communication with base using high bandwidth multipoint radios, satellite links and LTE methods.

該公司還計劃飛行一次範圍覆蓋整個Ballarat項目的無人機磁性測量,以幫助進行Ballarat資產的地質和構造解釋。 磁力測量將使用MagPlane(由Overhead Intelligence & GroundTruth Exploration Inc開發的快速無人機測量系統)。Magplane集成了一個磁力儀和先進的激光高度計,並使用高帶寬多點射頻、衛星鏈路和LTE方法維持與基站的通信。

Figure 1: Ballarat Property showing areas of planned 2024 exploration

圖1:Ballarat Property,顯示了2024年勘查的區域

Ballarat Property

Ballarat Property

The Company's 100% owned, 18,741-hectare, contiguous claim position covers key ground features in the center of the rapidly evolving White Gold Mining & Exploration District. Stakeholder's claims are located in the relative center of the White Gold District, north and northeast of Newmont's Coffee Gold Project, due north of Western Copper and Gold Corporation's Casino Project and west, south, and east of White Gold's regional exploration initiatives.

公司100%持有的18,741公頃申請區域,緊鄰快速發展的白金礦業探勘區的核心地帶。Stakeholder的申請位於白金礦業探勘區的相對中心,位於Newmont的Coffee Gold項目的以北和以東,Western Copper and Gold Corporation的Casino項目的正北方,以及White Gold地區勘掘倡議的西部,南部和東部。

QAQC and QP Statement


The analytical work for the 2024 program will be performed by Bureau Veritas Commodities Canada Ltd., an internationally recognized analytical services provider, at its Vancouver, British Columbia laboratory. Sample preparation will be carried out at the company's Whitehorse, Yukon facility. All soil samples will be prepared using procedure SS80 (dry at 60 C and sieve 100g at -80 mesh) and analyzed by method AQ201 (aqua regia digestion and ICP-MS analysis). The planned work will be completed using industry standard procedures, including a quality assurance/quality control (QA/QC) program consisting of the insertion of certified standards, blanks, and field duplicates into the sample stream.

2024計劃的分析工作將由Bureau Veritas Commodities Canada Ltd.在其位於不列顛哥倫比亞省溫哥華的實驗室進行,它是一個國際認可的分析服務提供商。樣品製備將在公司的育空白馬設施進行。所有土壤樣品將按照SS80程序(60攝氏度乾燥,-80目篩100g)製備,並通過AQ201方法(水王消化和ICP-MS分析)進行分析。擬定的工作將使用行業標準程序完成,包括質量保證/質量控制(QA/QC)計劃,其中包括將認證標準、空白和現場複製品插入樣品流中。

Jodie Gibson, M.Sc., P.Geo. is the Qualified Person for the Company, as defined by NI 43-101, and has reviewed and approved the contents of this press release.

Jodie Gibson萬.Sc.、P.Geo. 是公司的合格人員,根據43-101號NI文件的定義,已經審查並批准了本新聞稿的內容。

For further information please contact:


Stakeholder Gold Corporation
416 525 - 6869

Stakeholder Gold Corporation
416 525 - 6869

Forward-Looking Information


This news release contains forward-looking information. All information, other than information of historical fact, constitute "forward-looking statements" and includes any information that addresses activities, events or developments that the Corporation believes, expects or anticipates will or may occur in the future including the Corporation's strategy, plans or future financial or operating performance.


